Project Title: Mobile Information Provider Java Project with Source Code
Software Requirements: J2EE, Oracle, Nokia Software, WML.
Project Description: Mobile Information Provider Java project was developed for final year engineering graduates to submit their project report.
The main aim of designing this MIPS is to provide total information about Mobiles phones, internal information of the mobile and other information to know about hotel places, tourist vesting points, Airline systems, bus information systems, train timings, movie theatre locations, hospital information, pubs, spa, general stores, cloth centers, multi level markets, etc to the mobile customers.
This J2EE web application was implemented on Wireless Mark-Up Language and Java server pages.
We have created all database tables in Oracle database management system and mobile software works with Nokia Simulator 4.0. This final project report works under Nokia handset mobiles.
Mobile Information Provider J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.