Bookstore Management System PHP MySQL Project

Purpose of Project

The main purpose of a Book-store Management System is to focus on the solution of all the problems related to the paperwork for different reasons. It provides a facility to handle all the activities in one place. With the help of this application, the admin can perform a different kinds of operations at the same time and place. Bookstore management System has the ability to keep records safe related to Books.  We provide the best service on our website or focus on user choice. We will improve the new feat so users can easily understand and trust our system.

Project Background

  • This Bookstore Management System Software allows the Admin to store the book details and the customer details.
  • Easier access to information like customer information and
  • Provide a facility for storing data to reduce the paperwork.
  • In Bookstore Management System Users can buy a book and Admin shows their name and another background of the user.
  • A new idea about Project how Bookstore Management System works.
  • To make a system computerized.

Scope of Project

  • The intentions of the Bookstore Management System are to reduce overtime pay and increase the number of records that can be treated accurately; Requirements statements in this document are both functional and non-functional.
  • Correct and Accurate Searching provides the result by applying the search operation.
  • Customers can book a book with just a few clicks.
  • Give flexibility to admin to use the database effectively and utilize the word, not pad, and calculator Unambiguous and understandable by all level facilities effectively.
  • Unambiguous and understandable at all levels.

Applicability of Project:

  • For customers who want to buy books anywhere or anytime.
  • Admin is applicable for insert books, list of books.
  • The database is used for storing and fetching data from or to the database so both users and admin can fetch or read data.

Requirement Specification

As per the Bookstore Management System Requirements, it contains two (2) Modules:

1)  Admin

2)  Client

Functionalities of Admin:

  • This Module includes the mainly following tasks:
    • Entry of Category.
    • Category List.
    • Add a New Book.
    • View Book.
    • View Message which Sends by Client.

Functionalities of Client:

  • This Module includes the mainly following tasks:
    • View Books.
    • Add books to Cart.
    • Search Books.
    • View or Add items to Cart.

Hardware requirement

  • System type 32-bit Operating System.
  • Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • Linux  Ubuntu / Light ubuntu
  • Mac OS
  • 350MB RAM

Software Requirement

  • Wamp Server
  • MySQL
  • Browser
  • PHPMyAdmin

Project Analysis and Planning

The Bookstore Management System is critical to set up online orders, for customers to browse through book categories. This is a small-scale project for Bookstore Management System. The basic idea is that customers can buy a book from anywhere at any time with cash through.


  • Users can Register, Login, Logout the system.
  • View different categories and books.
  • Contact with Admin
  • Add Books to Cart
  • Order Books


  • One or more users visit the web page at a time.


  • In any browser run this webpage.


  • It performs the webpage as per User’s operating system.


  • Admin can manage the system.
  • Provide books.


  • Admin can insert a book or manage the records.

Database Design & Structure Design

Various tables used in the System are as follows:

  1. Admin
  2. Book
  3. Category
  4. Contact
  5. Register
  6. Order


  • At first look, we can say that Bookstore Management System is a perfect system but it has many limitations that are as follow :
  • This is also used to list the category and books also manage the customer and books of the Bookstore.
  • The Bookstore Management System is used to give information about the Books to the customer.
  • We faced problems like Database creation, the Flow of our system, designing front-end and back-end tools, coding, etc.
  • Only a single user can use a system at a time.
  • In this system, we cannot add a service module.
  • We learned new languages like jQuery, PHP, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, etc.

Limitation of system


 Currently, the help feature is not available. Using this functionality users can get help with the system.


Currently, the feature of online payment is not available. Users cannot give payment online.


Multilingualism is not supported in our system. Therefore users cannot work in different languages.

Backup & Recovery:

Users cannot take the backup or recover the data in this system.

Many More Others.

Future Scope of the System

Help module

Using this module users can get help on how to access the system. All functionalities of the system are described in this module. And user can easily access the entire module using this feature.

Online payment module

User can do their payment online using this functionality. In the future, we will add an online payment to make payment easier for the user.


In this system we will add the multilingual therefore users can work in different languages and understand easily.

Input / Output Design

1. Home Page – Home Page of Bookstore Management System without logged-in User.
2. Selected Category – The detective Category is selected. Shows the Books of Detective Category.
3. Book Details (Before Login) – Book Detail for Visitors. Visitors Can’t add Books to Add to Cart.
4. Visitor Login Page – Login Page for Viewers.
5. Register Page – Register Page for Viewers.
6. Contact Us Page
7. Cart Page
8. Order Page – Only Cash On Delivery is Available for Orders.
9. Home Page (Logged In) – Automatically Navigation Bar Changed. The user Can Log Out.
10. Book Details (Logged In) – Users can Add Books To Add to the cart. Removed Sign in Link.
11. Add to Cart (Logged In) – Users Can add books to add to cart. Details of books and price. Click Recalculate to Qty, Rate, and Total will Calculate. Users can order Books.
12. Search Books – Book Search Feature.
13. Admin Login Page (New Template)
14. Admin Home Page – New Template.
15. Add Category (Admin)
16. View Category – List of Books.
17. Add Books.
18. View Books – List Books for Admin.
19. View Contacted List – List of People who Contacted using Contacted Page.
20. Users List
21. Forget the Password

Download the complete Bookstore Management System Php Project Source Code, Project report, and PPT.

Beauty Parlour Management System PHP SQLite Project

The aim of the project is to permit customers to service their desired cosmetics. Beauty provides an online way of reservation cosmetic services and also provides a window for customers for their selected services. The Beauty parlour management System processes manage the various task related to the system.

This system is used to parlour details like service detail, orders detail, customer information, etc. This system helps to make the customer easy for online services system. 

The Beauty parlor provides an interactive display to the customers with all the facilities. This website will be useful to all those customers who is wishing to make an appointment best online.


There are two types of interface found in the Beauty parlor management  System as follows.

User Interface

The users are able to view the home page of the Beauty parlor management system, add any number of services, save information, look for information about any services, increase or decrease the quantity of any services,  user can see all the order details.

Admin Interface

The Administrator is able to view the customer information, can complete the customer services orders of the users, and can update the services information, price, etc.

Hardware Requirements:

The Beauty parlour management system shall provide minimum hardware requirements. The following hardware configurations are required for the PC for use in the Beauty parlor management system.

  • Hard Disk: 2GB or more of free space.
  • RAM:2 GB / 4 GB / 8 GB RAM.
  • Processor: Any mobile and computer processor.

 Software Requirements

  • This section lists the requirements that are needed to run the system efficiently. The operating system needed for the system to run effectively, the interface to run the application, the integrated development environment to develop the environment and the other tools used for editing purposes are as follows:
  • Operating System: Windows 10, MAC OS, or Linux
  • Database: SQLite.
  • Platform Used: Php
  • Editor Used: Notepad/Notped++.
  • Browser Supported: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Edge.

System Function

The Beauty parlor management system would have the following basic functions:

  • Display all the related information about the system’s main page.
  • Display all the categories on the services information page.
  • Allow the administrator to add new services to the existing list of available services.
  • Allow the administrator to modify the price of each service.
  • Users can add or remove services from the customer list.
  • Allow the administrator to remove services.
  • Allow the administrator to complete the customer orders of the users.

User Characteristics

  • The users of the Beauty parlor management system, based on their roles, are customers (users) and administrators (owners). 


  • The administrator is the owner of the Beauty parlor management system. One must have a basic understanding of computers and the internet as well as prior knowledge of operating eclipse and the PHP programming language. The administrator is responsible for all the training documents required for the system.
  • Assign or change the price of the services, update the services lists and delete the services.
  • Can add new services to the system.


  • The users of the Beauty parlor management system are all customers who would serve to test the system. These users are anyone with service experience and the know-how to browse through a   They must have a basic understanding of computers and how to parlor offline. The users should be able to perform the following functions using this system:
  • Can view or select the services from the home page.
  • Check out the services.
  • reservation by providing the required information.

Specific Requirement

  • This section contains the detail about the system that are required for the designer to create a system to satisfy the user’s requirements and for the testers to test the given requirements. This section contains the interface description for each GUI for the different system users. These sections also give a description of all the system inputs, and all the functions performed by the system output (responses).

Functional Requirements

  • This section contains the requirements for the Beauty parlor management system.
  • The functional requirements, as collected from users, have been categorized as follows to support the types of user interactions that the system shall have.
  • There are two types of modules:
    • User Module
    • Admin Module

User Module

The following are the functions that users are able to perform

  • Reservation user.
  • Able to view the services from a list of services page.
  • Can view the home page, services page, about page, contact page
  • Users are able to view the make an appointment on the tanks you page,
  • Users are able to checkout services when there are services in the make an appointment.
  • Users shall be able to continue services after the checkout process.
  • Users are able to view the customer order details.

Admin Module

The admin is able to perform the following functions:

  • The administration shall be able to view all the user information, and completes the user orders.
  • The administrator shall be able to add new services to the list of services page.
  • The administrator shall be able to modify or update the item’s price and description.
  • The administrator shall be able to delete the services from the services page of the Beauty parlor management system.
  • The administrator shall be able to view the entire history of checkout services.
  • The administrator shall be able to view the entire history of the users who successfully completed the checkout process.


  • With the rapid growth of beauty parlour Services and people will overtake in-parlor.  The main goal of “Beauty Parlour Management System” is to provide the best customer services and helps admin for day-to-day complementation of orders and transaction. Also, an admin can manage customers, keeps records of customer services, etc.


  • Well-educated people can visit or understand the content of this site. A non-educated person may not visit this site easily. So, this is the common limitation of this system.
  • As of now, this system does not have the facility of making payments for their services, which will be applied in the future.

Future Scope of system

  • This system will try and be able to add new more feature.
  • We will try to add a bill generate after parlour.
  • The main feature is an online payment which will be applicable and implemented in the future.
  • We will try to provide a more user-friendly interface in the future.
  • We will try to provide more beauty parlour Services so that user gets what they need.

Download the complete Beauty Parlour Management System source code, Project Report, and PPT.

Campaign Management System Platform for Women PHP Project

Project Problem Statement:

Women all over the world are disadvantaged when it comes to having access to knowledge/capital for starting a business, crowdfunding, political campaigning, and more. 

Women are limited by several factors at different times in their careers, including disadvantaged economic status, discrimination and restrictive gender norms, and lack of access to knowledge on how to start a business or traditional fundraising networks.

Home Page:

The objective of the Task

The main objective of the Campaign Management System project is to build a web-based platform for women so that they can overcome the economic and social barriers that prevent their access to political decision-making through training, mentoring, and technology.

Database Schema:


  • Registration page, Login page, welcome page, backend of profile
  • Home page, Dashboard Page
  • Profile page

Technologies used:







Download the Project on Campaign Management System Web application using PHP & MySQL.

Online Shopping Web Application BCA Project Using PHP


Current system customers have placed orders through phone calls, messages, or face-to-face communication. In the current system, the customer does not think about whether products are available or not.


  • The current system totally works manually.
  • The existing system is based on a phone call or face-to-face communication.
  • The current system is very hard to operate and maintain.
  • The paper-based work so the records are lost sometimes.


The Online shopping web application is easy for customers because customer purchase items in stay in the home on their computers. In this new system customer view, a variety of products and what’s products are unavailable(finished), and what products are available. You can also visit & download the Java Console Application project on Online Shopping Management System.


  • Effective communication between admin and customer.
  • Payment systems are available.
  • Home delivery is available.
  • Customers are aware of products and see what’s products available or not.
  • The product is nice or not given feedback.
  • View a product review.



1. Frontend

  • PHP
  • Html, Css, js, Boostrap

2. Backend

  • My SQL

2) TOOLS:-

  • Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • SQL Server

Project Functionalities:

  • Registration Page
  • Login Page
  • Admin Add Product Page
  • Admin Update Product Page
  • Admin Remove Product Page
  • Search Product Page
  • Buy Product Page
  • Payment Page
  • Cancel Order Page
  • Forgot Password Page
  • Change Password Page

Database tables:

  • Admin Table
  • Customer Table
  • Cart Table
  • Order Table
  • Product Table
  • Category Table
  • Payment Table
  • Feedback Table

Also, Read this Development of an Online Shopping Bot using IBM Watson

Also, Read this Analyzing Online Shopping Data QlikView Project


We express our heart gratitude to a number of people who extended their full support and cooperation in developing this project first, We would like to take this opportunity to thank our College for giving us this opportunity and a platform for discovering and developing our potential, This kind of experience that we have received while making this project report is so immense the narrating that in few words is difficult.

After putting in such hard work we have realized that takes to work in the shop and do a project. Our Institute and colleagues have been great sources of help without them we were unable to do this project.
Therefore, our project is a small drop in the water sea. We have learned many things from being a part of the concept of family.

After that our heartiest thank is to our internal guide as well as respected faculty for entrusting us with responsible and acting as a ray of light in the darkness. We find ourselves self-short of the world to describe our feeling for the role he played as a friend, a philosopher, and a guide, whenever we were in need.

Lastly, we are thankful to our parents for their blessing, Love, and Support. We are unable to traverse through this most significant stage of life and also, and we would Like to take this opportunity to express our regards to all our friends and faculties who have helped us directly or indirectly during the execution of the project. We are privileged and thankful to all for bringing our errors and shortcoming. This Online Shopping Store C# and SQL Website is related to the Online Shopping PHP Web Application Project.

Hotel Online Room Reservation System Project Proposal

Hotel businesses are one of the top-running businesses all over the world. The hotel business has emerged with massive growth over the last decades. Hotel industries are also one of the main reasons for tourism growth. The section of the service industry that deals with guest housing and lodging are the hotel business. Swagath Hotel is one of those hotel businesses for whom we are going to develop a system to make reservations for customers.

Swagath Hotel business is one of the hotel businesses using a manual system for hotel reservations, bill settlement, and others. Managing the task manually can be very hard and time-consuming. There comes the role of the Room reservation System. The room reservation system helps customers to reserve hotel rooms from anywhere at any time with the medium of the internet.

The room reservation system for this hotel works as the mechanism through which guests can create a secure online reservation. The Room management system is capable of handling various activities like Guest details, Reservation details, invoice details, and many more. This system provides good information sharing to both customers and staff of the hotel. The room reservation system will be the means to eliminate the manual system which then provide faster and more efficient operation in the hotel. The Room reservation system is also considered to offer an efficient, informative, and user-friendly website. Customers will be able to easily make accommodation reservations, for different types of rooms, and select rooms within their range simply by going to the hotel website.

Problem Statement

The problem that our system might face are:

  1. Lack of hotel and hotel website
  2. Inability to match guest
  3. As guests can arrive directly to hotels and reserve rooms and if the admin forgets to set the room reserved in the system it can create confusion and
  4. If the admin does not view the guest reservation and acknowledge them guests might have to wait for a long period to assure that their reservation is
  5. Guest cannot access every detail of the
  6. The guest does not know what the surrounding of the hotel looks
  7. A technical problem like a server down may be another


The room reservation system will be involved in the following actions:

  1. To avoid manual and repetitive
  2. To keep track of available rooms and
  3. To create a database where every customer’s detail is
  4. To secure all the data and records.
  5. To provide speed reservation and registration service.
  6. To retrieve records simply whenever
  7. To authorize the users to have access to the records.
  8. To generate a proper
  9. To inform the availability of rooms in real-time.
  10. To provide the ability to reserve rooms anytime from anywhere with an internet


For our project on the room reservation system, we will be using the waterfall method as it is easy to manage because of its rigidity.

Working Mechanism of the Room reservation system

Requirement identification

Study of the existing system

The current system of hotel management is fully based on paperwork. All the records of customers and rooms which are available in the hotel are managed by the hotel management through paper. There may be some problems or delays in allocating rooms and providing services by a human. Manually handling the hotel room records, customer details, and other management is hard and time-consuming. While all the records are kept in files they may get torn out, lost, or get damaged due to water or fire. Calculations done by staff may not be accurate sometimes. And even transferring the records or finding records is a big problem and also creates a mess. The manual system of room reservation is also time-consuming as a customer have to visit the hotel first and ask for available rooms then inspect those room then only if the customer like it, he will take the room or else he won’t and for all these processes cost a lot of time.

There are also many hotel booking websites but those websites create competition among the hotels. Those websites also create confusion for customers to choose between many hotels. Those websites may also charge some fee for linking up the hotel site. Those websites may also take paid promotions from the big hotels and refer only those hotels to the customers.

Disadvantages of the existing system:

  1. Time-consuming system for making reservations and recording
  2. Mixing of two or more customers
  3. Recording of data manually is not
  4. A lot of space can be taken from
  5. It may face the problem of human
  6. Possibility of losing customers
  7. Unwanted duplication of the record.
  8. Difficulty in maintaining file security and
  9. Easy access to guest information by unauthorized users.
  10. Reusing and retrieves of guest records are extremely difficult.

Requirement Collection

Functional requirement 

    1. The administrator can check the information of users.
    2. Users have to register and log in.
    3. The system accepts the user registration only if the required fields are
    4. Users can search and book rooms according to their
    5. Booking confirmation should be sent to the user’s email and
    6. Confirmation of room reservations should be stored in a
    7. Users can also cancel the booking without any
    8. The system will be able to display the available
    9. The system allows the customer to check the
    10. Displaying their charges and other

Non-Functional requirement

    1. It is easy to use, efficient, and
    2. It will be developed in such a way that the system is available both day and
    3. Any modification like insert, delete, update, etc. for the database can be synchronized quickly and can only be executed by the
    4. System payment will be accepted via various
    5. The system must recover easily from any kind of
    6. The system must be protected from unauthorized

Feasibility Study

A room reservation system is a system that is highly feasible for these kinds of hotels. This system is being developed after a high-level study of the entire system analysis and design process which helps the hotel in every aspect. The system being developed will be flexible to support the hotel to acquire more guests. There are three types of feasibility studies we kept in our mind for the development of the system for this hotel.

Technical feasibility

The proposed system of room reservation is very technically feasible as we are going to develop the system using existing technology. The required hardware and software for the development of the system are available. The software developed for the hotel management system is used in a client-server architecture where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used as the front end and PHP is used as the back end for this project. With every knowledge of working with programming languages, we are going to develop the system.

Operational feasibility

The room reservation system is very feasible regarding the operation of the hotel reservation. The system is just an advancement of the manual system. The main purpose of the system is to provide an online reservation service to guests which is easy to operate and staff to handle that reservation easily. The system helps to promote the hotel and also creates a user-friendly environment for room booking that saves time. The system helps in recording the details and providing invoices for both guests and the staff without having to deal with time-consuming paperwork.

Economical feasibility

The system will help reduce the traditional record-keeping style which will eventually reduce the expense of hotels for registers and files. Keeping records in a digital format is less costly yet reliable. The system also does work alone which requires two or more people to do it. The cost for the development of the system is also one time cost as the system is reliable in the long run.

High-Level Design of System

(system flow chart/ methodology of the proposed system/ working mechanism of the proposed system)

ER diagram

Figure 1: ER diagram

The above figure is of ER diagram, this figure shows the relationship between one entity with another other. Here there are 5 entities with their respective attributes. The guest entity checks for the room while the reservation of the room is made if he/she likes the room. Reservation can only be made if the room is empty so reservation is a weak entity. Payment is allowed when the reservation is made. The employee manages the reservation and also is responsible to check if the payment has been received or not.

Use case

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram

In the figure above, the guest and admin are the actors, and gives are the actions performed by them in the system. Both of them have to log into the system for performing any task. The guest has to insert their details while booking the room which will be verified by the admin when the guest checks in at the hotel. Whenever the guest makes or cancels the reservation admin has to acknowledge it. Guests always check for the rooms before making a reservation. The guest receives the bill and the admin should provide him with the bill. Admin is responsible to establish room rates and also categorize the rooms.

Flowchart diagram

Figure 3: Flowchart diagram

The above diagram shows the flowchart of the user logging into the system for the reservation. When the guest visits the website, he/she sees the home page from where he/she can log in. If the guest is not registered in the database, he/she has to register first then only they can explore the room information given on the website. If he/she likes the room they check for its availability. If the room is available, they have to insert their details to confirm their reservation.

Expected Outcomes

When the project is completed then the users can register and log in to their account in this application and can easily book their choice of rooms in the hotel. This system also helps to minimize the work of the staff by digitally storing records. It also increases the reservations of the hotel. People can book rooms at the hotel from anywhere at any time. The invoices are printed within a second with full accuracy. From this system, we expect to introduce the hotel internationally. The well-developed website creates a user-friendly environment which makes it easy to use the website.

Portfolio Management System MCA Project using PHP and MySQL


The main objective of the portfolio management system is to design and develop a web service that is useful for job seekers and job providers to meet. Create a portfolio website to show off your projects and achievements to prospective employers.

Here, the database is used to collect all the personal information of the candidate for generating their resume profile on the portal. The system admin will generate a report according to the company’s needs and requirements.


Project Description

  • The Portfolio Management system refers to building a strong resume for the candidate who is seeking jobs online.
  • This system introduced a way of hiring employees for the organization that contains all the information of the employees and according to their skill and job requirements, they get selected for the particular post.
  • The purpose of Portfolio management is the selection, prioritization, and control of an organization’s programs and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity to deliver.

The world is growing digitally, and for job seekers, there are more opportunities to seek employment. This system introduced a way of hiring employees for the organization that contains all the information of the employees and according to their skill and job requirements, they get selected for the particular post.


A Portfolio system is a dynamic and continuous process. The following are the scopes of portfolio management:
1. Monitoring the performance of the portfolio by incorporating the latest conditions.
2. Identifying the objectives, preferences, and constraints.
3. Compare with the latest targets and achievements.
4. There is no need of keeping a physical resume for the candidate.
5. Users have their own login ID and password, with which they can secure their documents.
6. If a wrong password is given three times in succession, that user account will be locked and the user will not be able to use it.
7. Once provided with internet access, users can take part in the system from everywhere.


The purpose of Portfolio management is the selection, prioritization, and control of an organization’s programs and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity to deliver. It is a collection of projects and programs used to structure and manage investments at an organizational or functional level to optimize strategic benefits or operational efficiency.

Product function & User classes


  • Users have to register into the system first.
  • Users can provide their achievements, resumes, and skills in extra detail.
  • Users have to login into the system.
  • Users can view their portfolios according to their details.
  • Users can change their details in the system.
  • Users can provide feedback to the organizations.


  • Admin has to login into the system.
  • Admin can change their details.
  • Admin can view/block the latest registered details.
  • Admin can filter the details.
  • Admin can search the candidate by their skills, name, achievements, and degree.
  • Admin can select appropriate candidates.
  • Admin can send emails to the selected candidates.

Updating the details

  • As we can clarify the profile photo of the user has been updated with the profile and database as well.
  • As follows the update procedure, all the details would be updated with the same result as shown in the image.


Portfolio management is an online web-based application so the main advantage is that there is no more system compatibility requirement problem.


  • It improves the candidate selection process.
  • It is used to make smart decisions in the organization.
  • It provides more accurate user performance data.
  • It helps to achieve better productivity in the organization.
  • It also helps to make projects successful.

Design Phase Diagrams:

User Side Activity Diagram:

Admin Side Activity Diagram:

Database Design:

Functional Requirement

Administrator:- Responsible for managing clients of the system, taking system backup, generating reports, and maintaining the organization’s whole details.
Manage Users:- The administrator can manage the user information and the admin can mail and send the details to the appropriate user.
Maintain Details:- The administrator maintains the entire details of the system including details of the users.
Taking System Backup:- The administrator takes a backup of the database in order to prevent loss of the data on system crashes. He takes backup of the entire database in a particular section.
Generate Reports:- Responsible for checking the logs of different system users for auditing and maintaining the whole system.
Use Registration & Login:- The first thing is to register yourself by giving a proper mail id and password then move forward to login into the system.
Filtering as per need:- The administrator can filter the candidate & can view the information related to the filtering.
Non-Functional Requirements
User Interactive:- The response of the website should be high and the website should behave as per the user’s action. Users should be acknowledged in the form of visual changes or feedback on the site to enhance the interaction. The portal should be maintained across all the web pages.
Security:- Secure login option to the users to avoid unauthorized access to the system and the information. 
Reliability:- Portal should provide the users with valid information at all times.
Business Rules:- This requirement contains all the rules and regulations on behalf of the system.

Software tools:-

Front End:- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery.
Back End:- MySQL, PHP.
Front End tool:- VS code, Wamp server.

Hardware Specification:-

Hardware platforms support banking transactions. A Portfolio system is effective when the correct software application and hardware configuration are used.
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or above
RAM: 256 MB OR above
Hard Disk: 160GB or above

System Advantages

  • Building a resume online may save you time which can be utilized in a better way.
  • Candidates may instantly customize their details with one click or add some new details with the same.
  • The site built confidence to boost since you can make your resume professional and you may able to impress the recruiters with your resume.
  • Since the admin can generate reports the process of selecting candidates will be easy.
  • The system is used to make smart and effective decisions for the organizations while selecting a candidate.
  • The system provides more accurate user performance data.
  • The system is helpful to achieve better productivity in the organization.

Limitations of the system

  • The major limitation of the system is that is they work purely online, and lacks the functionality to enable the user to save a copy of their resume in other word processing software like Microsoft Word.
  • Another limitation of the system is that they mostly offer a limited choice of formats. 

Future Scope of the system

  • The system is having currently a static base design that can be chosen by the user, according to their needs they can choose whatever resume type.
  • To increase the system enhancement and database security for the future.
  • Users can delete their account from the site, as they got hired or for some other reasons.


  • The portal has been successfully completed. The goal of the system is achieved and problems are solved. The package is developed in a manner that is user-friendly and required help is provided at different levels.
  • Different types of reports can be generated which help the management to take the correct decision and reduce the time delay which automatically increases the company’s work standards as well as the economical state of the company.
  • This system never decreases the manpower but helps the development of available manpower and optimizes the manpower by which the company’s standards and capabilities can be scaled to higher dimensions.

Download the complete Source Code of the Portfolio Management System MCA Final Year Project Using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery

Library Management System BCA 4th Semester Minor Project using SQL and PHP


We truly resolve to acknowledge the opportunity provided to us by the Institution, respected teachers, and family.

We intend to show our gratitude for all the support and guidance we got from our teachers, classmates, and all individuals who helped us at any point in this project.

This whole process we went through in bringing out this project was a great source of knowledge and valuable experience, which would for sure, come in handy for us in any future we will have to bring out another such project.

This has been a period of time over which we learned about technological and logical aspects of the field where we are going to land soon, we feel indebted for being so well equipped with all the knowledge and experience we gathered here.


Surface details:

Our project entitled “Library Management System” is designed to bring ease to both the library staff and the students seeking for issuing books.

It is designed with features that reduce the effort for the staff and increase convenience for the readers, Being a Web Based application, it is easy to Run and adapt in almost all conventional environments.

Any moderate user can easily learn and operate this system 


This System can work fine for all most every library, where desired,

This cuts off a lot of human resources required to maintain the library, hence saving money too.

It has fluid UI and UX which can be learned and adapted quite quickly by any category of user.

This system extends its use outside the library with is easy to adapt interfaces for readers


The Objective of this System is to reduce effort and increase convenience in the management of libraries.

It allows users to hold a book for 24 hours so that no one can get it issued before they reach the library.

It will save time in the calculation of fine

Students will always stay notified about generated fines via their online accounts which they can access from anywhere.

  • It will make it easier to search for books.
  • It will help keep track of bookholders.
  • It will keep Libraries less crowded.
  • It will save money as fewer human resources will be required.

About the existing system

Currently, libraries need to maintain bulky files to record books and the individuals occupying them.

Fines are calculated manually by going through bundles of records.

Need to manually check for availability of books in the library

The process of issuing a book involves designated officials making entries in registers manually, which takes plenty of time.

Disadvantages of the Present System:

The current system is full of flaws:

  • A lot of Human Resources is required to maintain such a system much cost and hard to operate and maintain.
  • A lot of money is wasted in maintaining these records
  • Paper is wasted
  • A lot of time is consumed in the process of searching a book, making its entry, and retrieving any previous record.
  • Availability of books cannot be assured without physically searching the library
  • People need to travel to the library to know whether a book is available. 

Proposed System

The System we developed comes with all solutions to the drawback of the previous system.

Some of them are listed below:

  • Search books from anywhere.
  • Put the book on hold for 24 hours so that no one else can take it before you
  • Release the book if you don’t want to hold it anymore
  • A panel for users to check their hold and issued books
  • Easy login and registration System.
  • Automated Fine System
  • One-click book Issue
  • Easily return book
  • List of trending books.

Feasibility Study

This document enables proper decisions to be made over the progress of the project, by studying various aspects of feasibility associated with it

Such are listed below:

  • Cost: as it is a web-based project it needs to be hosted over the server to be accessed by users, but the efficiency which comes with the product shadows this cost, as it reduces money being spent on human resources
  • Time: The time invested in this project is also justifiable as keeping the yield into consideration.
  • Technical: All technological tools used to make this project are conventional easy-to-use ones, and they are easy to maintain too.

This project can be easily upgraded and maintained as it is designed in a standard manner and is easy to understand. 

Hardware and software information 


  • System: Multimedia PC
  • Processor:  Pentium 4 or above
  • Memory: 512MB RAM or above
  • Hard Disk:  500GB
  • Keyboard: 104 standards
  • Monitor: SVGA          


  • Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back end: SQL, PHP
  • Operating System: Windows/Linux

Design Phase:

ER Diagram:

Context Level Diagram:

First Level Data Flow Diagram:

Second Level Data Flow Diagram for User:

Second Level Data Flow Diagram for Admin:



Users Table:









Unique ID for Users





Name of user










No.of books currently Occupied















Email for identification


Books Table:









Unique id of book





Name of book

Life of pie




Available copies





Name of author





Publication name





Year of publication





Price of the book


 Transactions Table:









Unique id of the transaction





The ID of User Involved





The ID of Book Involved





Time of transaction

2018-07-02 19:55:11




State(returned or not)





Hold or issue


Download the complete project on College Library Management System using SQL and PHP.

University Leave and Outing Pass Automated System Application

Purpose of the Project:

This Project is a leave/outing pass automated system designed for Educational Universities. This system is an end-to-end module that enables a user (Student) to raise a request and an admin (Mentor) to approve/decline it. This is a robust system where Parent Verification, In-Out Time recording, and Data Security have been taken care of. This Project is built to be a secure, flexible, unique, transparent, and user-friendly environment that aims to digitize the whole process thus removing fake paper trails.

Feasibility Study:

The project has been undertaken after the feasibility study, which paves the way for deployment, and phase development.

Scope of the Project:

The scope of the Automated System is designed to run on the University server and to allow students to raise requests for their leave, trace the request status, and modify them. On the Mentor Dashboard, the software also allows the Mentor/ Mentor Coordinator to view requests, and approve/decline requests. Whereas on the Hostel Dashboard, the Warden/ Deputy Warden and Hostel Supervisors will be able to view and grant leave passes to the students.

This Automated System will provide ease to all the actors – students, mentors, hostel authorities, and security services in regard to leaving/outpassing sanctions and will ultimately eliminate the paperwork.

Overall Product Description:

Product Perspective:

It will provide a way in which existing paper-based work can be supplemented with the end-to-end robust leave management system. The system can be used independently of the platform and device, be it on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Product Functionality:

The server will be responsible for storing each request generated, generating one-time passwords, generating QR Codes E-Pass for authorized requests, receiving and authenticating requests, generating statistics at the needs of each audit, and maintaining and verifying security and user privacy. This server can also potentially contact all authorized students by email to give them username information, passwords, server address, OTP code, updates to the users from the Mentors/ Hostel Services, etc.

Process Flow – Student:

  • depicts how the student raises the request and the activity which is continued after the review from the mentor.
  • depicts how the Mentor/Warden/Supervisor approves/declines the requests.
  • depicts how the Security guard can verify the leave request the student displays.

Upper Classes and Characteristics:

It is anticipated that three types of users will use the Licensed Software defined in this SRS.

  1. IT staff/ Software Development Cells are expected to deploy and configure the System using the defined system interfaces. This will include running the whole system and maintaining software after the handover and deployment of the project.
  2. The second type of user of the Hostel Warden/ Deputy Wardens / Hostel Supervisors and Managers is expected to understand and use correctly the software interfaces defined with the appropriate design documentation.
  3. Finally, it is expected that any student accorded with Hostel Services within the domain of Vellore Institute of Technology may access all of the leave request information such that the request is independently verifiable. This will include a web application presented using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to allow a user to raise their request that has been registered under review including the previous requests history.

Working Environment:

The Automated System software is directly made as a web application, so the computer hosting must be capable of running HTML and should have internet. The system will be uploaded to the University server, in order to make it accessible for all the students, faculty mentors, and wardens.

Design and Implementation Constraints:

The Application provides an end-to-end leave management system that copes with malicious attacks provided certain constraints are met. Principally, all necessary steps should be taken to protect the System from unguarded attacks by using physical, network, storage, and user security protection. These safeguards should be penetration tested by the SDC to ensure viability.

User Documentation:

The users are the students or faculty/staff of the university who are authorized by SDC, they will be able to raise/ view/ approve/ disapprove requests on the server. The application client will be available free of charge, and any purchase of the server software will be authorized to distribute it to their users.

Assumptions and Dependencies:

 This software in its initial phases of development depends on a few third-party commercial applications or any assumption. Student Development Team will take care of all the assumptions and dependencies. It will be the responsibility of SDC to purchase/ develop the dependency as per the University IT norms.

System Features:


This is used to login and maintain security by authenticating the users

1. Should accept the user name password
2. A case-insensitive comparison is done for a user name and a case-sensitive comparison is done for a password
3. If the correct user id and password are supplied then, Main Menu should be displayed
4. If an invalid user id or password is entered then the system should display the error message “Invalid ID or password” and should quit the application.
5. Username – Students – Registration Id Faculty – Employee Id Staff – Employee Id
6. VTop Login Credentials can be used in the further enhancements

Mentor’s Portal:

This feature allows mentors to work out the leave/vacation requests.

1. Can approve a request.
2. Can decline a request.
3. Can edit the request.
4. Can verify the request.

Warden’s Portal:

This feature allows the warden to authenticate the requests

1. Is able to view all requests for outpass.
2. Can reconsider requests

Hostel Supervisor’s Portal:

This feature allows supervisors to issue outpasses to the students

1. Can issue outpasses to students.
2. Can deny the issue of an outpass.
3. Can send a request for reconsideration to the warden.

Student Portal:

This feature will allow students to raise a request for an outing/extended outing/leave.

1. Can raise requests of respective categories.
2. Would receive a system-generated outpass

External Interface Requirement:

User Interfaces:

Login Interface – The login interface consists of the student username and password fields, Students can log in with the same VTop Credentials.

The login interface for the faculty and staff consists of the faculty/ staff employee id and password. Their credentials will also be the same as those of VTop.

Hardware Interfaces – Hardware requirements include a laptop or a desktop or a smartphone with proper connectivity to access the system. Other than above mentioned, no hardware is required.

Software Interfaces – The software is based on an application interface. The Application will interact with the University Server with regard to user verification and information retrieval.

Operating System


Programming Language

HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript


Visual Studio Code



Hosting Base

Amazon Web Services

Communication Interfaces – This software would be functional on an ethernet connection or a wireless connection.

Cost Calculation:


For any software project under development, it is indispensable to know how much it will cost to develop and how much development time will it take. The project scope must be established in advance and software metrics are used as a support from which evaluation is made. The project is broken into small PCs which are estimated individually. Several estimation procedures have been developed to monitor the project’s progress, so developers and product managers can assess whether the project is progressing according to the procedure and take corrective actions, if necessary.


Static, multivariable models depend on several variables describing various aspects of the software development environment. In some models, several variables are needed to describe the software development process, and the selected equation combines these variables to give an estimate of time and cost.

WALSTON and FELIX developed the models at IBM to provide equations to give a relationship between lines of source code with effort and duration of development.

For our software project, the lines of code (LOC) sum up to 5223, which becomes 5.223 KLOC.

So, according to the WALSTON-FELIX model, we need to hire 24 engineers per month and require 7 and half months to develop our project.

Online Food Ordering System Project Synopsis using PHP

About the Project:

The reason behind Online Food Ordering System is that there is a lot of information to be maintained and has to be kept in mind while running the business. For the reason we have provided the features present system is partially automated actually the existing system is laborious as one has to enter the same information at three different places.


The records were never used to be lots of difficulties in associating any particular transaction with the particular context.
If any information was found to be it was required to go through the different registers, document there would never exist anything like report generation. With the help of this system, people can easily order food. It can also ensure that. People don’t waste their precious time and use their time productively in other works.
This system proves to be more effective and reliable than other traditional systems. however one needs to take care of small parameters like server breakdown while this system is implemented.

Basic Structure:

Technology Used:

a) Hardware:

  • 1 TB storage
  • 8 GB RAM desktop

b) Software:

  • Notepad++ (for code)
  • Web browser
  • Operating System (Windows, Linux)

c) Language Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Choice of programming language:-

So many programming languages were put into consideration in the cause of designing this software. A lot of factors were also considered which include online database access, data transmission via networks, online database retrieval, online data capture, multi-user network access database security, etc.


Take Away Ordering. Takeaway ordering is a win-win solution for restaurant owners and customers.

  • Pre-Orders
  • Catering Orders
  • Scan & Order
  • Unique Webpage
  • Social Media Sharing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Combo Deals

Available Applications

  • Foodpanda
  • Zomato
  • Faasos
  • Deliveroo
  • Dunzo
  • Grubhub
  • Swiggy
  • User Interface


  • Makes the ordering process easier
  • Efficient customer ordering management
  • No-cost marketing.
  • Better customer data
  • The convenience of mobile ordering
  • Greater reach


  • Deliverymen put themselves in danger
  • Disguised increased expense
  • Juggling with your health
  • Unsuccessful payment resulting in delayed food delivery


Basically, the users targeted:

  • There will be a lesser requirement for staff at the back counter.
  • The system will help in the reduction of labor costs involved and also reduce the space required to set up a place like a cafeteria in restricted areas.
  • As it is an automated system is less probable to make any mistakes.
  • The customers can avoid the long queue a the counter, with a reasonable speed of execution and maximum throughput.


The simulation first starts with the customer entering his/her credentials(name, ID, and password). Once that has been verified the customer can place an order specifying the quantity of ordering food requirement. Now we get a window that displays the order number, customer ID, price, food name, and quantity. Once the customer finalizes his/her order they are redirected to the payment window where the total price is displayed and the customer can choose the payment option. The customer will get the confirmation message.

The above-mentioned simulation will flow with respect to the customer’s overview. Now if you are an admin you can select the normal login option and can enter the admin portal. Once you enter the admin portal you can add or reduce the food or update food or their price. Once the selected option is carried out to the end result that added item list will be displayed and if you have deleted the food the particular food will disappear.


The online food ordering system is developed so that customers can order food and avoid the hassles of waiting for the order taken by the waiter. Using the application, the end user registers online and reads the E-menu card to order food online. Once the customers select the required food item the chef will be able to see the results on the screen and start processing the food. This application nullifies the need for a waiter or reduces the workload of the waiter.
The advantage is that the in a crowded restaurant there will be chances that the waiters are overloaded with orders and are unable to meet the requirement of customers at a time. Therefore by using this application users can directly order their food online.

Security Analysis and Implementation of Supermarket Inventory Management System

This Supermarket Inventory System creates purchase orders once the inventory level reaches a predefined level. Supermarkets and the vendor’s warehouse use this system to create receipts and invoices. The accounting department uses this system to match invoices and receipts so that the payment can be recorded accurately.

Through this project, we will be able to focus on both small and big retail stores in helping manage the Inventory of their store with security implementation. If taken in a more general form it can be used to manage inventory of even Production houses and Warehouses.

The Inventory Management System is an application designed to allow the supermarket staff to create, maintain and view the contents and value of its inventory of items in a categorized way. It also aims to analyze the position of the supermarket in the market and help it know what items to order in what quantity by producing graphs depicting the sale of different items on different basis such as monthly, yearly, brand type, etc. The main goal as of now is to implement the application by considering security loopholes.

We will analyze and implement web security in this project followed by a case study on cyber crimes in India. By security inputs, it will decrease the vulnerability of applications being hacked and attacked. It provides the surety and trust to the customers that their resources are safe and secure. Customers’ trust should be an organizational job. It also determines the use of information security at its pick level to resolve real-world problems.

Overview of the Project

The Inventory Management System is an application designed to allow the supermarket staff to create, maintain and view the contents and value of its inventory of items in a categorized way. It also aims to analyze the position of the supermarket in the market and help it know what items to order in what quantity by producing graphs depicting the sale of different items on the different basis such as monthly, yearly, brand type, etc

The supermarket Inventory System is to facilitate our customers to track their products as and when they are transported from the vendor to the warehouse and from the warehouse to the retail location to the customers. It is necessary to keep our resources safe and protected. In order to implement security in the application it would be done by implementing encryption, keeping a secure session base password, implementing two-level authentications, observing system logs and security faults, analyzing network flow using Wireshark, implementing Wireshark, preventing the application validation from unnecessary inputs, session management, session hijacking, hacking, cross-site scripting and implementing code to prevent from SQL injection and many more.

Sample Home page emphasizes the basic details about IMS organization. Authorized and registered customers would be able to login in IMS system to track and place their orders. They can look at the GST module, can contact our customer support team for any queries, review frequently asked questions FAQs, latest sales available, and many more. New customers can visit our portal to know about the IMS organization and can contact us.


This Supermarket Inventory System creates purchase orders once the inventory level reaches a predefined level. Supermarkets and the vendor’s warehouse use this system to create receipts and invoices. The accounting department uses this system to match invoices and receipts so that the payment can be recorded accurately. Through this project, we are able to focus on both small and big retail stores in helping manage the Inventory of their store with security implementation. The main goal as of now is to implement the application by considering security loopholes. We have analyzed and implemented web security in this project followed by a case study. By security inputs, it decreases the vulnerability of applications being hacked and attacked. It provides the surety and trust to the customers that their resources are safe and secure. Customers’ trust should be an organizational job.

Future Scope:

The future scope of this Supermarket Inventory Management System project is vast, as we are trying to implement security and decrease loopholes that help to create security awareness. It will be helpful and used in government organizations, private companies, and nonprivate sectors; researchers to make it much better and would be referred by institutions too. Further enhancement of this project will really help to build own company that provides Inventory support with all security features that will be used by all storekeepers, allowing the supermarket staff to create, maintain and view the contents and value of its inventory of items in a categorized way with less vulnerability. This system is a tool for tracking asset levels, order management, safety stock, sales, and deliveries. It would help to avoid product overstock and outages.

Download the complete Grocery Inventory Management System PHP & MySQL Project.