Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report

Introduction to laser guided appliance control:

In today’s growing technological developments there are  many available techniques for controlling appliances. In Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report we will use laser diodes for controlling of appliance. The controlling of the appliance is possible by light intervention method. In this a automatic door opening system is designed which works on a laser. The output of this device is fed to relay which connects dc motor which opens the gate.

Circuit description and working:

A laser pointer or a laser diode can be used for the generation of laser light. The overflow currents coming to the laser are controlled by a combination of resistor and diode. A photo transistor is used which works in forward and reverse bias according to laser light intervention.  An IC(dd4538) is used around which a monostable mutivibrator is built which generates a high going pulse. The photo transistor will be in forward bias as lomg as the light falls on the transistor , if the light beam is interrupted the transistor goes to reverse bias condition.  The  ic calculates the interrupted time and then generate the signal pulse which drives the relay of the motor to open the door. A peizo electric buzzer is connected to the circuit which gives an alarm when the door opens. The laser bam has to be fixed in such a way that it falls continuously on the photo transistor.

Applications and advantages:

This type of devices can be used for designing security alarm systems. These can be used for design of home automation devices. The devices can also be designed by employing sensors, but the cost becomes high and it has some drawbacks.  The laser works effectively in giving responses but the light beam should be protected from disturbances due to external factors. 

Download Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report.

Wireless Controlling For Robot Using RF Project Report

Wireless Controlling For Robot Project Introduction:

The proposed work is to design a system for wireless controlling for robotic machines Using RF in industries. In this we are using RF communication for wireless transmission. Because the signals does not get disturbed due to interfaces and noise components , which is important factor for sending signals , otherwise wise if delay occur in the transmission lot of damage may happen. A 89C52 micro controller is used for monitoring the  entire process. A wireless camera is provided so that the user can look the moments and accordingly he can give messages.

Circuit design ;

The design consists of an receiver unit and a transmitter unit. The transmitter unit consists of an AT89C52 microcontroller to which RF transmitter is connected and LCD is connected to see what is given. At the receiver unit a AT89C52 microcontroller is connected to which wireless camera and LCD and L293 drivers are connected to which motors are connected. The microcontroller is programmed using embedded c and entire process is done on keil software.

Working process:

Suppose if the user sends a message to move forward the message gets transmitted from transmitter unit and is received in the receiver unit , the microcontroller process the received message and give respective signal pulse to the relay drives which make the motors move according to the given message and user can see whether the message is performed or not.


This type of system is very useful in industries, for monitoring the devices and persons can control the robot by sitting at any place. There are a very minute chances of going wrong due to bugs , if it happens the microcontroller automatically reboots .

Download Wireless Controlling For Robot Using RF Project Report.

Insulation and Manufacturing Process Of 500mw Turbo Generator Bars Project Report

Introduction to Turbo generator:

A turbo generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. A turbo generator is a turbine which is directly connected to electric generator for generation of electricity. Here the turbine is driven with an electric generator. The mechanical motion is created in the turbine by using heat , water vapor or nuclear power, the created mechanical motion is fed to the shaft of the turbo generator and this converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Insulation and manufacturing process of turbo generators:

The turbo generator consists of coils which are made of copper. As the no of coils increases the speed of the turbo generator increases. The 500mw turbo generator consists of 42 coils. The coils are insulated by using nomex paper. This is supplied with a pressure of 480 tons. A exciter is of two different lengths are present . A hydro generator winding section is present in the generator which consists of permanent magnet generators. It is used as a exciter for the magnet. The turbo generator rotor  is filled with hydrogen gas which prevents the coils from decaying. The turbo generator operates at a frequency of 50hz. The rotor present inside the turbo generator rotates with a speed of 3000rpm. A certain number of tests like mechanical test and load test ,bearing test, OC test are performed before the turbo generator is released , in order to know output efficiency. The 500mv generator has a stator voltage of 21kv.

Areas of implementation:

The turbo generators are used in generation of power in power plants. It can be used in different kind of power plants like coal or nuclear or wind or hydro. Because the mechanical energy generate from any source is driven into turbo generator to generate electricity.

Download Insulation and Manufacturing Process Of 500mw Turbo Generator Bars Project Report, pdf,ppt.

Water Level Indicator Minor Project


Water Level Indicator Minor Project aims at designing a water level indicator. A circuit is designed in such away that it indicates the level of water in the tank and gives an alarm when it is full. A CD4066 bilateral switch is connected to led to indicate water level. Certain no of electric probes are placed in the tank at certain heights for water level indication. When the water touches the electric probe the respective probe led glows. The alarm is produced by an peizo electric buzzer , which is connected to the last electric probe.

Working circuit design:

The entire circuit is designed on a bread board for the purpose of reusability, which is not possible with an soldiered board. Certain number of probes are connected to CD4066 bilateral switch and to this led is connected, when the water touches the probe the respective probe glows and at same time alarm blows. A 6V AC current is supplied to the probes, so that when the switch touches the probe it makes the switch on/off. The power supplied to the electric probe should be monitored because excess flow of current may cause electrolysis.

Applications and Future scope:

This is an effective system for knowing the level of water in the tank. This project can also be successfully implemented in minor and major projects for knowing the level of water. Instead of employing electric probes for knowing the level of water  we can also use the signaling method. The level of water is known by the time taken by the signal to come back.

Download Water Level Indicator Minor Project.

Electronic Locker System Electronics Project Report

Introduction to Electronic locker system:

The aim of Electronic Locker System Electronics Project project is to provide effective security measures for the users. Here the user can open their respective lockers by the specified user id and password. The equipment of this system consists of barcode reader for identification of id cards and host computer is installed which monitors the entire system. The host computer is fed with the database of the users, so that when users enter their id’s it checks the details and allot the lockers.

Brief into the working:

The drop bolts are placed in the locker an a electronic switching device (Relay drivers) are connected to these bolts. The signals from the host computer to the these switching devices are carried out with an RS232 cable. First bar coder identifies the id cards and displays a screen for entering the user id and after this process it sends a signal to the switching device so that the specified locker bolt drops. As we find many lockers the signal is sent to the respective locker with a multiplexer. The entire system runs with a 12v dc power supply. The system is provided with back-up power supply to avoid break downs.

Applications and Future scope:

These type are lockers are very useful in providing security, and these lockers are controlled automatically which reduces man power. But the is a drawback that an person can open the lockers by giving the user id and password , as the system does not know whether is a right person or not. This can be overcome by making the authentication process with finger print scanner or an eye scanner, where these is no possibility of manipulating. Thus we can conclude that electronic locker systems are very useful in the modern days.

Download Electronic Locker System Electronics Project Report.

Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Report

Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Introduction :

The best solution for today’s parking problems is automated multistoried car parking system which can be used in big companies and shopping malls where parking is provided in the floors. The main objective of this project is to make a effective use of the limited parking space and provide the exact location of the parking space for the drivers. The entire process is run on a 8051 microcontroller.

Working idea:

A display is providing in floors to know the count of the cars, so that the space can be allotted for the incoming vehicles. A lift is also available for carrying to the respective floors. A LED indicator is provide to the floors to know whether the lift is busy or free. A floor is reserved for VIP’s and they can come by entering their specified id. The microcontroller checks the id and the lift directly takes the vehicle to the respective VIP floor. A sensor is placed in each floor so that it senses the cars coming down and passes the information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller process the information and provides the lift . The information of the lift can be seen in the displays placed in the respective floors. When the lift is free it stops in the particular floor where the car is waiting. The working of the lift controlled by a stepper motor which is acts accordingly to the message given by the IC555 timer. The IC555 timer gets the message from the microcontroller.

Areas of implementation:

This working model can be effectively used in multi storied parking places where it is difficult for the human beings to monitor. This model can effectively work in such places and the vehicle owners do not go waste of time . There is a very unique situation where the remote system goes wrong.

Download Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Report.

Remote Monitoring and Control project ECE Project Report

Remote Monitoring and Control project Introduction:

Remote Monitoring and Control project explains about the need of remote monitoring is that the administrator must have complete information of the process ongoing in a client system. So the concept involved is monitoring a system activity from anywhere with the use of internet. This is an application software which works simultaneously on both the systems. The application software captures the screen shots o the client system and passes it to the administrator. The TCP protocols are used for communication in between the client and the administrator system.


Sockets which are the main components used for the record oriented data flow. First the authentication process is made so as to maintain the id of each user. Data events are programmed for a sequential flow of communication. The captured screen is send to admin in the form of bitmap. The data is sent by using WSA send option and received by using WSA receive option. The keyboard and mouse events are programmed so as to make the instruction executed on the end system given by the admin. The total software program is written using c language. The end systems communication is maintained by network protocols. The GUI of the software is created using visual c++.

Applications and Future scope:

These are mainly used in network administration system for having a control and information of the end system. This software can run on multiple systems bust as the number increases the processing speed of the data gets reduced. This is to be overcome by employing certain data compression techniques in between the end systems.

Download Remote Monitoring and Control project ECE Project Report.

Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report

Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report provides detailed explanation about the project.Here we provide introduction to the project.

By using calibration a steady state mode is studied. Different studies are calibrated and compared to obtain a non unique solution. After calibration pumping wells are introduced into the model to predict heads and draw downs. From the obtained particle tracking code modpath is checked for contamination of wells. Here the calibration parameters which are used for the design of 3 layers 11 columns and16 rows are discussed.

Model input and  Hydraulic conductivity:

The time unit for the calibration is years and recharge rates and et rates and pumping rates and fluxes are computed against years. By using the hydraulic conductivity we can enter the lithology of acquifer into properties menu. The acquifer consists of the information of the layers.


The  vertical hydraulic conductivity is entered between the layers by using leakance. It is used for describing vertical transmission properties of the layers. The leakance consists of vcount calculation parameter. By using the vcount we can enter the input of leakance to mud flow.


It is an input of the upper layer which gives the pattern of the recharge rates. We can estimate the recharge rates by assuming the percentage of perception falling in the mountains.


In the area around the plya the evapotranspiration occurs. With out using the evapotranspiration we cannot give the land surface input to the mudflow. The problems which occurs in model is that the evapo transpiration may cause some of the to go dry. But the mudflow takes he cell dries out of simulation. By using the gwvistas values the calibration process is calculated.

Download Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report.

Internet Based Home Automation System Using Java Project Report

Introduction to Internet Based Home Automation System Using Java Project:

The main purpose of internet based home automation system java project is to control the different types of home appliances by using a device. This device can be operated even though when the user is out of their home through remote access. Most of the users will forget to turn off their home appliances while going out. By using this home based automation system, users can easily switch off and on their home appliances such as Television, Air Conditioner, Microwave, Refrigerator, Fans, Switches, lights and many other home appliances.

Automation is the process of performing and controlling all the activities automatically through remote access. But this does not need more human involvement to perform any task but it needs some support from humans to operate it remotely.  Nowadays, internet based home automation is happened to be important task gained more importance in the recent times. By using the home automation system application, users can access their different types of electronic household items.

Existing System

There are many home based automation existing systems that can be used to access the home appliances remotely. But many systems have failed in presenting the appropriate internet based home automation system because of distance problems as well as device errors. In the existing systems, users cannot access i.e. switch on or off all the devices at a time, they should perform each and every task individually.

 Proposed System

The proposed system will allow the users to access their home appliances by using internet either through PC or mobile phones. In this proposed application, users can use the Bluetooth transmitter through which they can build a communication between all the devices at home and can access all the appliances at a time.

System requirements

  • Micro controller
  • Remote control
  • Radio Frequency communication
  • Bluetooth transceiver with 2.4 GHz ISM
  • Internet Access through PC or Phone

Download Internet Based Home Automation System Using Java Project Report.

VLSI Design Concept for Parallel Iterative Algorithms Project Report

Introduction to VLSI Design Concept for Parallel Iterative Algorithms Project:

Designing an circuit becomes more complicated, especially when the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology node Keeps shrinking down to Nano scale level. Nano-technology allows integration of number of IP macro-cells on a single chip which leads to the development of Dual-core CPU and parallel computing.

A design of parallel iterative algorithm takes to different VLSI technologies in terms of area, power and timing delay. This paper discuss about the efficient strategy for balancing the number of iterations and the computational complexity. In case of having an hardware platform, which requires an iteration step of an iterative algorithm to execute k times, then this situation can be solved by executing the iterative steps in parallel platform. For this we use 

  • Jacobi method – This method computes the EVD of n×n symmetric matrix iteratively by applying a sequence of orthonormal rotations to the left and the right of the matrix.

Architecture Consideration is necessary to simplify the CORDIC architecture. It is possible to implement a full Jacobi EVC array into a single FPGA device. We could only realize a 6×6 multicore array at most in the biggest Xilinx FPGA device, so we must simplify the CORDIC architecture, the first step is modifying a simplified scaling free μ-rotation CORDIC, this simplified PE has 2 adders, 2 shifters and 4 multiplexers, and it reduces the number of inner iterations from 16 or 32 times for a full CORDIC with word length 16 and 32 bits to 6 inner iterations with CORDIC circular rotation mode. 

Experimental results for an cyclic–by–row parallel Jacobi EVD method in Matlab gives an result of

  • Full rotation CORDIC with 32 iteration steps.
  • Half rotation CORDIC with 16 iteration steps.
  • Simplified μ-rotation CORDIC with one single inner iteration step (μ-CORDIC).
  • Simplified μ-rotation CORDIC with 6 inner iteration

FPGA implementation have a modeled μ-rotation CORDIC PE in VHDL and compared with a full-pipeline CORDIC which is generated, experimental results also show that a 25×25 full Jacobi EVD array can be embedded into Xilinx XC5VL330 65nm FPGA device.

Download VLSI Design Concept for Parallel Iterative Algorithms Project Report