Hackathon is a Java web application used for hackathons. In this web application Project, the Hackathon conducts code fests. The contestants must register to participate in the code fest. The Hackathon announces code festival schedules with desired skill sets. Those eligible for the hackathon can register themselves by using their login credentials. For registered contestants can participate in code fest by using this application. The Hackathon can announce the winner of that particular event and the results also. The contestant can view the results. This Application is very useful for users and the code fests are useful to improve their skills.
This Hackathon the Code Festival project is divided into four implementation modules. Those are
- Admin
- Mentor
- Contestant
The admin will maintain all the information about the website and enables contestant to register for a particular hackathon. Then the admin for that particular hackathon enables the contestant to participate in that contest and he is also responsible for displaying the list of contestants for that hackathon. Then the admin is responsible for deciding the winner of that particular hackathon. The admin can give privileges to the contestants to send invites for their friends to participate in the contest.
The mentor is also having the same responsibilities as the admin. The mentor can view the no. of registered contestants and no. of participants. The mentor is responsible for displaying all the contestant’s scores in that hackathon. The mentor can also display the winner of each particular hackathon.
Contestants can choose a particular hackathon in which they are interested from the list of hackathons. To access this application Contestants must and should register. Each every time the contestants should log in by using the given credentials. Contestants can view the list of Hackathons. The Contestants can participate in hackathons by giving their details about that particular hackathon. The Contests can view the result and winner of the Hackathon.
Software Requirements:
Java, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript