Banking Network Design MCA Project Report


  • It provides support to various applications of banking
  • This Network will let various users of the bank and their employees connect to the main Server.
  • The objective only authorized user to access Network including all servers and network devices.
  • Provide greater speed & reduce time consumption.
  • It provides 99.99% of uptime of Network.
  • Allocate bandwidth to servers accordingly by using QoS.
  • The proposed Network will be user-friendly so that even a beginner can troubleshoot any issue easily.

The H/W used for developing this Network entitled Banking Network Design is as follows:-

  • HUBs
  • L2 and L3 Switches
  • Routers
  • Modems
  • WIC Cards, S/T Cards and various modules for routers and switches.
  • Firewalls
  • Very small aperture terminal(VSAT)
  • Various types of cables for interconnecting Network Devices.
  • Servers according to Customers requirements.

Network Overview

The Network design starts from the point of topology. This will include defining the layers and defining the functionality of each layer. The main aspect of dividing the network into layers is to incorporate the functions based on the layered structure and design the connectivity methods and high availability techniques at each layer. It also helps in distribution and control of network functionality.

The aim of the network is to provide highly available and scalable environment for collocation of Internet, Intranet and Extranet services, and applications. It providing high-speed access to data, voice and internet-based applications. The network is planned such that it will provide the necessary backbone connectivity between the different offices to ensure that the network becomes an enabler for business plans.

The design should be in such a way that there will be no single points of failure and should be capable of achieving fast and predictable convergence times. The design should also address the ease of scalability by increasing the port density in the switches. This Low-Level Design has been made in accordance with Cisco’s existing best-practice recommendations. The foundation of the design stems from Cisco’s standard ‘Multilayer Network Design’ model.

Future Scope

There is a vast future scope of this Network. This Design can be improved and can be used by various banks. If the limitations present in this Design are removed then, this Network will become very reliable and provide 100% uptime.

We can easily implement any changes to the Network Design as we are using the latest protocol like Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) in our network which is having attributes to easily divert or control the flow of data and QOS which can be used to allocate bandwidth to servers accordingly.


  • We will not be able to resolve issues from any of the following by using this Network:
    • Any unreported/ undetected Bugs in standard software’s, or tools
    • Any changes in Application Software features
    • Older versions are incompatible with current features
  • Lease line uptime depends on a particular Service Provider.
  • This Network is limited by the state of technology and functionality of software tools or products deployed.
  • Third-party IOS integration will be carried out on the best-effort basis.
  • All hardware devices upgrades, hardware re-deployments, and policy changes shall be done after the mutual consent of the customer, based on the impact it would have on the overall security situation and performance of the network.
  • Security can be implemented in a better way.

Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks NS2 Project

In the Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks NS2 Project encryption done using Attribute-based encryption. Previously we are using RSA algorithm for encryption.
In the given Ns2 project there are lots of CPP programs. Even if removed also working without any change. I removed All cpp files.
The graphs are generated based on the .xg files. The worst thing is the values are not changing. They are just constants.
In the base paper the project should contain battle forces and region but in the project, we have only one user that does not belong to any region and battle force.
The key values are generated three times but they are not at all used anywhere for the ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION  purpose to run the project we need DSR or AODV protocols but they are not using anywhere.
The main problem is the advantages of the project like key revocation, Forward, and backward Secrecy are not at all discussed. SO whats the main purpose of this project?
We need a database in the project to show the forward and backward secrecy. But no database used in this project.
We need central key authority and Local key authority but only one key authority used.
The path is not showing for the Sending encryption and decryption message. Just used that 1 node send it 2 And 2 send it to 3  like that. Sending msg should do using routing algorithm but here just used a FOR loop and displayed at the bottom.

Network Desktop Manager Java Project

Network is to connect two or more computers together with the ability to communicate with each other. Networking is to link two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data.

It provides design, programming, development and operational support for LANs, WANs and other networks. A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line or wireless link.

Desktop Manager can assess the configurations of desktops and determine if they have received the proper updates — a task that is helpful to ensure all desktops are operating properly and securely. Network Desktop Manager manages desktop icons, background image and media message on LAN.

It controls the Desktops within the network and keep desktops clean and tidy. It even allows to add own Media message (video, image or HTML) that can be displayed on the remote Desktops within the network.

Our proposed project is Network Desktop Manager which provides the complete control on the remote desktop. When ever the administrator wants to operate the remote system this application provides the requested host desktop to the administrator so that he/she can operate the remote system directly with the system desktop. It also provides some of the features like chatting, desktop locking, desktop sharing, and port scanning.

Modules :

1. Desktop Sharing

Administrator can directly access the remote system by sharing the requested system desktop. Desktop Sharing is a server application that allows to share current session with a user on another machine, who can use a client to view or even control the desktop. Desktop Sharing lets users call a remote computer to access its shared desktop and applications.With the Desktop sharing we can operate our office computer from our home or viceversa.

2. Desktop locking and unlocking

Desktop locking and unlocking is a utility provided by the Network Desktop Manager to lock and unlock the remote desk to prevent others from accessing the system.Desktop Lock is a computer security protection and access control software product, we can use it to lock computer to prevent people from accessing your private documents and resources. When the computer being locked by Desktop Lock, none can access your documents, browse your computer, or use programs on locked system.

3. Messaging

Administrator can communicate with the remote systems that are connected With in the local network administrator can communicate publicly or privately.

Messaging is nothing but passing data to and from applications over the network which makes the synchronisation of data simple. Messaging allows users across the network to exchange data in real time. Most commonly, these data consist of typed conversations, but the power of the system lies in its ability to pass other data as well. This could be in the form of audio or video or, as will be presented here, other text data that will allow the two chatting parties to retrieve the same data base record by sending a primary key or keys from one to the other.

4. IP Port Scanning

If administrator wants to know the information about how many ports are working on the specified system and what is the port number allotted for the service, how many ports are closed, and how many are open.IP Port Scanner allows for testing whether a remote computer is alive with UDP and testing whether a TCP port is being listened with two types CONNECTS and SYN. IP Port Scanner reverse lookup IP address into hostname and read responses from connected TCP Port.

Software Requirements:

Platform : JAVA using Swings

Computer Network Project

The purpose of this Computer Network-Project is to implement a simplified web system. The system consists of three programs, the DNS server program, the Web server program, and the client program. The client program consists of two parts, a browser simulator and a client program for system testing.

Domain Name Server

In Internet, packets are routed based on the 32-bit destination IP addresses. However, these numerical addresses are inconvenient for users and applications. Instead, hostnames that consist of strings separated by periods are used. Using hostnames instead of IP addresses has another advantage, namely, transparency. For example, a Web site IP address may change if a different company is hosting the content, but the hostname can remain the same. The translation of hostnames into IP addresses and vice versa is coordinated by the domain name system (DNS). DNS is a hierarchical name space that can be represented by a tree (see the following Figure). The root of the tree is an unnamed node. The first layer of the tree contains the top-level domains. The second-level domain names are given to individual

companies, institutions, and/or organizations. Various levels of subdomains further divide a domain. DNS is a distributed database that consists of a hierarchical set of DNS servers. More specifically, there is a DNS server associated with each node at the root, top-level, and second-level domains. The DNS servers for the second-level domains serve both

iterative and recursive DNS requests. For example, a client in local domain may query its local DNS server (say S) for a hostname “” using a recursive request. S will search its cache (not the mapping table) for a match. If such match does not exist, then it sends a query to the root DNS server to get the IP address of the DNS of the “com” domain. Then S queries “com” domain DNS to get the IP address of the DNS of the “” domain. Finally, S queries the “” domain DNS to get the IP address of “”. After getting the mapping, S adds the entry to its cache for future accesses. Actually, if S already has a cached entry for “com” domain DNS server, then there is no need to go to the root DNS server.

Web System

In the Web system, a client (browser) sends a Web access request to a Web server to access a web page. The Web server, in turn, receives the request, parses it to identify the file to be accessed, and transfers the file to the client (or sends back an error message if the request is not correct or the file it accesses does not exist). A Web access request is specified by a URL and HTTP protocol is used for the handshake between the client and the server. A URL consists of two parts, a host name and a file name. The host name is the name of the Web server and the file name is the Web page to be accessed. When a browser gets a URL, it separates the URL into host name and file name. It sends the host name to DNS server to obtain the corresponding IP address of the Web server. Then, it sends the file name to the

Web server with the IP address returned from the DNS server. Subsequently, it receives the response from the Web server and displays the returned content or error message.

In an older version of a web server program, a TCP connection is opened to accept the client connection requests. When a connection request is accepted, the server spawns a thread to receive the subsequent HTTP requests, process them, and send back the responses. This approach incurs high overhead for thread creation and disposal. Thus, new Web server programs use thread pools to handle client requests. A thread pool consists of multiple threads that are created up front. When a user requests for connection, an idle thread is chosen to establish the connection with the user and process subsequent requests. The

number of threads in the thread pool can expand and shrink, depending on the load of the system. For a Web site with high hit rate, one Web server may not be sufficient to handle all the client accesses. Multiple Web Servers are frequently used to share the load. However, a mechanism is needed to allow the client to transparently connect to the web server with low load. In other words, the same URL should be used for the access no matter whether the Web server is replicated. There are several methods that are commonly used for Web server load sharing. Here we introduce the DNS-based load sharing. The DNS server is used to direct the client to different Web servers. In this approach, the DNS server can map one hostname to multiple IP addresses, where each IP corresponds to one of the replicated Web servers. DNS

server can use round robin policy to select the IP address to return to the client. Some DNS servers can probe the servers to obtain server load information and, based on the load information, selects an appropriate IP address to return to the client.


  • The client program simulates a browser.
  • repeat
  • read in a URL;
  • get the hostname h and file name f from r;
  • if h is not the same as the hostname of the previous request then
  • send a message to close the previous connection;
  • send a query to its local DNS server to get the IP address for h;
  • establish a connection to h;
  • endif;
  • send a request to h to get file f;
  • print the file f;
  • until being killed; 

Your client program should provide a browser-like interface. The interface should allow users to input the URL r from standard input. Each input line consists of a URL and a sleep time. To simplify the parsing process, we define fixed formats for hostnames and file names. We assume that each hostname always consists of 3 segments separated by periods, the name of the host, the second-level domain name, and the top-level domain name. The host name and the second-level and top-level domain names are strings of 3 letters. We also assume a flat file system, i.e., no directories. Each file name contains only a string of 4 letters followed by “.htm” extension. The entire URL, thus, is a string of 20 characters. After receiving

the requested file, the client program (browser) should display the HTML file (similar to a browser). The client program may send multiple requests along the same connection if consecutive requests are for the same host (e.g., fetching multiple objects in a web page). When a request needs to be sent to a different host, then the client should send a closing message to close the connection established with the previous host. The message formats for the DNS requests and the Web requests will be discussed in the later sections.

Your client program needs to know the IP address and port number of its local DNS server. These are given in an input file which will be discussed in the next subsection. 

The basic DNS server simply receives DNS queries from clients, performs name resolution, and responds to the clients. You need to implement the DNS servers to process DNS requests. In your implementation, you only need to consider mapping hostnames to IP addresses, not vise versa. Though actual DNS has a fixed port number, we will have to use different port numbers for different DNSs so that multiple DNSs can be simulated by one single processor. Thus, the mapping should include port number as well. Also, we only consider three levels in the domain hierarchy, including the root, top level, and second level. A mapping table should be maintained for all DNS servers in order to process iterative DNS requests. For the second-level domain DNS, you need to also maintain a cache for name resolution for recursive DNS

queries. UDP protocol should be used for DNS communication. Each DNS server creates a UDP socket to receive requests from clients and another UDP socket to send responses to clients. Each DNS request contains the full host/domain name string. The string should contain 11 bytes. We add a blank at the end to pad the string to 12 bytes. Thus, the request message is of 12 characters. The DNS server at different levels simply extracts the partial string that represents the domain name it can serve and finds the mapping. Each

DNS response contains 4 fields:

  1. <host/domain name (12 bytes)>
  2. <DNS level (4 bytes)>
  3. <IP address (16 bytes)>
  4. <port number (8 bytes)>

The DNS level specifies the level of the DNS in the hierarchy the response is from. It contains 4 characters, the first 3 characters are blanks and the 4th character is the actual level, where 0 represents the root level, 1 represents the top level, and 2 represents the second level. The IP address will always be a 16 byte character string. If the actual IP address string is shorter than 16 characters, the remaining bytes are filled by blanks. The port number and is converted to text format with he corresponding sizes. In total, each DNS response, no matter which level it is from, should contain 52 characters.

We use thread pool concept to implement the Web server program. When a Web server starts, it creates N threads. Then the server listens to a TCP port. When a connection request comes, the server selects an idle thread from the thread pool and let the selected thread accept the connection and process the requests. Since the load of the system changes, the thread pool size should adapt accordingly. We create another thread to perform thread pool maintenance.

The request message from the client contains the client id (4 characters, converted from the integer value) followed by a file name. As discussed previously, the file name is a string of 8 characters, including 4 letters and the “.htm” extension. Overall, each web server request contains 12 characters.

At the Web server site, the Web files are located in one directory. The directory name will be discussed later. When the Web server receives a request message containing the file name, it appends the directory name and fetches the corresponding file. It then sends the file content through the same connection to the client. The response message starts with the file size and followed by the file content. The file size is an integer in text representation and it uses 12 bytes. If the file does not exist, then the value in the response should be all 0’s, indicating an error. The connection from the client does not close till the client close the connection.

Network Traffic Monitoring & windows Remote Manager

In a Network, LAN/WAN, maintaining the operating system remotely is a crucial job for an administrator.

Our proposed project is a remote desktop application which is providing remote service to its entire client over the network and gives solution to the network administrator to monitor the Network Traffic which is provided at the server side and the administrator can build firewall for LAN/WAN by providing some rules.

It acts as a network administrator to its client by providing remote services like Remote Chat, Windows Explorer, Remote Desktop, Task Manager and Control Panel. Network Traffic Monitoring lists all the network connections along with IP Address of local / remote machines with port numbers , shows the destination IP address and its port number , displays all the process, even that are not visible in Task Manager and also communicates with the computers on a network.

RemoteChat is used to communicate with the specified host in the network.Windows Explorer is used to explorer the network files.Remote Desktop captures the desktop of a specified host in the network.Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on remote computer Finally if we don’t want any program we can stop that from getting executed in the machine by adding the program name in the Blocked program list.

Modules :

  • Monitoring
  • Remote Chat
  • Windows Explorer
  • Remote Desktop
  • Task Manager
  • Control Panel


Monitoring shows the history of incoming and outgoing packets in a network. It also shows destination IP address and its port number, besides that we can see the statistic of a network.

Remote Chat:

Remote Chat module provides communication with the specified host in the network.Chat is designed for real-time, unstructured conversations with users who are signed on to the site at the same time. Remote chat is an application that facilitates communication between different hosts on the same local area network. It does not require a central server and uses very little bandwidth by taking advantage of a lightweight protocol and UDP packets.

Windows Explorer:

Windows Explorer module is used to manage the files of a specified host in the network.Windows Explorer is an application that provides detailed information about our files, folders, and drives. We can use it to see how our files are organized and to copy, move, and rename files, as well as perform other tasks pertaining to files, folders, and drives.

Remote Desktop:

Remote Desktop module captures the desktop of a specified host in the network.With Remote Desktop we can have access to a Windows session that is running on our computer when we are at another computer. This means, for example, that we can connect to our work computer from home and have access to all of our applications, files, and network resources as though we were in front of our computer at work. We can leave programs running at work and when we get home,we can see our desktop at work displayed on our home computer, with the same programs running.

Task Manager:

Task Manager module provides information about programs and processes running on remote is providing remote operations like kill task and refresh list.Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on our computer. It also displays the most commonly used performance measures for processes.

Control Panel:

Control Panel module provides remote operations such as remote lock system, remote logoff, remote restart, remote shutdown, getting system information , getting username getting login time it request arrives from client . First it parses the request and provides service to its corresponding client. It is also providing some fun operations such as swap mouse button , clip mouse cursor, crazy mouse , normal mouse , screen saver , set mouse Dbl click speed , open CD door , run game , run paint , run notepad.

Latest Java Project on Data Security Using Honey Pot System with Project Report

Introduction to Data Security Using Honey Pot System Project:

In order to provide a support to the defensive network security posture the recent concept of data security using honeypot system is implemented and it is widely accepted by people.

This project has various features that along with data gathering of the intelligence enable to understand the attacker more profoundly.

It also helps to know about the kind of ammunition’s being used by the attackers well as the results of the unauthorized attacks for the measures of the prosecution. 

The already existing systems need the intrusion signatures as well as brief information about the abnormal and normal activities. Using machine learning techniques it is quite difficult to identify the abnormalities.

These system activity based on general rules and models that can be used by the system to detect intrusions, compromising the system’s reliability. The earlier works of intrusion detections aim at single source generated activities.

It results in various undetected intrusions. In the existing system, an intruder can enter and access the network easily. In order to secure the system, it is important to prevent the entry of the intruder. 

The ticketing authority is the new concept of the proposed plan and according to this plan, the clients will have to get tickets from the ticketing authority to access the network resources.

This method is proposed in order to keep a check on the vulnerable activities. It will keep a check on the unauthenticated clients and will also secure the networking system.

In this method, the back end server will compare the client’s permission and the requested operation, whether it should be allowed or not. If they find any kind of discrepancy between the requests operations and the permission then they will transfer it to the honeypot for filtration.

This new method can protect the system and also prevent unscrupulous activities.

CSE Mini Networking Project on Prevention of Congestion Collapse

Introduction to Networking Project on Prevention of Congestion Collapse:

One of the most important things that is to be kept in mind while dealing with the virtual world is that, every service, protocol and algorithm that is introduced in the internet must essentially scale well. This is usually termed as a scalability argument.

An effect of this scalability argument is that, in order to retain the scalability, the level of complexities in the algorithms must be pushed to the borders, in every possible case. This corollary is known as the end to end argument. 

Thus the presence of a network border patrol is essential in the virtual world, as it looks forward to prevent any sort of congestion collapse and also helps in the promotion of fairness in the virtual world.

This mechanism of the network border patrol has been set up so that the problems of congestion collapse due to packets that remain undelivered and uneven distribution of bandwidth among the traffic can be corrected and dealt with.

What the Network Border Patrol looks forward to do is necessitates a feedback among routers so as to identify and detect and control unresponsive flow of traffic, just at the border of the network.

In this way, once they are detected at the border, they are not able to enter the network and thus will have no scope to cause any congestion. 

There are various modules that this mechanism follows: 

Source module whose job is to send to the Ingress router the packets.

Ingress Router Module which helps to control the rate of flow of every packet entering the network.

Router Module is the one that receives the packet sent by the Ingress router, and then again forwards it to Egress router.

Egress Router Module is one that determines how quickly each packet is leaving the network.

Destination Module receives and ultimately stores the data sent by the Egress router.

 Download  CSE Mini Networking Project on Prevention of Congestion Collapse .

CSE Networking Project Topic on Network Border Patrol with Project Report

The presence of the network border patrol is essential in the virtual world, as it looks forward to prevent any sort of congestion collapse and also helps in the promotion of fairness in the virtual world.

One of the most important things that is to be kept in mind while dealing with the virtual world is that, every service, protocol and algorithm that is introduced in the internet must essentially scale well. This is usually termed as a sociability argument.

An effect of this scalability argument is that, in order to retain the scalability, the level of complexities in the algorithms must be pushed to the borders, in every possible case.

This corollary is known as the end to end argument. 

One of the best examples of this argument is the TCP congestion control that is usually attained by algorithms, which are employed only at the end systems. But this too has limitations, as TCP comes with the cons of the end to end argument.

Because TCP follows the end to end congestion control very rigidly, two of the most common problems that the internet face are congestion collapse due to packets that remain undelivered and uneven distribution of bandwidth among the traffic. 

To elaborate on the first problem, what happens is that congestion collapse occurs because the bandwidth is continuously utilized by those packets that are dropped before hand and hence do not reach their destination.

The main reason for this collapse is the unresponsive flow, that has become so very popular over the internet, especially in the applications that uses both video and audio.

The second problem also rises because of unresponsive flows. The TCP flow, which is an adaptive flow, has the power to react to congestion very fast; they minimize their rate of transmission, hence the distribution of bandwidth ends up being uneven. 

Download  CSE Networking Project Topic on Network Border Patrol with Project Report.

CSE Project for on Network Administrator Tool with Project Report

Introduction to Network Administrator Tool with Project:

The network administrator tool has been developed in order to provide remote service to all the clients of the administrator that belong to the same network.

This tool has the ability to act as a network administrator to all the clients and can provide services remotely like remote log off, remote shut down, remote chatting, remote file transfer and remote sharing of desktop.

Below are the characteristics, and is expanded on them for everyone to understand. 

Remote Control 

The remote control is made use of for remote operations with the help of an electronic device.

With the help of this characteristic of remote control, operations can be performed remotely, like shutdown and log off from the computers, provided these requests come from the clients.

 Remote File Transfer 

With the help of this feature, files can be transferred from the server to the computer of the client who requests the file. What is done is at first the client sends a request for the file, and then the server recognizes the name of the file.

If the file is present in the server then it will be able to transfer a copy to the client’s computer, else it will display the message – file not found. 

Remote Desktop Sharing 

Making use of the remote desktop sharing, the administrator is given the power to enter the windows desktop, remotely that is located within the network.

What is best about this feature is that can enter the network, without needing a native client. What this feature enables one to do is gain access to the office computer from home and vice-versa. 

Remote Messaging 

This feature makes communication possible, between various hosts, provided they lie within the same LAN.

This allows the users to exchange messages in real time, without any delay. It basically mean passing of data between the users over the network. 

Download  CSE Project for on Network Administrator Tool with Project Report.

Network Administration Tool Final Year Project Report

Introduction to Network Administration Tool Project:

Administrators have the most important tasks, and this is why to make their jobs easy, network administrative tool has been introduced, which is a software package.

It is with the help of this tool, the administrator will be able to gain a full control of the software and also oversee the software’s entry to network resources.

Other than this, the tool will also handle various files and will also be able to help during the process of execution and maintain software on the computers of clients.

This network administrative toll will further make things easy by minimizing the provision of direct support to all its network users with the aid of its unique features. 

The unique features of the network administrative tool are as follows: 

  • This feature can be used by the administrator very easily, because of the fact that it is made up with a GUI that is considered very user friendly.
  • This tool can support deployment of software on the computer of the client, remotely.
  • The addition of the client machines to the network can now be done easily and simply, with its help
  • The task performed by the tool on the computer of the client is done silently and quietly
  • The installation or un-installation of this software can be done with ease.
  • This software also aims to minimize the support of the direct user.
  • It also has the ability to control, only from a single console the system operations
  • It has the power to maintain and look after other software installed in the computer
  • Also adding other new features to the tool can be done simply 

The main aim is to try and organize the systems, only from one server, that is centrally located, which is in turn connected to a network, so that it can perform its daily activities.

Download  Network Administration Tool Final Year Project Report.