Development of Online Eye Clinic System Bootstrap Project


For every people, the most important factor is to care for their eyes and protect their eyes against diseases. Considering this fact, this website is fully responsive and uses SCSS to provide a better design. On this site, you can learn how to protect your eyes and how to take care of your eyes. Basic information is provided here. So that visitors can prevent your eyes in a short period of time. Indeed, the visitor can get reliable information about the medicine when to use it, how to use it, on which diseases it should be used all the related information is given on this page.

The best thing is the user can take an appointment from the clinic. All the reporting should be mentioned on this website. The user interface is totally responsive users can interact with any device it supports all device sizes and resolutions. You can also visit & download the Java project on Patient Medicine and Appointment Tracking System Java Project

Design and Implementation

This is a Model but it can be changed in the design and coding part but the overall idea is relatively the same.

  • It’s too easy to implement the design model into the coding part firstly we must know about the model structure of our website. Only from the model or structure of the site we can design and implement the coding part very easily.
  • I have designed the registration part where the user can register the email address so that the user can take the advantage of the website. Also, the user can take an appointment with an Eye specialist for eye testing.

Login and Signup module:

  • Users can log in to this website.
  • If not, the login user can sign up for this site.


  • Users can take an appointment for eye testing.
  • Users can provide specific dates and times for their eye treatment and eye testing.

Screen Shots

  • index.html
  • aboutus.html
  • contactus.html
  • Take an Appointment Module
  • Signup Module
  • Login Module

You can also visit & download the Android application project on Medical Advisor Android App by using Java & SQLite


  • I learn how to implement the concept of Bootstrap and how to use the SCSS concept.
  • I also learn how to use modals on the page and how use the Bootstrap class and use font-awesome CSS.
  • Users can log in, Signup, and can take appointments for an eye test.
  • I use the Signup modal where users can register to take advantage of the online eye clinic services.

Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4. You can also visit & download the .Net Final Year project on E-Health Care Management .Net Project Abstract, Source Code & Full Report

Online Shopping Web Application BCA Project Using PHP


Current system customers have placed orders through phone calls, messages, or face-to-face communication. In the current system, the customer does not think about whether products are available or not.


  • The current system totally works manually.
  • The existing system is based on a phone call or face-to-face communication.
  • The current system is very hard to operate and maintain.
  • The paper-based work so the records are lost sometimes.


The Online shopping web application is easy for customers because customer purchase items in stay in the home on their computers. In this new system customer view, a variety of products and what’s products are unavailable(finished), and what products are available. You can also visit & download the Java Console Application project on Online Shopping Management System.


  • Effective communication between admin and customer.
  • Payment systems are available.
  • Home delivery is available.
  • Customers are aware of products and see what’s products available or not.
  • The product is nice or not given feedback.
  • View a product review.



1. Frontend

  • PHP
  • Html, Css, js, Boostrap

2. Backend

  • My SQL

2) TOOLS:-

  • Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • SQL Server

Project Functionalities:

  • Registration Page
  • Login Page
  • Admin Add Product Page
  • Admin Update Product Page
  • Admin Remove Product Page
  • Search Product Page
  • Buy Product Page
  • Payment Page
  • Cancel Order Page
  • Forgot Password Page
  • Change Password Page

Database tables:

  • Admin Table
  • Customer Table
  • Cart Table
  • Order Table
  • Product Table
  • Category Table
  • Payment Table
  • Feedback Table

Also, Read this Development of an Online Shopping Bot using IBM Watson

Also, Read this Analyzing Online Shopping Data QlikView Project


We express our heart gratitude to a number of people who extended their full support and cooperation in developing this project first, We would like to take this opportunity to thank our College for giving us this opportunity and a platform for discovering and developing our potential, This kind of experience that we have received while making this project report is so immense the narrating that in few words is difficult.

After putting in such hard work we have realized that takes to work in the shop and do a project. Our Institute and colleagues have been great sources of help without them we were unable to do this project.
Therefore, our project is a small drop in the water sea. We have learned many things from being a part of the concept of family.

After that our heartiest thank is to our internal guide as well as respected faculty for entrusting us with responsible and acting as a ray of light in the darkness. We find ourselves self-short of the world to describe our feeling for the role he played as a friend, a philosopher, and a guide, whenever we were in need.

Lastly, we are thankful to our parents for their blessing, Love, and Support. We are unable to traverse through this most significant stage of life and also, and we would Like to take this opportunity to express our regards to all our friends and faculties who have helped us directly or indirectly during the execution of the project. We are privileged and thankful to all for bringing our errors and shortcoming. This Online Shopping Store C# and SQL Website is related to the Online Shopping PHP Web Application Project.

Hotel Online Room Reservation System Project Proposal

Hotel businesses are one of the top-running businesses all over the world. The hotel business has emerged with massive growth over the last decades. Hotel industries are also one of the main reasons for tourism growth. The section of the service industry that deals with guest housing and lodging are the hotel business. Swagath Hotel is one of those hotel businesses for whom we are going to develop a system to make reservations for customers.

Swagath Hotel business is one of the hotel businesses using a manual system for hotel reservations, bill settlement, and others. Managing the task manually can be very hard and time-consuming. There comes the role of the Room reservation System. The room reservation system helps customers to reserve hotel rooms from anywhere at any time with the medium of the internet.

The room reservation system for this hotel works as the mechanism through which guests can create a secure online reservation. The Room management system is capable of handling various activities like Guest details, Reservation details, invoice details, and many more. This system provides good information sharing to both customers and staff of the hotel. The room reservation system will be the means to eliminate the manual system which then provide faster and more efficient operation in the hotel. The Room reservation system is also considered to offer an efficient, informative, and user-friendly website. Customers will be able to easily make accommodation reservations, for different types of rooms, and select rooms within their range simply by going to the hotel website.

Problem Statement

The problem that our system might face are:

  1. Lack of hotel and hotel website
  2. Inability to match guest
  3. As guests can arrive directly to hotels and reserve rooms and if the admin forgets to set the room reserved in the system it can create confusion and
  4. If the admin does not view the guest reservation and acknowledge them guests might have to wait for a long period to assure that their reservation is
  5. Guest cannot access every detail of the
  6. The guest does not know what the surrounding of the hotel looks
  7. A technical problem like a server down may be another


The room reservation system will be involved in the following actions:

  1. To avoid manual and repetitive
  2. To keep track of available rooms and
  3. To create a database where every customer’s detail is
  4. To secure all the data and records.
  5. To provide speed reservation and registration service.
  6. To retrieve records simply whenever
  7. To authorize the users to have access to the records.
  8. To generate a proper
  9. To inform the availability of rooms in real-time.
  10. To provide the ability to reserve rooms anytime from anywhere with an internet


For our project on the room reservation system, we will be using the waterfall method as it is easy to manage because of its rigidity.

Working Mechanism of the Room reservation system

Requirement identification

Study of the existing system

The current system of hotel management is fully based on paperwork. All the records of customers and rooms which are available in the hotel are managed by the hotel management through paper. There may be some problems or delays in allocating rooms and providing services by a human. Manually handling the hotel room records, customer details, and other management is hard and time-consuming. While all the records are kept in files they may get torn out, lost, or get damaged due to water or fire. Calculations done by staff may not be accurate sometimes. And even transferring the records or finding records is a big problem and also creates a mess. The manual system of room reservation is also time-consuming as a customer have to visit the hotel first and ask for available rooms then inspect those room then only if the customer like it, he will take the room or else he won’t and for all these processes cost a lot of time.

There are also many hotel booking websites but those websites create competition among the hotels. Those websites also create confusion for customers to choose between many hotels. Those websites may also charge some fee for linking up the hotel site. Those websites may also take paid promotions from the big hotels and refer only those hotels to the customers.

Disadvantages of the existing system:

  1. Time-consuming system for making reservations and recording
  2. Mixing of two or more customers
  3. Recording of data manually is not
  4. A lot of space can be taken from
  5. It may face the problem of human
  6. Possibility of losing customers
  7. Unwanted duplication of the record.
  8. Difficulty in maintaining file security and
  9. Easy access to guest information by unauthorized users.
  10. Reusing and retrieves of guest records are extremely difficult.

Requirement Collection

Functional requirement 

    1. The administrator can check the information of users.
    2. Users have to register and log in.
    3. The system accepts the user registration only if the required fields are
    4. Users can search and book rooms according to their
    5. Booking confirmation should be sent to the user’s email and
    6. Confirmation of room reservations should be stored in a
    7. Users can also cancel the booking without any
    8. The system will be able to display the available
    9. The system allows the customer to check the
    10. Displaying their charges and other

Non-Functional requirement

    1. It is easy to use, efficient, and
    2. It will be developed in such a way that the system is available both day and
    3. Any modification like insert, delete, update, etc. for the database can be synchronized quickly and can only be executed by the
    4. System payment will be accepted via various
    5. The system must recover easily from any kind of
    6. The system must be protected from unauthorized

Feasibility Study

A room reservation system is a system that is highly feasible for these kinds of hotels. This system is being developed after a high-level study of the entire system analysis and design process which helps the hotel in every aspect. The system being developed will be flexible to support the hotel to acquire more guests. There are three types of feasibility studies we kept in our mind for the development of the system for this hotel.

Technical feasibility

The proposed system of room reservation is very technically feasible as we are going to develop the system using existing technology. The required hardware and software for the development of the system are available. The software developed for the hotel management system is used in a client-server architecture where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used as the front end and PHP is used as the back end for this project. With every knowledge of working with programming languages, we are going to develop the system.

Operational feasibility

The room reservation system is very feasible regarding the operation of the hotel reservation. The system is just an advancement of the manual system. The main purpose of the system is to provide an online reservation service to guests which is easy to operate and staff to handle that reservation easily. The system helps to promote the hotel and also creates a user-friendly environment for room booking that saves time. The system helps in recording the details and providing invoices for both guests and the staff without having to deal with time-consuming paperwork.

Economical feasibility

The system will help reduce the traditional record-keeping style which will eventually reduce the expense of hotels for registers and files. Keeping records in a digital format is less costly yet reliable. The system also does work alone which requires two or more people to do it. The cost for the development of the system is also one time cost as the system is reliable in the long run.

High-Level Design of System

(system flow chart/ methodology of the proposed system/ working mechanism of the proposed system)

ER diagram

Figure 1: ER diagram

The above figure is of ER diagram, this figure shows the relationship between one entity with another other. Here there are 5 entities with their respective attributes. The guest entity checks for the room while the reservation of the room is made if he/she likes the room. Reservation can only be made if the room is empty so reservation is a weak entity. Payment is allowed when the reservation is made. The employee manages the reservation and also is responsible to check if the payment has been received or not.

Use case

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram

In the figure above, the guest and admin are the actors, and gives are the actions performed by them in the system. Both of them have to log into the system for performing any task. The guest has to insert their details while booking the room which will be verified by the admin when the guest checks in at the hotel. Whenever the guest makes or cancels the reservation admin has to acknowledge it. Guests always check for the rooms before making a reservation. The guest receives the bill and the admin should provide him with the bill. Admin is responsible to establish room rates and also categorize the rooms.

Flowchart diagram

Figure 3: Flowchart diagram

The above diagram shows the flowchart of the user logging into the system for the reservation. When the guest visits the website, he/she sees the home page from where he/she can log in. If the guest is not registered in the database, he/she has to register first then only they can explore the room information given on the website. If he/she likes the room they check for its availability. If the room is available, they have to insert their details to confirm their reservation.

Expected Outcomes

When the project is completed then the users can register and log in to their account in this application and can easily book their choice of rooms in the hotel. This system also helps to minimize the work of the staff by digitally storing records. It also increases the reservations of the hotel. People can book rooms at the hotel from anywhere at any time. The invoices are printed within a second with full accuracy. From this system, we expect to introduce the hotel internationally. The well-developed website creates a user-friendly environment which makes it easy to use the website.

Gym Fitness Management System Python Project using Django, HTML5, CSS, JS, MySQL


  • The aim of creating this project is to bring every manual activity of the gym to the website or on the online platform.
  • This helps in making work easy for the gym staff which is lengthy and a little bit complex because of doing it on paper.
  • This website also helps the member of a gym, through this website the members can track their attendance manage their schedule, and many more things which we will discuss further.
  • It also allows guest users to apply for Gym membership directly via the website.
  • Trainers of the gym also can track their attendance and workout details of members via this website.
  • Trainers can prepare workout schedules and diet charts for members via this website.


  • Admin
  • Trainer
  • Member
  • Guest

Project Profile

Requirement Gathering:


Admin is the one who manages the whole website and has every access right to the website. Admin can do the following things:-

  • Admin can log in.
  • Admin can add, update or remove Gym Details.
  • Admin can manage the members and trainers of the Gym.
  • Admin can manage the attendance of members and trainers.
  • Admin can manage memberships.
  • Admin can sell Gym products.
  • Admin can provide fitness blogs and videos.
  • Admin can manage payments.
  • Admin can generate reports.


Members are like clients of the Gym. Member can also access many things on a website like purchase products, view attendance, etc. member can do the following things:-

  • Member can log in.
  • Member can manage his/her profile.
  • Member can track his/her attendance.
  • Members can watch training videos and workout schedules and diet charts provided by Trainer.
  • Members can buy Gym products.
  • Members can manage payments for membership renewal.
  • Members can provide feedback for the website and Gym.


Trainers are like employees of the gym. Trainers will do things like managing the workout schedule and diet chart of members. A trainer can do the following things:-

  • A trainer can log in.
  • A trainer can manage his/her own profile.
  • A trainer can view or track the attendance of members and his/her own.
  • A trainer can manage users’ workout schedules and diet charts.
  • Trainers can upload workout videos for users.
  • Trainers can give reward points to members on the basis of their weekly performance.


Guests can only serve or see the gym website, he/she can do anything only after registering for the gym and website.
• Guest users can view the website.
• Guest users can register/Apply for a Gym membership

ER Diagram:

Existing System

  • Customer data is stored manually either in registers or in MS Excel.
  • Books are maintained to keep track of Customer attendance.
  • Payment transactions are kept in books.
  • Currently, the GYM does not have any advanced system to manage the GYM.

Proposed System

  • In the new system trainers and members can track their attendance from anywhere.
  • In the new system, a member can get his/her diet chart according to their workout plan.
  • In the new system, members can get a workout schedule from the trainer, while they also get rewards for points for achieving workout targets.
  • In this system, members can watch workout videos provided by their trainers which helps them to do exercise at home.
  • Here members can also purchase gym products.

Tools And Technology Used

FrontEnd: HTML5, CSS 2.1, JS
Backend: Mysql 5.5
Framework: Django 3.1 (Python 3.8)
Other Tools: Microsoft Powerpoint 2019, EDraw max 9.0, Microsoft Visio 2016, and Microsoft Word 2019

Data Dictionary

1) Table Name: User_Type

Table Description: Contains details of user type. It will give information about the type of user whether it is a member, trainer, or admin in the User_Master table.

2) Table Name: User_Master

Table Description: Contains details about users. It will contain all the basic information about users like name, email, gender, address, mobile no. etc along with the type of user.

3) Table Name: Plan_Master

Table Description: Contains details about membership plans. It will contain all the basic details about plans that a member can choose for a gym membership.

4) Table Name: Membership_Master

Table Description: Contains details about members’ memberships. It will contain all information regarding memberships of members according to their chosen plan.

5) Table Name: Trainer Details

Table Description: Contains details about the trainer. It will contain additional details about trainers along with details in the User_Master Table.

6) Table Name: Payment_Master

Table Description: Contains details about payments. It will contain the payment details of Memberships of a member

7) Table Name: Product_Master.

Table Description: Contains details about Gym products. It will contain basic information about products that the admin wants to sell and that a member can buy.

8) Table Name: Feedback_Master

Table Description: Contains details about feedback. It will contain feedback details given by members about the Gym.

9) Table Name: Workout_Master

Table Description: Contains workout details of members. It will contain members’ workout details like diet charts, workout schedules, workout videos, and reward points provided by trainers.

10) Table Name: Order_Master

Table Description: Contains Order Details. It will contain basic order details like which member has made the order, date of placing an order, delivery date, etc. of orders made by members for their purchase of products

11) Table Name: Order_Details

Table Description: It contains order Details. It will contain additional information about orders like the product purchased, the quantity of the product, the Price of the Product, etc. in relation to the Order_Master table.

12) Table Name: Attendance_Master

Table Description: Contains details about the attendance of users. It will contain day-to-day attendance details of members and trainers which will be added by admin.

Modules Functionalities:


  • Login page for admin with validations. The email id Field Should not be empty. Email id should match the requested format which contains @ and (.)
  • Admin not allowed to login due to invalid username.
  • Change the Password page of Admin, the retyped password doesn’t match the validation Correct admin username and password:
  • Home page of Admin:
  • Admin dashboard. It Shows Side Panel which directs it to the selected page to be visited. The Page shows the direct link and information of User_type, Users, Trainer details, Attendance, and plans.
  • Add User Type: Admin is adding user type member
  • When the view tab of User type is clicked type of users is shown on this page
  • Add Users window can be opened from the side panel and the Admin can add a new user.
  • View Users window- All the users are shown here to the admin where the admin can take actions like edit and delete.
  • When the view part of Plans in the side menu is clicked plan details are shown.
  • Add Plans window-Admin can add new plan details in this window.
  • Admin can add membership details of the user, here validation is showing where the amount field is required.
  • When viewing a part of Membership Details in the side menu clicked Membership details table is shown
  • Attendance adds window- In add attendance window admin can add attendance details of users.
  • When view part of attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of users are shown
  • Then add part of Trainer Details is clicked, Admin can add details of the trainer.
  • View part of Trainer Details where Details of the trainer have been shown.
  • Add payment window is open when adding part of Payment Details is clicked, Admin can approve Payment Status.
  • When the view part of Payment details is clicked Payment Details is shown.
  • Add product window is shown when clicking on the add part of the Products.
  • When the view part of the Products tab is clicked all product details with price and quantity have been shown.
  • Add Workout Details Window – The admin can add Workout Details of a particular user by adding a diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos for the user.
  • View the Workout Details window where all the details of a user’s workout(including diet chart and schedule) are shown.
  • View Order window – All the details with delivery status are shown in this window.
  • View Feedback window: Admin can view feedback and ratings given by users in this window.


  • Trainer Login Page:
  • Trainer dashboard which contains information about trainers with Edit Profile and Change Password Link. It Shows Side Panel which directs it to the selected page to be visited. The Page shows the direct link and information on Attendance and Workout Details.
  • When Change Password Link is clicked, the trainer will be redirected to the Change Password Page where he/she can change their login password:-
  • Change Password Validations:-
  • When the My Attendance part of Attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of his/her own are shown:-
  • When the Members Attendance part of Attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of the member are shown:-
  • Dashboard Showing Add and View Option in Workout Menu of Side Bar :
  • Add Workout Details Window – The trainer can add Workout Details of a particular user by adding a diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos for the member.
  • View Workout Details Window: Details of member workouts including diet chart, workout schedule, and total reward points are shown in this window.


  • HomePage:- The starting point of the website/first page of the website
  • About Options:-
  • About Us page giving information about GYM:-
  • FAQ Page:- It Contains all the frequently asked questions with their answers
  • Testimonial Page:- It contains all the reviews given by the members.
  • Contact Us Page:- It contains all the contact details of the gym.
  • When a user clicks on the Apply For Membership tab Registration page is opened which Collects user data for registration so that the user can make a login.
  • Registration Page Showing How to Apply for the GYM Membership.
  • Registration page displaying validation:-
  • After Successfully filling Registration Form, the User will be redirected to the Payment Confirmation Form which will show the user information along with the plan he has chosen while registering then the user has to choose how payment was done, enter transaction no. and has to upload Payment Receipt.
  • When User will successfully submit the payment confirmation form, they will be redirected to the Login page or can open it from Login Tab.
  • Login Page with Validation:-
  • Forgot password? – asking for a registered email ID
  • Password received by the customer through email.


  • After Successful Login User will be redirected to the Homepage. The Apply For Membership and Login heading is changed to My Account with Profile, Membership, Attendance, and Logout Options.
  • When the User Clicks on Membership, He/she will be redirected to the membership page which contains the membership details the user.
  • When the User Clicks on the Attendance option in the My Account Section he/she will be redirected to the Attendance Page which contains the attendance details of the user:-
  • Shop Page:- It contains all the products with details that the gym wants to sell.
  • Add to cart option on the product:-
  • Shop Page showing Add to Cart Option for a product:-
  • After clicking add to cart from Shop Page, Cart is opened which shows items in your cart.
  • If the Customer wants to shop for more than one product, he/she can click on Buy More and add other products also.
  • When the User clicks on Proceed to Checkout, the Checkout page is opened which shows order details and Billing details and gives the summary of your orders.
  • After clicking Place order, the user is provided with the appropriate order placed message and view order option. On clicking view order user will be shown all the details of his/her orders.
  • When the User Clicks on View Order, he/she will be redirected to My Orders Page which contains all the order details of orders made by the member.
  • When the user Clicks on More details, he/she will be redirected to the order details page which contains additional details about the order.
  • My Workout Page:- It will give the user his/her option to download his/her diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos provided by the trainer
  • Blog Page:- It contains all the fitness blogs that users can read.
  • Homepage showing My Account Section having Options Profile, Membership, Attendance, Logout:-
  • On clicking the Profile Option in the My Account Section, the User will be redirected to the My Account Page which contains all details of the currently Logged In User like name, address, gender, email, mobile, etc. with the Edit Profile/Change Password Option.
  • When the User Clicks on Change Password, he/she will be redirected to the Change Password Page where the user can change his/her old password new password.
    Change password Validations:-
  • Showing Logout Option In My Account Menu:-
  • When the User Clicks on Logout, he/she will be redirected to Login Page.
  • Report of all the users registered with Dynamo Fitness.
  • Various Filters for user reports like reports based on user type, i.e. members or trainers, and reports based on gender.
  • Report after using the user type and gender filter it will show only gym members who are female as we used the user type filter as members and gender filter as female.
  • Report on Current plan and membership of the members it displays the name and plan type of members.
  • Membership report using start date filter for plans starting date.
  • The report shows the list of members whose memberships start in a selected month.
  • Filter based on plan title i.e. basic, standard, and ultimate plan.
  • list of members who are registered with the standard plan.
  • Report after using the print option, the report shows the member with their specific plan with a start date and end date of the plan.
  • Report for the feedback given by users with filters that are gender and ratings.
  • Report using a rating filter, it will display users with specific ratings.
  • Report showing list of users given rating 9.
  • Feedback report after selecting the print option.
  • PDF view of feedback report using the view pdf option.
  • Product order report showing user id with the product they ordered
  • A report showing a filter of product names with different products available.
  • Reports after applying the product name filter i.e. dumbells will show the product id and user id of the users who ordered them.
  • Report after using a filter with the Delivery status it displays the product which is delivered.
  • The attendance report shows the attendance of users that are members and trainers on day to day basis.
  • The filter of the Attendance report is based on the user type i.e. Member and Trainer.
  • The attendance report on the base of the trainer filter displays only trainer attendance.
  • Report after selecting the print option.
  • Date filter option for a report which shows the attendance of users of a specific date.
  • Report After Filter By Attendance Date and Gender


The entire duration of this project has been a great learning experience for us. It has introduced us to the working of real-life projects and taught us to face obstacles while developing them. By developing this web application, we hereby conclude that at Gym Management we have achieved our aim at the following:

1) Building a platform where people can apply for a GYM Membership at any place and start their workout activities even at Home.
2) We believe that this website has made it easier for the GYM Owner to manage the information regarding different aspects of the Gym.
3) This website has also made it easier for trainers to manage the workout activities of members. We also hope to expand the scale of the project and make it ubiquitous by developing it for all digital platforms.

Download the complete project on Gym Fitness Management System Project using Python, MySQL, and Django Framework.

Library Management System BCA 4th Semester Minor Project using SQL and PHP


We truly resolve to acknowledge the opportunity provided to us by the Institution, respected teachers, and family.

We intend to show our gratitude for all the support and guidance we got from our teachers, classmates, and all individuals who helped us at any point in this project.

This whole process we went through in bringing out this project was a great source of knowledge and valuable experience, which would for sure, come in handy for us in any future we will have to bring out another such project.

This has been a period of time over which we learned about technological and logical aspects of the field where we are going to land soon, we feel indebted for being so well equipped with all the knowledge and experience we gathered here.


Surface details:

Our project entitled “Library Management System” is designed to bring ease to both the library staff and the students seeking for issuing books.

It is designed with features that reduce the effort for the staff and increase convenience for the readers, Being a Web Based application, it is easy to Run and adapt in almost all conventional environments.

Any moderate user can easily learn and operate this system 


This System can work fine for all most every library, where desired,

This cuts off a lot of human resources required to maintain the library, hence saving money too.

It has fluid UI and UX which can be learned and adapted quite quickly by any category of user.

This system extends its use outside the library with is easy to adapt interfaces for readers


The Objective of this System is to reduce effort and increase convenience in the management of libraries.

It allows users to hold a book for 24 hours so that no one can get it issued before they reach the library.

It will save time in the calculation of fine

Students will always stay notified about generated fines via their online accounts which they can access from anywhere.

  • It will make it easier to search for books.
  • It will help keep track of bookholders.
  • It will keep Libraries less crowded.
  • It will save money as fewer human resources will be required.

About the existing system

Currently, libraries need to maintain bulky files to record books and the individuals occupying them.

Fines are calculated manually by going through bundles of records.

Need to manually check for availability of books in the library

The process of issuing a book involves designated officials making entries in registers manually, which takes plenty of time.

Disadvantages of the Present System:

The current system is full of flaws:

  • A lot of Human Resources is required to maintain such a system much cost and hard to operate and maintain.
  • A lot of money is wasted in maintaining these records
  • Paper is wasted
  • A lot of time is consumed in the process of searching a book, making its entry, and retrieving any previous record.
  • Availability of books cannot be assured without physically searching the library
  • People need to travel to the library to know whether a book is available. 

Proposed System

The System we developed comes with all solutions to the drawback of the previous system.

Some of them are listed below:

  • Search books from anywhere.
  • Put the book on hold for 24 hours so that no one else can take it before you
  • Release the book if you don’t want to hold it anymore
  • A panel for users to check their hold and issued books
  • Easy login and registration System.
  • Automated Fine System
  • One-click book Issue
  • Easily return book
  • List of trending books.

Feasibility Study

This document enables proper decisions to be made over the progress of the project, by studying various aspects of feasibility associated with it

Such are listed below:

  • Cost: as it is a web-based project it needs to be hosted over the server to be accessed by users, but the efficiency which comes with the product shadows this cost, as it reduces money being spent on human resources
  • Time: The time invested in this project is also justifiable as keeping the yield into consideration.
  • Technical: All technological tools used to make this project are conventional easy-to-use ones, and they are easy to maintain too.

This project can be easily upgraded and maintained as it is designed in a standard manner and is easy to understand. 

Hardware and software information 


  • System: Multimedia PC
  • Processor:  Pentium 4 or above
  • Memory: 512MB RAM or above
  • Hard Disk:  500GB
  • Keyboard: 104 standards
  • Monitor: SVGA          


  • Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back end: SQL, PHP
  • Operating System: Windows/Linux

Design Phase:

ER Diagram:

Context Level Diagram:

First Level Data Flow Diagram:

Second Level Data Flow Diagram for User:

Second Level Data Flow Diagram for Admin:



Users Table:









Unique ID for Users





Name of user










No.of books currently Occupied















Email for identification

[email protected]


Books Table:









Unique id of book





Name of book

Life of pie




Available copies





Name of author





Publication name





Year of publication





Price of the book


 Transactions Table:









Unique id of the transaction





The ID of User Involved





The ID of Book Involved





Time of transaction

2018-07-02 19:55:11




State(returned or not)





Hold or issue


Download the complete project on College Library Management System using SQL and PHP.

Professor Online Question Paper Submission to the Examination Cell ASP.Net Project


Online Question paper submission is a web portal that is developed or implemented in the ASP.NET domain or platform. This project is helpful for the Professor to submit the question paper to the examination cell or to the Examiner from this site. In the current generation preparing the question paper and handovering in the examination cell is not that much security. This project is developed for a Professor to maintain his details, experience, and preparation of question paper and submit the same to the examiner. The examiner also gives his information, experience and takes approval from the administrator, and then selects the question paper. This project will work on the same line of online examinations; Apart from this, it contains much more additional information such as Course type, Department details, and other details of professors and examiners in this web portal.

For the examination cell, it is very difficult to identify whether the particular question paper is submitted or not. The online Question paper submission portal is implemented in 3 main modules. Professor module, Examiner module, and Admin module. Admin module will add multiple courses and departments under different branches so Professor can easily know the best details of about subjects. The professor module ought to register with the application and choose the course and upload the question paper to the site.

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project is used to manage the details of the professor, Examiner, and Administrator. The Professor and Examiners Sign up by providing the appropriate information and then take approval from the administrator. According to course-wise Professors prepares the question papers and send them to the examiner, then the examiner selects the question paper and submits it to the board. And all these records are stored in Online Question Paper Submission Database. 

Design of the Project:

ER Diagram:

Main Modules of the Project


 He administrates by giving approval to Examiner and Professor’s Signup. He also creates Courses, Departments, and Designations in order to fetch the correct and appropriate question paper for that course and department.

Course Details

 It is created by the Admin and it consists of Details of specific courses like BCA, BBA, BCOM, and more. The professor sends the Question paper on the basis of the Course.

Department Details

 It is created by the Admin and it consists of Details about the entire department which is created. The Department section consists of the Department name and Address of that Department.

Designation Details

  It is created by the Admin and it consists of Details about the Designation of a particular professor. This section consists of  Designation names like Ass-professor, HOD, and so on, it also has a description section under the Designation name which helps us to know which particular department the professor’s designation is from. 

Professor’s Signup

 In this section, any professor can sign up. But the request is only approved by the Admin. This section consists of the Login name, name of the professor, password and confirms password to confirm, phone number of that particular professor-main ID, and at last the address of that professor.

Examiner’s Signup

 In this section, any Examiner can sign up. But the request is only approved by the Admin. This section consists of the Login name, name of the examiner, password, and confirm password to confirm, and here it consists of designation and department where the examiner can select any of the given designations and department. At last, it asks for the Address and a photograph of that particular Examiner.

Approval for both Professor & Examiner

 This action is performed by the Admin. He approves both professor and Examiner. 

Login for professor & Examiner

 A Professor who has been approved by the Admin can now log in to the Login section and the same for the Examiner too.

Details of Question paper

 Every Question Paper must be sent with appropriate details so as to know more about the paper at a single glance.

View and Edit the Question Paper

 It is viewed and Edited by the Examiner and it is submitted to the University.

Final Reports

It creates and shows all the database records of this project.

Screenshots of Online Question Paper Submission System:

  • Home Page
  • Admin Login Page
  • Admin Main Screen Lists Section
  • Admin Main Screen Create Section
  • Admin Main Screen Approval Section
  • Admin Department list
  • Admin Designation List
  • Course Creation Section
  • Department Creation Section
  • Designation Creation Section
  • Home Screen Signup Section
  • Professor Signup
  • Professor Approve Section
  • Professor Main Screen
  • Examiner Signup Section
  • Examiner Approve Screen
  • Examiner Approve Page
  • User Login Page
  • Examiner Main Screen
  • Examiner Document Viewing Screen
  • Professor New Question Paper Screen
  • Examiner Acknowledgment Screen


It is believed that in the future Online Question Paper Submission centralized document system with the concept of cloud technology will recede in importance as a strategic application to become a competitive necessity that must be adopted by most government departments.

India is striding smoothly towards integrated E-Governance.  In the next five years, situation will be entirely different.  Most companies are adopted cloud technology for the maintenance of documents.

Online Question Paper Submission creates a new trend in maintaining and verifying documents online and it reduces the workload. 

Future Enhancements

  • The news feed is essential for our day-to-day purpose; hence we will add a section about the news. There, we are going to display the news about examination dates, deadlines for submitting papers, etc.
  • We are going to add some more security to our system like an OTP number for verification of the Professor’s and Examiner’s Phone numbers.
  • Authentication of Professor and Examiner is also important, thereby uploading the College Approval Letter by Principal (Signed and Sealed), makes it Admin easy to verify them.
  • We will add a few more Image File Formats such as TIFF, GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc. in order to make Professor and Examiner upload photocopies easily.
  • To make a question paper, Professor has to be experienced; therefore we will add a new section while signing up called Years of Experience. In that section, the professor has to enter how many years of experience he/she has in the teaching profession.
  • Live communication between Professor and Examiner makes it easy to fix the problems; therefore we will add live messaging on the portal.

Download the complete, project code, and SQL database on the Question Paper Submission project.

Mini Project on Student Profile Management System using Java

Develop a java based application using GUI to maintain student records. This Student Profile Management application should have a login page. The Student Profile Management should take student details like name, address, branch, previous year scores, and curricular and extra-curricular activities, and all the entered data should be displayed at the end for confirmation.

Project Programming Details –

1) LoginFrame :

Login Frame is GUI based window that is displayed when the user first executes the program. It is the welcome page through which the user will move on to the next frame.
It contains a button with an ActionListener() which on pressing opens Frame2.

2) Frame2 :

Frame2 is the login page. This page takes the user id and password as input and only after successful verification of user the user is allowed to move to the next page.
The default user id password is
User id:- admin
Password:- admin1234

3) Frame3 :

Frame3 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as name, age, branch, and address and select their gender from the drop-down menu. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame4.

4) Frame4 :

Frame4 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as their previous academic achievements, their 10th, and 12th scores, their average pointer, and their extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame5.

5) Frame5 :

Frame5 class is where we receive the user input taken in Frame3 and Frame4 and using JLabel()’s we display it on our Java application windows. There are two buttons to either make a new entry or exit. On clicking on the first button, ActionListener() is triggered which calls Frame3(), and thus we can enter details of another entry.

6) Student Details :

This is the final class that contains the main method, which calls the LoginFrame().

The output Results of the project will be:

  • Welcome page
  • Login Frame
  • Credential verification
  • User input
  • User input verification
  • Additional inputs
  • User input verification
  • Displaying user details
  • Making new entry

Thus, using a GUI-based java application we have successfully created Student Profile Management application with a welcome page, and login verification page, which takes various student details as input, verifies them and displays it in the end.
A major advantage of GUI is that it makes computer operations more intuitive and thus easier to learn and use.
Icons are more user-friendly than long command lines. GUIs provide the user with immediate, visual feedback about the effect of each action.

Download the complete project source code on Student Profile Management System.

Online System Shopping Management Project Synopsis

This document brief up the project titled “Online System Shopping Management”. The main objective of our project is to provide users with an online experience for buying computers. This project helps the user to check the rates on the net and compare them, and also view and purchase more products that are related to computers like accessories and everything.

This project gives a clear user Interface as to what detail the user requires about every computer present in stock and also every detail of the accessories etc.        


This site will be developed to make shopping for computers online. The site will be developed to help the user and also the seller. Any user can just use the net and shop for computers and also this reduces the load of sellers interacting with the customers.

In the present system, the computers are purchased manually by visiting the shop. So there is a need of automating the existing system by providing software solutions for it. So that there is the ease of shopping for the user in their busy life. By visualizing and experiencing all these problems, we felt it would be better to provide a solution for this problem. This was the basic reason for taking up this problem.

Problem Statement: 

The main aim of developing this project is to automate the process of shopping for computers. It also provides the seller with every record automated and avoids the interaction with the customers to convince the rate and all. It also provides users to choose every product on the site and also can purchase many products simultaneously.

A user can view his/her details about the product or buy a product by logging in with user name and password


  • The main purpose of using this new system is to provide, ease of shopping and selling for both customer and seller.
  • The objective of this new system is to provide easy access to the world of shopping.
  • This system provides security and backup of the data for the seller.

Technology Used:


The idea of using the Web as an application environment developed over time, with each stage of technology serving as a springboard for new ideas.



Employee Data Base Management Project using Data Structures with Java

We are doing a project which is about storing the data (details) of employees of a company or any other industry.

In this project, we are providing many functions to store and manipulate the data of employees such as

  • Storing the details like name of the employee,  ID, salary, date of joining, etc.
  • Adding new employee details to the existing list.
  • Providing the report of required employees.
  • To provide details of a specific employee.
  • To give the sorted list of employees based on name, ID, salary, and date of joining.
  • This project also gives the report of employees with certain specifications.

For this project, we are using a data structure-linked list to store the details of employees, and also we can add details of a new employee to the existing list. We are implementing the method to search for an employee and give details provided his name or ID. In this project, we also have a method to sort the list of employees based on name, ID, salary, and date of joining using different data structures. This project allows users to get the details of a certain number of employees from the list. We can also use this project to get the list of employees with certain specifications like the number of employees whose salary is in the given range.


Our project “Employee Data Base Management”  is an application that we have created that helps to manage the details of employees associated with the company.  Since in a company, there are many employees who have worked or are working, to manage all their details such as their name, ID, date of joining and salary, etc., so to manage these data by conventional methods is cumbersome so we have developed this small application which is very helpful nowadays. This application will reduce the workload in generating the report, maintaining the data, and updating it as per the user’s requirement.

In our project, we have provided two user modes. First is the administrator and guest mode.

In our project, the administrator mode gives the user the ability to

  • Add a new employee’s details.
  • Update the details of an existing employee.
  • Delete (fired from the company) the details of a specific employee from the database.
  • Search for the details of an employee based on name or his/her ID in both working and nonworking categories.
  • Display the list of all employees either in the working or nonworking category.

In our project, the guest mode gives the user the  to 

  • Search for the details of an employee based on name or his/her ID in both working and nonworking categories.
  • Generate a report as the guest user desires for example generating the report in a sorted manner based on name, and ID.


The main objective behind the development of this project is to create software with the following features:

  1. Highly user-friendly
  2. Enterprise independent
  3. Cross-platform
  4. Easy-to-use
  5. Tested system to track unnoticed error
  6. Data entry is restricted to valid domains to avoid errors

We are using the node ENode to form a doubly linked list and in each node, we are storing the details of one employee.

In each node, we are having different fields as follows

  • Left- Address of the previous node
  • Name-Name of the employee
  • ID-Employee’s ID
  • Position-Employee’s position in the company/firm
  • Gender-Gender of the employee
  • Salary-Employee’s annual income
  • Date of join-Date on which employee joined the company
  • Right-Address of the next node

Flow Chart:


Class ENode

In this class, we have fields to store the details of employees. In each node, we are having different fields as follows

  • Left- Address of the previous node
  • Name-Name of the employee
  • ID-Employee’s ID
  • Position-Employee’s position in the company/firm
  • Gender-Gender of the employee
  • Salary-Employee’s annual income
  • Date of join-Date on which employee joined the company
  • Right-Address of the next node

Class EList

In this class, we have implemented the following methods

  • addEmp : this method does the job of adding the ENode node of employee details to the list-elist. And also this method is used to add ENode read from the file(“employee.dat”) again to the elist.
  • delEmp : this method does the job of deleting the node ENode from the working employees list elist and calls the method naddEmp and passes the deleted node as a parameter.
  • naddEmp : this method does the job of adding the ENode node of employee details which is deleted from elist to the list-nlist. And also this method is used to add ENode read from a file (“nemployee.dat”) again the nlist.
  • update : this method allows to edit and resave the details of an employee asked by the user.
  • fread : this method reads the data from both files “employee.dat” and “nemployee.dat” which creates a node and calls addEmp method to form the doubly linked list.
  • display : this method displays the list of employees in a display window

Class ESearch

      In this class we have implemented the following method

  • nsearch : this method searches for the entered name and displays the details of that employee. If the name is not found in the list then an error message “The name you entered not found” is printed.
  • idsearch: this method searches for the entered ID and displays the details of that employee. If the ID is not found in the list then an error message “The ID you entered not found” is printed.
  • Salsearch : this method gives the list of employees who all have salaries in the given range. If no employees in the database are having salary within the entered range then an error message “The salary range you entered not found” is printed
  • dojsearch : this method gives the list of employees who joined the company in the specified range of date. If no employees in the database have joined within the entered range then an error message ”No employees joined during this time” is printed.

Class ESort :

      In this class, we have implemented the following methods

  • nsort : this method gives a sorted list of employees based on their names. If there the list is empty then the message “NO DATA EXISTS” is printed.
  • idsort : this method gives the sorted list of employees based on ID. If there the list is empty then the message “NO DATA EXISTS” is printed.

Class EFile :

     In this class, we have implemented the following methods

  • fwrite1 : this method writes the data of list-elist the list into the file “employee.dat” whenever the list is edited. We are using @ as delimiter.
  • Fwrite2 : this method writes the data of list-nlist the list into the file “nmployee.dat” whenever the list is edited. We are using @ as a delimiter.


This was our project based on an Employee database management System. We think this system will give a better way for a shopkeeper to maintain his shop. Though every task is never said to be perfect in this development field even more improvements are possible in this system which we have mentioned below and some more improvements can also be done to give a more user-friendly system that can help the shopkeeper more efficiently. This project has contributed a lot to my knowledge that has proved to be a valuable addition for me.


  • All frame objects are created as static hence when we move to the next frame and return back to the previous frame the content of the frame will be stored. Therefore we are using the reset button everywhere.
  • In our project in some of the frames, we have a button PRINT to get the printout of the report generated but we have not given any action to that button.

Download the complete project on Employee Data Base Management.

Student and Faculty based University Management System C++ Project

This Project Titled “Student and faculty based  University Management System” is developed mainly for the purpose of managing All College functions like :



  • In today’s time, it is very difficult to maintain the records of thousands of students manually.
  • Moreover Finding each & every small detail related to Students and Faculties Of Different Departments in a University is not at all an easy task.
  • So we designed this system which makes the work of an administrator easier and faster.


  • Code: Blocks
  • Turbo C++


Finance Module Flow Chart:

Admin Module Flow Chart:

Student & Faculty Module Flow Chart:


  • It can be implemented in each and every university in which access can be given to all the students and faculties.
  • This could help them to be updated with all the information regarding academics and fees/salaries etc.
  • Instead of finding receipts of fees or salaries, which may take hours, now it could be easily generated in a fraction of a second.


  • It was difficult to merge different individual classes into a single large program as it undergoes inheritance and also variable scope gave us errors.
  • We also had some problems while formatting Marksheets and Certificates as it includes various types of ASCII characters.
  • We also had File Handling as our biggest Challenge. For eg., While getting information from the file we had many errors like the number of columns not matching in File and Program.
  • Along with that Modifying Information in files like Changing Fees after Paying Pending Fees was a difficult task for us.


  • We Learnt How To Make Real Life Applications with C++
  • Different concepts we learned are :
  • INHERITANCE (Single & Multiple Inheritance )
  • other Concepts Like SWITCH, GOTO, Simple IF…ELSE

Future Scope

  • We can add Attendance Criteria which would be helpful for Teachers and Students as well.
  • We can also add Academics Section, after which students can access their subject-related materials and can also submit Assignments.
  • In This Project, Quiz Option also can be added which can help students to improve their studies, and also it can be evaluated.

Download the complete Student and faculty-based University Management System C++Project Code.