Capturing Router Congestion Seminar Topic

Capturing-Router-Congestion-Seminar-TopicCapturing Router Congestion seminar topic explains about reasons behind packet delay in network due to rooter, this topic covers congestion issues and packet queuing problems.

Performance in a network is calculated based on the time lapse of the packet travelling from one end to other end through internet protocol. Reason behind packet delay is due to hardware elements used for routing packets among them single IP routers are the main hardware elements which cause packet delay in the network.

This seminar topic will cover three points of views on packet delay because of single IP router in a network of first tier provider.


  • Basic understanding on the issue.
  • Measurements
  • Reporting

           There are many analysis provided on packet delay at the end of network but none of them had clear solution on accurate congestion measurement. Few studies had mentioned basic problems on packet delay causing at switching elements.

download Capturing Router Congestion Seminar Topic paper presentation.

Cloud Computing Technical Seminar Topic

Cloud-computing-Technical-Seminar-TopicCloud computing seminar topic explains about handling huge amount of data in the network with security features and data leakage, this topic also covers how vast information is provided to the internet users by reducing down time.

Cloud computing is made up of large number of servers for providing vast information through internet based network. Cloud computing is a open standard, modular and not expensive.

 In cloud computing chances of data leakage is less and down time is also reduced to minimum. Security risks are main concerns in cloud computing. 

Cloud computing features can change entire computing world where entire applications, installations, data storage of every individual can be stored in cloud storage servers without using any memory of the local computer. Data stored in cloud servers can be visible from all over the world with this feature complexity of data accessing will be reduced.

Google docs are now part of cloud computing, Google docs information can be modified by multiple users at the same time from different locations.        

 Cloud computing can reduce cost for companies, One any software is installed in cloud it can be accessible by company officials from all over the world with this feature there is no further investment is buying multiple software’s. Companies need to just invest on cloud storage. 

download Cloud computing Technical Seminar Topic.

Seminar Topic On Cryptography and Network Security

Seminar-Topic-On-Cryptography-and-Network-SecurityCryptography and network security seminar topic explains about importance of security in network while transmitting packets, causes of packet hacking on network, solution for reducing packet hacking and packet loss problems in the network and reasons behind network hacking. This topic can be used as final year technical seminar topic for CSE students.

In present scenario internet had became one of the important source of communication and money transaction around the world but at the same time security has became a important area to be concentrated.
This seminar topic Cryptography explains about solving this problem. Network security issues are divided in to four levels.

Secrecy:   User need to keep information secure without allowing any access to unauthorized users.

Authentication: In business dealings users should make clear with whom they are communicating with before submitting any important information like bank account numbers, credit card numbers.

Non repudiation: In order to maintain information securely using signatures for messages is must.

Integrity control: This is important when dealing with banks, online networks.

download Seminar Topic On Cryptography and Network Security.

Bit torrent File Sharing Protocol Seminar Topic

Bit Torrent file sharing protocol seminar topic explains about its working nature and its usage and impact on the network.

This seminar topic also explains how bit torrent protocol works, this protocol includes encoding, torrent file, protocol tracker and algorithms included in the protocol.

Bit torrent protocol is one of the widely used protocols for downloading and uploading files from servers without any load on the local system or network.

This protocol is a peer-peer protocol for sharing files. This protocol allows users to consume and provide sharing of files directly in the network without any central entity. This protocol works on TCP layer which is a top layer in the network.

Advantages of using this protocol allow users to download different parts of the file concurrently. Multiple downloading of files will not show any effect on servers. 

  1. A user who uploads files names as the seed will make it available on the network.
  2. Users who want to download (peers) make a request for the file.
  3. Based on first in first out request peers will get part of files to download.
  4. Downloaded files are available to other peers in the form of pieces for downloading

After entire files are downloaded at peer it is named as seed.

Agile Software Development Seminar Topic

Agile-Software-Development-SeminarAgile software development seminar topic explains about importance of project management in different stages of implementation. This software can be used in development stage, open collaboration and process adaptability in the process of project development. With a minimal work in different stages can improve planning of the project.

  • Importance of this software is to develop quickly and deliver fastly.
    Agile software can be used in different methods based on the use of the project.
  •  Software can be used in many repetitions (or ‘iterations’) with small time frames (known as ‘timeboxes’).

        Iteration is defined as software implemented in a one unit of time, For performing one iteration it takes two to four weeks. In order to complete one iteration it should pass entire software development cycle.

  • Compare to written documents agile methods will follow point to point communication.
  • Agile team work from single open office to  provide face to face communication.
  •  5 to 10 member team is required for managing agile software.

For large projects teams are divided in two different groups where each group contains 5 to 10 members and these small teams are interlinked with each other for further communication.

download Agile Software Development Seminar Topic.

Pervasive Computing Seminar Topic

Pervasive-Computing-Seminar-TopicPervasive computing seminar topic explains about its technology features in communication technology by incorporating communication features in microprocessors and its application in health, security, intelligent transport fields.

Pervasive computing is a computing technology which uses user environment for flexible and easy connectivity of different electronic devices which are linked in user environment.

  • Wireless and wired computer communication network devices are used for interconnecting for information transfer. 

This technology is the new method for developing applications in computing, information and communication, power systems, instrumentation and material science fields.

Technologies involved in Pervasive Computing.

Handheld devices along with mini circuits and large circuits and invisible circuits which are used in our daily life are part of Pervasive computing.

Communicate with each other and act ‘intelligently’. Such devices can be separated into three categories:

List of pervasive computing devices which are used as intelligent communication are given below.

Sensors: Devices which detect atmosphere changes, user behaviors, manual commands.

Processors: Processors play important role in analyzing and interpreting data and takes decisions.

Actuators: After data is processer output is delivered using actuators using electronic and mechanical devices.

download Pervasive Computing Seminar Topic.

Seminar Topic On Bit Torrent Protocol

Seminar-Topic-On-Bit-Torrent-Protocol.Bit Torrent protocol seminar topic explains about its invention and functionality of bit torrent protocol and how it will reduce bandwidth while downloading files. This seminar topic will be useful for computer science final year students.

Bit torrent works on bit torrent protocol which helps in effective usage of bandwidth while downloading files from a single source. Downloading files using bit torrent will reduce load balance in source computer and network. Bit torrent protocol helps users simultaneously to upload and download files from a “swam” of hosts. Using this protocol distributing of data is easy, which helps in easy access for networks with low bandwidths like mobile phones and small computers.

In order to use bit torrent file first user should prepare a simple torrent descriptor file which is available to public by the means of web, mail …etc. Then user should make it available through a Bit Torrent node which will act as a seed. Users who have torrent descriptor file will submit it to their own Bit Torrent nodes, these nodes will act as peers for downloading from seed or other peers.

After a file downloading is completed from a peer, it converts as a additional seed. This process of shifting peers to seeds will determine “health” of the file.

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Technical Seminar on Wimax Technology

Technical-Seminar-on-Wimax-TechnologyWIMAX technology technical seminar topic explains about improvements in internet with wimax and how WIMAX is useful in present situation and how it works along with its features. As usage of internet is increasing in our day to day life but still there are areas where flexibility is not reached for accessing internet. This WIMAX technology is an upcoming technology which is implemented in some parts of the country and gaining lot of importance from users because of its flexibility. This technology is developed and approved by IEEE community. WIMAX uses wireless technology to provide point to multipoint communication.

WIMAX is gaining popularity because of its cost efficiency; data rates are same as that of regular DSL connections. This technology helps users to access internet even if they are in roaming by connection to ISP which is one of the best feature in WIMAX technology. In present situations internet usage is available in rural area because of its communication investment but WIMAX will solve this problem. 

In terms of data transfer rate WIMAX is at top compare to regular 2G, 3G services. Data rate is about 100 percent fast compare to present data rates. Presently Wi-Fi is playing important role in wireless communication by covering 300 feet distance but WIMAX can cover at a range of 30 miles distance. WIMAX comes with two applications one as fixed WIMAX which can be used in offices and homes as a point to multipoint communication and Mobile WIMAX which offers full mobility.

download Technical Seminar on Wimax Technology Btech Final Year Project Seminar.

Tomcat Web Server Technical Seminar

Tomcat-Web-Server-Technical-Seminar Tomcat web server seminar topic explains about importance of tomcat server and its applications in web and how it is used in apache server and its applications in web servers. This seminar topic can be useful for computer science final year students as a technical seminar. This topic also covers features of servlets in tomcat.

Tomcat is a open source application with servlet features included in it which can be used by java developers for testing implemented code. Tomcat is refeared by top companies like sun which is main source of java. Tomcats main aim is to provide 100% features with servlet and java implementation.

Tomcat is one of the widely used test servers and used in software production environment because of its improved features away from testing server. One of main features on tomcat is adding apache suite products to it that too for free.

Few draw backs in improvements of tomcat are its shot open source projects which come without documentation.

Web server community has rated apache as a one of the best free servers available in the software industry. NCSA implementation in Apache has increased its popularity.

download Tomcat Web Server Technical Seminar Btech Final Year Project Seminar.

Voice Over Internet Protocol Seminar Topic

Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol-Seminar-TopicVoice over internet protocol seminar topic explains about few interested facts about voip communication network like how it works, how it is different from regular mobile communication what are advantages and disadvantages of VOIP.

Voice over internet protocol is one of the fast growing technology in the internet world. VOIP runs through web, In regular mobiles number is used as identification for users but in VOIP  ip address is assigned to every computer which will be the identification number of that user. In order to used VOIP services user should have a ip based network with VOPI Client on desktop or vopi phone with a router which should be purchased while taking new connection. VOIP is used by many users from all over the world because of its low call cost for international callers.

In order to used VOIP services operating system must support with hardware, Windows CE is used as operating system which is robust, real time operating system platform that enables hardware manufacturers and equipment manufacturers to interlink with each other. Windows CE comes with VoIP enabled call control telecom user interface, a voice application interface layer with effective call control facility.

download Voice Over Internet Protocol Seminar Topic Btech Final Year Project Seminar.