Beauty Parlour Management System PHP SQLite Project

The aim of the project is to permit customers to service their desired cosmetics. Beauty provides an online way of reservation cosmetic services and also provides a window for customers for their selected services. The Beauty parlour management System processes manage the various task related to the system.

This system is used to parlour details like service detail, orders detail, customer information, etc. This system helps to make the customer easy for online services system. 

The Beauty parlor provides an interactive display to the customers with all the facilities. This website will be useful to all those customers who is wishing to make an appointment best online.


There are two types of interface found in the Beauty parlor management  System as follows.

User Interface

The users are able to view the home page of the Beauty parlor management system, add any number of services, save information, look for information about any services, increase or decrease the quantity of any services,  user can see all the order details.

Admin Interface

The Administrator is able to view the customer information, can complete the customer services orders of the users, and can update the services information, price, etc.

Hardware Requirements:

The Beauty parlour management system shall provide minimum hardware requirements. The following hardware configurations are required for the PC for use in the Beauty parlor management system.

  • Hard Disk: 2GB or more of free space.
  • RAM:2 GB / 4 GB / 8 GB RAM.
  • Processor: Any mobile and computer processor.

 Software Requirements

  • This section lists the requirements that are needed to run the system efficiently. The operating system needed for the system to run effectively, the interface to run the application, the integrated development environment to develop the environment and the other tools used for editing purposes are as follows:
  • Operating System: Windows 10, MAC OS, or Linux
  • Database: SQLite.
  • Platform Used: Php
  • Editor Used: Notepad/Notped++.
  • Browser Supported: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Edge.

System Function

The Beauty parlor management system would have the following basic functions:

  • Display all the related information about the system’s main page.
  • Display all the categories on the services information page.
  • Allow the administrator to add new services to the existing list of available services.
  • Allow the administrator to modify the price of each service.
  • Users can add or remove services from the customer list.
  • Allow the administrator to remove services.
  • Allow the administrator to complete the customer orders of the users.

User Characteristics

  • The users of the Beauty parlor management system, based on their roles, are customers (users) and administrators (owners). 


  • The administrator is the owner of the Beauty parlor management system. One must have a basic understanding of computers and the internet as well as prior knowledge of operating eclipse and the PHP programming language. The administrator is responsible for all the training documents required for the system.
  • Assign or change the price of the services, update the services lists and delete the services.
  • Can add new services to the system.


  • The users of the Beauty parlor management system are all customers who would serve to test the system. These users are anyone with service experience and the know-how to browse through a   They must have a basic understanding of computers and how to parlor offline. The users should be able to perform the following functions using this system:
  • Can view or select the services from the home page.
  • Check out the services.
  • reservation by providing the required information.

Specific Requirement

  • This section contains the detail about the system that are required for the designer to create a system to satisfy the user’s requirements and for the testers to test the given requirements. This section contains the interface description for each GUI for the different system users. These sections also give a description of all the system inputs, and all the functions performed by the system output (responses).

Functional Requirements

  • This section contains the requirements for the Beauty parlor management system.
  • The functional requirements, as collected from users, have been categorized as follows to support the types of user interactions that the system shall have.
  • There are two types of modules:
    • User Module
    • Admin Module

User Module

The following are the functions that users are able to perform

  • Reservation user.
  • Able to view the services from a list of services page.
  • Can view the home page, services page, about page, contact page
  • Users are able to view the make an appointment on the tanks you page,
  • Users are able to checkout services when there are services in the make an appointment.
  • Users shall be able to continue services after the checkout process.
  • Users are able to view the customer order details.

Admin Module

The admin is able to perform the following functions:

  • The administration shall be able to view all the user information, and completes the user orders.
  • The administrator shall be able to add new services to the list of services page.
  • The administrator shall be able to modify or update the item’s price and description.
  • The administrator shall be able to delete the services from the services page of the Beauty parlor management system.
  • The administrator shall be able to view the entire history of checkout services.
  • The administrator shall be able to view the entire history of the users who successfully completed the checkout process.


  • With the rapid growth of beauty parlour Services and people will overtake in-parlor.  The main goal of “Beauty Parlour Management System” is to provide the best customer services and helps admin for day-to-day complementation of orders and transaction. Also, an admin can manage customers, keeps records of customer services, etc.


  • Well-educated people can visit or understand the content of this site. A non-educated person may not visit this site easily. So, this is the common limitation of this system.
  • As of now, this system does not have the facility of making payments for their services, which will be applied in the future.

Future Scope of system

  • This system will try and be able to add new more feature.
  • We will try to add a bill generate after parlour.
  • The main feature is an online payment which will be applicable and implemented in the future.
  • We will try to provide a more user-friendly interface in the future.
  • We will try to provide more beauty parlour Services so that user gets what they need.

Download the complete Beauty Parlour Management System source code, Project Report, and PPT.

Vehicle Management System Project using Python and SQLite


The complete development of this Vehicle Management System project using Django as the backend and sqlite3 as the database. This Python project has main sections Login/Signup, Dashboard, Vehicle, Driver, Booking, Repair, and Report which are explained in the coming slides in detail.

Functions Below:


Users can signup/log in to the portal with this page. It takes in the necessary fields required for the user details


This is the dashboard in which you can view your details is shown and the user can edit the details.


Driver Section has two pages, one is to add a driver and the other is to view the list of drivers available. This section is only visible to the users which have admin access. The Driver list has the features to search and sort lists according to the fields.


In this section there are two pages one is to add vehicles and the other is to list the vehicles owned by the user. On the vehicle list page, the user can view individual details, edit the details and delete the vehicle.


The booking section has four pages one is the form to book a trip the second one is the success page where the booking details including the distance, cost, and duration are displayed using google maps API. On the success page, you have the option to pay which will take you to the payment page.

The payment page lets you enter the card details to pay. There is a page to display all the bookings made by the user wherein the user can search for the bookings. The admin will have another option which is to confirm the booking and a driver will be allotted and a mail will be sent to the user saying the mail is confirmed. The map option in the booking list page displays the route using google maps API. When the admin confirms the booking a confirmation mail will be sent to the user.


The repair section has two pages, one for reporting the issue and another page to show the issues made by the user. On the issues page, the admin has an option to solve the issue made by all the users.


Each user can have a report of the trips that he has made. There is an option to mail the user the report for further use. Demo Here is the live demo of our project. The quality of the gif is a bit low.

Database tables:

Vehicle Table

Cost per KM
Registration Plate
Vehicle Status
Insurance Status
Total KM traveled
Fuel Type
Vehicle Type

Report Table

Registered Date
Registered User
Vehicle Mileage

Driver Table

First Name
Last Name
National ID
Phone Number
License Category


Booking Date
Start Date
End Date
Security Deposit
Allotted User
Allotted Driver

Broadband Billing System Database Design SQL Project

Database design of Broadband Billing System application with the help of stored procedures and triggers in SQL Server.

ER Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Data Model Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Create Data Base:

For this purpose, created a Database Named “BBS” on the server.

  • Right Click on Database in Object Explorer of SSMS
  • Click on New
  • And Provide the name and hit the ok button
created a Database Named “BBS” in the server

Create Objects specified in Data Model & Add data to the “Subscription” table

Run the BBS_CreateTables script that will create the below data model in SQL.

Creation of SQL Procedures:


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc Script to create Register New Customer

Testing Script:



— Register New Customer

Exec BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc

  @CustomerName='Suresh Kumar'

, @CustomerMobile ='80043781'

, @CustomerIDProof ='ARC5296P'

, @CustomerType ='Regular'

, @City ='HYDERABAD'

, @Area ='HYDERABAD'

, @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Check Current Subscription Plans

 Exec BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc @USerID=2 , @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gives the customer all the plans available and the customer can choose anyone plans out of them as per his need and locality by taking subscription id, customer id, and month as input.

Run the BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc Script:

Testing Script:



 — Show all plans to customers

 Exec [BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc] @SubscriptionID =1 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure that will generate the bill for the customer’s chosen subscription plan by taking subscription id, month, and customer id as inputs.

Run the BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Generate Bill for Customer

 Exec [BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc] @SubscriptionID =2 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure to make a transaction for payment for the chosen transaction and will show the transaction details of the customer’s payment status.

Run the BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc script :

Run the script:

use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001


Create a trigger that gets triggered when there is any update on the bill table after the successful transaction of payment and this trigger has to change the status of the bill payment from pending to paid.

Run the below Scripts:

BBS_Transaction_Details_Update_tr Script

BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc Script

Testing Script:

 use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001

 — Make Transactions for payment

  exec [BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc] @TransactionID=2 ,   @PaidAmount =700, @PayMethod ='CC'

Run the 1st SP first to get the transaction details and amount

Pass those in 2nd sp and execute it.

Then if you run the query you will see the status updated to Paid

Select * From Bills b where billno=2


Download the Broadband Billing System application Stored Procedure Scripts Here.

School Case Study Database Design Queries and Answers

database design:

  1. Create a DATABASE: SCHOOL 


Create the following three tables with the same names and data types as provided below:


Column Name

Data Type




Primary Key

course name





NULL, Basic/Medium/Advanced


Small money

NOT NULL; Fee can’t be negative


Column Name

Data Type




Primary Key






NOT NULL, Local/Foreign



NOT NULL, Undergraduate/Graduate


Column Name

Data Type




NOT NULL Foreign Key



NOT NULL Foreign Key




FWF (Fee Waiver Flag)






 Using the above table layouts as schema, write T-SQL Statements for the following requirements:

  1. List the course-wise total no. of Students enrolled. Provide the information only for students of foreign origin and only if the total exceeds 10.
  2. List the names of the Students who have not enrolled in the Java course.
  3. List the name of the advanced course where the enrollment by foreign students is the highest.
  4. List the names of the students who have enrolled for at least one basic course in the current month.
  5. List the names of the Undergraduate, local students who have got a “C” grade in any basic course.
  6. List the names of the courses for which no student has enrolled in the month of May 2020.
  7. List name, Number of Enrollments, and Popularity for all Courses. Popularity has to be displayed as “High” if the number of enrollments is higher than 50, “Medium” if greater than or equal to 20 and less than 50, and “Low” if the no.  Is less than 20.
  8. List the most recent enrollment details with information on Student Name, Course name, and age of enrollment in days.
  9. List the names of the Local students who have enrolled for exactly 3 basic courses.
  10. List the names of the Courses enrolled by all (every) students.
  11. For those enrollments for which fees have been waived, provide the names of students who have got ‘O’’ grades.
  12. List the names of the foreign, undergraduate students who have got a grade of ‘C’ in any basic course.
  13. List the course name and total no. of enrollments in the current month.

stored procedure

Using the above table layouts as schema, write a stored procedure for the following specifications:

Input Parameters:

Date From (Mandatory), Date To (optional, if not specified, take the current date), &Student ID (Mandatory) 


Course-wise,enrollment-wise in ascending order of course name to be printed. If no enrollment exists for a given course for the period specified, print the course name and the remarks ‘No enrollment for this period’


Enrollment Details of<Student Name > from <FromDate> To <ToDate>

Origin :                                                          Type:

SL.No       Course Name    Date of Enrollment    Fee Waiver? Grade 


  …             …               ……                              ……      ……

  …             …               ……                              ……      ……

                       Total No. of Courses Enrolled:

The Development of the above-Stored Procedure below using SQL Server:

–Create the database

create database School_DB


–To exchange the context

USE School_DB

–create CourseMaster table

create table CourseMaster
( CID int Primary Key,
CourseName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
Category char(1) NULL CHECK(Category='B' or Category='M' or Category='A'),
Fee smallmoney NOT NULL CHECK(Fee>0)

–To see schema of table

sp_help 'CourseMaster'

–To view the table

select * from CourseMaster

–Insert the values in CourseMaster table

insert into CourseMaster values(1,'SQL Server','M',10000)
insert into CourseMaster values(2,'MSBI','A',20000)
insert into CourseMaster values(3,'Python','B',5000)
insert into CourseMaster values(4,'Data Science using Python','M',90000)
insert into CourseMaster values(5,'C#.NET','B',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(6,'Java','M',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(7,'Power BI','A',30000)
insert into CourseMaster values(8,'Oracle','A',30000)
insert into CourseMaster values(9,'MySQL','B',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(10,'Cobol','B',16000)
insert into CourseMaster values(11,'Cognos','M',40000)

–Create Student table

create table StudentMaster
SID TinyInt Primary key,
StudName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
Origin char(1) NOT NULL CHECK(Origin='L' OR Origin='F'),
Type char(1) NOT NULL CHECK(Type='U' OR Type='G')

–Insert the values in StudentMaster table

insert into StudentMaster values(100,'Arman','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(101,'Jhon','L','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(103,'David','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(104,'Rosy','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(105,'Mike','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(106,'Jessica','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(107,'Abhi','L','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(108,'Srinu','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(109,'Venkat','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(110,'Ram','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(111,'Khan','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(112,'Laya','F','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(113,'Naresh','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(114,'Naveen','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(115,'Rahman','F','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(116,'Abosode','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(117,'Manikanta','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(118,'Lalitha','F','U')

–create EnrollMaster

create table EnrollMaster
Grade char(1) NULL CHECK(Grade='O' OR Grade='A' OR Grade='B' OR Grade='C')


1. List the course wise total no. of Students enrolled. Provide the information only for students of foreign origin and only if the total exceeds 10.
2. List the names of the Students who have not enrolled for Java course.
3. List the name of the advanced course where the enrollment by foreign students is the highest.
4. List the names of the students who have enrolled for at least one basic course in the current month.
5. List the names of the Undergraduate, local students who have got a “C” grade in any basic course.
6. List the names of the courses for which no student has enrolled in the month of May 2020.
7. List name, Number of Enrollments and Popularity for all Courses. Popularity has to be displayed as “High” if number of enrollments is higher than 50, “Medium” if greater than or equal to 20 and less than 50, and “Low” if the no. Is less than 20.
8. List the most recent enrollment details with information on Student Name, Course name and age of enrollment in days.
9. List the names of the Local students who have enrolled for exactly 3 basic courses.
10. List the names of the Courses enrolled by all (every) students.

–11. For those enrollments for which fee have been waived, provide the names of students who have got ‘O’ grade.

select StuName,grade
from StudentMaster SM
inner join EnrollMaster EM on SM.sid=EM.sid
where EM.Grade='O' and FWF = 1

–12. List the names of the foreign, undergraduate students who have got grade ‘C’ in any basic course.

select StudName,Origin,Type,Grade,Category
from CourseMaster as CM
inner join EnrollMaster as EM ON CM.CID=EM.CID
inner join StudentMaster as SM ON SM.SID=EM.SID
where SM.Origin='F' and SM.Type='U' and EM.Grade='C' and

–13. List the course name, total no. of enrollments in the current month.

select CourseName,count(*) as Total_No_of_Enroll
from CourseMaster as cm
inner join EnrollMaster as em on cm.cid=em.cid
where datediff(mm,DOE,getdate())=0
group by cm.CourseName

Academic Mini Project Ideas using Python Django and SQL Lite

These are the python academic project ideas that can be developed with Python, Django, and SQL Lite and can be run on any computer with Windows Operating System. The Agile methodology is adopted for the development of the entire project. Several Sprints usually up to one to two weeks in duration are fixed where a part of the project is delivered in working conditions. During each sprint, the output is tested manually for the production of runnable and correct software. Finally, system testing is to be conducted on the final product before deployment.

Breast Cancer Prediction Using IBM Cloud


  • Collect the dataset (Histopathology Images)
  • Build the model by Training and Testing using CNN
  • Integrate the model built with the flask in the python file
  • Create the HTML and CSS for developing the webpage.
  • Display the output by selecting the Histopathology Image & predicting it.

Breast Cancer Prediction


Our Problem statement is to predict the risk of Breast Cancer using Deep Learning Techniques. First, we have collected histopathological images of breast cancer of types benign and malignant. Next, we trained and tested the images using a Convolutional Neural Network made to classify the type of Breast Cancer i.e., Malignant and Benign. Further by using Flask, the python model is deployed and the prediction of Cancer is further rendered with HTML pages to display the type of breast cancer on a webpage.

Online Plants Store

Online plants store is a new way of buying plants online. It presents an online display of all the items they want to sell. The Customer can view all details of the products. Nowadays, plants are very useful to mankind. So, this online store helps customers to buy plants easily. It Includes the Home page, the About page, and other details.

Front End: HTML, CSS, And Bootstrap

Back End: Django and SQLITE

You can add a plant, Delete a plant, Update a new plant, etc.

We Can Use CRUD Operations.

Crime Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is crime details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. Online Crime Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts. The Project will provide a new experience to the crime branch through online Crime Management.


In the Current Education system under consideration, the basic problem is students are not aware of new technologies in this digitalized generation. They only mesh with book pages and the third party is also involved. The main objective of this project is to concern students about new and better technologies without third-party involvement. The summary of this project is about giving students practical working base knowledge that is used in real life and also beneficial for parents they can also know about their children’s knowledge and performance. Students can also learn as their wish and get a certificate with extra knowledge too. The Project will bring new experiences to students through online learning.

Employee Management

The purpose of the project that provides information regarding the employees in the company. The Project will provide a new experience to Employees, Managers as well as Hr through online Employee Management.

House Rent Management

The goal of the project is to create a better relationship between tenants and landlords.

Insurance Management

This system maintains information about branch managers who can deal with agents and customers. The application is developed in Python, Django, and SQL Lite and can be run on any computer with Windows Operating System. The Project will provide a new experience to the Insurance Company through online insurance management.

Inventory Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is inventory details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. An online inventory Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. We can easily add a new well and also manage the sale details, payments, etc. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts.

Student Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is students’ details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. Online Student Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts.

Vehicle Break-Down Assistance

The main theme of this project is to serve the users (Victims suffering from lack of petrol and any vehicle issues with their vehicles) with a mechanic nearby them and solve their problems.

Here we are having three modules. Namely

  • USER

Campus Management System

The main purpose of this Campus Management System project is to manage the details of the college, company, and students. It manages all the information about the college, placement, vacancy, etc. The project is built at the administrative end and only the admin can control the whole system. The objective of the Campus Management System project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the college, company, student, placement, job, interviews, etc. It tracks all the details about the job vacancies and placement offers. This software is fully integrated with college, student, and company relationship management and developed in an easily manageable manner, time and cost-relieving one from manual work.

Online Furniture Store

My Project name is an Online furniture store. It allows the customer to check the various types and designs of furniture. online furniture store application consists of a list of furniture lists and designs. The user can visit all the information about furniture including furniture model, type, price, and quality of the product. For every product, the user can check the feedback before they are ordering. the customer can view all the details of the product.

There are types of users in this project—i.e; owners, workers, and the customer.

Clinic Website

The Clinic website is a website that is used for maintaining the database of the patient that comes to the clinic. It contains the authentication that is used to increase the security of the site. The user login contains a form that is submitted to the required doctor at that clinic then this form is further used by the doctor to diagnose the patient and perform check-ups.

This website is responsive and can be opened in any browser. Since this website uses a framework for styling so some of the effects may vary according to the browser.

This project mainly focuses on data management so we can perform various operations like creating a patient list and deleting the data. The database can be managed through the admin page and has separate login which can be used to access the data.

Online Result Notification

The online Result Notification website basically uses for Educational Institutes.

This website is working to show results easily to students about to this website. Students easily get their results as well as internal exams. Faculty easily adds the marks of the students and easily sees the TOP 10 students. Admin adds Course, Class, Subject, Faculty, and Students. And see all the details or data or changes.
There are three modules on the website. And this website is used for all the modules and they use easily and make their work easy. This website is online working so now the generation easily understands it. This site get students the option to print their results copies and also download them. This website is based on the student’s result process to easily give to the students.

As a student in Computer Field, we are encouraged by the growth and rapid development in the software industries, keeping in mind the increasing demand for software and software engineers the university has arranged project work for the third year.

Thus it is our moral and obligatory duty to take this project as a part of our studies with great enthusiasm and seriousness. For this, we have gone through a development program of 3 months.

Download a simple Restaurant Food Billing System Project Using Python

College Student Results Analysis Android App Subject wise and Department wise


The College Student results app is an android application. It enables the students to check and get their each semester results within their mobiles by using their College Registration ID/Hall Ticket Number.

This College Student results in mobile app system is developed for students as well as their parents to check both the internal & external examination results.

Currently, the students are using the University website which is displaying only the individual subject marks and is lacking in some other advanced features which we will supplement through our mobile application.

Primarily, by using this result app project we can generate student individual results and analyze subject-wise and department-wise analysis (toppers list, Max marks, Min marks).

Android Project Features:

  • Latest user-friendly interface with a neat layout.
  • The total marks of the student with percentage will be displayed.
  • Push notifications whenever the results are out.
  • The list of toppers in the individual departments.
  • Sharing results on social networking sites.

Hardware Requirements:

Internal Memory: 512MB RAM
External Memory: 1GB
Speed: 1GHz Processor
Device: Mobile or Tablet

Software Requirements:

Operating system: Android
Programming languages: HTML5, XML, java
Database Used: Android SQLite Database
Others: Android Studio SDK

Related Projects on Student Exam Results System:

Student Result System Desktop Application in Java
Results Through Emails Java Project

Student Exams Backlog Management System Project using PHP & MySQL

Student Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities Python Project


The Python GUI project entitled “Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities“ is made to suit the needs of the registration process. The purpose of this desktop application is to allow the registration of students in a particular course. It is intended to have complete specifications of what the registration process has.

The Events & Activities Python Java Final Year project is developed using Python and Tkinter library inbuilt into it. Python is now widely used for various projects because it is easy to understand and use. Being a database project, we used SQLite, which concentrates on the use of database objects. This application is loaded to the raspberry pi which acts as the CPU for our monitor. It handles registrations for various courses.

Purpose, scope, and limitations

This Student College Event registration project aims at enrolling the students in various courses in college or university. It contains the registration form for entering the student’s data for enrolling. This data is stored for later times.

The section wants to computerize the existing system to increase the speed of processing as well as for simplifying the activities, without losing accuracy.

The system is expected to computerize the activities of the college in enrollment. This desktop application is for registering for a particular course. It is planned to implement retrieval of data in the future.

Scope of Study

The Automated Registration Desk for Events project is aimed at implementing basic concepts of python-Tkinter, SQLite database, and using Raspberry pi.

This will help the college in generating its daily reports by providing the necessary information. The system is expected to computerize the activities of the college in enrollment.


The present system is manual. The flow of activities is as follows:

The registration details are written on paper and are kept in one file.


The present Events & Activities Python Project system is too slow, since entering details in files and registers and generating reports from them is to be done manually.

If we need to change any details, it is quite difficult to search for a specified student.

Human-induced errors are more like to occur in this system.


The section wants to computerize the existing system to increase the speed of processing as well as for simplifying the activities, without losing accuracy.


The Events & Activities Python Project software can be developed using the existing technology. Python and SQLite databases can be downloaded for free. Raspberry pi is available at a reasonable cost.


We have built a GUI application where candidates register himself/herself through the self-registration desk.

Using this Events & Activities Python Project application provided basic entry columns for the candidate to enter their details.

The details are as follows:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Roll no
  • Branch
  • Section
  • Phone number
  • Parents phone number
  • Email-Id
  • Inter marks
  • 10th GPA
  • EAMCET Rank
  • JEE-mains Rank
  • Intermediate college
  • Permanent address
  • Date and Time of form filling
  • Should agree to the Terms and Conditions

After this, we linked our Automated Registration Desk for Events project to the SQLite database to store the entered details of the candidate.

Related Projects on the Automated Registration Desk for Events & Activities:

Alumni Event Management Portal Android App

Event Portal Project

Event Organizing Committee Java Project

Events Manager & Planner Android Application

Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System Project


The purpose of developing a Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System Android Mobile App is to digitalize the traditional way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this application is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session or in the between-session for a particular student on a regular check basis.


The following Android Mobile App project has much scope both in present as well as future. In the present situation, the system can be accessed on android mobile devices. Any android device which has the access to the server on which the project has been deployed can use the application i.e. the Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System project will work for a particular institution. But later on, the project can be modified to operate for many institutions.


  • Front-end: XML
  • Back-end: Java
  • DATABASE: MySQL, Firebase
  • SERVER: SQLite Server
  • Tool- Android Studio


This android based mobile app project is a classroom attendance management system and the objectives are:

1. Manual work for information retrieval on attendance becomes less like the work.
2. Easy access for students because they can view their attendance and make up for the shortage of attendance accordingly.
3. It is also time-saving as manual work is less.
4. There is less chance of error.
5. It eliminates duplicate data entry in time and attendance entries.
6. Weekly or Monthly attendance reports can be generated for a particular student.
7. Easy maintenance of students and faculty data by admin.
8. Data redundancy can be decreased as data is now stored in one place.
9. Data is now much more secure.
10. Easy access for teachers as they can now view their student’s attendance reports easily.



Admin and Faculty will login in into the system with username and password, if username and password are correct admin/faculty will be prompt to proceed option otherwise an error will be shown

INPUT: username and password
OUTPUT: student detail information


Admin can insert, update, and delete course details.

INPUT: Course name
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Admin can insert, update, delete student info, and enroll students in particular courses.

INPUT: name, Roll No., DOB, Course
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Admin can insert, update, delete teacher’s info and assign a course to each teacher.

INPUT: Name, Address, Email, image, course, DOJ
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Faculty can take attendance on a particular day over a student’s name by marking him present or absent.

INPUT: Absent/Present
OUTPUT: A confirmation message


Admin/Faculty can create a student attendance report/chart between any 2 dates

INPUT: starting date, ending date
OUTPUT: attendance report/chart

Online Healthcare System Python & SQLite Django Framework Web Application Project


This Online Healthcare System project is a web application that was developed using Python & SQLite database with Django Framework 2.1.5. This Project provides students/patients quick online access to Health Care Centres and Medical Pharmacy shops. The students can get online prescriptions from various doctors, request an ambulance in emergency times, and get information about the medicines available in the Medical Pharmacy Shop.


  • Need for assistance and monitoring of Healthcare in Hostel life as the number of students in the college area will rapidly increase in coming years so management will become difficult to handle.
  • Making the Healthcare process fully automated and online can increase the efficiency of the Health Centre as well as reduce the need for paperwork


  • Online Healthcare System for College Health Centre connecting Students and Residents with Doctors.
  • Online prescriptions availability information.
  • Notifying users of suggestions from time to time.

Project Features

  • User Profile and Information Website Page
  • Login and Registration Website Page
  • Prescription History And Website Page
  • Health Centre Contact Information
  • Prescription and Doctor Specifications
  • Emergency Website Page
  • (Small Scale Medicine Pharmacy Shop)

The technology :

➢ Django Framework 2.1.5 – Python 3.6.8
➢ SQLite
➢ HTML | CSS | Bootstrap
➢ Javascript

Why healthcare?

● Healthcare cannot be neglected and should be given utmost importance by students.
● This Health Care System Python project might be helpful in case of emergency as well as the daily medical needs of the patient.

System Design Document:

Online Healthcare System Activity Diagram

Online Healthcare System Class Diagram

Online Healthcare System Development View Diagram

Online Healthcare System Physical View Diagram

Online Healthcare System Use Case Diagram

The output Screens:

Here students can easily access the complete Online Healthcare System project code, report & Output Video of the project.

For more information regarding the project development please visit the developer’s Online Healthcare System page on GitHub.

Medical Advisor Android App by using Java & SQLite

This project is an android based application, especially for the medical sector. This application will be used by users to get medical information about different physical health conditions. This is a standalone application.

The primary aim of this project is to facilitate the user with medical help online providing drug and medical information to the person. Medical Advisor apps are changing the way users handle their personal health care.

Existing System:

The existing system is the online app that facilitates the user with the drug information and the specified clinical prescription to the user. It functions with the user entering the search information regarding the desired disease he wants to know about and the app returns the specified results about the input given by the user the existing system also contains the details about the specialized doctors around them. Basically, it’s an information app for the diseases to be known to the user.

Proposed System:

 In the proposed system, the app facilitates certain features for the user. It basically helps the individual with the clinical assistance online by giving medication and also medical information to the individual about the particular medicine. This app allows you to track any kind of blood donation program around you. the user just has to enter the details as asked in the program and you have to hit the search button and the results are returned.

This project provides you with an insight into the design and development of the health advisor app. For instance, a recent study found that the risk of hospitalization for patients with no or poor knowledge of prescribed therapies is more than double in cases of certain diseases.


 Number of Modules As this is a standalone application, so this application will be available for users.

Users can perform the below operations:

  • Users can search about different diseases.
  • The user gets nearby hospitals based on their location and also specialized doctors working in it.
  • Users can also get details about wellness problems.
  • Users can get blood contribution programs near them.
  • Users can get medical details about physical health.
  • Users can also get medicine descriptions, chemical composition, effects, and side effects.
  • Users also can search for medicines based on their specified illness.

Software requirements:

  • Front end: java
  • Back end : XML
  • Software: android studio
  • Database: SQLlite

Here you can download the entire Medical Advisor Android APP by using Java coding & SQLite Database Source Code, Complete Project documentation, and Paper Presentation.