Ece and EEE Projects With Ppt

List of ece and eee projects with ppt: 

 Electronics and electrical students can download ece and eee projects with ppt for every ece and eee seminar topic available in this site. Students can find latest paper presentations which can be used as reference for final year seminar topics.

                              submit ece and eee projects with ppt to us.

Links to download  ece and eee projects with ppt: 

  1. Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller
  2. Industrial security system with alerts using auto dialer
  3. Ultrasonic Range Finder Using Microcontroller
  4. Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments
  5. Design of Discrete Controller via a Formal Approach Order reduction Technique for Discrete Systems
  6. Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling
download  ece and eee projects with ppt and reports.

Final Year Projects For Ece With Reports

List of final year projects for ece with reports:

   Download final year projects for ece with reports from this site. Electronics students can download latest collection of projects and base papers along with project reports and reference documentation. These projects listed here are submitted by previous year ece final year students.

                     submit final year projects for ece with reports to us.

Links to download final  year projects for ece with reports:  

  1. Adding New Functions to the Remote Airfield Lighting System Abstract
  2. Design and Application of Mobile Embedded Systems for Home Care Applications
  3. E-Certificate Using RFID-Based Identification
  4. ULTRASONIC DISTANCE METER Embedded System Project.
  6. Wireless Electricity Bill Reading Machine.
  7. Water level indicator electrical project abstract.
  9. Vehicle Anti-Collision System Using Ultrasonic Signals
download more related final year projects for ece with reports.

Final Year Projects For Electronics

List of final year projects for electronics: 

  Download latest final year projects for electronics students from this site. final year students can download ece projects reports, ece seminar topics and ece  paper presentations. ECE projects listed here are part of previous year final year projects.

                  submit final year projects for electronics to us.

Links to download final year projects for electronics: 

  1. Wireless Patient Heartbeat and Temperature Monitoring System
  2. Efficient On-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance by Using Codec Design
  3. Implementation of TCP/IP Ethernet web services using ARM7 Project
  4. A New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images and Moment Invariants-Based Features mat lab Project
  5. PC based SCADA implementation Using Micro controller Seminar Topic
  6. PC based SCADA Implementation Using Micro controller AT89S52 project
  7. Multiprotocol routing for automatic remote electricity meter reading using GSM carrier system
  8. Wireless Ac Motor Speed Control Using TRIAC
download more related final year projects for electronics.

Paper Presentation Abstract Format

List of paper presentation abstract format: 

Download different paper presentation abstract formats which are designed by engineering students for there final year seminar paper presentation. Students can  use format available in existing ppts by modifying data inside ppt.

                              submit your paper presentation abstract format to us.

Links to download paper presentations abstracts with ready made format: 

  1. Network Sniffer VB.Net Project Report,Code and Paper Presentation with abstract format
  3. Gated Communities Java Project,Code and Paper Presentation with abstract format
  4. Global Communication Java Project with Code and Paper Presentation with abstract format
  5. Android Operating System a C++ Project
  6. Hierarchical Bloom Filter Metadata Management .Net Project
  7. Enterprise Scheme Planner and Monitoring A Java Project
download more related paper presentation abstract with different formats.

Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller

Project Title: Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller

Software Requirements:  Voltage Source Inverter, PWM Techniques, CRO.

Project Description: The main objective of developing Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller is to provide best electrical and electronics project on P89V51RD2 80C51 microcontroller. Chips and micro controllers have been placed in circuit and the out can be displayed on CRO.

Download Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller EEE Project, Abstract, Synopsis, Documentation, Paper presentation, ppt.

Ultrasonic Range Finder Using Microcontroller

Academic Project: Ultrasonic Range Finder Using Microcontroller

Equipment: Micro controllers

About Project:    The main objective of developing this Ultrasonic Range Finder Using Micro controller Electronics and communication engineering final year project is to provide the information about destination whether is available or not when it is middle of transmission. The previous system was worked with radar based system but we could not find the effective results while using it in water based systems. The main advantage of this micro controller system we can find the targeted file while it is water. And this microcontroller finds the destination and sends the proper signals to that.

Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments

  • Project Title: Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments.

  •  Environment: Microcontroller, Digital Logic Circuits, Smart grid

 Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments Electrical project is to provide efficient load control method in the electricity business world. The main purpose of this system is to give possible solution to how to reduce the power consumption in home and office areas.

The project is works with smart meter where each customer has to keep it their homes and business offices and these are associated with energy scheduling methods. Micro controllers are used to implement this electrical application and this project consists of electricity retailer information, generator information, and electricity business world details.

Download Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments Project Paper Presentation

Design of Discrete Controller via a Formal Approach Order reduction Technique for Discrete Systems

Major Project Title: Design of Discrete Controller via a Formal Approach Order reduction Technique for Discrete Systems      

 Project Abstract: The main objective of developing this “Design of Discrete Controller via a Formal Approach Order reduction Technique for Discrete Systems” final year electrical and electronics engineering project is to provide efficient model for reduction of order models. The controller integrated in this application can reduce the order model. The main disadvantage of the previous system was the original working system was very slow when the order level is very high so with this model we can increase the working system reliability and efficiency.

Patient Monitoring Using Gsm And Zigbee For Hospitals And Old Age Homes Project Report

Patient Monitoring Using Gsm And Zigbee For Hospitals And Old Age Homes project is implemented by considering the importance of continuous monitoring of patient’s health status in hospital and updating their status to doctors under emergency conditions using zibgee and GSM wireless technology. Zigbee based network is used to communicate with in the hospital (1km) range and GSM network is used for sending SMS. Each patient is provided with this module which will send data to main module which is connected to computer , this communication is done through zigbee. The same information is transferred as message to doctors using GSM technology. 

This project is 2008 project.Here you can download entire project report of this project.

download Patient Monitoring Using Gsm And Zigbee For Hospitals And Old Age Homes project report.

Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling

  • Project Title: Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling
  • Software tools: Mat lab coding, Windows XP Pro

Project Description:  The main aim of developing this Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling final year electronics mat lab project is to create new and efficient artificial network. ANN method is the best method to implement this system. This ANN project was developed on mat lab system on windows XP operating system.