Automation of Student Attendance Management Tool Project


The Automation of Student Attendance Management system maintains an analytical record of students, in accordance with the minimum attendance required by the faculty, for allowing students to sit for the examination. The front end of the project is being made using Netbeans IDE 8.2, in Java language; whereas the backend is being created and managed using MySQL 5.6 and WAMP Server. The project is being made by keeping in mind the problems faced while keeping attendance records on paper, or on spreadsheets, where the authority or faculty has to use formulae and decide which student matches the criteria and which student doesn’t.

All the tables are in a hierarchy. There is a view that holds the data of every student and their attendance table for the rows. We can only insert new data if we are logged in as a Faculty. But if we are logged in as students then we can only view our attendance. The front end is designed using Eclipse and the back end is built on MySQL and the connectivity between the two is done using JDBC Drivers.


It automatically calculates attendance percentage, total classes attended, and unattended classes for a particular student.
It enables performing some key administrative functions such as tracking absences, getting debar lists, etc.

The system maintains an analytical record of students, in accordance with the minimum attendance required by the faculty, for allowing students to sit for the examination.
The front end of the project is being made using Netbeans IDE 8.2, in Java language;

whereas the backend is being created and managed using MySQL 5.6 and WAMP Server.

Homepage of attendance manager

Homepage of Attendance Manager

The project helps the teachers upload their records to the system, and accordingly keeps track of each individual, and his attendance in classes. Even the students can access their records and maintain their attendance as per the criteria suggested.
It solves a big problem for teachers and saves time as well, which can be utilized in helping students in their box endeavors.
The project uses color coding and data assessment tools to manage attendance records. The attendance management software enables college and school students to improve the lecturer’s performance and productivity. The faculty does not have to expend their time in manual computation to obtain the student attendance percentage.
This system can help lecturers to take attendance easily. Manipulation and management of attendance data have to be taken care of, by the system so that the manual intervention can be removed.

You can also visit & download the Application project on Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System Project

Overview of the Project


Record keeping is an essential part of every industry, it allows us to manipulate historic data and use that data to make decisions. Attendance is an important part of school and colleges it allows the faculty to know which student is coming regularly to classes and also helps in creating good students. It is also useful for the administrative authority to check for the late comers to work. Database tools like MySQL and Oracle are available for record-keeping purposes and are easily adaptable by nearly every industry. These records can be accessed later, and analyzed for further calculations, as needed by the user.

Advantages of database

• Single validated database throughout college/school.
• Current dataflow into Web-based access.
• Compliance of academic standards & best practices.
• Providing fast access to quality data to users.

This Attendance Tracking Management System is related to the Attendance Manager .Net Project. You can also visit & download the web application project on Attendance Tracking Management System PHP & MySQL Project


The Scope of the proposed system is to develop a system for attendance marking and viewing using a database management system that can be accessed by the users through LAN/WAN. Respective departments of an organization can access the data easily from this proposed system.

ER Diagram:

ER Diagram of Attendance Management System

The present system handles data related to:

1) Attendance marking (For faculties).
2) Making calculations to check for debarred.
3) Viewing of attendance. (For students).
4) Subject-wise debarred list.

The developer is responsible for developing the proposed software i.e. he should analyze, design, and implement the proposed project.

The proposed system aims to manage the attendance of the students on the desktop and to insert/ update/ delete data in the attendance database.

The proposed system has the following objectives:

In the backend MySQL is used, the overview of tables is given below:

1. Faculty
2. Course
3. Subject
4. Class(Class name)


Software Requirement :

  1. Operation System: Windows XP/7/8/10, Linux.

Programming Environment:

  1. Front End: Java (Eclipse)
  2. Back End: Wamp (MySQL)

Some output Pages of the Project

all the classes of the faculty for the system.
all the attendance records of the students for the system.
all the records of the subjects for the course.
all the attendance records of a class for the system.
users (Faculty/Students) can log in to the system.
the admin or the registered users to log in to the system.
the faculty to record the attendance of the student and then submit it.
show the attendance of the logged-in student and also show in which subject he is debarred.

Also, Read this Employee Attendance Monitoring System Java Project

Mini Project on Student Profile Management System using Java

Develop a java based application using GUI to maintain student records. This Student Profile Management application should have a login page. The Student Profile Management should take student details like name, address, branch, previous year scores, and curricular and extra-curricular activities, and all the entered data should be displayed at the end for confirmation.

Project Programming Details –

1) LoginFrame :

Login Frame is GUI based window that is displayed when the user first executes the program. It is the welcome page through which the user will move on to the next frame.
It contains a button with an ActionListener() which on pressing opens Frame2.

2) Frame2 :

Frame2 is the login page. This page takes the user id and password as input and only after successful verification of user the user is allowed to move to the next page.
The default user id password is
User id:- admin
Password:- admin1234

3) Frame3 :

Frame3 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as name, age, branch, and address and select their gender from the drop-down menu. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame4.

4) Frame4 :

Frame4 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as their previous academic achievements, their 10th, and 12th scores, their average pointer, and their extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame5.

5) Frame5 :

Frame5 class is where we receive the user input taken in Frame3 and Frame4 and using JLabel()’s we display it on our Java application windows. There are two buttons to either make a new entry or exit. On clicking on the first button, ActionListener() is triggered which calls Frame3(), and thus we can enter details of another entry.

6) Student Details :

This is the final class that contains the main method, which calls the LoginFrame().

The output Results of the project will be:

  • Welcome page
  • Login Frame
  • Credential verification
  • User input
  • User input verification
  • Additional inputs
  • User input verification
  • Displaying user details
  • Making new entry

Thus, using a GUI-based java application we have successfully created Student Profile Management application with a welcome page, and login verification page, which takes various student details as input, verifies them and displays it in the end.
A major advantage of GUI is that it makes computer operations more intuitive and thus easier to learn and use.
Icons are more user-friendly than long command lines. GUIs provide the user with immediate, visual feedback about the effect of each action.

Download the complete project source code on Student Profile Management System.

Bus Ticket Reservation and Management System Project using Java and Swing

1. Introduction

1.1    Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the Software Requirement Specifications of a Bus Ticket Management System. It aims to lay down guidelines that have to be followed while developing the bus ticket management system. It also includes a description of the software and the IDEs used.

1.2    Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

  • Section 2 of this document provides an overview of the domain that the proposed Bus Ticket Management System will support.
  • Section 3 includes screenshots of the actual developed Bus Ticket Management System.
  • Section 4 organizes the functional requirements for the major services provided by the Bus Ticket Management System.
  • Section 5 describes the nonfunctional requirements of the Bus Ticket Management System.

2.    Overall Description

2.1    Product Perspective

The Bus Ticket Management System that is to be developed is a new self-contained product that will contain information about a set of buses and passengers traveling on that particular bus. The perspective of the product is to replace the travel books used by travel agents and replace them with a well-maintained, reliable soft copy of the travel details.

Figure 2.1: Logic Diagram of the Software

2.2    Product Functions

A software system needs to be developed to maintain a Bus-Ticket Management System.

The software includes functionalities for 

1. User

2. Administrator                           

The user can book/cancel tickets.

  • To Book a ticket He / She selects the SOURCE Station & DESTINATION Station (for a given Date), upon which a list of buses plying on the chosen route is displayed. The user selects a bus, which results in the displaying of the Seat Matrix of the bus showing the available seats and booked seats.

            The user selects a seat and enters details like

            1. Name

            2. Address

            3. Contact No. 

            4. E-Mail

            after which the ticket describing all the travel details is generated.

  • To cancel a ticket He / She enters the Bus Number, Seat Number, and Date of Journey.

The ticket is canceled and the canceled seat is shown to be available in the seat matrix.

The administrator of the Bus-Ticket-Management system has to verify his/her identity by entering the password, which will give him/her administrative privileges.

The administrator can 

  1. Modify routes of buses
  2. Alter schedules of buses
  3. Modify the Prices of the tickets
  4. Add or remove buses

The changes made by the administrator are updated and the user sees the latest updated information.   

2.3    User Classes and Characteristics

It identifies the various use classes that will use the system. The system will be used in a Travel agency. The administrators, front-desk staff, and passengers will be the main users.

Assumptions: They are responsible for checking seat availability and reserving it for the appropriate passengers.

2.4    Operating Environment

The Bus Ticket Management System is developed on the Netbeans IDE and compiled as a Java Project. The source code files are put together in an src folder and included under one package.

This can be run on Operating Systems which have the Java Development Kit along with the Java Run Time Environment installed on it. 

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

The Bus Ticket Management System will not be a web-based application.  As can be seen above, the main interface includes a Book ticket button which will resume only after the source and destination of the user are inserted with the date. It also includes a button for canceling tickets if the user changes their mind. The third button is for the Admin to log in, once pressed it will ask for their username and password and the system retrieves the admin menu.   

The Admin Menu Page contains 4 fields which are labeled as ‘Add a bus’, ‘Modify a bus’, ‘Book a Ticket’ and ‘Remove a bus’. The admin can enter values to these required fields by clicking on the respective button.

There shall be other pages that have functionality related to customer operations and admin tool operations. The example figures are added.

The bus list is a table containing the Company name along with the details of the bus:

  • Amenities: gives all extra features present in that particular bus
  • Route number: to differentiate between buses of the same company
  • Type: tells the user whether the bus is a sleeper/nonsleeper and if It has A/c.
  • Price: Amount to be paid
  • Date: date of departure
  • Start and End time: The time of departure and arrival

At the bottom, the user has to enter the route number and choose the seat position from the seat matrix given. Once finished choosing the user can use the confirm button.

The cancel page is also present to remove a reservation placed on a seat on any specific bus.

Enter the details of the bus: the date, the route number, and your seat number.

 3.2 Software Interfaces

Both the client and server computers do not need an internet browser to work online.

The Bus Ticket Management System is developed on the Netbeans IDE and compiled as a Java Project. The source code files are put together in an src folder and included under one package.

This can be run on Operating Systems which have the Java Development Kit along with the Java Run Time Environment installed on it.

3.3 Communications Interfaces

This software can only be used on a local computer and thus communication functions like e-mail, web browsers, and network servers are not included. Any changes made are reflected immediately and the user who uses the system next will see the latest updated information.

Use Case Diagram for the Bus Ticket Management

4. System Features

4.1 Functional Requirements

Book Ticket:

  • Check Availability: The passenger must be allowed to see all available options for a journey and see if a particular seat is available or not. He should be able to view all the buses plying on a given route on a specific day and be able to check seat availability on all the buses.
  • Book Ticket: Then if the ticket is available then the seat should be booked, by entering the passenger details like Name, Contact No., E-mail id, and Age.

Report Generation:

  • Bus List: The Bus Ticket Management System should contain files that contain the list of buses traveling on a particular route.
  • Passenger List: The Bus Ticket Management System should contain files that contain the list of passengers traveling on a particular bus.
  • Seat Availability: The Bus Reservation System should generate reports on seat availability.       
  • Passenger-related Information: Each passenger should have the following mandatory information: first name, last name, phone number, and Bus details.
  • Bus-related Information: Each bus should have the following information: bus number, no of seats, bus type: normal, AC, Sleeper, Source, and Destination.
  • Update Bus Information: The Bus Reservation System shall allow the Administrator to update any of the bus information like type, source, destination, and ticket price.  

Supermarket Management and Billing System Java Project

The project is on Supermarket Management and Billing systems. The supermarket is a huge shop where we all can find a lot and lots of products may whether grocery or fashion or utensils etc. in the various categories in different departments. Also, there is a huge number of staff in different positions. It has to keep all the records of its staff so that the employee management would be effective. So, to make such problems easier to handle we have developed this system that not only keeps authentic data may that be of transactions into and out of the supermarket or that be the information of its employee.

The manager module in the software helps to keep information of employees and the cashier and the data entry operator module helps to keep records of transactions inside and out of the supermarket.  The barcode scanning system in the software help to run the transaction process fast and effectively.


The Supermarket Management and Billing System, a desktop application, is developed to provide all the facilities and services required in various shops like shopping centers, mini-mart, fancy shops, etc. The main objective of the system is to provide efficient transactions with minimal error.  Bar code scanning technology helps cashiers with faster and more efficient billing. Cashier, manager, and data entry operator are provided with their own authorization account so that only the authorized person can perform their respective jobs. Users in the system: –

  • Cashier: a – person who handles the transaction
  • Data entry operator- enter the products imported into the store as well as update the details.
  • Manager- supervise all the activities going on in the shop

Statement of Problems

  • Manual data entry takes much more time than the barcode method.
  • The manual calculation can generate errors while buying or selling goods.
  • More time consumption for any transaction and findings of the products.

Objective and Scopes

  • To provide an efficient and effective billing methodology.
  • To keep a record of every business transaction
  • Maintain the stock management and the billing system
  • Reduce the time consumption for every process in the buying and selling of goods.

Database ER Diagram:

Database ER Diagram


The project is to do with the concept of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with Java and relational database with MYSQL and for the excess printer for the billing process we use Visual Basic Script (VBScript).  Taking into account the statements of the problem, we developed a system that not only helps in maintaining precise transactions but also keeps track of every business that has been done. There is the provision of a login module for individual employees as per their job title after which they will be provided with their respective job functions. With the help of the software, they can achieve a better working experience along with consistent precision.

There are various organized tables which makes the software very effective. The shop assistant module is the symbol of modern business techniques. It is a customer-friendly module. The manager has an organized manner of employee management such as addition or removal of cashier or data entry operator or shop walker. S/he has access to the profile of every employee in his hand at any time of necessity. Logs module helps him/her to analyze the customer’s choice. Furthermore, the automation in the billing system helps the cashier in their transaction in a very precise manner. The use of barcodes makes it easier for making bills and the automatic calculation prevents them from simple mistakes.


Supermarket Management and Billing System are developed for the professional handling of the supermarket’s sales and buying as well as the management of the whole supermarket. It is very easy and useful application software that increases the productivity of the business.

Our project on Supermarket Management and Billing systems has been implemented successfully. We take this opportunity to express our sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those people who helped us in completing this project.

Auto Spare Parts Java Project


Auto spare parts is a java project developed to buy the spare parts online. Auto spare parts manufacturers industry outlook and online parts strategy are also included in our project. Spare Parts business is being developed by selling the spare parts online. It came under a high profit business area. It contributed the highest net income in auto companies balance sheet.



In this module users can add all the spare information which includes spare id, spare description, spare type, purchase rate, sale rate and quantity. User can add new spare, update spare, remove spare and add new spare type. User can submit data which save the given information.


Invoices module allows users to give customer name, spare type, quantity, discount and package details. User can select the details of the selected item. User can add or remove new item. User can view the details of the selected items by selecting the show option.


ustomers can place order in this module by filling the details. Customer can search for the required item. Customer can view the price details of the selected item.


Staff id, name ,address, contact number and posts can be displayed in this module. Admin can add, update or remove new staff details.


All the details of the customer can be viewed in this module. Admin can add, remove and update new customer details.


All the details of the distributor can be viewed in distributor module which includes name, id, address, phone number and purpose. Admin can add or remove the details of new distributor.


User can view the stock information, generated bill information in this report module.


User can enter the personal details in this module. User can add, remove or update details of new users.


User can view the details of the developer by selecting the developer module.

Software Requirements:

Operating System                   : Microsoft Windows 2007/XP

Languages                               : Java Programming Language.

Database System                    : MS Access