Gym Fitness Management System Python Project using Django, HTML5, CSS, JS, MySQL


  • The aim of creating this project is to bring every manual activity of the gym to the website or on the online platform.
  • This helps in making work easy for the gym staff which is lengthy and a little bit complex because of doing it on paper.
  • This website also helps the member of a gym, through this website the members can track their attendance manage their schedule, and many more things which we will discuss further.
  • It also allows guest users to apply for Gym membership directly via the website.
  • Trainers of the gym also can track their attendance and workout details of members via this website.
  • Trainers can prepare workout schedules and diet charts for members via this website.


  • Admin
  • Trainer
  • Member
  • Guest

Project Profile

Requirement Gathering:


Admin is the one who manages the whole website and has every access right to the website. Admin can do the following things:-

  • Admin can log in.
  • Admin can add, update or remove Gym Details.
  • Admin can manage the members and trainers of the Gym.
  • Admin can manage the attendance of members and trainers.
  • Admin can manage memberships.
  • Admin can sell Gym products.
  • Admin can provide fitness blogs and videos.
  • Admin can manage payments.
  • Admin can generate reports.


Members are like clients of the Gym. Member can also access many things on a website like purchase products, view attendance, etc. member can do the following things:-

  • Member can log in.
  • Member can manage his/her profile.
  • Member can track his/her attendance.
  • Members can watch training videos and workout schedules and diet charts provided by Trainer.
  • Members can buy Gym products.
  • Members can manage payments for membership renewal.
  • Members can provide feedback for the website and Gym.


Trainers are like employees of the gym. Trainers will do things like managing the workout schedule and diet chart of members. A trainer can do the following things:-

  • A trainer can log in.
  • A trainer can manage his/her own profile.
  • A trainer can view or track the attendance of members and his/her own.
  • A trainer can manage users’ workout schedules and diet charts.
  • Trainers can upload workout videos for users.
  • Trainers can give reward points to members on the basis of their weekly performance.


Guests can only serve or see the gym website, he/she can do anything only after registering for the gym and website.
• Guest users can view the website.
• Guest users can register/Apply for a Gym membership

ER Diagram:

Existing System

  • Customer data is stored manually either in registers or in MS Excel.
  • Books are maintained to keep track of Customer attendance.
  • Payment transactions are kept in books.
  • Currently, the GYM does not have any advanced system to manage the GYM.

Proposed System

  • In the new system trainers and members can track their attendance from anywhere.
  • In the new system, a member can get his/her diet chart according to their workout plan.
  • In the new system, members can get a workout schedule from the trainer, while they also get rewards for points for achieving workout targets.
  • In this system, members can watch workout videos provided by their trainers which helps them to do exercise at home.
  • Here members can also purchase gym products.

Tools And Technology Used

FrontEnd: HTML5, CSS 2.1, JS
Backend: Mysql 5.5
Framework: Django 3.1 (Python 3.8)
Other Tools: Microsoft Powerpoint 2019, EDraw max 9.0, Microsoft Visio 2016, and Microsoft Word 2019

Data Dictionary

1) Table Name: User_Type

Table Description: Contains details of user type. It will give information about the type of user whether it is a member, trainer, or admin in the User_Master table.

2) Table Name: User_Master

Table Description: Contains details about users. It will contain all the basic information about users like name, email, gender, address, mobile no. etc along with the type of user.

3) Table Name: Plan_Master

Table Description: Contains details about membership plans. It will contain all the basic details about plans that a member can choose for a gym membership.

4) Table Name: Membership_Master

Table Description: Contains details about members’ memberships. It will contain all information regarding memberships of members according to their chosen plan.

5) Table Name: Trainer Details

Table Description: Contains details about the trainer. It will contain additional details about trainers along with details in the User_Master Table.

6) Table Name: Payment_Master

Table Description: Contains details about payments. It will contain the payment details of Memberships of a member

7) Table Name: Product_Master.

Table Description: Contains details about Gym products. It will contain basic information about products that the admin wants to sell and that a member can buy.

8) Table Name: Feedback_Master

Table Description: Contains details about feedback. It will contain feedback details given by members about the Gym.

9) Table Name: Workout_Master

Table Description: Contains workout details of members. It will contain members’ workout details like diet charts, workout schedules, workout videos, and reward points provided by trainers.

10) Table Name: Order_Master

Table Description: Contains Order Details. It will contain basic order details like which member has made the order, date of placing an order, delivery date, etc. of orders made by members for their purchase of products

11) Table Name: Order_Details

Table Description: It contains order Details. It will contain additional information about orders like the product purchased, the quantity of the product, the Price of the Product, etc. in relation to the Order_Master table.

12) Table Name: Attendance_Master

Table Description: Contains details about the attendance of users. It will contain day-to-day attendance details of members and trainers which will be added by admin.

Modules Functionalities:


  • Login page for admin with validations. The email id Field Should not be empty. Email id should match the requested format which contains @ and (.)
  • Admin not allowed to login due to invalid username.
  • Change the Password page of Admin, the retyped password doesn’t match the validation Correct admin username and password:
  • Home page of Admin:
  • Admin dashboard. It Shows Side Panel which directs it to the selected page to be visited. The Page shows the direct link and information of User_type, Users, Trainer details, Attendance, and plans.
  • Add User Type: Admin is adding user type member
  • When the view tab of User type is clicked type of users is shown on this page
  • Add Users window can be opened from the side panel and the Admin can add a new user.
  • View Users window- All the users are shown here to the admin where the admin can take actions like edit and delete.
  • When the view part of Plans in the side menu is clicked plan details are shown.
  • Add Plans window-Admin can add new plan details in this window.
  • Admin can add membership details of the user, here validation is showing where the amount field is required.
  • When viewing a part of Membership Details in the side menu clicked Membership details table is shown
  • Attendance adds window- In add attendance window admin can add attendance details of users.
  • When view part of attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of users are shown
  • Then add part of Trainer Details is clicked, Admin can add details of the trainer.
  • View part of Trainer Details where Details of the trainer have been shown.
  • Add payment window is open when adding part of Payment Details is clicked, Admin can approve Payment Status.
  • When the view part of Payment details is clicked Payment Details is shown.
  • Add product window is shown when clicking on the add part of the Products.
  • When the view part of the Products tab is clicked all product details with price and quantity have been shown.
  • Add Workout Details Window – The admin can add Workout Details of a particular user by adding a diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos for the user.
  • View the Workout Details window where all the details of a user’s workout(including diet chart and schedule) are shown.
  • View Order window – All the details with delivery status are shown in this window.
  • View Feedback window: Admin can view feedback and ratings given by users in this window.


  • Trainer Login Page:
  • Trainer dashboard which contains information about trainers with Edit Profile and Change Password Link. It Shows Side Panel which directs it to the selected page to be visited. The Page shows the direct link and information on Attendance and Workout Details.
  • When Change Password Link is clicked, the trainer will be redirected to the Change Password Page where he/she can change their login password:-
  • Change Password Validations:-
  • When the My Attendance part of Attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of his/her own are shown:-
  • When the Members Attendance part of Attendance in the side menu is clicked attendance details of the member are shown:-
  • Dashboard Showing Add and View Option in Workout Menu of Side Bar :
  • Add Workout Details Window – The trainer can add Workout Details of a particular user by adding a diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos for the member.
  • View Workout Details Window: Details of member workouts including diet chart, workout schedule, and total reward points are shown in this window.


  • HomePage:- The starting point of the website/first page of the website
  • About Options:-
  • About Us page giving information about GYM:-
  • FAQ Page:- It Contains all the frequently asked questions with their answers
  • Testimonial Page:- It contains all the reviews given by the members.
  • Contact Us Page:- It contains all the contact details of the gym.
  • When a user clicks on the Apply For Membership tab Registration page is opened which Collects user data for registration so that the user can make a login.
  • Registration Page Showing How to Apply for the GYM Membership.
  • Registration page displaying validation:-
  • After Successfully filling Registration Form, the User will be redirected to the Payment Confirmation Form which will show the user information along with the plan he has chosen while registering then the user has to choose how payment was done, enter transaction no. and has to upload Payment Receipt.
  • When User will successfully submit the payment confirmation form, they will be redirected to the Login page or can open it from Login Tab.
  • Login Page with Validation:-
  • Forgot password? – asking for a registered email ID
  • Password received by the customer through email.


  • After Successful Login User will be redirected to the Homepage. The Apply For Membership and Login heading is changed to My Account with Profile, Membership, Attendance, and Logout Options.
  • When the User Clicks on Membership, He/she will be redirected to the membership page which contains the membership details the user.
  • When the User Clicks on the Attendance option in the My Account Section he/she will be redirected to the Attendance Page which contains the attendance details of the user:-
  • Shop Page:- It contains all the products with details that the gym wants to sell.
  • Add to cart option on the product:-
  • Shop Page showing Add to Cart Option for a product:-
  • After clicking add to cart from Shop Page, Cart is opened which shows items in your cart.
  • If the Customer wants to shop for more than one product, he/she can click on Buy More and add other products also.
  • When the User clicks on Proceed to Checkout, the Checkout page is opened which shows order details and Billing details and gives the summary of your orders.
  • After clicking Place order, the user is provided with the appropriate order placed message and view order option. On clicking view order user will be shown all the details of his/her orders.
  • When the User Clicks on View Order, he/she will be redirected to My Orders Page which contains all the order details of orders made by the member.
  • When the user Clicks on More details, he/she will be redirected to the order details page which contains additional details about the order.
  • My Workout Page:- It will give the user his/her option to download his/her diet chart, workout schedule, and workout videos provided by the trainer
  • Blog Page:- It contains all the fitness blogs that users can read.
  • Homepage showing My Account Section having Options Profile, Membership, Attendance, Logout:-
  • On clicking the Profile Option in the My Account Section, the User will be redirected to the My Account Page which contains all details of the currently Logged In User like name, address, gender, email, mobile, etc. with the Edit Profile/Change Password Option.
  • When the User Clicks on Change Password, he/she will be redirected to the Change Password Page where the user can change his/her old password new password.
    Change password Validations:-
  • Showing Logout Option In My Account Menu:-
  • When the User Clicks on Logout, he/she will be redirected to Login Page.
  • Report of all the users registered with Dynamo Fitness.
  • Various Filters for user reports like reports based on user type, i.e. members or trainers, and reports based on gender.
  • Report after using the user type and gender filter it will show only gym members who are female as we used the user type filter as members and gender filter as female.
  • Report on Current plan and membership of the members it displays the name and plan type of members.
  • Membership report using start date filter for plans starting date.
  • The report shows the list of members whose memberships start in a selected month.
  • Filter based on plan title i.e. basic, standard, and ultimate plan.
  • list of members who are registered with the standard plan.
  • Report after using the print option, the report shows the member with their specific plan with a start date and end date of the plan.
  • Report for the feedback given by users with filters that are gender and ratings.
  • Report using a rating filter, it will display users with specific ratings.
  • Report showing list of users given rating 9.
  • Feedback report after selecting the print option.
  • PDF view of feedback report using the view pdf option.
  • Product order report showing user id with the product they ordered
  • A report showing a filter of product names with different products available.
  • Reports after applying the product name filter i.e. dumbells will show the product id and user id of the users who ordered them.
  • Report after using a filter with the Delivery status it displays the product which is delivered.
  • The attendance report shows the attendance of users that are members and trainers on day to day basis.
  • The filter of the Attendance report is based on the user type i.e. Member and Trainer.
  • The attendance report on the base of the trainer filter displays only trainer attendance.
  • Report after selecting the print option.
  • Date filter option for a report which shows the attendance of users of a specific date.
  • Report After Filter By Attendance Date and Gender


The entire duration of this project has been a great learning experience for us. It has introduced us to the working of real-life projects and taught us to face obstacles while developing them. By developing this web application, we hereby conclude that at Gym Management we have achieved our aim at the following:

1) Building a platform where people can apply for a GYM Membership at any place and start their workout activities even at Home.
2) We believe that this website has made it easier for the GYM Owner to manage the information regarding different aspects of the Gym.
3) This website has also made it easier for trainers to manage the workout activities of members. We also hope to expand the scale of the project and make it ubiquitous by developing it for all digital platforms.

Download the complete project on Gym Fitness Management System Project using Python, MySQL, and Django Framework.

Vehicle Management System Project using Python and SQLite


The complete development of this Vehicle Management System project using Django as the backend and sqlite3 as the database. This Python project has main sections Login/Signup, Dashboard, Vehicle, Driver, Booking, Repair, and Report which are explained in the coming slides in detail.

Functions Below:


Users can signup/log in to the portal with this page. It takes in the necessary fields required for the user details


This is the dashboard in which you can view your details is shown and the user can edit the details.


Driver Section has two pages, one is to add a driver and the other is to view the list of drivers available. This section is only visible to the users which have admin access. The Driver list has the features to search and sort lists according to the fields.


In this section there are two pages one is to add vehicles and the other is to list the vehicles owned by the user. On the vehicle list page, the user can view individual details, edit the details and delete the vehicle.


The booking section has four pages one is the form to book a trip the second one is the success page where the booking details including the distance, cost, and duration are displayed using google maps API. On the success page, you have the option to pay which will take you to the payment page.

The payment page lets you enter the card details to pay. There is a page to display all the bookings made by the user wherein the user can search for the bookings. The admin will have another option which is to confirm the booking and a driver will be allotted and a mail will be sent to the user saying the mail is confirmed. The map option in the booking list page displays the route using google maps API. When the admin confirms the booking a confirmation mail will be sent to the user.


The repair section has two pages, one for reporting the issue and another page to show the issues made by the user. On the issues page, the admin has an option to solve the issue made by all the users.


Each user can have a report of the trips that he has made. There is an option to mail the user the report for further use. Demo Here is the live demo of our project. The quality of the gif is a bit low.

Database tables:

Vehicle Table

Cost per KM
Registration Plate
Vehicle Status
Insurance Status
Total KM traveled
Fuel Type
Vehicle Type

Report Table

Registered Date
Registered User
Vehicle Mileage

Driver Table

First Name
Last Name
National ID
Phone Number
License Category


Booking Date
Start Date
End Date
Security Deposit
Allotted User
Allotted Driver

Class Scheduling System Python Project using Django Framework

Present issues:

  • No digital class management system
  • Fixed timetable which cannot be changed throughout the semester
  • Cannot swap classes easily
  • No publishing mechanism
  • No administrator
  • Students cannot access the present-day schedule

Proposed solution:

  • Dynamic mechanism to change weekly class schedules
  • Publish new schedule after changes
  • Fully manageable through administrator privileges
  • Secured using username and password credentials
  • Schedule accessible on the internet
  • Administrators can access the portal onsite only
  • The system can be implemented in other departments and also


  • Any machine can connect to the server
  • Administrators can access only the campus network
  • Students and faculty can access it as long as there is internet
  • Server-side will manage access and manipulation rights
  • The server will also publish a current schedule


Django Framework:

  • Manages all 3 tiers(MVT – Model, View, Template) to run the web application.
  • Front-tier or client employs HTML and CSS via Django templates.
  • The Server-side uses Python to implement the logic for managing model-based objects.
  • The Server-side also enforces security standards.
  • The back end contains an in-built database, accessible via a web address generated by a virtual machine managed by the Django framework.
  • Can deploy web application after completion of web-application construction.

Use Case Diagram

Class Scheduling System
Interface Diagram:

Interface Diagram

Output Screenshot:

E-Commerce Application Project using Python Django Framework


An E-Commerce Website selling a wide variety of products needs to be developed. Products must be grouped into categories based on their characteristics. Some of the broad categories include Electronics, Apparel, Books & Media.

For eg, mobile phones and laptops come under the category Electronics, and T-shirts and pants come under the category Apparel.

The webpage should provide a search bar for the user to search for the products of his/her choice and should provide functionality for an admin to log in and modify the database.

The backend of the website should comprise a database to store:

1. The list of products available
2. The various categories of products available
3. The list of sellers available
4. Table of details of all the users who have purchased items.

The specifications of the various items in the database are given below.

A PRODUCT has the following requirements

– Each Product has the following attributes to identify it Name, ID, Seller, Price, Colour, Number of Items Left
– Each product may have a number of SELLERS.
– Each Seller has a location, products he/she is selling, discount he/she is willing to offer on the products as well as the time of delivery.

The products are organized into CATEGORIES.

– Each Category has a name and an ID.
– Each Category may be further subdivided into more categories.

Eg: Electronics is a broad category that is comprised of a number of products such as Laptops, of which Dell Inspiron is a type of Laptop.

The database must store data of the various USERS of the website

– Each user has a name, address, price to be paid, and ID of the product purchased.

Admin logs in to the PRODUCT database to add new products, and delete and modify the existing database.

Physical Design

E-Commerce Project Computation of the Blocking Factor for each of the Tables with the use of the standard block size of 512 bytes. The Blocking Factor is a lower-limit integer value as part of the tuple cannot be saved in one block of data storage.

List of Entity Types

Goods – This table has details of all the Goods in the Database.

Seller – This table has the details of all the Sellers in the database.

Product – This table has the details of all products being sold.

Customer – This table has the details of all customers who have registered with the website.

Customer Items – This table has the shopping cart of all the customers.

Book – This table has the specifications of all books being sold.

Fashion – This table has the specifications of all fashion apparel being sold.

Media – This table has the specifications of all Media being sold.

Mobile – This table has the specifications of all Mobiles being sold.

TV – This table has the specifications of all TVs being sold.

Laptop – This table has the specifications of all Laptops being sold.

All Columns are NOT NULL unless explicitly mentioned

Relational Schema:

Online Medical Shop DBMS Python Mini Project

This project is based and innovated on an Online medical shop, wherein we store all the details about the customers, the stock of the medicines, orders, and payments and also the project will include a page wherein the user will indicate the symptoms and will get a probable disease and the prescribed medicine.

The project is aimed to modernize and support existing small business owners. In the age of technology where online medicine is dominated by e-commerce giants such as 1mg, net meds, etc. We wanted to develop a solution for small business owners as well.

The existing Medicinal systems have the provision for any user to book a request for a particular medicine through e-commerce. And further, the traditional methods to visit the medicinal centers for mere inquiry are time-consuming and monotonous and the non-availability is disappointing.

The data relevant to the processing of the request may or may not be manually stored or be captivated in a file system that is prone to manual errors, inconsistency, redundancy, and difficulty in retrieval. With our system, the availability can be shown so, even if a customer wants a pickup of his/her medicine. they can do so without any problems. Our model also has an integrated web scraper, which is an innovation we have come up with. This scraper can scrape medicines off the net for data warehousing.

This system maintains the storage details of all the customers and medicines that are stored in the shop. The system will keep track of the orders made and the payment details. NoSQL will be used to store future suggestions and customer reviews.

The main part of the project will be a part where the customer will be able to select his/her symptoms and medicine will be referred to them. Along with the expected disease. We also would integrate Web Scraping of all the medicines related to a particular disease entered by the user to store it in our database.

Software Requirements

• Language support required: Python 3.5 or later, HTML5, JS, CSS3
• NoSQL database required: MongoDB
• Relational Database required: MySQL
• Windows 7 or 10 /Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit /Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu)
• Heroku and pip are preferred for deployment and installation of packages (such as Django,asgerif, mongoose, etc) specified in requirements.txt
• A web browser support is needed.

If using the software through deployment, no language support in your machine is required.

Conclusion & Future Enhancement

This project was successfully built and completed. The project is an online medical shop with two categories of users (admin and customer) who can update inventory and place orders respectively. We have also added a web scraper as an innovation to this project. However, there are a lot of changes and addition of functionalities that can be done, which we intend to do after peer and faculty review.

Some of the enhancements are :

  • Listing of products linked with images to generate a more shop-relevant UI
  • Remove some programming language constraints
  • Online Deployment
  • And changes that our faculty and peers suggest.

In the end, we would once again thank our college, examiners, faculty guides, and teachers to help us finish the project within the speculated timeline.

Academic Mini Project Ideas using Python Django and SQL Lite

These are the python academic project ideas that can be developed with Python, Django, and SQL Lite and can be run on any computer with Windows Operating System. The Agile methodology is adopted for the development of the entire project. Several Sprints usually up to one to two weeks in duration are fixed where a part of the project is delivered in working conditions. During each sprint, the output is tested manually for the production of runnable and correct software. Finally, system testing is to be conducted on the final product before deployment.

Breast Cancer Prediction Using IBM Cloud


  • Collect the dataset (Histopathology Images)
  • Build the model by Training and Testing using CNN
  • Integrate the model built with the flask in the python file
  • Create the HTML and CSS for developing the webpage.
  • Display the output by selecting the Histopathology Image & predicting it.

Breast Cancer Prediction


Our Problem statement is to predict the risk of Breast Cancer using Deep Learning Techniques. First, we have collected histopathological images of breast cancer of types benign and malignant. Next, we trained and tested the images using a Convolutional Neural Network made to classify the type of Breast Cancer i.e., Malignant and Benign. Further by using Flask, the python model is deployed and the prediction of Cancer is further rendered with HTML pages to display the type of breast cancer on a webpage.

Online Plants Store

Online plants store is a new way of buying plants online. It presents an online display of all the items they want to sell. The Customer can view all details of the products. Nowadays, plants are very useful to mankind. So, this online store helps customers to buy plants easily. It Includes the Home page, the About page, and other details.

Front End: HTML, CSS, And Bootstrap

Back End: Django and SQLITE

You can add a plant, Delete a plant, Update a new plant, etc.

We Can Use CRUD Operations.

Crime Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is crime details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. Online Crime Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts. The Project will provide a new experience to the crime branch through online Crime Management.


In the Current Education system under consideration, the basic problem is students are not aware of new technologies in this digitalized generation. They only mesh with book pages and the third party is also involved. The main objective of this project is to concern students about new and better technologies without third-party involvement. The summary of this project is about giving students practical working base knowledge that is used in real life and also beneficial for parents they can also know about their children’s knowledge and performance. Students can also learn as their wish and get a certificate with extra knowledge too. The Project will bring new experiences to students through online learning.

Employee Management

The purpose of the project that provides information regarding the employees in the company. The Project will provide a new experience to Employees, Managers as well as Hr through online Employee Management.

House Rent Management

The goal of the project is to create a better relationship between tenants and landlords.

Insurance Management

This system maintains information about branch managers who can deal with agents and customers. The application is developed in Python, Django, and SQL Lite and can be run on any computer with Windows Operating System. The Project will provide a new experience to the Insurance Company through online insurance management.

Inventory Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is inventory details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. An online inventory Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. We can easily add a new well and also manage the sale details, payments, etc. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts.

Student Management

In the Current system under consideration, the basic problem is students’ details are managed in registers with much more effort, huge memory loss, and time wastage. Online Student Management System is helpful in the reduction of paperwork and also helps in less time management. It is an efficient and reliable system that provides a computerized system for maintaining records. It also reduces inconsistency, redundancy, manipulation, human errors, and efforts.

Vehicle Break-Down Assistance

The main theme of this project is to serve the users (Victims suffering from lack of petrol and any vehicle issues with their vehicles) with a mechanic nearby them and solve their problems.

Here we are having three modules. Namely

  • USER

Campus Management System

The main purpose of this Campus Management System project is to manage the details of the college, company, and students. It manages all the information about the college, placement, vacancy, etc. The project is built at the administrative end and only the admin can control the whole system. The objective of the Campus Management System project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the college, company, student, placement, job, interviews, etc. It tracks all the details about the job vacancies and placement offers. This software is fully integrated with college, student, and company relationship management and developed in an easily manageable manner, time and cost-relieving one from manual work.

Online Furniture Store

My Project name is an Online furniture store. It allows the customer to check the various types and designs of furniture. online furniture store application consists of a list of furniture lists and designs. The user can visit all the information about furniture including furniture model, type, price, and quality of the product. For every product, the user can check the feedback before they are ordering. the customer can view all the details of the product.

There are types of users in this project—i.e; owners, workers, and the customer.

Clinic Website

The Clinic website is a website that is used for maintaining the database of the patient that comes to the clinic. It contains the authentication that is used to increase the security of the site. The user login contains a form that is submitted to the required doctor at that clinic then this form is further used by the doctor to diagnose the patient and perform check-ups.

This website is responsive and can be opened in any browser. Since this website uses a framework for styling so some of the effects may vary according to the browser.

This project mainly focuses on data management so we can perform various operations like creating a patient list and deleting the data. The database can be managed through the admin page and has separate login which can be used to access the data.

Online Result Notification

The online Result Notification website basically uses for Educational Institutes.

This website is working to show results easily to students about to this website. Students easily get their results as well as internal exams. Faculty easily adds the marks of the students and easily sees the TOP 10 students. Admin adds Course, Class, Subject, Faculty, and Students. And see all the details or data or changes.
There are three modules on the website. And this website is used for all the modules and they use easily and make their work easy. This website is online working so now the generation easily understands it. This site get students the option to print their results copies and also download them. This website is based on the student’s result process to easily give to the students.

As a student in Computer Field, we are encouraged by the growth and rapid development in the software industries, keeping in mind the increasing demand for software and software engineers the university has arranged project work for the third year.

Thus it is our moral and obligatory duty to take this project as a part of our studies with great enthusiasm and seriousness. For this, we have gone through a development program of 3 months.

Download a simple Restaurant Food Billing System Project Using Python

Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System Python Project

Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System works as a restaurant hub where people can browse and order food online easily. Nowadays, many people especially the young generation, often want to order food from restaurants online with a home delivery service. Thus, we built a restaurant management system where all the restaurant’s information and services will be available. We also offer deliverymen will deliver the food as well, in case a restaurant does not have delivery support.

Users of the Project

This Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System has four (4) kinds of users. They are:

  • Customers
  • Restaurant Managers
  • Restaurant Branch Managers
  • Deliveryman

Apart from the users, there is a superuser named admin. Anyone can connect to the system as a customer, restaurant manager, or deliveryman. admin will verify the Trade Licence No. and many other details of a restaurant before connecting it to the system. Similarly, a deliveryman will also get checked by the admin about whether s/he is capable enough to work as a deliveryman.

Project Features

Many features are implemented in the project. Among these, the key features of our project are as follows.

  • Dashboard for the restaurant managers
  • Search and filter food items
  • Our delivery module
  • Bi-directional rating system between deliveryman and customer
  • Offers and Discounts
  • Rating and review submission system

User Guide

This is a sample user guide that will work as a walk-through of the major functionalities of the Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System website. As mentioned above, there are 4 kinds of users in this system. A user guide is provided for each kind of user below.

Customer User Guide

Restaurant Homepage

Most of the users of the website will be in this category. Initially, a customer will be able to browse through the website even without a login. Thus, every time a customer enters the website, the customer home page will be loaded.

Customer Location Prompt

But when the customer will try to order something from the website, a location prompt will appear.

Customer Registration

After entering the location, the customer will be able to browse the website as before but cannot order until login/register is done.

View Restaurants

While browsing the items, a customer can filter the items via many different search categories. Among these, on the Restaurants page, a user will be able to see only the restaurants that are close to him/her.

Browse Cuisines

Also, on the Browse Cuisines page, a user can browse items based on many filters and search options. For example, a user can filter the items based on ratings on the items, price range, etc.

Branch Unavailability

Depending on the location, restaurant branch availability will be determined and some of the restaurants may not be able to deliver to the intended location of the customer.

Adding food to cart and Checkout

After browsing, customers can order from a nearby restaurant, check out the cart, and then the customer will be taken to the checkout page where delivery details will be asked for.

Payment method

Customers can use either cash on delivery or an online payment method.

Order Placing notification

At this point, an order has been placed. Now it will be approved by the restaurant manager. Usually, the manager approves the order within a short time. By this time a notification will appear stating that the order has been placed and sent to the restaurant authority.

Rate the Deliveryman

By this time the customer can browse through the website and wait. As the order information keeps getting propagated, the customer will be getting notifications for his order. Once the deliveryman arrives with the order, the customer will be able to rate the deliveryman for the service on the homepage.

Rate and Comment Items

Also, a customer can rate a particular item of a restaurant by clicking on View Item in that item while browsing. S/he can also provide feedback as a comment.

Restaurant Manager User Guide

Manager Register

A restaurant manager will need to open up an account as a restaurant manager on the website. The registration form will look like this. When the admin approves the request, an email is sent stating the activation of the account.

Restaurant Manager Homepage

On the restaurant manager’s homepage, there will be a key to identify the restaurant. This key will be used for opening up the restaurant branches.

Restaurant Branch Creation

Opening up a restaurant branch is just the same as opening up a new restaurant. On the restaurant register page, there is also an option to create a restaurant branch. Providing all the relevant fields along with the restaurant key from the restaurant manager homepage (mentioned above), a new branch of the restaurant can be created.

Add Items

A restaurant manager can add items to his restaurant. In the Add Item tab, the manager will be able to introduce a new item in the restaurant.

Manager Dashboard

Also, a manager can see the restaurant statistics on the Dashboard page. The Dashboard page contains many of the common statistics which will help him understand the restaurant sales progress. Outlet revenue, sales trends in different branches, etc. are shown on this page.

Restaurant Branch Manager

A restaurant branch manager will be in charge of a branch of a restaurant. So, his role on this website is also different from a Restaurant Manager. When the restaurant manager sets up the profile for the branch manager, she/he can manage this branch independently.

Item Availability in the branch

The Branch Manager can declare which items are currently available on the homepage.

Add offer

The Branch Manager can add offers on an item by clicking on that item.

Manage and Accept Orders

This is the most important task of a branch manager. Whenever a customer orders something, the order request comes to the branch manager who has to accept it and forward it to the deliveryman.

Deliveryman User Guide

In our system, anyone can become a deliveryman if s/he is willing to be. Anyone can open up a profile on the website as a deliveryman, but it will need approval from the admin.

Deliveryman Register

While opening an account, the delivery man has to assign himself/herself to one of the zones. S/he will be getting deliveries for that zone only.

Deliveryman Homepage

Once logged in, a deliveryman’s homepage will have currently pending requests of orders in his/her zone. To take an order for delivery, the Take Delivery button is to be pressed.

Complete the Delivery Process

Then, that order entry will be updated and will be waiting for the delivery man to pick up and deliver. Once delivered to the customer, the deliveryman needs to press the Mark As Delivered button. This will also prompt the deliveryman to rate the customer for his/her behavior.

Previous Deliveries

For a deliveryman who has been on the website and delivered many orders, s/he can check all his/her past deliveries in the Delivered Order.

Tools and Frameworks


HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Javascript, Angular JS, JQuery, Google Maps API

Backend – Django

Database – Postgresql v10.2


  • Web Framework: Django 2.2
  • Database Server: PostgreSQL 12.3

Visit Here and download the complete Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System Python Project

Project Submission Allocation and Evaluation System Python Project


In today’s era, Student Project Management in college is not an easy activity. To effectively manage the history of previous student projects, a well-designed system is needed. This Student Project Submission System python project was developed with Python 3.7 and Django 2.2


Engineering Colleges conduct projects or give Assignments for a better understanding of the practical approach to the subject in the real world. Thus this will help to maintain the completed record of the project documentation in an organized platform. Thus this Student Project Submission Allocation and Evaluation System will be able to cater to a wide range of requirements either for students or for an instructor at educational institutes.


1. Registration or Login Module:
Every new user has to request first to get a login id as well as a password which they can change later.

2. Upload/Download Module:

This module is used by the instructor to give the necessary instructions regarding the project/assignment and students can view the instruction module. The Instructor can allow tasks to their respective students. Students can download the task assigned to them and can work on it and later they can submit their work for review. The instructor can give reviews/marks on the proposed work
3. Previous submission Module:

This module is being proposed for maintaining the previous project/assignment details so that students or instructors can view the abstracts of the previous projects. They can download it for other uses or can update it during the deadline.

4. User Module:

This module is for the student and teacher where they can see all their current courses and can see everything related to the course. They can also update their profile here.

5. Open project Module:

This module will be used for open projects that can be done by any student. Every Instructor and other students can view these projects and can review the problem. These projects can be created by any Instructor and anyone can work on them.

6. Admin Module:

This module will be used by the head of the Institute, it has to process various functions such as course allocation, instructor allocation, student allocation, Domain selection, etc.

He can view everything from the students as well as the Instructor. He can use these data for the progress report of the students for the evaluation of their Academics.


Our Project Submission Allocation and Evaluation System Project can handle about 400k to 500k HTTP requests per day. Our databases can support up to 140 terabytes in size, assuming you can find a disk drive and filesystem that will support 140-terabyte files.
Our database will accept data of types:-
1) Character or string (maxlength:3000)
2) Integer
3) Date and Time
4) Pdf, zip or another similar document ( max size: 5MB)
5) images(type: jpeg,png,jpg,gif,etc)(max sizes: 5MB)


Students can Download this Project Submission Allocation and Evaluation System Project will help in building a collaborative system for students as well as professors for performing assignment/project-related tasks.

Software Requirements:

Python 3.7
Django 2.2

College Sports Resource Booking Android and Web Application

The main aim of this College Sports Resource Booking Android cum Web Application project is for students in the college to book sports material on the college premises. This Project is a combination of both an Android app and a Web application, where the android app is developed by Java and XML, and the web application is developed using Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Django, and SQLite technologies.



The College Sports Resource Booking Application has been developed in order to enable the ​students to book sports resources. The administrator can keep a tab on the availability of the resources along with streamlining the fine process. This application overcomes the problems prevailing in the existing manual system. It also makes it extremely simple for the students to book a resource or to check the availability of the resources, view dues if any, as well as history of bookings, and for the administrator to issue resources, impose fines and view the history of bookings.

The API developed for this application is deployed on Heroku and is ready to respond to the requests made by the application with expected outputs by accessing the database.

Scope of the project

This College Sports Resource Booking application can be used to reduce the problems faced by the manual system. The administrator can issue and reject a booking in one click and it even helps the admin to keep a tab on the Booking History and also the Blocked list of users. The administrator can also add or delete the resources. It makes it easy for the administrator to keep track of all the resources and bookings. The mobile application makes it so simple for users to book a resource and check the history of their previous bookings.

System Analysis


Sports Resources Management System is a web and android app. The admin can add and delete resources on the web and manage the users in accepting and rejecting resources. The users can book the resources from the android app and collect them from the office within 20 min and even cancel the request.

Existing System

In the existing system, the users have to visit the sports office manually and collect the resources. And also the users cannot reserve a resource from wherever he/she is. Even though the user is blocked, he can go to the office and make a request for the resource. The admin has to manually check the user if he/she is in the blocked list and issue the resource.

Proposed System

In the proposed system, the users can reserve and book the resource from wherever they are and collect it within 20min. In this system, if a user is blocked he cannot book the new resource until he clears the fine. The user can check the fine amount to be paid by him in the android app.

Software Requirement Specification

User Requirement

There is an admin and the user i.e., a student. The minimum requirement of the user is that he/she must understand basic English and must know how to book a resource, check the fine and collect from the sports office. The admin must know how to accept the user’s request, block the user, issue resources manually and collect fines from users and unblock users.

Module Description

There are two modules in this College Sports Resource Booking project. They are users and admins.

Features of User

The user is a student who is going to use the Android Application “SportEasy”. The app has the following features:

  • Can view all the resources available in the sports block with its count in the app. This reduces the inquiry time at the issue counter.
  • He can send a booking request with just one click so that he can collect it in 20mins from his booking time.
  • The user also has the option to cancel the booking request within 20 minutes of the booking time.
  • User can view all their past booking requests with their status so that they can know what requests he made.
  • The user has the option to set his password to a new one when he forgets his password or wants to change it.

Features of Administrator

The administrator is the one who accepts and approves booking requests. They handle the Web application. The functionalities of the admin module include:

  • Adding and deleting the resource when required.
  • Accepting or rejecting the resource requested by the user based on the timetable.
  • Updating the booking depending on whether the resources were returned or not and imposing fines accordingly.
  • Blocking the user if the resource is damaged.
  • Collecting fine manually and unblocking the user.

Software Requirement

  • ​Any Web Browser
  • ​Python 3 with Django Module
  • 64-bit operating system.
  • Emulator
  • Android Studio
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • Virtualenvwrapper
  • Flask module

Web Requirements

  • Html, CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Django

Android Requirements

  • Java
  • XML


  • Flask

This is the Django code for displaying all the resources present in the web app


This College Sports Resource Booking project is for computerizing the workers employed in order to borrow a sports resource. It is a great improvement over the manual system. The computerization of the system has sped up the process. In the current system, the front office management is very slow. This application was thoroughly checked with dummy data and thus is found to be very reliable. The software takes care of all the requirements and is capable of providing easy and effective storage of information related to students who book sports resources. Responsive web design and mobile apps make work easier and safe for any field. With the provision of an easily accessible user interface, the entire process of booking and approval of resources, along with other features, has become extremely facile while also significantly averting the numerous errors that would otherwise be caused in a manual system. With this platform we developed, we are hoping to achieve the following:

● ​Reduced time wastage
● Providing comfortable facilities to students
● ​Provide easy data flow
● ​Less employee investment


The College Sports Resource Booking mobile application which has been developed for the students for booking sports resources is only compatible with android versions 5.0+, it requires a minimum android runtime version of 5.0
The Admin has to check the timetable while issuing a resource.
There is no deadline for the user to clear the due and no notification system to intimate the user to clear the due.

Future Scope

This application can be enhanced by including numerous new features. One such feature is adding a notification system through which the admin can send notifications to a user regarding his bookings. In the current system, the user should manually go into the app and check whether the resource is accepted or not. Instead, an improvement to this would be sending a confirmation to the user when his booking request is approved by the admin. In case of unavailability of a resource, a “notify when available” button could be included too.

As of now, when a student wants to book a resource, the admin manually checks whether the student has a free hour at that particular time and issues the resource accordingly. But in the future, an app can be made which itself detects whether the student is having a free hour or not, thereby eliminating the involvement of the admin.

Subsequently, a separate page linked to the admin webpage could also be developed, where the admin can add updates about upcoming sports events or competitions in such a way that these updates will also be visible in the mobile app for students, therefore allowing them to be aware of all the ongoing or upcoming sports events through their mobile.

Download the complete College Sports Resource Booking Android App and Web Application Source code, Project Report, PPT, and How to run Video file.

Download the Complete College Sports Management System .Net Project Source Code.

Online Healthcare System Python & SQLite Django Framework Web Application Project


This Online Healthcare System project is a web application that was developed using Python & SQLite database with Django Framework 2.1.5. This Project provides students/patients quick online access to Health Care Centres and Medical Pharmacy shops. The students can get online prescriptions from various doctors, request an ambulance in emergency times, and get information about the medicines available in the Medical Pharmacy Shop.


  • Need for assistance and monitoring of Healthcare in Hostel life as the number of students in the college area will rapidly increase in coming years so management will become difficult to handle.
  • Making the Healthcare process fully automated and online can increase the efficiency of the Health Centre as well as reduce the need for paperwork


  • Online Healthcare System for College Health Centre connecting Students and Residents with Doctors.
  • Online prescriptions availability information.
  • Notifying users of suggestions from time to time.

Project Features

  • User Profile and Information Website Page
  • Login and Registration Website Page
  • Prescription History And Website Page
  • Health Centre Contact Information
  • Prescription and Doctor Specifications
  • Emergency Website Page
  • (Small Scale Medicine Pharmacy Shop)

The technology :

➢ Django Framework 2.1.5 – Python 3.6.8
➢ SQLite
➢ HTML | CSS | Bootstrap
➢ Javascript

Why healthcare?

● Healthcare cannot be neglected and should be given utmost importance by students.
● This Health Care System Python project might be helpful in case of emergency as well as the daily medical needs of the patient.

System Design Document:

Online Healthcare System Activity Diagram

Online Healthcare System Class Diagram

Online Healthcare System Development View Diagram

Online Healthcare System Physical View Diagram

Online Healthcare System Use Case Diagram

The output Screens:

Here students can easily access the complete Online Healthcare System project code, report & Output Video of the project.

For more information regarding the project development please visit the developer’s Online Healthcare System page on GitHub.