Transmeta Crusoe Processor Seminar Topic

Transmeta-Crusoe-Processor-SeminarTransmeta Crusoe Processor seminar topic explains about design of new processor for mobile computing systems like laptops, Notepads, Notebooks, details about Crusoe processor, Marketing details, Crusoe architecture, Code Morphing, Technology and Power management.

In existing systems mobile computers are integrated with regular desktop version processor with little modifications which are not specifically designed for this system. Processor manufacturing companies like inter, mercury …etc had not invented new processors for mobile computers. There are many draw backs with existing processors like power consumption, Battery backup and more. In order to overcome these problems new company Tranmeta had developed Crusoe processor which will overcome drawbacks of existing processors. This processor are designed in mobile x86 platforms as that of regular processors but it will consume less power with features like segmentation, ASCII arithmetic, variable-length instructions etc.

Crusoe architecture is designed as a 128-bit hybrid microprocessor with software and hardware part included in it. Hardware unit is surrounded by software layer. Software layer will convert x86 binary code to machine language at run time.

This processor is designed using VLIW technology which works on simple design and provides high performance. Crusoe processor uses code Morphing and Longrun Power Management technologies which are Tranmeta’s patient technologies.

download Transmeta Crusoe Processor Seminar Topic , paper presentation.

Technical Seminar On Tripwire

Technical-Seminar-On-Tripwire.Tripwire technical seminar topic explains about software application which monitors important changes that takes place in system. This paper presentation explains features of Tripwire software, working, how to install Tripwire and software advantages.

Tripwire software find out any changes that had taken place in the system and display information of the important files which should not be modified , files that are modified in size, binary signature are also displayed. Tripwire is a open source software which can be used by administrator in a organization to check modified files in the system and perform operations to modify, delete or update those files. Checksum is generated for each modified file which can be viewed by administrator. Admin can compare original checksum with modified checksum and perform addition or deletion of  files.

Tripwire software can be installed in servers like firewalls, web servers, transaction servers and development servers. This software will automatically scan servers to find out the changes accoured in the server, database files and policy files are important files that are continuously scanned by Tripwire.

download Technical Seminar On Tripwire , paper presentation.

Automobile Utilization Visual Basic Project

AUTOMOBILE-UTILIZATION-VISUAL-BASIC-PROJECTThe CSE students who are interested in doing the project on visual basics they can select Automobile Utilization visual basic project. Automobile system deals with the purchase and sales of the good and maintains the stock. It contains various forms and reports with different function. It has the menus created for different forms and reports.

The main objectives of Automobile system are:

  • Easy to generate report for any transaction.
  • It is very much faster and flexible than manual system.
  • Easy and fastest   record finding technique.
  • Man power required is very less.
  • Data can be stored for a longer record.

Visual Basic syntax ideally suited for producing windows application. Ms Word, Ms Access and Ms PowerPoint all share Visual Basic for application, the exact same language syntax in Visual Basic-6.0. It continues the tradition of simple, powerful and easy to learn a language yet adds enough extended capabilities to satisfy the most jaded developer.

A database is coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning, built and populated with data for a specific purpose. Database stores data that is useful to us. This data is only a part of entire data available in the world around us.


  • ·         Processor: Pentium-iii
  • ·         RAM: 256 MB           
  • ·         Hard Disk: 4.3GB
  • ·         Floppy Disk: 1.44 MB
  • ·         CD Drive
  • ·         Monitor-15” Color Monitor


  • ·         Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
  • ·         Oracle 8i
download Automobile Utilization Visual Basic Project.

Technical Seminar Topic On SWYPE

Technical-Seminar-Topic-On-SWYPESwype technical seminar explains about history of keyboard to present usage in mobile devices, details of existing system, Quetry keyboard, proposed system details and specifications.

SWYPE is a new method of keyboard on touch screens, SWYPE keyboard allows users to display words based on sliding from letter to letter, related words are displayed by using error correction algorithms and it uses language model to guess words. Tapping predictive text is also included in this system.

At present four million touch mobile phones all over the world use Swype keyboard which comes with same format as that of regular keyboard.

SWYPE software uses one megabyte memory for windows mobile devices it takes less than one megabyte space.

Swype consists of three major components that contribute to its accuracy and speed: an input path analyzer, word search engine with corresponding database, and a manufacturer customization interface.

SWYPE works in SYMBIAN, android, windows operating systems. In future swype will replace existing systems in the market; it can be used in any computing devices.

download Technical Seminar Topic On SWYPE , paper presentation.

Seminar On 4G Wireless Technologies

Seminar-on-4G-wireless-technology.4G wireless technology seminar topic explains about history of 4G technology, features of 4G technology, technology used in 4G and its operational features along with hardware requirements.

At present 3G is widely used technology in mobiles phones all over the world.  4G technology is still in developing stage, there is lot of research going on this technology. When comparing with 3G data transmission rates are faster. This seminar topic will outline basic functionality and its applications in real time.

3G and 4G technology differs in speed of data transfer, 4G works as a high speed wireless technology for providing broadband speed to mobile devices. 4G data transfer rate is 100Mbps in roaming and 1Gbps while mobile devices are in stationary position. This technology functions with the help of VOIP, IPV6 and Orthogonal Frequency multiplexing. This technical seminar topic will explain in detail about IPV6 importance and OFDM.

download Seminar on 4G wireless technology, paper presentation.

Secured Data Transmission Through Networks Seminar Topic

Secured-Data-Transmission-seminar-topicSecured data transmission through network seminar topic explains about how secured data can be encoded in the form of image and advantages in this process along with detailed explanation of the process involved in the encoding secured message.

Data transmission through network involves lot of hacking and illegal data capturing which is main concern for companies and government organizations. This process explains about how data can be securely transmitted.

Before transmitting a secure message data is added in to image by changing least significant bit information to message bits. Then modified message is transmitted through network. This method is called LSB based stenography which is mostly used for securing  data. 


  • Cryptography is one of the old and widely used technique for securing data compare to many new hiding techniques. Stenography is the supplementary to cryptography which can be used for securing data. This seminar topic will explain a combined procedure for securing the data.

 download Secured Data Transmission Through Networks Seminar Topic, paper presentation.

Scalable Routing in Cyclic Mobile Networks Technical Paper

Scalable-Routing-Technical-Paper.Scalable Routing in Cyclic Mobile Networks seminar topics explains about routing mechanisms used in existing system and problems facing due to this method and explains about a new contact information algorithm that can solve routing problems .

Existing System.

  • In existing system routing of packet is dependent on the location id of the end user which was assigned while sending packet.
  • In order to update direction information of packets routing protocols needs to bear high level of load.
  • Existing systems use Weak state routing mechanism is implemented to handle large scale networks.
  •  Information used in routing systems are not accurate they are based on the probability bases. Which causes packet loss problems?


  • Proposed system uses scalable deterministic routing mechanism for continuous mobility.
  • This system uses contact information in three different combinations for delivering packets. This method is alternative routing method for global contact knowledge.
  • Critical information is maintained using aggregation and compression in time spacing domain.

download Scalable Routing in Cyclic Mobile Network s Technical Paper, paper presentation.

Parallel Computing Seminar Topic

Parallel-Computing-Seminar-Topic.Parallel computing seminar topic explains bout usage of this technology in present computing, issues in parallel computing, concept and terminology used in parallel computing, design  and  architecture. Parallel computing is playing important role in developing high performance computers. In computer word Neumann machines are used widely all over the world but there work is limited to few applications where parallel computing can be used for developing those applications. Personal computers and work stations use some degree of parallelism. Due to lack of developing application software’s using parallel computing had not made it more usable.

Software has been written for serial computation:

  • Using single Central processing unit application should be developed.
  • Central processing Unit should execute instruction one after other at any moment of  time

  1. Parallelism computing is a concept in which central processing unit uses multiple resources to provide a solution.
  2. The computer resources are:
  • A single computer with multiple processors
  • An arbitrary number of computers connected by a network;
  • A combination of both.
  • The computational problem usually demonstrates characteristics such as the ability to be:
  • Single task can be broken in to multiple parts to solve a problem.
  • Multiple programs can be executed at a single moment of time.
  • Time required to process commands is very less single CPU resources can be used to solve the problem.
download Parallel Computing Seminar Topic paper presentation.

Data Leakage Seminar Topic

Data-Leakage-Seminar-Topic.Data leakage seminar topic explains about brief introduction on what is data leakage, Causes of data leakage in top companies and solution on how data leakage can be stopped.

Multinational companies along with government organizations are facing data leakage problem. Sensitive information is stolen at the time of transmission. More information on data leakage at network side is explained in Network data Leakage seminar topic.

Existing System.

In existing system in order to control data leakage water marking technology is used. In this method data is embedded with a unique code. Based on unique code data leakage can be identified. Water marking method can save data leakage but data will be  modified.

Proposed System.

In this proposed system data leakage can be detected along with agent who is involved in data leaking. This method uses “Perturbation” technique to show sensitive information as insensitive to agent. Algorithms are developed in the way that they are accessible to agents and by using these algorithms agent’s information can be traced.

This application is developed in Asp.Net and C#, and sql server is used as database. There are four modules involved in this application.

Data Allocation Module

  1. Fake Object Module
  2. Optimization Module
  3. Data Distributor
download Data Leakage Seminar Topic paper presentation.

Corporate Requirement System Seminar Topic

Corporate-Requirement-System-seminar-topicCorporate requirement system seminar topic explains about a web portal application which will bring job seekers and job provides on a single plat form without any middle persons involved in the process. This topic also covers modules involved in application by differentiating existing system features and proposed system features. This topic is related to a Corporate requirement system final year project.

CRS is implemented in java programming language using HTML and Oracle. This application is a web portal application where users can access it from all over the world. In present scenario there are many middle consultancies involved for providing job information so this application will bring direct communication between companies and job seekers.

Companies with job vacancies can post there requirement information on this online portal where users can view check job information and communicate with them directly. Admin will maintain site information.

Existing system.

In existing system entire process is carried out in manual process which is time consuming and man power used is also more.

Proposed System.

ž In proposed system time will be saved with less man power involved.

Through this online application users can update information from where ever they may be and they can communicate with them directly.

download Corporate Requirement System Seminar Topic paper presentation