Advantages of Grid Computing Btech MCA Seminar Download

Description: The research paper Advantages of Grid Computing BTech MCA Seminar Download speaks about advantages of grid computing. It is suggested in the research paper that today internet is ruling the roost and we all are attracted towards the internet for a faster access. 

We have many expectations from the internet and fall back to the services it offers be it for browsing information or downloading music and other important PDF files. But when a system is subjected to multiple downloading then there is every chance that the system speed might slow down, and the system hangs and we need to restart it to resume work. 

It could even be that the system crashes down. Grid system helps overcome these difficulties at the user end by offering effective and faster solutions.

The grid system is a way of connecting idle systems and utilizes their CPU Cycles in a pool of servers. In a grid besides servers, computers are connected via secure networks. All this is done for information and resource sharing. 

In a grid, the systems connected are heterogeneous in nature and connected all across the globe. Grid computing is all about using many computers to solve a single, problem at the same time.  Grid computing is gaining a lot of usage and users across the globe are opting for it but faster solutions to enhance the decision making processes.

Grid computing has lots of profits to offer to the business which relies heavily upon virtual interactions and transactions. There are three types of grids: Computational grid, scavenging grid and data grid.

Conclusion: The research paper concludes on a note that grid computing at one juncture was fading out and gaining a whole new prominence now and is spreading at an exponential rate. Grid computing is going to be buzz word of the future.

Grid Computing Advantages and Disadvantages

Description: The research paper Grid Computing Advantages and Disadvantages talks about Grid Computing and the advantages and disadvantages it offers. This research paper helps the reader to understand what grid computing is. The paper speaks of software used that facilitates the user to use and access software/hardware components with limited facilities from his/her side. Resource management and access are the two main characteristics of grid computing. The system needs certain amount of automation that helps in collaborating and decision making. There is no perfect mechanism as of now, but users can trust the Agent Union model. Grid is a parallel and distributed system tat facilitates sharing, collaborating, downloading and many more activities. The grid mechanism heavily depends on these two things. A local computer cluster which is like a “grid” because it is composed of multiple nodes and the creation of a “virtual supercomputer” by using spare computing resources within an organization.

The grid is a virtual platform for managing computing and data management systems in a wide network. Grids are useful in businesses, science and information. Grids are very active as of now in areas pertaining to academics and research. There are three types of grids mentioned in the research paper, computational grid, scavenging grid and data grid. Most users today understand the concept of a Web portal, where their browser provides a single interface to access a wide variety of information sources. A grid portal provides the interface for a user to launch applications that will use the resources and services provided by the grid. From this perspective, the user sees the grid as a virtual computing resource just as the consumer of power sees the receptacle as an interface to a virtual generator.

Conclusion:  Grid computing is an effective way of managing a networked community. It allows a very speedy download of data and that too many files without collapsing the system. It works even on idle systems by tapping the CPU potential.

Download Grid Computing Advantages and Disadvantages Technical White Paper.

Concepts of Grid Computing Seminar For Btech Students

Description: The research paper Concepts of Grid Computing Seminar For Btech Students talks about Grid Computing. Grid computer is the way, an effective way of managing systems over a distributed network. Grid computing is using many computers, networked, to solve a critical problem. Networking is considered a cost effective and qualitative way of computing. Grid computer utilizes the latent power of unused processing cycles of thousands of computers at the same time safeguarding their significant security concerns.

The goal of grid computing is a way of generating an illusion of having a big supercomputer that is managing hundreds of other networked computers. Computing is a way to enlist large no of machines to work on multipart computational problem such as circuit analysis or mechanical design. It harnesses a diverse array of machines and other resources to rapidly.  Process to solve problem beyond an organization’s available capacity. Once a proper infrastructure is in place, a user will have access to a virtual computer that is reliable and adaptable to the users.

How the Grid Works: Grid computer offers faster and safe internet browsing solutions. It connects various browsers and helps them download multiple files without cashing the system. The system allows safe download of specific software over a system which breaks into a thousand small pieces and helps thousands of other computers falling within the grid to use a specific part of the application. A grid user has to be installed the provided grid s/w on his m/c .m/c is connected with Internet. Internet is most far reaching n/w. The user establishes his identity with a certificate authority. The user has responsibility of keeping his grid secure. Once the user and/or machine are authenticated, the grid software provided to the user for installing on his machine for the purposes of using the grid as well as donating to the grid. This software may be automatically reconfigured by the grid management system to know the communication address of the management nodes in the grid and user or machine identification information.

Conclusion: The intranet grid system is the most widely used one across the one with brilliant solutions pertaining to speed, quality, cost effectiveness and safety to offer.

Download Concepts of Grid Computing Seminar For Btech Engineering Students.

The Grid Model Engineering Final Year Project Seminar Report

Description: The research paper The Grid Model Engineering Final Year Project Seminar Report talks about Grid Model. The research paper also describes what distributed computing is under the same context. The research paper suggests that internet browsing is the order of the day and many people enjoy doing it for varied reasons. Sometimes it happens that the internet speed slows down and we need to restart in order to resume our work. This seems to be significant bottle neck for researchers working in this domain. Grid computing and distributed computing can offer significant solutions to a problem like this. Grid computing facilitates very fast computer access. The research paper suggests that it will be possible to download many things that too very fast from the virtual world using grid computing. The paper talks about Globus Grid Apparatus that is the only available architecture for grid computing as of now.

It is suggested in the research paper that the grid system facilitates by making effective use of idle systems in the networked circuit. The grid can help manage different systems and different organizations. As of now Grid helps the academic and research domains. But slowly the technology will be roped into various other organizations too. The research paper identifies and elucidates various types of grids. Computational grids, scavenging grids, data grid are the various types of grids discussed. There could be a total computer/system crash when we are downloading multiple files. The system may crash due to the size of the task assigned. Grid computing helps achieving a big task like that while safeguarding the system.

Conclusion: The research paper concludes over a note suggesting that an intranet grid is one best way to overcome many problems that were previously posing trouble for smoother and secure network over distributed computing. Intranet grid helps downloading many files at the same time protecting the system. This way of computing is secure too as it has a step to step authentication.

Download The Grid Model Engineering Final Year Project Seminar Report

Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Presentation

Description: The research paper Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Presentation explains what grid computing is. It also explains what distributed computing is in a related context. Distributed computing involves a network of computers that share information in a highly transparent environment. Distributed compute has an independent processor and a networked environment. The research paper suggests that communication between processes using message passing technologies is the basis of distributed computing. Distributed computing is a connected network which although looks like a single coherent system. Distributed computing comprises many lightweight software components which are installed over the user’s systems and one or more dedicated computing systems. The distributed computing system is so interactive that it notifies when the system is idle. It also suggests/requests an application package. The application runs on the server without impacting the regular procedures of the computer.

The servers play an important role in distributed computing. They break larger information in smaller understandable chunks. The servers send application packages and also other relevant software packages like client management software to idle machines which might request them. The server sends such packages to several systems some of which might be switched out and idle at a time.

Distributed Computing might be useful in resolving complex problem pertaining to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Structural Dynamics (using Finite Element Method), Environmental and Biological Modeling – human genome project, pollution and disease control, traffic simulation, weather and climate modeling, Economic and Financial modeling,

  • Graphics rendering for visualization
  • Network Simulation – telecommunications, power grid etc. Distributed computing also helps in solving storage related problems in the domain of Data Mining, Image Processing, Seismic data analysis, insurance analysis etc.

Conclusion: The research paper ends on a note that distributed computing is a very attractive and cost effective method of computing. There will be a good rise in the quality of applications using distributed computing.

Download Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Technical Presentation.

Grid Computing and Advantages Final MCA Seminar Topics

Description: The research paper Grid Computing and Advantages Final MCA Seminar Topics talks about Grid Computing and how it is used to manage computers that are networked. The colossal rise in computing technologies and sharing network has raised the interactivity levels of the computer. The research paper suggests that when we are talking about internet we should consider a basic fact that there is an interaction between the system (server) and the client. There is generally lots of sharing of information and data when we are working in a distributed computing environment. However simple the act of browsing might be there is certainly a interaction with the other side of the world.

Distributed computing may be simplified as breaking down the bigger processes of computers in smaller manageable ‘agents’. These agents work together to pursue a cooperative task. This way breaking don things into smaller components will enable to work qualitatively on a particular task. Result thus obtained will be of enhanced quality and accuracy. The entire thing is cost effective too. Assorted tools and standards for assembling distributed computing applications have been developed over the years. These started as low-level data transmission APIs and protocols, such as RPC and DCE, and have recently begun to evolve into object-based distribution schemes, such as CORBA, RMI, and OpenDoc. These programming tools essentially provide a protocol for transmitting structured data over a network connection. Java offers a language and an environment that encompass various levels of distributed computing development, from low-level network communication to distributed objects and agents, while also having built-in support for secure applications, multiple threads of control, and integration with other Internet-based protocols and services.

Conclusion: The research paper concludes suggests that distributed computing is the domain that is gaining momentum faster than expected. Scientists believe that distributed computing allows reaching a better and simpler, faster solutions for complicated processes.

Download Grid Computing and Advantages Final MCA Seminar Topics.

All about Grid Computing BE CSE Seminar Topic

Description: The research paper All about Grid Computing BE CSE Seminar Topic defines what Grid computing is. The arena of computers has always be focusing on providing finest solutions in the field in order to enhance the efficiency functioning in the backdrop of a highly secure medium. Grid computing offers secure solutions via internet computing and where there is a distributed network and lots of sharing of information and other related things. It is suggested in the paper that the quality of services provided by the internet have grown by leaps and bounds today. Now a very high security operation is possible via the internet, thanks to Grid Computing.

Grids enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of resources including supercomputers, storage systems, data sources, and specialized devices that are geographically distributed and owned by different organizations for solving large-scale computational and data intensive problems in science, engineering, and commerce. Grid computing facilities smooth flowing of processes and sharing of information, data management, resource management and management of core competencies via the internet medium. Grid computing has refined the performance prowess of computes in a distributed/cross connected computer environs.

A grid is a seamless, collaborative computer environment. Grid provides computational services, data services, application services, information services, knowledge services etc. The research paper meticulously explains all these. The research paper also suggests that four main aspects characterize grid they are:

  1. Multiple administrative domains and autonomy
  2. Heterogeneity
  3. Scalability
  4. Dynamicity and adaptability

Conclusion: The research paper concludes on the note that Grid replaces the power grid and envisages dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to resources irrespective of their location for physical existence and their location for access. Many researches aiming at the enhancement of functionality of grid are in vogue and there are almost concrete promises made in the field. These systems range from Grid frameworks to application test beds, and from collaborative environments to batch submission mechanisms. Much is done and much has to be done in the field of Grid Computing.

Download All about Grid Computing BE CSE Seminar Topic.

Grid Computing and Internet Btech Cse PPT

Description: The research paper Grid Computing and Internet Btech Cse PPT speaks about Grid Computing and how it redefines the world of internet technology. The research paper suggests that grid computing is now the buzz word in the technological domain and has to certain extent replaced the concept of ‘distributed computing’. Grid computing primarily focuses on enhancing compute performance, distributing valuable and important information along the network, sharing innovative applications and high performance orientation. The research paper primarily focuses on the data sharing among various virtual organizations and data sharing. In an environment like this there are inherent problems like resource authentication, authorization, resource access, resource discovery and many more.

The research paper also casts light on extensible and open grid architecture in which programming, protocols, services, software development kits and interfaces and others have been categorized and explained in detail.

Advantages of grid over power-grid:

  • “On-demand” access to ubiquitous distributed computing
  • Transparent access to multiple byte distributed data bases
  • Easy to plug resources into
  • Complexity of the infrastructure is hidden

The research paper identifies certain problems pertaining to grid computing. They are identified as coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations. Current distributed computing technologies do not address the concerns and requirements just listed. For example, current Internet technologies address communication and information exchange among computers but do not provide integrated approaches to the coordinated use of resources at multiple sites for computation. Business-to-business exchanges focus on information sharing (often via centralized servers).

Conclusion: The research paper concludes on a note that the domain of computer science engineering has always been evolving and researching in order to come up with breakthrough researches that would aid in enhanced, reined and high-speed functionality in an utmost secure medium. Grid computing offers exactly such a thing. Grid computing aids is heightened and secure resource sharing alongside interoperability.

Download Grid Computing and Internet Btech CSE & MCA PPT.

Grid Computing What it is CSE 2012 Project Seminar

Description: The research paper Grid Computing What it is CSE 2012 Project Seminar talks about Grid Computing and how it is done. The research paper suggests that it is human nature that evolves almost from second to second with an urge to perform better. Such a thing is happening in computer- Internet applications. Grid is an application that allows internet with advanced features like advanced web for computing, communicating and collaborating. Grid computing, most simply stated, is distributed computing taken to the next evolutionary level. The goal is to create the illusion of a simple yet large and powerful self managing virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous systems sharing various combinations of resources.

The research paper talks about the major issues and concerns involving and revolving around grid construction. It is suggested that the high expansion rates of computer domain, networking and concepts like LAN, WAN have triggered the concept of Grid. The term Grid is chosen as an analogy to a Power Grid that provides consistent, pervasive, dependable, transparent access to electricity irrespective of its source. This new approach to network computing is known by several names, such as meta-computing, scalable computing, global computing, Internet computing, and more recently peer to peer (P2P) computing.

Grid computing allows sharing, selection and aggregation of various computer devices like supercomputers, storage systems, data storage devices that are distributed and the information therein is shared by different organizations. Grid computing also allows resolving problems pertaining to science, engineering and commerce. Although the concept of grid computing was initiated considering the geographically dispersed computers, it has gone way ahead above that. Now grid computing is used in many applications, including collaborative engineering, data exploration, high-throughput computing, and distributed supercomputing.

Conclusion: Grid computing has been initiated to resolve many an engineering problem. As of now the system offers many effective solutions and things may evolve to a much greater and higher level in the future.

Download Grid Computing What it is CSE 2012 Project Seminar.

Geographical Information System Cse IT Technical Seminar ppt

Description: The research paper Geographical Information System Cse IT Technical Seminar ppt speaks about Geographical Information System GIS. The research paper suggests that GIS is a system that allows mapping and analyse information that exists on the earth. Burrough in 1986 defined GIS as, “Set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will, transforming and questions are posed to determine what happens, for example, if a new road is added to a network or if a toxic substance seeps into the local ground water supply. Answering this type of question requires both geographic and other information (as well as specific models). GIS permits spatial operation.

Two types of questions can be posed in a GIS. They are Aspatial and Spatial Questions. An aspatial question is something like this: How many buffaloes are present in each location? A spatial question is like this: How many people work for GIS?

Factors allowing rise of GIS:

  • Information Technology.
  • Computer Technology.
  • Remote Sensing.
  • Global Positioning System.
  • Communication Technology.
  • Rapidly declining cost of Computer Hardware, and at the same time, exponential growth of operational speed of computers.
  • Improved functionality of software and their user-friendliness.
  • Visualizing impact of GIS corroborating the Chinese proverb “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
  • Geographical feature and data describing it are part of our everyday lives & most of our everyday decisions are influenced by some facet of Geography

It is suggested in the research paper that GIS comprises five major components: Hardware, software, data, people, and method.

Conclusion: The research paper concludes on a note that as of GIS is a costly affair, but with the increasing demand in computer based applications this domain may become cst effective for the for the future generations. GIS has almost become part and parcel of our lives with many of us still unaware of it.

Download Geographical Information System Cse IT Technical Seminar ppt.