Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Presentation

Description: The research paper Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Presentation explains what grid computing is. It also explains what distributed computing is in a related context. Distributed computing involves a network of computers that share information in a highly transparent environment. Distributed compute has an independent processor and a networked environment. The research paper suggests that communication between processes using message passing technologies is the basis of distributed computing. Distributed computing is a connected network which although looks like a single coherent system. Distributed computing comprises many lightweight software components which are installed over the user’s systems and one or more dedicated computing systems. The distributed computing system is so interactive that it notifies when the system is idle. It also suggests/requests an application package. The application runs on the server without impacting the regular procedures of the computer.

The servers play an important role in distributed computing. They break larger information in smaller understandable chunks. The servers send application packages and also other relevant software packages like client management software to idle machines which might request them. The server sends such packages to several systems some of which might be switched out and idle at a time.

Distributed Computing might be useful in resolving complex problem pertaining to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Structural Dynamics (using Finite Element Method), Environmental and Biological Modeling – human genome project, pollution and disease control, traffic simulation, weather and climate modeling, Economic and Financial modeling,

  • Graphics rendering for visualization
  • Network Simulation – telecommunications, power grid etc. Distributed computing also helps in solving storage related problems in the domain of Data Mining, Image Processing, Seismic data analysis, insurance analysis etc.

Conclusion: The research paper ends on a note that distributed computing is a very attractive and cost effective method of computing. There will be a good rise in the quality of applications using distributed computing.

Download Distributed Computer Systems Final Sem Btech Technical Presentation.

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