Design & Fabrication 8-Element Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array Project

Introduction to Design & Fabrication 8-Element Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array Project:

Design and fabrication of 8 element micro strip patch antenna array project explains about design of light weight and low cost and compact antennas for wireless communication systems. Because of this reasons many researches are working on developing antenna with these factors with interesting design challenges. Micro strip antennas plays important role in mobiles and satellites communication where size and cost is important factor.

Even though micro strip antennas are widely used in cell phones and satellites there are few factors like high gain and high directivity which are not possible. Because of this reason they are not used in many applications where these factors are important. In order to solve this problem array micro strip patch arrays are developed , patch arrays can provide high gain and directivity which are used in radars and reflectors on satellites.

In this project we explain in detail about design implementation and method for fabricating 8 element micro strips patch array antenna. HSFF(high frequency structure simulator) software is used for designing single path and 8-element array and then design is fabricated on PCB substrate.

In this project report we cover detailed explanation on required theoretical calculations and design calculations and design principles of HSFF, mat lab code and information on calculations for designing single micro strip patch antenna.

In these documents we cover basic antenna concepts and the micro strip antennas, classification of antennas, design considerations, micro strip losses, design losses and over view on fabrication techniques.

Electronics and communication students can find more projects related to mat lab from this site with project reports and paper presentations for free download.

Download Design and fabrication of 8 element micro strip patch antenna array project report from this link.

Fabrication of Quantum Cascade Laser Project Report

Introduction to Fabrication of Quantum Cascade Laser Project:

Fabrication of quantum cascade laser project is for M.SC students in nanoelectronics and nano mechanics. Main aim of this project is to design a new generation semiconductor laser and fabricate quantum cascade laser and gaining knowledge on semiconductors and nano technology. 

In present electronic devices semiconductors are playing important role, in this project we explain in detail about different principles used in designing cascade laser. Basically semiconductors work on inter band transitions and cascade laser operates on intra band transition of electrons. Type material will not decide the radiation wave length but it is effected by the thickness of layer in hetero structure of material. Better performance is seen in cascade laser due to series of quantum well which is implemented in hetero structure material. This procedure gives high quality and in mid infrared layer. This cascade lasers are used in different applications like gas industries, chemical industries, telecom systems and electronic counter systems, this is possible because of intra band transition property which will provide different range of wave lengths from a same material. 

In this project we use UV photolithography for structuring cascade lasers and we also use different techniques like annealing, positive photo resist, wet etching and metal evaporation. 

While designing this project special care is taken at fabrication stage. Special skills are required for engineers to protect nano device from dust contamination. Dust contamination will reduce performance and output of the laser. 

In this project report we cover details explanation on why QCL, quantum mechanics theories behind quantum cascade laser, fabrication of quantum cascade laser in nanotechnology. 

Here we provide MSC related project reports, paper presentations, seminar topics and projects with source code for free download. 

Download Fabrication of quantum cascade laser project report and paper presentation from this link.

Final Year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project

The final year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project is based on Analysing of Bangladesh power system. The data is based on their requirement of the major components and according to full details from the Power Generation Company Bangladesh (PGCB).

Company all the major components like Buses,Generator,TapTransformer,Capacitor,Motors and Loads are given the counting by the company itself But, this tool is Identify to analyse contingency of the power system. To do this we take details from the database.

Total Project Report Components & Roles:

The Major role is to perform the selection operation from the, perform this suitable software to analysis this which new product available in market. Select all the information from the PSAF. The PSAF (power system application Framework)This framework is taking care of the table entry data and picture or graphical mode data ,the diagram which are in single line for drawing options other one is Generating for report to simulation. The framework is developed by CYME international TD Inc. This is the tool we can use for perfect matching in Bangladesh system to collect. The version is used for this PSAF 2.81(Revision 2.8).this is the overall operation to perform the PSAF.

The constructing the data base data should select the suitable for the software, it come constructing the network, we provide all the information from the PGCB in PSAF. All the network select can run the process of the simulation. The Simulation is the process which is run the real time process on all time, and this takes the abstract level of the system all the times. Simulation take the all the information form the source.

By taking the data from the table creates low power voltage problem. By this we can use to solves the problem is Newton-Rap son, and this the method take all the fault conditions and solves the first.

Download Engineering Final Year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project Report, Abstract, Documentation and PPT Seminar.

Axial Force Sensor for a Semi-Autonomous Snake Robot Final Year Project Abstract

This Electronics and Telecommunication project mainly explained about how the semi autonomous snake robot uses the Axial Force sensor. By using this technology we can control the difficulty places in industry. And the snake robot mainly uses the sensors. There use the four sensors in four sides and also use the microcontroller for the purpose of   controlling the robot. In this technology we used sensors whenever the temperature increases in the industry then automatically sensor give the signal to the microcontroller the microcontroller then automatically active the robot and we can avoid the problems in industry. Normally the robots cannot access the data easily but by using the mobile robots in that we used the sensors and microcontroller these are worked with wireless communication. The mobile robot use the 3D technology to find the location, in 3D it uses 3D sensor.

Snake Robot Features and Advantages:

                         Snake robot is the robot and it consist of many joints and these snake robots are free to move anywhere .this robots can roll, extension and pitch. Firstly implemented the joints close to each other all this become universal joint. This technique is not suitable for all projects; next technology is the joints are made based on angles. This technique is called DOF. Here first take a sphere and next cutting in to half then the two directions can be found, if we rotate that sphere then another two directions also covered. This DOF technique is implemented in the snake robots. this project mainly used in industries.

RC Phase Shift Oscillator ECE Mini Project

The main aim of the RC Phase Shift Oscillator is to provide the phase shift of 360 . If we give a Sinusoidal signal as the input then the oscillator gives the output signal same as input signal but with the phase shift of 360. Actually in oscillator we don’t give input, without giving any input we get the output. With By changing the Resisters and Capacitors the output signal frequency is changed, this ECE mini project can be done by using variable capacitors and resisters. It is same as the LC tank circuit. Phase shift oscillators can be used as the Low frequency oscillator.

The components used in this project are Transistor BC 548, it is the silicon type and NPN type, Resisters ((0-100kΩ variable Resistance), capacitor (0.47µf), voltage (5volts).

The R(Resister) and C(Capacitor),RC combination gives a phase shift of 60. To maintain sustained oscillation the phase shift should be maintained is around 360. It can be used only for Low frequencies .

RC combination produces the phase shift of 180 and Transistor produces 180 . The total phase shift provided by this circuit is 360.

F (oscillation) =1/2*π*RC*6^0.5

Resistance is passive electronic device, the resistance of the resister can be found by using colour coding, and mainly there are two types of resisters fixed and variable resisters. Fixed resisters are carbon fixed, carbon film, metal film and wire wound resistors. And variable Resisters are Rheostat type and Potentiometric type.

Transistor is a three layer electronic device. Here in this project we used is npn type of transistor.

The main application of this project is used in low frequency circuits.

RC Phase Shift Oscillator is the simplest oscillator and it can generate sign signals, rectangular waves, Square waves, it is very cheapest product to buy anyone. It can automatically generate signals for guitar and other applications. 

Download RC Phase Shift Oscillator ECE Mini Project full Report.

Wireless Communication Projects 2010

List of wireless communication projects 2010:

Electronics and communication students can download wireless communication projects 2010 from this site. We provide latest wireless communication projects with project report, project abstract and ppt. Information available here will be useful as reference documents for final year students.

submit wireless communication projects 2010 to us.

Links to download wireless communication projects 2010:

  1. Wireless Ac Motor Speed Control Using TRIAC
  2. Pc Regimented Defence Android Using Zigbee

download more related wireless communication projects 2010.

Ece And EEE Projects With Low Cost

List of ece and eee projects with low cost: 

  Engineering final year students can request for ece and eee projects with low cost to us by sending mails with required project details. We will try to help you to find best option for getting this project form this site.

submit ece and eee projects with low cost to us.

Links to download ece and eee projects with low cost:  

  1. Student Administration Automation System using RFID system
  2. Pc Regimented Defence Android Using Zigbee project
  3. Performance Evaluation of AODV Routing Protocol in MANETS
  4. A Practical Miniaturized U-Slot Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth
  5. A Spatial Medium Filter for the Noise Removal in Digital Images
  6. Controlling Electrical Appliances through TV Remote project

download more related ece and eee projects with low cost.

Ece and EEE Projects With Ppt

List of ece and eee projects with ppt: 

 Electronics and electrical students can download ece and eee projects with ppt for every ece and eee seminar topic available in this site. Students can find latest paper presentations which can be used as reference for final year seminar topics.

                              submit ece and eee projects with ppt to us.

Links to download  ece and eee projects with ppt: 

  1. Two Level Cascaded Inverter with Elimination of Low Frequency Harmonics Using Micro Controller
  2. Industrial security system with alerts using auto dialer
  3. Ultrasonic Range Finder Using Microcontroller
  4. Optimal Residential Load Control with Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments
  5. Design of Discrete Controller via a Formal Approach Order reduction Technique for Discrete Systems
  6. Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling
download  ece and eee projects with ppt and reports.

Final Year Projects For Ece With Reports

List of final year projects for ece with reports:

   Download final year projects for ece with reports from this site. Electronics students can download latest collection of projects and base papers along with project reports and reference documentation. These projects listed here are submitted by previous year ece final year students.

                     submit final year projects for ece with reports to us.

Links to download final  year projects for ece with reports:  

  1. Adding New Functions to the Remote Airfield Lighting System Abstract
  2. Design and Application of Mobile Embedded Systems for Home Care Applications
  3. E-Certificate Using RFID-Based Identification
  4. ULTRASONIC DISTANCE METER Embedded System Project.
  6. Wireless Electricity Bill Reading Machine.
  7. Water level indicator electrical project abstract.
  9. Vehicle Anti-Collision System Using Ultrasonic Signals
download more related final year projects for ece with reports.

Final Year Projects For Electronics

List of final year projects for electronics: 

  Download latest final year projects for electronics students from this site. final year students can download ece projects reports, ece seminar topics and ece  paper presentations. ECE projects listed here are part of previous year final year projects.

                  submit final year projects for electronics to us.

Links to download final year projects for electronics: 

  1. Wireless Patient Heartbeat and Temperature Monitoring System
  2. Efficient On-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance by Using Codec Design
  3. Implementation of TCP/IP Ethernet web services using ARM7 Project
  4. A New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images and Moment Invariants-Based Features mat lab Project
  5. PC based SCADA implementation Using Micro controller Seminar Topic
  6. PC based SCADA Implementation Using Micro controller AT89S52 project
  7. Multiprotocol routing for automatic remote electricity meter reading using GSM carrier system
  8. Wireless Ac Motor Speed Control Using TRIAC
download more related final year projects for electronics.