E-Commerce Website for Online Nursery Store Plants & Accessories

Online Nursery Store overcomes lots of challenges when compared to an offline store. A separate website for plants and their accessories helps customers to view various kinds of products. It offers all the required features to the customers that let them buy, rate, and leave comments on all the products that are available in the store. Therefore, the idea of Blooming Delights An E-Commerce Website is to provide features to customers like view descriptions, compare prices, can comment on customization ideas, and can follow planting tips that promote gardening. The website recommends customers with the most purchased products, highest-rated products, and recently added products. A chatbot is developed that answers product or order-related queries to customers. After the order is placed, an order confirmation report can be viewed by the client for review.

Problem statement:

Many people want to buy plants and are directly concerned with the nursery store. But sometimes people do not know specific information about certain plants and the seller does not have technical skills. Build an online nursery store website so that customers can compare prices, view descriptions, and add reviews to a product that helps the customers for a pleasant shopping experience. After the order is placed, an order confirmation report can be viewed by the client for review.


The main objective of this E-Commerce Website project is to create an online nursery store website that helps customers compare prices, view descriptions, can comment on customization ideas, and can follow planting tips that promote gardening. Customer service is essential. So, each customer should have a pleasant shopping experience. For this, customer queries are answered with the help of a chatbot.

Proposed system:

Our Online Nursery Store website consists of two different logins customer and admin. The features of our website are as mentioned below:


  • Buy Products
  • Rate Products
  • Comment Products
  • View his own profile
  • View his own purchases history
  • Create favorite products list
  • Can change his own avatar


  • Add products to the website
  • Edit products on the website
  • Delete products on the website
  • Edit/Delete inappropriate user comments

Activity Diagram:

Activity diagram


Software requirements:

Visual Studio Code
Dialogflow (For the integration of Chatbot)
MEAN Stack

1) Mongodb
2) Express JS
3) Angular
4) Node JS

Hardware Requirements:

Intel core i5 processor
Hard Disk Drive 1 TB

Functional Requirements:


R1: Registration
Description: To enter the site user has to register first. Requirements of registration are name, email, password, and, security check details.
Input: User Details.
Output: Filled registration details.
Processing: User details are checked with the database to avoid duplicate login. Password constraint is checked as per validation.

R2: User Login
Description: The system provides the facility to login into the system.
Input: Enter user email and password.
Processing: The system will check the input of the user and if valid then login is done. Otherwise, the user will be asked to re-check his/her credentials.

R3: Forget password
Description: The user can reset the password.
Input: Email ID and security check details.
Output: The user can update the password.
Processing: The data will be updated in the database

R4: Purchase products
Description: Customers can select a product.
Input: Search for an item.
Processing: Any product will be selected and displayed.

R5: Comments
Description: Customers can post and view comments.
Input: Customers have to post his/her comments.
Processing: The system will add data to the database.

R6: Logout
Description: The system provides a facility to log out from the site.
Input: Select the logout option.
Output: Logout from the system.
Processing: The user will be logged out.


R1: Admin Login
Description: The system provides the facility to login into the system.
Input: Enter user email and password.
Processing: The system will check the admin’s input; if valid, then login is
done. Otherwise, the admin will be asked to re-check his/her credentials.

R2: Add Products
Description: Admin can add a product.
Input: Enter the product details.
Output: Added product is displayed under entered category.
Processing: The system will add the product to the database.

R3: Edit /Delete Products
Description: The admin can edit or delete a product.
Input: Enter the product details.
Processing: The system will make the changes in the database.

R4: Delete Comments
Description: Admin can delete inappropriate comments.
Output: Deleted comments are not displayed.
Processing: The system will make the changes in the database.

R5: Logout
Description: The system provides a facility to log out from the site.
Input: Select the logout option.
Output: Logout from the system.
Processing: The admin will be logged out.

Non-Functional Requirements:

Performance Requirements

The system needs to be reliable.
If unable to process the request, then an appropriate error message will be displayed.
Web pages are loaded within a few seconds.

Safety Requirements

The details need to be maintained properly.
Users must be authenticated.

Security Requirements

After entering the password and user id the user can access his/her profile.
The details of the user must be safe and secure.


Blooming Delights is an online nursery store website, that provides a platform to buy seeds, plants, tools, and different related products. It offers all the required features to the customers that let them buy, rate, and leave comments on all the products that are available in the store. The description of each product is available to soothe the selection. Hence, Customers can compare prices, can comment on customization ideas, and can follow planting tips that promote gardening. The future work of this project is to improve various categories, add different kinds of payment modes, and send order-related updates by E-mail or SMS.

Web Technologies Project on Car Pooling Application

A brief walkthrough of the Car Pooling project

This Car Pooling application allows users to:

  • Become a member of the carpooling community (register and login)
  • Join rides
  • Offer rides
  • See the most popular rides taken

Joining A ride

The user searches for:

  • Source (starting point)
  • Destination (drop off point)

On selecting a ride, choose the number of seats (based on availability)

The cost of the ride will be displayed and will ask for verification of booking the ride

Offering the ride

A registered user creates a ride by

  • Selecting the starting point (source)
  • Selecting the endpoint (destination)
  • Entering car model (registration)
  • Enter the number of seats available
  • Cost per kilometer
  • The offered pickup points

 Inclusion of features

  • Webservices using RESTful APIs
  • Ajax Patterns
  • Submission throttling
  • To populate the source and destination of the list being searched
  • Multistage download
  • On loading the home page, the images are downloaded one after the other
  • Comet
  • SSE (server-sent events)
  • To view the topmost rides driven/ joined

Use of framework

  • RESTful API’s
  • Flask micro framework
  • Bootstrap for CSS
  • Mongo DB (for the database)

Intelligent Component

  • Calculate the fare: – ((distance * cost/km) / seats), Distance is calculated using the haversine algorithm
  • haversine algorithm – Takes two points (their latitude and longitude) and used to calculate the distance
  • To select pickup points – K nearest neighbors used
  • The intelligent component is trained using the dataset having rows as Place name, latitude, longitude
  • The model generated is used to predict the nearest neighbors of any given place
  • To decrease calculation time a pre-computed matrix of given places with respect to  distance  from all other points (places) is used

Two such matrices are used:

  • Distance matrix
  • Indexes matrix

Online Medical Shop DBMS Python Mini Project

This project is based and innovated on an Online medical shop, wherein we store all the details about the customers, the stock of the medicines, orders, and payments and also the project will include a page wherein the user will indicate the symptoms and will get a probable disease and the prescribed medicine.

The project is aimed to modernize and support existing small business owners. In the age of technology where online medicine is dominated by e-commerce giants such as 1mg, net meds, etc. We wanted to develop a solution for small business owners as well.

The existing Medicinal systems have the provision for any user to book a request for a particular medicine through e-commerce. And further, the traditional methods to visit the medicinal centers for mere inquiry are time-consuming and monotonous and the non-availability is disappointing.

The data relevant to the processing of the request may or may not be manually stored or be captivated in a file system that is prone to manual errors, inconsistency, redundancy, and difficulty in retrieval. With our system, the availability can be shown so, even if a customer wants a pickup of his/her medicine. they can do so without any problems. Our model also has an integrated web scraper, which is an innovation we have come up with. This scraper can scrape medicines off the net for data warehousing.

This system maintains the storage details of all the customers and medicines that are stored in the shop. The system will keep track of the orders made and the payment details. NoSQL will be used to store future suggestions and customer reviews.

The main part of the project will be a part where the customer will be able to select his/her symptoms and medicine will be referred to them. Along with the expected disease. We also would integrate Web Scraping of all the medicines related to a particular disease entered by the user to store it in our database.

Software Requirements

• Language support required: Python 3.5 or later, HTML5, JS, CSS3
• NoSQL database required: MongoDB
• Relational Database required: MySQL
• Windows 7 or 10 /Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit /Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu)
• Heroku and pip are preferred for deployment and installation of packages (such as Django,asgerif, mongoose, etc) specified in requirements.txt
• A web browser support is needed.

If using the software through deployment, no language support in your machine is required.

Conclusion & Future Enhancement

This project was successfully built and completed. The project is an online medical shop with two categories of users (admin and customer) who can update inventory and place orders respectively. We have also added a web scraper as an innovation to this project. However, there are a lot of changes and addition of functionalities that can be done, which we intend to do after peer and faculty review.

Some of the enhancements are :

  • Listing of products linked with images to generate a more shop-relevant UI
  • Remove some programming language constraints
  • Online Deployment
  • And changes that our faculty and peers suggest.

In the end, we would once again thank our college, examiners, faculty guides, and teachers to help us finish the project within the speculated timeline.

Online Grocery Management Store PHP & MySQL Database Project

The main objective of this Online Grocery Management Web application is to provide an online product/ grocery purchasing website. Everyone needs food to survive. If someone wants to cook food even by themselves, they’ll first have to go to some grocery store, buy items, and carry all that heavy load of raw materials themselves to their home. That’s where an online solution can help so we have implemented the Online Grocery Store web application. All one needs to do is order everything they need for their cooking requirements online and relax till it gets delivered to their homes.

Online Grocery Store Challenges:

  • To keep a record of existing users, allow for the addition of new users, and removal of existing ones, and maintain several of their addresses
  • To maintain a catalog of available products, and categorize products into different types, and manufacturers
  • To maintain a cart for every user (one per user), and also all the orders he has done in the past, each order having multiple products, alongside the quantity they are available in.

Features of the Online Grocery Store project, and our plan to overcome the challenges mentioned above:

  • We will create tables for the user, address, product, category, manufacturer, order, cart, and product_order. E-R analysis is submitted along with this description.
  • The above model will be modeled in the form of tables and stored in SQL-based RDBMS, preferably MariaDB.

Wish List (features to be included if time permits)

  • To implement a user interface for addition, updation of products, manufacturer, etc.
  • To provide discounts for bulk orders, sales, etc.

Tables for Database Design:


  • User_Id
  • Email_Id


  • First_Name
  • Last_Name
  • Mobile_no


  • Address_id
  • Address_1
  • Address_2
  • Zip_Code
  • City
  • State
  • User_Id


  • Product_id
  • Product_Name
  • Units
  • Picture
  • Weight
  • Category_id
  • Price
  • Product_Description
  • Manufacturer_id


  • Category­_id
  • Category_description
  • Category_Name


  • Manufacturer_id
  • Manufacturer_Name


  • Order_id
  • Payment_Method
  • Order_time
  • Billing_id
  • Amount
  • Shipping_id
  • Address_id
  • User_id

Cart (User_Product)

  • User_id
  • Product_id
  • Quantity


  • Product_id
  • Order_id
  • Quantity
  • Price (of 1 unit)

ER Design Diagrams:

ER Diagram for Grocery Store Project

Functional Dependencies:

1) User Table
2) Address Table
3) Product Table
4) Category Table
5) Manufacturer Table
6) Grocery Order Table
7) Cart Table
8) Product Order Table

Other similar Projects on the amazon Ekart System:

We intend to create an amazon Ekart System with features also whilst incorporating all the amazing features that could be seen on amazon’s official website and more.


  • Homepage: The Landing/Homepage offers various navigating features including shopping, menu, finding products, add-to-cart payment, etc., as shown in the image above.
  • Shopping: schedule your delivery with UPI pay.
  • Rewards: provide a program membership offer by incorporating sign-in features and provide free delivery on some products.
  • Careers: facility to explore career paths by imparting internships and apprenticeships and jobs by logging in/registering on the portal and providing too many jobs in many different ways.
  • Payment and cashback offer to make payment via this app – amazon pay.
  • Delivery: Accepting the orders and delivering them to the user’s doorstep.


  • Login page.
  • listing page
  • Profile page
  • Prime page
  • Sign in with the prime page
  • Payment with prime page
  • Payment page
  • Order page

Technologies To Be Used:

1. Front-End:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • javaScript
  • Reactjs

2. Back-End:

  • Nodejs
  • Expressjs

3. Database

  • MongoDB

Quora for College Full Stack Academic Project

Wikipedia is a collection of Human Knowledge whereas Quora for college is a collection of Individual Knowledge. Being on Quora for college will make you a better thinker, which will be handy in whatever else you may pursue. It’s a bit like going to school, except way better.

Fortunately, many of you humans have been enlisted to provide both questions and answers as a cover, maintaining the appearance of just another innocuous website. Just as the purpose of humanity is for the creation of the one great individual Quora is the quagmire from which springs ‘The Wonderful Lizard of Awes’.

Quora for college’s project mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. Quora for college is a knowledge exchange platform on the college campus, which can be shared by anyone who knows something. Sharing knowledge is a part of wisdom. It will reach the people who have a desire to acquire knowledge.

The main aim of developing the Quora-related website for college students is to quality communication between the students regarding the question and answer-based platforms. This project was developed using the Full-stack.


Our project Quora for College will be divided into different modules

  • Login and Sign-Up page
  • Add Question
  • Reply to Pre-existing question
  • Feed up

The login/signup page: There will be a validation form for the login to the website and login details will be stored in the database. And it is mandatory to log in foe entering the website without login/signup you will not able to access the website. We will also provide the way to login through google means Gmail or sign in with Facebook.

Ask Question: Quora for College will provide you a better chance to add a question of your interest and wants public opinion on it. Then Quora for College is best for you.

Reply to the question: Quora for College will provide you with a better chance to showcase your knowledge. It allows you to answer the questions asked by others on subjects in which you’re knowledgeable.

Feed: Quora for College will provide you feed option in which you will be able to see questions related to the different topics.

Mern Stack was used to develop this Academic project. Mern Stack Consists of


Medical Store Management Project Windows Application using C#.Net

This Medical Store Management Windows Application provides the facility to store medicine details for a medical Store. It saves time as it allows users to reach medicine quickly by finding it from the database.

Medicine Database is generated by the user by storing medicine details. Admin has the privilege to delete users database, medicine database, looking in users login information like username, password, time of login. Users can register with their Email, Mobile No, and password. The application can be used in many big medical stores to manage medicines and therefore save a lot of time and resources.

The various front-end software used in the Medical Store Management project is C# (As Programming Language), .NET Framework, and Metro Framework. MongoDB is used as the backend tool.

The project is related to Medical Store Management which provides services to medical stores. Any user can log in to the software using this application. Users can find, insert, update, and delete medicine details whenever they want. The system keeps the track of all users and their medical details.

Working of Present Manual System

The staff of the medical store is involved in the following process:

1. Maintaining Medicine Bills
2. Stock Analysis on paper
3. Quantitative Analysis

Drawbacks of present systems

Fast medicine search is not possible manually in a very large Medical Store.
No central database can be maintained to store the results of all medicine details.

Proposed System

1. User registration
2. Insertion, deletion, update, searching of medicine details
3. Stock Analysis

The proposed system provides the following solution

1. It provides better and more efficient service to medical store owners
2. Reduces the workload of store employees
3. Faster searching for medicine
4. All medicine details on a single server

User’s Role

1. Providing the correct information while registering
2. Managing medical store by Insertion, deletion, update, and searching of medicine details
3. Stock Analysis

Admin’s Role

1. Deletion of users or medicine database if required
2. Monitor the user’s login reports and stock analysis

Justification and need for the System

The traditional approach to storing medicine details is on notebooks and bills.
These days there is often more emphasis on software, which may consist of insertion, deletion, update, and searching of medicine details to software.

It is a modern method of medical store management widely accepted and hastily increasing environment of storing medicine details by using Medical Store Application.

It will considerably replace the traditional paper and pen-based medicine data store in the future.

It supports medical store owners to cope with the increasing number of medicines by providing an overview of the database by stock analysis section.


We have implemented the Medical Store Management successfully. We used C# as a programming language on .NET Framework 4.6 and Metro Framework and MongoDB as backend tools as database.

The system is very good at saving the precious time of medical shop owners as well as reducing the workload of medical store staff.

It is a modern method of storing and retrieving the medicine information widely accepted and hastily increasing environment of conducting managing medicines through software in all the sectors of medical stores.

It will considerably replace the traditional paper and pen-based information storage in the future with Medical Store Management Application.