Employee Task Management System Web Project using PHP and MYSQL

Problem Description

We need to make a system in which mentors can assign tasks to the employee and other mentors can monitor the availability of employees and on that basis, they can assign him/her new task. As well as employees can see all the assigned tasks with priorities. The app should be able to: Store data on new Employees/Trainees and new Task Assignments Employees can see the availability of other employees, trainees, and interns but trainees will not be able to see other availability. Employees can assign tasks with details like task name, task description, assigner, priority, and expected hours for completion to other employees’ or trainees’ ToDo lists considering the maximum limit of a total of eight hours for an employee before assigning any task.

Target Audience

This is a very common problem in companies where an employee already working on an assigned task and another mentor or boss going to assign him a new task, S/He might not know the employee’s availability and the priority of the task on which the employee already working. In that scenario, there will be lots of communication going around to assign the task, due to which task going to be delayed. To resolve these issues and make employee availability transparent, we need to make a system in which mentors can assign tasks to the employee and other mentors can monitor the availability of employees and on that basis, they can assign him/her new task.

As part of the curriculum of B.tech and to gain practical knowledge in the field and Python programming and web development we have made this project. We have boosted our skills through it.

In this Project, we have worked on VS Code and GitHub. Git Bash, Mysql, Software xamp, CSS, and HTML.

Employee Task Management System is created in PHP and MYSQL. It deals with the rundown of workers in an organization or an association. It likewise contains the training went by every Employee. Representative is the foundation of an organization so the Employee Management System is an extremely useful framework for an association or organization.

It also contains training attended by each employee. The employee is the backbone of a company so the Employee Management System is a very helpful system for an organization or company. This system also manages the company employee details like their attendance, their performance, salary details, and leave details.

This section compresses the assessment of the writing important to the Employee Management System. It looks at hypotheses, ideas, methodologies, strategies, and systems important to the venture.
Comparative existing advances identifying with the improvement of the Employee Management Systems are talked about.

In this Project, we have worked on VS Code and GitHub. Git Bash, Mysql, Software xampp, CSS, and HTML. Employee Management System is created in PHP and MYSQL. It deals with the rundown of workers in an organization or an association. It likewise contains the training went by every Employee.

Representative is the foundation of an organization so the Employee Management System is an extremely useful framework for an association or organization. It also contains training attended by each employee. The employee is the backbone of a company so the Employee Management System is a very helpful system for an organization or company. This system also manages the company employee details like their attendance, their performance, salary details, and leave details.

Design Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

ER Diagram: Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Authentication 

  1. Login- The user can log in to the system with his/her username and
  2. Logout- The user can log out from the
  3. Login failure- If the user does not exist in the database or the user has not yet been authorized by the


  1. User role check- After logging in, the user role will be checked from the database and the user interface will be displayed according to their role.

REQ-3: Employee Management 

  1. Display- Users with defined roles can display the content of the database. To be more specific, an employee can only view his/her personal Boss and can not only see his/her personal information but also employee’s information who are under his/her department or school.
  2. Edit- A user with an employee role can edit his/her specific personal

information. Boss can only edit employees’ personal information that is under his/her coverage except for user role type. The Boss can check employee availability.

REQ-4:Trainee Management 

  1. Training – The Boss and employee shall create training tasks and assign them to other Bosses and employees and employees and trainees respectively that are required to attend the training as well. Boss and Employee can also check the availability of the trainee.

REQ-5: Task Management 

  1. Tasks – Boss and Employee can check assigned tasks, they can check task priority. they can also create the task and assign the task.

1. Sign Up
2. Login Up
3. View Employee Details
4. Create Task
5. Priority
6. Availability
7. Assign Task
8. Task Status
9. Task Done
10. Task Details
11. Personal Details
12. Submit Task

System Features

Module Description

Sign Up: Bosses, employees, and trainees will sign up using their credentials.

stimulus: boss/employee/trainee will sign up through the signup button.

response: dialogue box for “thank you for signing up” appears.

Log in: Boss, employee or trainee will log in to the system using their unique ID.

stimulus: boss/employee/trainee will log in through the login button.

response: for boss/employee/trainee different pages will appear respectively.

View employee details: contains employees’ details.

stimulus: click on the button to View employee details.

response: Details appear (only boss and employee can view details)

Create Task: boss can create tasks for employees or another boss. Employees can create tasks for trainees or other employees. trainee can not create tasks.

stimulus: click create task button.

response: the task will be created

Priority: Check the assigned task priority.(boss/employee/trainee)

stimulus: click on check assigned task priority.

response : shows priority(High,Medium,Low).

Availability: check availability of boss/employee/trainee for assigning the task.

stimulus: click on the check availability button.

response: shows availability.

Assign Task: After creating the task the creator will assign the task to the boss/employee/trainee.

stimulus: click on the button to assign a task.

response: Task will be assigned

Task Status: change the task status whether it is completed/submitted/in progress.

stimulus: click on the button to change task status.

response: changes will be done according to your status when you choose options from it.

The task is done: The feature indicates the task is done. Only bosses and employees can access this feature.

stimulus: click on the task done button.

response: status will be updated once the task is done.

Task Details: will get trainees through the details of the task assigned.

stimulus: click on the View Task Details button

response: details appeared

Personal Details: will display personal details of the trainee to her /him.

stimulus: click on the View personal details button.

response: personal view appears to him/her.

Submit Task: The feature is for trainees only, to submit the task.

stimulus: click on submit task button

response: the task will be submitted.

Future Scope

1) AI is applied in almost every industry and may become a standard in the near future. 

2) Data visualization represents the data in a visual and understandable manner: graphs, diagrams, maps, etc.


This is a customized task management tool that enables your enterprise to manage all tasks efficiently in this troubled time & even in the post-COVID age. Our robust task management app help organizations face challenges related to project management & gain a higher Return Of Investment over the period while meeting deadlines and utilizing resources effectively.

Download the Complete Employee Task Management System Project code, Report, PPt, and Design Documents

Students Solution an E-learning-based platform Project

The project Students Solution is a website that is an E-learning-based platform project and it will help the first-year students of B.Tech (All Branches). In this, we will build a Students Solution site. After creating the Students Solution site, you will be able to take notes for your corresponding subjects which were provided by the developers, and you are also able to practice your basic knowledge with the help of a quiz Which was in this website we also provide some blogs which were helpful to motivate students for deeper knowledge and extracurricular activities.

This technology helps you to provide the best notes on your subject bases and gives extra knowledge along with your course.

It provides a convenient solution to the traditional notes-making system. We follow a modular approach to learning through our website.

About the Project

This Students Solution project aims to make a website for first-year students of our university. This is an e-learning website where first-year students of our university will get ready-made notes. Our website “Students Solution” is to automate the existing manual system with help of ready-made notes, fulfilling first-year students’ requirements so that they can receive a valuable education. This means no need to worry about making handwritten notes. And they can utilize their time up to the maximum. It is a need for time to switch to e-learning.


When we joined the university we faced a lot in our very first year due to a lack of proper subject material and guidance after class. So we are thinking of developing a “Students Solution” website where first-year students of our university will get all the subject notes and materials.

To help the first-year students we are working on this project “Students Solution” so that they can feel free and study well.


The main objectives of creating the Students Solution, We will provide all the notes regarding your subject and quizzes regarding that particular subject which provide you the basic knowledge of that particular subject and we will also give vlogs to fresher’s to motivate themselves for extracurricular activities.

The main objectives are :

  • To provide a quality-based education.
  • To provide ready-made notes.
  • I-Q Test

Implementation Details

Part 1: To build a Backend of the website in which notes are to be attached.
Part 2: Develop a site for quizzes regarding that particular subject.
Part 3: To build the information of developers.
Part 4: Provide vlogs to motivate students for extracurricular activities.


  • We will add video lectures.
  • Live classes would be there.
  • We provide all the material for different disciplines.
  • The test series will be there.
  • Gaming will be there for entertainment.


Software Requirements (Minimum):

  • Windows 10
  • Visual Code Studio
  • Xampp


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Online Platform for adding Student Classroom Notes PHP Project


This Student Classroom Notes web application has helped to take only important notes in a relevant way. No user needs to spend more time taking notes. It’s a very easy way to take notes. Any kind of user can upload their notes at whatever time they want. It takes very less time to open the ”Student Classroom Notes”. Due to the very easy design of these apps, school students can also use this app to take their notes inefficient manner.

Importance and need of Student Classroom Notes:-

As it is developed for user-friendly so any sort of user can add their notes from any educational platform. They needn’t need go through any other online-offline software. These iNotes apps help to take the key point of important notes. As we are in this technical world so hard copy notes are not portable. There is a lot of chance of losing notes so this app makes the free risk of losing notes. User can keep their notes for future reference without any risk.

The motto:-

The main motto of this project is to the user can add or upload notes easily and very quickly as other software.
User can modify their notes in a very easy manner compared to other software.
Notes repositories are available in the form of a table manner so it is easy to identify your notes without wasting your time.
Users can log in from any location and upload notes and can share too.

Requirement Gathering:-

“Student Classroom Notes” is developed for all kinds of users from higher levels to lower levels. Many students and people do not want to take their notes with themselves every time. To remove such sort of problems, this “Student Classroom Notes” App been developed.

Working Principles & Methodology:-

In this project “Student Classroom Notes” every user has a username and password to access these Apps and can keep their notes personally.
He/she can keep their notes with the Title name and description so that the user can easily recognize the notes he/she uploaded.
This is very easy to identify their notes repositories on the home screen itself.
The user can easily search their notes in the search bar and filter too.

Software requirements:-

  • Operating System- windows10
  • Visual studio code
  • PHP
  • Google Chrome
  • MySQL database
  • Xampp Control panel (for local server)

We will be using visual studio code basic as our front hand because it is easier to use and provides features to the users which are used for the development of the project.

Future Scope & Conclusion:-

This web application has almost all the features of CRUD and smart online/offline notes taking.
The project has altos benefits. Managing the project is quite easy as per storing the notes. It is easy to maintain notes and update them as required.
As we know that technology is increasing day by day so hard copy note-taking will be decreased, at that time it will helpful for those who will use this app.
Still, some additional features are not added to the apps. As we are seeking features, if it’s required we will add them as soon as possible.

Hope every user has a clear idea of using our “Student Classroom Notes” Apps.

Chess Game Project using HTML & Java Script

The objective of the project:

The objective of our Online Chess Game project is to create an online Chess game that enables you to both play with your friends as well as against the computer.

Chess Game Rules:

  • The player with white pieces starts his turn first.
  • The Player has to protect his king and subsequently make strategies to kill the opponent’s king.
  • When the king of one player is checked by the other player’s pieces, he will have to take the king out of that check to a safe place. The player who checks the king has to warn the opponent by saying “CHECK”.
  • The one to lose his king will be the one to lose the game.


Player vs Computer:

The player will have to start with whites and make her first move, and the computer will take blacks.

Player vs Player:

The player who takes whites should start first and the other player plays alternately.

Main Functions in Player vs Computer code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to your king if you make any move and declares you to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 chooseTurn()
This function is helpful for the computer to play its move by moving forward with the best possible move. It also declares the player as a winner if there is no possible move for the computer to make while protecting its king. It basically
helps in the propagation of the game step by step.
7 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
8 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
9 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
10 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.

Main functions in Player vs Player code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to one’s king if they make any move and declares him to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
7 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
8 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
9 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.


Download all our files and put them collectively in a folder named “Chess”.

In Ubuntu:

Now put this folder into the /var/www/HTML/ folder in the other locations on your computer.

In Window:

Download XAMPP on your PC and put this folder into the htdocs folder of XAMPP.
Now go to your web browser and type localhost/Chess/
Best viewed in Google Chrome and Mozilla.
Download the Chess Game HTML project Code & Report

Online Student Project Report Submission and Evaluation System PHP Project

Project Overview

The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.

The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.

The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.

What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.

A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.


  • The system provides online processing of the reports.
  • Accurate results can be obtained.
  • The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
  • By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.


  • As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
  • The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
  • Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
  • The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.

Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:


With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.

This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.

Software Requirements

  • Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
  • Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
  • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
  • Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows 10.
  • Application Server: XAMPP Server

Download the complete Online Project Report Submission and Evaluation System for College students with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL Source code, and Full report documentation.

Sales Management System for Hypermarkets PHP & MySQL Project


A sales management system for hypermarkets is a web project developed with PHP & MySQL Database. It is a DBMS-based Project,  Supermarket store is an Indian retail store operating as a chain of hypermarkets. It is one of the largest and oldest hypermarkets in India, with more than 150 stores in more than 60 cities and towns across the country. It includes food, clothing and fashion, furniture, electronics, stationery, cosmetics, kitchen and kitchen utensils, and many other categories.


  • Sales Details by Store / Region / State
  • Revenue/sales analysis
  • Details of the store, ie numbers, area, address
  • List of undelivered orders
  • List of payments made or expected to be distributed to distributors
  • Calculation of benefits by date/month/season
  • Maintains detailed inventory.
  • Track store order shipments
  • Purchased stock, if the number is less than a certain number and calculate the income for a month

ER Diagram:


  • Sales management
  • Income analysis
  • inventory management
  • Delivery management
  • Analytics by category
  • Advanced magazine search
  • Improved reports


  • xampp installation
  • Cloning this repository within xampp / htdocs
  • Read the superstore.sql file to configure the database


  • ADMINISTRATORS: Responsible for centralized management of stores and distributors
  • DISTRIBUTORS: Distributors are responsible for store orders.
  • STORE: Located in different parts of the country.
  • STORE ADMINISTRATOR: Participates in-store management and sales


  • It can be used in a centralized management department for large pages.
  • Reseller Dashboard helps you manage store orders and update store order details such as invoices, deliveries, and payments.
  • The Store Manager dashboard contains basic apps for managing your store’s inventory while maintaining customer interaction.
  • The administration panel helps the management team of large stores to keep all stores in the region in one central interface.


In developing this Sales Management System for Hypermarkets PHP & MySQL Project, we learned a lot about working with HTML / CSS / JS / PHP / MySQL and database management, as well as how to make the app user-friendly (easy to use and manage) by hiding its complex parts.
During the development process, we carefully studied and understood the criteria for creating the required software, as well as the importance of maintaining a minimum error rate.

Download the complete Hypermarket Sales Management System PHP & MySQL Project Source code, Report.

For more details about the project visit this page

Gym Management System Project Using PHP & MySQL

About the project:

The gym management system developed by PHP is an excellent solution for gyms that are increasing the number of members or serving elite customers. This solution helps to identify users and manage their membership in a timely manner.
In its operation, each member is issued a membership card valid for a certain number of gym sessions or for a certain period of time or a combination of both, depending on the payment policy. Upon expiration of the period or number of sessions, the machine will notify the member of the renewal fee.
Thus, the system reduces inconvenience and disputes between members and the management of the gym. You can also create multiple monthly, weekly, daily, and session reports.

The main characteristics are:

1. Gym management
2. Gym membership management
3. Payment management
4. Coach management


1. Add different gyms.
2. Add payment areas.
3. Add members to the gym.
4. Add different gyms.
5. Look at different gyms.
6. See payment areas.
7. Look at the members in the gym.
8. Look at different gyms.
9. Update and delete any gym valuables, fees paid, gym details, and coach information.

ER Diagram:

Output Screens:


  • install xampp
  • clone this repository into xampp/htdocs
  • read gym.sql file to setup the database

Download the Complete Gym Management System Project Using PHP & MySQL Source Code, Project Report.

For more details regarding the project – Click here