MOODIFY – Suggestion of Songs on the basis of Facial Emotion Recognition Project

Modify is a song suggested that recommends the song to the user according to his mood. ‘Modify’ will do the job leaving the user to get carried away with the music.

I/We, student(s) of B.Tech, hereby declare that the project entitled “MOODIFY (Suggestion of Songs on the basis of Facial Emotion Recognition)” which is submitted to the Department of CSE in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in CSE. The Role of Team Mates involved in the project is listed below:

  • Training the model for facial emotion recognition.
  • Designing the algorithm for image segregation.
  • Algorithm designing for music player.
  • Graphical user interface designing.
  • Testing the model.
  • Collection of data for model and music player.
  • Preprocessing of the data and images.


The dataset we have used is “Cohn-Kanade”. 
This dataset is classified so we cannot provide the actual dataset but the link for you to download is :
And to read more about the dataset you can refer to:

Feature Extraction and Selection:

1. Lips
2. Eyes
3. Forehead
4. Nose

These features are processed by CNN layers and then selected by the algorithm and then they are converted to a NumPy array then the model is trained by that and the following three classifications are made.

How this project works:

  • Then it shows “YOUR MOOD, YOUR MUSIC”
  • After that press “c” to capture
  • You seem Happy please select your favorite genre
  • You seem Excited please select your favorite genre
  • You Seem Sad please select your favorite genre


  • All libraries are imported into this.
  • Model Initialization and building.
  • Training of test and testing.
  • Training our model
  • Model Building, Splitting of test and train set, and training of the model.
  • Saving a model.
  • Loading a saved model.
  • Saving image with OpenCV after cropping and loading it and then the prediction
  • Suggesting songs in Offline mode
  • Suggesting songs online(Youtube)
  • Rest of the GUI part
  • Variable Explorer

IPython Console

  • Importing Libraries
  • Model Training
  • Model Summary
  • Online Mode
  • Offline Mode


  • Splash Screen
  • Main Screen
  • Selection screen
  • Display songs and then select them, after that they will play


We successfully build a model for Facial Emotion Recognition(FER) and trained it with an average accuracy over various test sets of over 75%. Then we successfully build a Desktop application to suggest songs on the basis of their facial expression and hence completed our project. This FER model can be widely used for various purposes such as home automation, social media, E-commerce, etc and we have the motivation to take this project to a next level.

Download the complete Project code, report on MOODIFY – Suggestion of Songs on the basis of Facial Emotion Recognition Project

Mini Project on Student Profile Management System using Java

Develop a java based application using GUI to maintain student records. This Student Profile Management application should have a login page. The Student Profile Management should take student details like name, address, branch, previous year scores, and curricular and extra-curricular activities, and all the entered data should be displayed at the end for confirmation.

Project Programming Details –

1) LoginFrame :

Login Frame is GUI based window that is displayed when the user first executes the program. It is the welcome page through which the user will move on to the next frame.
It contains a button with an ActionListener() which on pressing opens Frame2.

2) Frame2 :

Frame2 is the login page. This page takes the user id and password as input and only after successful verification of user the user is allowed to move to the next page.
The default user id password is
User id:- admin
Password:- admin1234

3) Frame3 :

Frame3 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as name, age, branch, and address and select their gender from the drop-down menu. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame4.

4) Frame4 :

Frame4 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as their previous academic achievements, their 10th, and 12th scores, their average pointer, and their extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame5.

5) Frame5 :

Frame5 class is where we receive the user input taken in Frame3 and Frame4 and using JLabel()’s we display it on our Java application windows. There are two buttons to either make a new entry or exit. On clicking on the first button, ActionListener() is triggered which calls Frame3(), and thus we can enter details of another entry.

6) Student Details :

This is the final class that contains the main method, which calls the LoginFrame().

The output Results of the project will be:

  • Welcome page
  • Login Frame
  • Credential verification
  • User input
  • User input verification
  • Additional inputs
  • User input verification
  • Displaying user details
  • Making new entry

Thus, using a GUI-based java application we have successfully created Student Profile Management application with a welcome page, and login verification page, which takes various student details as input, verifies them and displays it in the end.
A major advantage of GUI is that it makes computer operations more intuitive and thus easier to learn and use.
Icons are more user-friendly than long command lines. GUIs provide the user with immediate, visual feedback about the effect of each action.

Download the complete project source code on Student Profile Management System.

College Placement Management System Java Full Stack Project

Developing a Placement Management System Java Full Stack Project site for recruiting eligible candidates who have already enrolled their names in the Placement Office in an engineering college and a completely interactive site for the students to enhance their technical and communication skills and to be easily placed in companies.

Modules involved in this Full Stack Project are below:

1. Creating GUI Interfaces for the Recruiter, Student, and Admin and handling the inner logic of those three actors of the system.

2. Generating Reports of Online marks, eligible students for writing online tests, selected students for an interview, and final selected students. Sending emails to selected students and uploading files.

3. Online Test module

4. Providing practice sets for students and outsiders who visit the website

5. Creating a  Discussion Forum for handling student queries and other information which helps students in preparing for placements.

6. Send an SMS to the final selected students.

Download the Complete Java Full Stack Project on Placement Management System Source Code.

E-Commerce Order Management System Project using JAVA Swing

We have made a project on Order Management using Java AWT. Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is a set of application program interfaces ( API s) used by Java programmers to create graphical user interfaces ( GUI ) objects, such as buttons, scroll bars, and windows.  We have made our project by creating a store “E-Commerce Store”.

In our project we have to build a user interface where there is a login page where the user will be required to enter their email-id and password, after inserting, their details will be checked via JDBC with the information in the database if their information is incorrect an error message will be displayed, if the user does not have an account there is a button below which is create an account and after clicking that button the user will be taken to a different window where the user will be asked to input additional information and will be required to verify his email-id where the user will receive a onetime password (OTP), after entering that OTP the user will be required to set a password and other related information after successfully creating the account the user will receive a successful message.

After that, the user will be taken to the payment setup page where they have to enter a couple more information like Newark Id, Newark Pin, and Newark Password. Also, on the login page, if the user fails to remember their password, they can click on forget password and will be taken to another window where they will be required to enter their email-id and will receive an OTP after that they can change their password which in turn will be reflected in the database also.

After successful login the user will be taken to the store where there are some items to buy accompanied by a chat box and cart, the former takes you to the chat box where you can talk to our store and can directly go to the specific item purchase page as well you can also report a complaint regarding a specific item.

Talking about Cart, on that page you can see the items you have purchased and also delete the items that you have purchased but wish to keep no longer. For every item, there are specific specifications that you have to choose like memory, model color, etc., and below that there are three buttons cart, done and clear clicking on done will confirm your order and clear will clear the existing choices you have made there is also a button at the bottom which is back to store and it does what it reads.

On the cart page, once you have confirmed your order and wish to make no changes you can select on proceed to pay and after that, you will be taken to a new page where you can make your payment. To make a payment you will have to enter your Newark Id, Pin, and Password and then if you still wish to go back to the cart you can go before paying the amount. After paying the total amount of the items you purchased, the same amount will be deducted from the database as well and in case you have insufficient funds an error message will be displayed

The E-commerce system has massively replaced physical shopping, especially for electronic goods. Therefore, we have created our mini project to stimulate the initial aspects of an e-commerce engine starting with the user creating an account and ending with checkout and payment.


The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of an order management system is Amazon. Therefore, we decided to model our project on a mini version of Amazon, trying to incorporate some of its features including registration, purchasing items, placing orders, payment, etc.

Literature Review

To place an order on Amazon we need to create an account or if we have an account we just need to sign in.
We navigate to the product we want to buy.
We can then add the product to the cart.
We check the cart and remove the product that we don’t want.
We can then check out and proceed to pay.
We have to specify user details.
We also have Amazon Pay from Amazon their in-house UPI for quicker payment.


To create a secure small-scale and affordable online store for small vendors for managing inventory and orders as an order management system.



Account Handling:

Our program is able to create an account for both accessing the account and generating a house payment account, log in into an account by verifying necessary credentials like passwords and forgot passwords.
Our primary verification is done through email:
We use email for:
Verifying email during creating an account by sending an OTP through email.
Authenticate the user when there is forget password request for an account.

Cart system:

A simple easy-to-use GUI for users to select items to add to a shopping cart.
The user can even remove the item once they added it to the cart and simultaneous updating of the final price.


A simple chatbot to respond to simple queries from the users.

Payment gateway:

We have created an in-house gateway where the user only needs to verify his bank credential once and then he can create an id and password that he can use during checkout making the process easier for the user every time he makes a purchase.


We have successfully created an online shopping store that can be distributed to small vendors to employ for their use.

Our future endeavors include: Ordering more than 4 items of a particular product auto-updating inventory verifying phone number

We have successfully used the above features for the creation of the order management system using the code mentioned above using java. Our future endeavors in improving our project include connecting our payment gateway to a bank account id, verifying a phone number, and being able to order more than 4 numbers of a particular product.

IT Banking Portal Student Java Project Using Eclipse



The mini-project made by us is basically a demonstration of the banking systems around the world on a very basic scale, in which we have created a GUI (Graphic User Interface) using the eclipse platform of JAVA and using the file management systems in JAVA. Basically, we have provided an interface to add, delete and view the different many accountants of a particular branch of a bank and also to add, delete and view the different bank holders and also store their account numbers, contact numbers, and salaries in the file, just to use whenever required. We have used the file management system in JAVA to store the details of all the accountants and the account holders.


The application that is the essence of the project works by defining various classes that even have further subclasses so as to modularize the final code. The code is written in a neat fashion with appropriate documentation. It provides a smooth, unfaltering user experience so as to facilitate its use among all age groups.

The use of exception handling in Java is implemented so as to prevent the user from getting stuck in a process and understanding the use of the application in a more suitable manner. It eases the reading and understanding of naive runtime errors generated. The use of the multithreading concept in Java lets us use multiple threads at a single time and also lets us do multiple tasks simultaneously which is required in the banking system.

Problem Statement 

The motivation behind the project was the lack of a simple well-written application to access and modify the details of the bank accountants of a particular branch and the bank account holders at the same time. It gave us enough motivation to make a GUI-based application to solve the same. In a world like this, can a whole lot of the population afford to waste the time looking for the details in the hard-copied registers and looking for all the accountants and the account holders when they can be easily maintained as a simple application?


The main objective of the project makes the user to access the details of all the bank accountant’s bank account holders. It also gives the accountant the authority to delete, and modify the details of the account holders but the reverse is not possible

because that’s the hierarchy in a banking system works in that way. The aim is to give the accountant entire power virtually on the application. With our application, we have achieved just that. The application could have been designed in many different ways, but we have produced a solution of application that minimizes time complexity as well as space complexity by using Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and data abstraction. Along with these, Interfaces and various access modifiers have been implemented so as to maintain privacy and definition of access in different blocks Of code. The use of exception handling lets the user know exactly what went wrong.


The application works by reading all the accountants and the account holders from a different file, which can be updated by the proprietor of the application, and also the same power is given to the admin of the bank. The file has the information stored in a particular format, which is decoded by the string reader functions in the code. Each time we enter or want output from the file we have to read this string reader function which is an in-built function of java and can be directly used just by importing the required files.

If there exists an object for the particular accountant or the account holder already, then that object is accessed, instead of creating a new one. If an object that is not available in the file is to be accessed then that object needs to be created and then accessed hence access to that object is not allowed and hence access is denied. We have to make sure that the object we want to access is present in the file system otherwise we have to create an object. The usage of various JFrames also enables us to increase our scope and work beyond the limitations of java by using the GUI effectively to give users an attractive interface to work with and get the work done.


  • Eclipse platform for JAVA GUI (Graphic User Interface)
  • JDK(Java Development Kit)
  • Windows Operating System


  1. Main Page:–

This is the main frame that will be displayed as soon as our project gets executed. This is also the first page and the directive page as it directs us either to the admin section or to the accountant section. It consists of two buttons ADMIN LOGIN AND ACCOUNTANT LOGIN.

  1. Admin login page:–

This is the page that gets displayed as soon as the user clicks on the admin login button.

It consists of 2 labels namely enter a name, enter a password, one button, one text field, and one password field to get the password. To hide the password we have here used the echo Code property of the password field to encrypt it.

  1. Login Failed:–

This page gets displayed as soon as the user gets the name and the password on the frame admin login form but the dialog box with the message “Sorry, Username or Password Error” only when either the password or the name entered is incorrect.

4. Admin login Section:–

This frame gets displayed when the user enters the correct name and password. It has 4 different buttons which will direct to the things written on them. Only the ADMIN can enter the details of the Accountant and no one else. It consists of the addition, viewing, and removal of the accountant.

5. Add Accountant Page:–

This frame appears when the Accountant login button has been selected and the name and password entered are correct. This frame consists of the heading Add Accountant and it consists of 6 labels and 6 text fields and 2 buttons. This

6. Accountant Added Successfully:–

This frame appears when an accountant is added successfully.

This frame comes under the admin section. It consists of a dialog box that is used to make a JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() function.

  1. Database of all accountants:–

This is the database frame of all accountants under the institution. This contains various information about the accountants.

  1. Deleting an accountant:–

This frame comes under the admin section.

This frame does the job of deleting an accountant.

This is in the control of the admin whether to delete or not.

  1. Record Deleted Successfully:–

This frame comes when the record is deleted.

This frame confirms that the record is deleted successfully.

  1. Accountant Login Form:–

This frame can be chosen from the main frame of the project.

In this framed name and password of an accountant has to be given and if it is correct then the accountant section frame pops up.

  1. Accountant Section:–

This frame comes under the accountant’s control.

In this Frame, the accountant can add and view users.

  1. Add Account section:–

This frame appears when the button to add an account is hit in the Accountant section.

This frame saves the user’s various details in the database.

  1. Account Added Successfully:–

This frame confirms that the user is added successfully. This frame comes under the accountant section.

  1. Database of users:–

This is the database of users.

This comes under the accountant view section.


  • Since the project was made on a very basic level the obvious future work for the project would be to inculcate into it more complexities of the real-life kind of banking system. Since the project we made was only for the students of the branch IT in its future work we can inculcate more branches
  • Another future work that might sound interesting is to provide a server to it and make it using a database like MySQL(My Structured Query Language) which is a database used often with Java to store the details and the contents into it. It will be relatively easier for both the user as well as the programmer to use MySQL instead of the file management system, this is because in the file management system, we have to distinctly code to read in a string or anything else but when using MySQL we can directly use the add, delete and modify inbuilt functions of the MySQL database system and connect it to the Java program through server and then take in the command from the user in java and then pass on the same command to MySQL. Java and MySQL can be connected to each other through database connectivity which basically connects them through


The main result of the project is that we are now able to create a banking interface within a branch and between the accountants and the bank account holders. It can also be used to display the details of the users/bank account holders if we want to know something about them as and when we require it.

The usage of JFrame also enables a good graphical user interface making the banking system look more attractive and hence more appealing to the user. Since we have used many components on the JFrame like the text fields, password fields, radio buttons, and other buttons. All the components within them contain a lot of properties that can further be used to make it more attractive and more user friendly and also more encrypted in a way hence ensuring the data encryption in the Java program.


This was our project ever involving the connectivity of a language with the file management systems. This surely taught us a lot of things like how to store the details and how to look for the details in the backup database and how to create a database and how to back up our data regularly. Through this project, we ended up making an IT portal that has important significance and is very essential to us all. Through this project, we have gathered more knowledge about java, eclipse, and file systems in java. We also got to know a bit more about databases and how we use them.

This project also taught us how to work in a team and taught us various leadership skills and how to coordinate in a team and get the work done.

Interactive Hostel Management System Java and MySQL Project


The main objective of this Java and MySQL-based project is to create an interactive Hostel management GUI application that helps in the management of Hostel records about registration of students and employees, and fee and salary management. Through this application, the admin can register & manage students & employees of the hostel.



Admin can log in to the software using the Username and password provided by the developers. After login, he can register students and employees. He has to update the data of all the participants of the system i.e., Students and employees. He can Insert, update and as well as delete records from the system.


This module is about the residents of the hostel. It holds the data of the students residing in the hostel eg. Names, addresses, USN, RoomNo & Phone. The complete information about a particular student can be obtained by referring to this module.

Fee Payment (Insert):

This module is necessary to hold the information related to the Fees of the residents of the hostel. It has fields for Name, total fees, the amount paid, mode of payment, and balance amount remaining to be paid by every individual student. The individual student details can be accessed by providing a unique USN.


This module is related to the employees of the hostel. It holds the data of the employees like Name, Age, Eid, Designation & Salary. The complete information of a particular employee can be obtained by the unique employee ID.

Salary Payment (Insert & Update):

This module is necessary to hold the information related to the salary of the employees of the hostel. It has fields for Name, Eid, total salary, the amount paid, and balance amount remaining to be paid for every individual employee. The individual employee details can be accessed by providing a unique Eid.

Features page of the Hostel Management project

Output Pages will be below:

  • Login Page of the project
  • Features page of the project
  • Registration page for new Students
  • Employee registration page
  • Options for employee management
  • Fee update and fetch the page
  • Fetch fee details of individual students
  • Maintain student records of the system
  • Update fee details of a specific student

Download the complete Hostel Management System Project source code and Project report.

Student Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities Python Project


The Python GUI project entitled “Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities“ is made to suit the needs of the registration process. The purpose of this desktop application is to allow the registration of students in a particular course. It is intended to have complete specifications of what the registration process has.

The Events & Activities Python Java Final Year project is developed using Python and Tkinter library inbuilt into it. Python is now widely used for various projects because it is easy to understand and use. Being a database project, we used SQLite, which concentrates on the use of database objects. This application is loaded to the raspberry pi which acts as the CPU for our monitor. It handles registrations for various courses.

Purpose, scope, and limitations

This Student College Event registration project aims at enrolling the students in various courses in college or university. It contains the registration form for entering the student’s data for enrolling. This data is stored for later times.

The section wants to computerize the existing system to increase the speed of processing as well as for simplifying the activities, without losing accuracy.

The system is expected to computerize the activities of the college in enrollment. This desktop application is for registering for a particular course. It is planned to implement retrieval of data in the future.

Scope of Study

The Automated Registration Desk for Events project is aimed at implementing basic concepts of python-Tkinter, SQLite database, and using Raspberry pi.

This will help the college in generating its daily reports by providing the necessary information. The system is expected to computerize the activities of the college in enrollment.


The present system is manual. The flow of activities is as follows:

The registration details are written on paper and are kept in one file.


The present Events & Activities Python Project system is too slow, since entering details in files and registers and generating reports from them is to be done manually.

If we need to change any details, it is quite difficult to search for a specified student.

Human-induced errors are more like to occur in this system.


The section wants to computerize the existing system to increase the speed of processing as well as for simplifying the activities, without losing accuracy.


The Events & Activities Python Project software can be developed using the existing technology. Python and SQLite databases can be downloaded for free. Raspberry pi is available at a reasonable cost.


We have built a GUI application where candidates register himself/herself through the self-registration desk.

Using this Events & Activities Python Project application provided basic entry columns for the candidate to enter their details.

The details are as follows:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Roll no
  • Branch
  • Section
  • Phone number
  • Parents phone number
  • Email-Id
  • Inter marks
  • 10th GPA
  • EAMCET Rank
  • JEE-mains Rank
  • Intermediate college
  • Permanent address
  • Date and Time of form filling
  • Should agree to the Terms and Conditions

After this, we linked our Automated Registration Desk for Events project to the SQLite database to store the entered details of the candidate.

Related Projects on the Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities:

Alumni Event Management Portal Android App

Event Portal Project

Event Organizing Committee Java Project

Events Manager & Planner Android Application

Grocery Store Management System Python Database Project

The objective of this python project is to design a GUI for the Grocery store Management System which incorporates details of the Employees, the Manager, the Designation of the employees, the categories of the products, the details of the Customer, and a list of available commodities, and location information of the grocery stores.

Suppliers and details of commodities which shows which items are going to be out of stock for the store which has various branches situated in various areas with different Managers taking care of that data set.

This database is efficacious in running the grocery stores. The users of the database will be the store managers.

  • Grocery Store Management System is designed to provide the grocery stores with the benefit of having everything online, from products data to customers data.
  • It helps the store managers to perform various functions like checking the products stock, suppliers information, customers information and also allows them to check if a particular product is available in any other branch.
  • It also helps to keep track of the store employees.
  • Provides a user-friendly interface where everything can be accessed with just a button click.


  • Created views using joins to have a virtual table that can be accessed anytime.
  • Created a table for login credentials that allow only the managers of the store to access the database.
  • We have used the database queries effectively and carefully to implement the insert, update, delete and search. We have also used a view to join our tables and view the records. A database with the name grocery store has been created.

In Grocery store management, we have the following tables which will store the corresponding data

Database table Design for Grocery Store Management System


The Location table has records of the location information of the grocery stores. For now, we have defined grocery stores in 20 locations.


The employee’s table has records of the Employees working in the grocery store. As we have defined our model to have managers for each store and they exclusively have the access to the database of the grocery store (DB Users), for now, we have defined all the managers for all the grocery stores listed in the Location table.


The Designation table has various records of different designations applicable/available in the grocery store.


The Customers table holds the details of the customer


The Manager table holds the details of the employee

DB Users

DB Users are the Managers


The Commodities table holds the details of various products such as the product number, product name, product quantity, and product price. 


The Suppliers table holds the details of the product suppliers


The Categories table holds the details of the Product categories


The GUI for our project, the Grocery Store Management system is built using Python Tkinter. We have created GUI for all our tables, where we can perform operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SEARCH on all the tables of our Grocery Store database. 

Database connection to GUI

 To establish a connection to the database and GUI the following syntax needs to be used.              

Here, I have used the credentials of my localhost database connection, however, one has to replace it with the credentials in their system. By using this, the user can connect to the database and a GUI will be displayed accordingly.

Description of GUI

The file has to be run, in which all the other modules are imported. Each module is for each table in our database. holds everything and it directs us to different modules with the help of buttons. When we run “”, a login window, where we have to enter the credentials will be displayed and will only take you inside, if you enter valid credentials. If the credentials are correct, then a window is displayed with image buttons for all our tables.

When we click on each button, it will be redirected to the respective module, and a connection is established with the database. To establish a successful connection with the database “grocery store”, it should be available in our system.

View the developer’s page on Github and download the Grocery Store Management System Python Tkinter Project & MySQL Database Design Project source code, Project Report, and Project PPT for academic project guidance and reference purposes.

Development of Life Improvisation System Java Project

Life Improvisation System is a Java-based GUI application project which aims to develop an eco-system-based application that can generate indexes for citizen safety, nutrition, and education in a community and serve them a better life.

Problem Statement

  • Health, Education, and safety are the essentials of mankind in modern society.
  • The health conditions of citizens should be improved, especially for those who are underprivileged.
  • The prominence of education should be acknowledged to parents who are deprived and their children shall be enrolled in any nearby school.
  • Safety is more a right of every citizen which can be improved and information on critical incidents are to be immediately notified to people.
  • Future living conditions of any place should be determined for helping citizens live a better life.


  • A powerful Life Improvisation System ecosystem-based application that collects data of citizens on the below aspects.
  • Improper health conditions of underprivileged people are treated by doctors in a local hospital being funded by private firms or privileged ones.
  • Children are enrolled in a high school by campaigning about the importance of education, conducted by higher standard students of the same school. This process can again be funded by any private firms.
  • Acknowledging any critical incident to all the people in any region before it becomes news and improving safety measures by a collection of reported incidents.
  • perform data analysis of accumulated data over a period to derive inferences.

Use cases

Safety Module

  • Citizens report a critical situation to the police for authentication and approval.
  • After approval, the message is delivered to all users of the application in that region.
  • Increase of patrol and safety measures based on the accumulated data of the activities reported dynamically.

This Safety Module has the functionality to enable a user to alert other users in a community of a threat situation around it. This also involves a Police officer for authentication of any incident reported by a user. Further improvement of police patrolling or conduction of law awareness camps can be organized based on the crime index calculated for a locality. 

Health Module

  • Volunteers report information on the ill health of people in a community to doctors.
  • A doctor then suggests the treatment required and the tests that should be undergone and forward the same request to CSR heads of private firms.
  • A CSR head can either fund the request or can even reject it.
  • The unique feature here is to provide a platform for every citizen to help other needful citizens(patients).

A volunteer group assigned to a community collects data on the food habits and diseases prevailing in that community and uploads it into this application for doctors to see the data. Doctors then come up with action items to be taken and the volunteer group then takes the action item list and requests any prior enrolled Private organizations for financial support and serves the community with necessary items.

Education Module

  • Volunteers collect details of the educational background of children in a region and send them to schools in that region.
  • Higher standard students of school conduct camps and register students based on volunteer reports.
  • Vacancies are created in school based on registrations done in the camps and funds need to accommodate those vacancies are generated.
  • The principal then requests CSR Head for the funds and gets the children enrolled.

A volunteer collects the educational details of people in a locality and generates an education index for each community in a locality. This index is useful for universities to come up with intensive programs with volunteer camps to educate them.


  • Citizen
  • Police
  • Patrol
  • Volunteer
  • Doctor
  • School
  • CSR Head

Unique features

  • Life Improvisation System Ecosystem model that enables the communication between networks.
  • Common access to all the functions for citizens is realistic.
  • Email alerts, and messages for users.
  • Bar charts and Pie charts analyze data for deriving decisions.
  • The citizen role has multiple features i.e funding others for education and ill-health conditions.

Development of Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project

VMS also known as Visitor Management System is an interactive project which after considers the real-life examples of an institute dealing with daily visitors. It is designed from scratch using JAVA and Python and using a server-side language MySQL which is connected to the developer language JAVA using a JDBC connector.

The entire work of the Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project is done on a local host which consists of the application using JAVA and Python involving the use of APACHE TOMCAT server and MySQL. The server side contains all the implementation related to setting up of database using MySQL, creating session models for joining different pages, and other transactions to be performed. It is responsible for picking up information from the database and displaying it on the client side which comprises a basic user interface built-in JavaFX as the software GUI.


In this fast-paced world, where everyone is squeezed for time, it is very difficult for an institute with a large number of students and instructors to manage and have a smooth-going and organized way of entertaining visitors. Logistically, the visitor management system allows the security system of the institute to conventionally check and enroll each visitor efficiently inside the premises without the hassle of identity clashes and any other inconvenience.
It is therefore the task of institute administrators to optimally design a visitor management system where the security department could save time. 


The motivation for designing this visitor management system is the keen observation of day-to-day problems faced by the security department, as the lack of info and medium among the teachers, students, and the administration of the institute such that there is difficulty in the efficient process of teaching and studying by the teachers and students respectively. Moreover, we value the recent learning about the programming languages as well as seeing how powerful and dynamic they are when it comes to designing system and database-based projects. The languages used to develop the project are extremely useful while working with the technologies at a workplace.

Aim Of The Project

This Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project is designed to help students understand software design using programming languages from their basic capabilities to have a real industry-based client and service provider environment. This application helps the student to understand the basics of appearance and how a complete working application can be built from scratch. It also allows students to understand the concept of GUI-based applications and use it to embed MySQL and other programming languages. Further, it gives insight into how the client-side language interacts with the server-side language and finally with the database. This application is a server-based app so it involves the use of a particular institute server (in this case our localhost machines). The visitor management application is very versatile and can be enhanced by adding more functions and modified graphics for the use of the institute’s security department.

Project Perspective

The visitor management application is a web-based system.

User Interface & Characteristics

The two types of interface found in the visitor management system are as follows :

• User Interface: Officials of the security department can view the home page of the visitor management system. The officials can carry out a transaction based on deciding whether the visitor is a –
• New User
• Old User
The official also has options for “Checkout” and “Detail updating” of visitors adding to it he/she can also check the “Users not checked out”.

• Admin Interface: Along with other features the admin has superuser rights to –
• Report viewing
• Log viewing
• Entering the details of new cards