Leadership Gap – Development of Leadership


The Coca Cola Company starts the project to define the future leadership in a particular and critical situation and explains the CEO/ strategic managers develop the leaders within the future organization.   The Coca Cola Company heard the executives, clients and human resource professionals in their organizations are contains the excellent talent deficiencies with their performance of employee. The Coca Cola Company contains the recruiting wars for excellent talent employees, best systems are discuss for identifying, and developing the key talent in the future to build the capacity what they actually need. This company conducts the study in between from 2006 to 2008. This study explores that the leadership skills are in lacking position.

Mainly the leadership gap focus on the two reasons in the coca cola company. The first one is leaders focus on the best and right companies but the companies are not contains the satisfactory mastered them. The second one is leaders are not hearts on the best and right companies with skills. In that, first one is “a matter of degree” and the second one is “a matter of substance”. In these both contains the either short term or long-term problem.

The Coca Cola Company contains the important seven leadership skills in the future. The skills are strategic planning, leading employees, inspiring commitment, resourcefulness, managing change, responsibility what it take and creature a quick learner.

Identifying the leadership need

To build the leadership strength in the coca cola company first identifies the leadership elements and roles. This Company identifies the 20 skills through the research with organization and leaders. They are balance the personal work and life, restoration and building relationships, quick learner, compassion and sensitivity, confronting people, composure, culturally adaptable, responsibility what it take, decisiveness, development of employee, leading people, inspiring commitment, administrating one’s career, managing change, participative management, putting people at ease, high opinion on the individuals differences, resourcefulness, strategic planning and self-awareness. This company thinks these skills like how those are useful in developing and implement the organization and leaders in present and future.

The present leadership Deficit

The survey shows that the Coca Cola Company lacking with the above mentioned important skills. These skills are effect the roles of leadership so first determine the present and tomorrow challenges. Skill managers in this company demonstrate the leader’s abilities and skills to improve the leadership. Mainly the 10 skills are improves their percentages in the future to develop and implement the strong leadership. The skills percentage rates from present to future are leading people (73%-89%), strategic planning (64%-86%), managing change (63%-82%), resourcefulness (64%-82%), responsibility what it takes (64%- 77%), inspiring commitment (62%-86%), being a quick learner (60%-79%). Present skills rates are decisiveness (60%), mending and building relationships (57%) and composure (57%). The future skills rates are balancing personal work and life (76%), employee development (79%) and participative management (81%).

The resourcefulness is a main important skill in the coca cola company. This survey shows that the present leaders are not so skilled but they are managing the present challenges. In 2009, the leaders are feel that they are contains the even less capable skills in these areas. Therefore, at present requires the many leaders with the capable abilities and skills.

Leadership gap in future

The coca cola company research is determines the present leadership and how overcome this leadership effectively in the future. Especially compare the each skill important in the future to gain the success. Today’s capacity of leadership is insufficient to gather the requirements of future leadership. Leading people, inspiring commitment, strategic planning and managing change are the future four important skills are the weakest skills for the leaders in the coco cola company. The employee development, decisiveness and balancing personal work and life areas are standard in the key gaps. The below chart shows which type of skills are belonging to the over investment, on track, reserves and key gap. 

Over investment skills:

  • Mending and building relationships
  • Composure
  • Compassion and sensitivity
  • Cultural adaptable
  • Respecting individual differences

On track skills:

  • Resourcefulness
  • Being a fast learner
  • Doing whatever it takes
  • Participative management

Reserve skills:

  • Confronting people
  • Managing one’s career
  • Put people at ease

Key gap skills:

  • Strategic planning
  • Leading people
  • Inspiring commitment
  • Employee development
  • Managing change
  • Balancing personal work or life
  • Decisiveness

The above skills are shows the future leadership gap in particular areas. 

Bridging the leadership gap

To fill the gap between present and future leadership, the coca cola company shows the some ideas for the some experiences of managers to development the efforts. The ideas are

  • Leading people:
  • Communicate with the particular skills and abilities related to manage. Manager Understand the roles of leaders.
  • Create the development assignments and training programs
    • To share the experiences develops the internal groups
    • Strategic planning:
    • Share the strategy in top management
    • Teach the strategic skills to risk management and change management
    • Support the coaching and learning
      • Inspiring commitment:
      • Classifying the vision
      • Reinforce the success to develop the opportunities
      • To encourage the managers raising the standards
        • Managing change:
        • Offers the change management discussions, classes, courses
        • Encourage the managers according to decision-making
        • Employee development
        • Develops the successful process for planning
        • Encourage the employee goals
          • Balancing the personal work and life:
          • Creates the personal behavior and styles awareness
          • Teach the organization and delegation skills
          • Examines the policies and different strategies
            • Decisiveness:
            • To determine the priorities helps to the managers
            • Develops the decision making process in the organization

Using the above guidelines, the coca cola company maintains the higher leadership capacities and leadership.

Leadership Theories – Development of Leadership

There have so many leadership theories which make the organization simple to search leaders. There have a number of leadership theories Most of the organization uses these theories for successful management. These theories help the organization to determine better leader and maintain successful management. Some of them are referred in below. They are. 

Behavioral Theory

The companies adopt different theories to sustain a successful administration. So behavioral theory is the one of the most frequently sued theory. Leaders can be made, rather than are born. Successful leadership is based in definable, learnable behavior.

Behavior theories of leadership do not search for inborn abilities or traits. Success can be defined in terms of describable actions. This theory states that that success can be define in form of explainable actions, then it will be very easy for other to act in the same way. This is easier to learn or teach then to adopt more abilities or traits.

Behavior theory explains that leadership quality is not inherit, It should be in the behavior itself. Coca Cola Company follows these theories that give the chance to all employees to develop leadership skill by giving the chance to all employees CEO checks them by giving them chance. After that he sorts out the employees who were good in leadership skills.   It is very easy to develop a behavioral theory and it simply assesses both the actions of leaders and leadership success. Here CEO can recognize behavior use which raises to failure there it added a second layer of understanding.

Trait theory

This theory states that some traits should specifically suit to leadership. People who build goal leaders have a correct amalgamation of traits. Every company leadership was depending on physiological focus of the employee, that the person should have those unique qualities. The CEO will focus on those traits by studding their work structure and their behavior. Trait theory says that the good leaders should have below these qualities. SO coco cola company also focus on this qualities while searching for aright leader for the company.

  • Assertive
  • Willing to assume responsibility
  • Energetic
  • Tolerant of stress
  • Assertive
  • Cooperative
  • Adaptable to situation
  • Persistent
  • Desire to influence others
  • Alert to social environment
  • Achievement oriented and ambitious
  • Decisive

So CEO will check for these qualities in the employees. He searches the person by checking these qualities. So for any leader this qualities is really so important to manage a certain team. These qualities are really very helpful for those people to handle particular group of persons. So team success will base on that leader itself. So coca cola higher authorities use to pay more attention on this.

Beside this for a good leader there is a need of some skills. These are

That He or she should be

  • Persuasive
  • Organized
  • Fluent in speaking
  • Conceptually skilled
  • Diplomatic and tactful
  • Creative
  • Clever
  • Knowledgeable about group work

So Trait theory states that all above qualities and skills are requires becoming a good leader. These qualities play a vital role in achieving these goals of organization.

 Participative leadership theory

This theory mainly focuses on the decision making. This helps the understanding of the issues who makes the taking better decision. People should be understand the different issues and should take good decision. Here people should be more collaborative and they should less competitive when they are working for team goals. Here people take decision together, this commitment towards each helps taking good decision. People deciding together can, make better decisions rather than single person alone.

So Coca Cola Company follows this theory .According to this theory the decision making process insignificant factor than any other responsibilities. Here the higher authorities makes the team very effective so that that thy can work cooperatively and it also allow them to take decisions jointly. According to trait theory states that people together can take good decisions rather than single person alone.

The higher official makes the capable team so that that they can work effectively. Higher officials select the effective leaders for different teams. They will select according to their abilities. After that the leader should take care about the team members. Then leader inculcate various qualities in the team members such as cooperation, collaboration, friendly behavior, less competitive etc in the team members. He used to arrange different programmer to build up all these qualities in the group. Team leaders make all the team members to participate in the programs effectively. By doing this they can build very effective qualities in their Team members.  The coca cola company also follows this procedure to achieve great success for the organization.

So coca cola company follows different theories to achieve success, they use to follow different leadership theories for inculcating leadership qualities among the employees of the organization. Coca cola Company mainly sees these theories to build the leadership qualities among their employees. This company mainly uses behavioral theory, participative leadership theory and trait theory.

Transformational Leadership Style – Development of Leadership

Transformational leadership style:

This type of style is will give the true leaders for an organization. The people who follow this type of style will give the inspiration for their team and will share future vision. The enthusiasm of this true leader is shared among the team. By the “detail people” these people are supported. So, generally an organization needs the transformational leadership style and as well as transactional leadership style.

The leaders of the transformational are taking care about the initiatives which will give the new value for that initiative. And the leaders of the transactional leadership are taking care about the reliable routine work which is done in time. 

Definition of Leadership: It is a procedure of giving direction and influencing individuals or groups to attain goals.


Servant leadership style – Development of Leadership

Servant leadership style

In 1970’s, the Robert Greenleaf is created this term. The definition of the “Servant Leader” is follow the needs of the team and justifies them or meets them by the person. Such a person is called as “Servant Leader”. In the organization this may done at any level.

In the way of the democratic leadership this leadership is formed. Why because in the process of decision making all the team members are involved. There are some suggestions for follow for the supporters of this style. This is mainly for increasing the values. In the world wide, in order to move a head to going before these values are most. By the ideals and values the servant leaders achieve the power. In the situation of competitive leadership styles, many other people will believe that the persons are left behind who follow this style of leadership when compare to the other styles of leadership.  

Participative leadership or Democratic leadership Style – Development of Leadership

Participative leadership or Democratic leadership Style

During the decision making process, these leaders are making the final decision but they are taking the contribution of team members decision in that process. This will increase the person’s skills in their decision making and these are useful for the company. For the team members it also increases the job satisfaction. This is very useful for the member for doing the job not just to get the reward of financial but also motivated for doing the job.

The result of this style is good, but it takes the more time to complete because the participation of this will take the long time. This type of style of leadership is more suitable for the situations such as when requiring of quality in the product than the productivity and when doing the work as team and it is essential.

Charismatic leadership style – Development of Leadership

Charismatic leadership style

For transformational leadership this is also having the same style. In order to forward their team so many leaders are inspires from their team with lots of enthusiasm. These are very energetic in their work. But these leaders are having more confidence on them selves when compare to their team. Some times it leads to the risk in the project and some times it may to the organization.

If such a person leaves the organization in future at some time, it shows the great impact on the company some times collapse the company. But success is directly having the connection with the leader when view from the followers. Such leaders are having the responsibility more and having the commitment for the long term.

Leadership Styles – Development of Leadership

Leadership Styles

There are many leaders and every one has their own style in their leadership. Such as Mahatma, Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill all are having their unique style. But now a day the leadership styles are described by the many of the psychologists and business people. These are describing the simple ways for getting the leadership styles. These ways are helpful for the people who want to follow the styles of leadership and will becoming the leader in the future.    

In order to manage a major company or at work leading a team or sports team captain then search the best approach of leadership style for follow. Such types of styles are described in this. For becoming the effective leader, these described styles are useful. These suggested styles are useful for improving the personal leadership styles and their impact of this will leads to the development of their own. 

For understanding of this style of leadership, there are some frame works which are designed for this. These frameworks are useful in understanding of these styles at appropriate time. Now following are some styles, these are used for the persons who want to develop their leadership styles.

The following are some leadership styles which are mostly accepted by the people. These are usually fit in the frameworks that are theoretical. Even though the leadership styles are described by many people in many ways, in that some of the styles are fit in the frame work or particular system and some of them not. This description is useful for understanding of this.

Seven areas of personal growth

All the personal growth areas must be taken into consideration than only a specific area. For example a roadmap given consists of guidelines for regulating from one area to the other. Initially only six areas of growth are there but later one more is added to it. Total seven personal growth areas are given below:

  • As the mind let’s to see the world, recognizes it after that the information can be processed therefore the importance is given in case of mental growth. In case of decision making where from bad the good is separated, mind is considered as a unique. The success or failure can be determined finally based on the decisions made in life. One of the major personal development areas is mental growth in view of several people.
  • Both mental growth and emotional growth as equal importance. In case of motivation and force to move forward in the direction of succeeding and achieving the emotional growth plays an important role. The external world is ruled by one’s emotions even if they are deep-rooted. The right path can be followed if the emotions are positive whereas negative emotions lead to vain. The obtained results or consequences will be influenced by the emotions therefore these changes can be known by means of emotional growth development.
  • The improvement in the mental capabilities is made sure with the help of physical growth. These mental capabilities will be enhanced when only the body is healthy since both the mind and body are connected with each other. Enhanced focus can be made if the mind gets all the essential nutrients in turn by means of healthy body. Therefore to enhance the health, other alternatives are to be taken into consideration.
  •    Without a person the land is treated as an island. All the people try to be in contact with the other people and also to maintain the relationships. Success is acquired only when the relationship quality that is shared with people is considered as significant. For the sake of happy and usual life there is necessity for good relationships.
  • Each and every person who entered the world has some purpose and will do so.  A person will be successful in life when the actions as well as decisions that are taken by him daily are apart from the goals of life. The direction to move towards success is easy when the life purpose’s is determined.
  • In materialistic world, the spiritual growth is ignored frequently. Each and every personal growth areas are relied on the spirit; hence it is referred as a significant concept. The peak of success can be obtained when for growth and development the spirit is facilitated.
  •     Learning is considered as the final personal growth area. There is necessity to study along with the changing things therefore there is no end for education. And this follows the emotions as well as mental growth and development. Answers to every question cannot be given by any person. From the life journey which shows many obstacles and success, several experiences to go ahead are learned. The new options as well as things can not be identified if the person is a narrow-minded.

Example of Personal Development Plan

Since it is found that the personal development is exclusively the responsibility of a person and must intentionally desire for this growth, a personal development plan must be prepared. 

          In order to achieve the intended goals a personal development plan should be essential. So, therefore personal development plan automatically helps for achieving the specified goals.  Below shows an example that is how personal development plan should be assisted in order to achieve a specified goal.

  • Through goals any personal development plan should be experienced. Depending on the areas of improvements personal development plan break down the goals.   
  • Personal development plan main regions are emotions, physical, relationships, mind, spiritual, and purpose.
  • In each area goals are brainstormed in the areas of personal development plan. 
  • Fixing a certain time limit to each and every category so in specific time limit cover all the categories one by one. In the goal setting process first ensure the desires of a particular individual.   
  • In all areas of the personal development once brainstorming is finished then for each goal timeline is placed. So in order to achieve a goal time limit is set and allowed.
  • For achieving the goal set the timeline as one year in the personal development plan. What are the main benefits in the achievement of any particular goal is assessed mainly. So this makes very easy understanding of why and how achieving any particular goal. Depending on the personal development plan goals are achieved and planned.

Strategy and Implementation of Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan is very important to achieve the success path. Note that if personal development plan is not in process and humans love habits then it is very simple and easy get back in the old fashions and habits. Now a days, in the world everybody is their personal life or career plan or wealth creation etc having a plan like personal development plan.     

Personal development plan is very much required and it is very important strategy that needs to put into practice to get a desired result as well as to reach aims, objectives and goals. Some of the strategies are mentioned below which helpful when personal development plan is going to are implemented.   

  • A particular goal is the first thing that is required for a personal development plan. If goal is decided then thinking about that particular goal is started and research to obtain that goal is put in to effort and this will help in the way of benefit. All the plans that get in to mind are kept on the paper and should make a list that if required it can be revised.
  • Then observe the present situation and notice all the things that cause complication to the goal. This makes the organization to chart out the steps that require overcoming the obstacles.
  • To attain the long term goal it is better to maintain small goals that can be solved per day. Personal development plan is required for maintain the small goals in every day and this will help in completing long goal very fast as well as there will not be much strain and stress in achieving the long goal if small goals per day is maintained.
  • The plan that is selected should help to achieve the goal in the simple and easy way. If once the daily goal is kept in practice then one can ensure the perfect outcome. This will have a positive effect on the long term goal, and owner will be driven and motivated towards the long term goal which will become very closer.
  • The idea of this daily goal is to just keep the long term goal to complete successfully and without any tension. This is nothing but setting a particular time every day for that goal on that day.
  • The daily goals which are maintained should be achievable and realistic.