Trends in Telecom Technical Seminar Topic

Trends-in-Telecom-Technical-seminar-Topic.Trends in Telecom seminar topic explain about how communication technology has increased its growth in daily life in terms of voice, data transfer, interne in different networks.

With the increase of usage of technology many fields like media, advertising and shopping are taking advantage of these technology and inventing new activities. All these sectors are developing cross plat form products and improving their business. Banking is one of the field where technology is mostly used few years back banking usage was not computerized  but now every transactions or any type of operation can be performed through online process and now mobile banking is increasing fastly.

These are the list of fields in which technology is playing important role.

Online-Banking, Online- Shopping.

VOIP services for voice communication.

Internet connections across the world.

Online voice chatting, online video chatting, Satellite communication. 

Telecommunication technology has created a new trend in every one’s life. As the usage is increasing new technologies are developing to provide needs to customers one among them are cell technology. In this method same bandwidth is used in different locations without overlapping, which will increase customers. A area is divided into multiple hexagonal cells.  In recent times internet on mobiles are creating lot of business like developing apps, online application and usage of internet with new technologies like 2g and 3g are creating lot of scope for future development.

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Java Card Technical Seminar Report

Java-Card-Technical-Seminar-Report.Java card seminar topic explains about developing a simple hardware and software application which is used for running any type of java projects using a simple sim card sized chip. This microprocessor chip contains integrated circuit inside it with some memory to store information. Developers who work on smart cards can stick to java card and run all applications which are developed in java and check applications in run time environment. Hardware applications which use small microprocessor memory can use these java cards. Developing java cards can improve java software programming usage in smart cards.

Java card technology helps developers to develop, test and deploy applications in a secured way. Developing applications in this model can reduce cost, increase efficiency and improve customer satisfaction. One of the best uses of this card is to integrate applications in to mobile, standard or enterprise editions without any work.

Integrated circuit is used for developing java card which will increase its use in personal security. This card can be used in the application where secure access and information security is important. This card can be used as portable device which can carry secure information like medical history, credit card number or electronic cash balances with high level of security. 

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CSE Seminar Topic on Hacking

CSE-Seminar-Topic-on-Hacking.Hacking is one of the big concerns in internet which is increasing from day to day so there is need to know more about hacking on web, this cse final year seminar topic will provide brief information on hacking and how it is affecting security issues on web. As we know internet is like other media to communicate information which include lot of illegal work is going on. Based on just few incidents we can’t say internet is not a safe place.  Comparing past few years internet market has grown in a fast pace but the usage is not in correct way there are lot of pornography, fraud sites with illegal software, music, movies downloads and bank account hackings are becoming regular now a days.

All these activities are carried out by hackers who are computer enthusiasts, programmers. These hackers are creating new way of job opportunities for companies like Google, Yahoo …etc.  Many of these hackers are website owners. Hackers are divided into different  categories.

White -Hat Hackers

In this type of hacking hackers are generally well learned with deep knowledge on computer subjects. These hackers can find out loops in software’s, websites …etc. These hackers are not involved in any frauds but they will become security consultants to help top companies for hacking free software’s.

Black-Hat Hackers

In this type of hacking hackers who take their own path on their interest like hacking website username, passwords hacking bank accounts, credit cards information. These type of hackers are dangerous, basically they take it as a passion.

download Seminar Report and paper presentation  on Hacking. 

Gesture Recognition Technology Seminar Topic

GESTURE-RECOGNITION-TECHNOLOGYGesture recognition(seminar topic) is an upcoming technology which can change entire view of technology. This topic can be used as seminar topic for computer science students. The main idea of this seminar topic is to brief about gesture technology and how it will change our work in daily life.

Gesture means signs made by human begin which originates from face, hands or any part of the body. These gestures can be captured using scanning or video methods and by processing these gestures in to human signals communication can be established between human beings and machines.  Presently technology only captures facial expressions and hand gestures. Many algorithms are developed for calculating gestures.

Main aim for gesture recognition is to build a richer bridge between man and machine through which a richer communication will be established between human and machine. At present GUI related interfaces are used in which text is taken as input from mouse and keyboard.


In this new system gestures are used as inputs which do not require any mechanical elements to communicate between man and machine. If we show move our hand on computer screen and based on our movement curser will according move which will make work easier. This technology will replace keyboard, mouse and even touch screens in the future.

download Seminar Report and paper presentation  on Gesture recognition .

Interactive Voice Response Seminar Topic

Interactive-Voice-Response-Seminar-TopicInteractive voice response is a seminar topic based on telephone communication between company and users with top quality facilities. This seminar topic will explain about features included in IVR software and how it is works in real scenario. This topic can be used by computer science students.

IVR software consists of two parts.

– The Call Handling Engine –

– The Application Generator –

Call handling engine part will look after call receiving, text to voice converter, data base interaction, voice messaging, voice to mail and many other features.

Application generator part will look after designing of new application as per the use of client. This software will provide graphical user interface with drag and drop features. Using these features it is easy to design new application in a short time.

IVR works as a VoIP service which will use internet as a medium for voice communication. This seminar topic will explain in detail about how data is communicated in the network.

This software is developed using Intel Dialogic’s processor which is used for voice processing; this processor is best processor which will provide reliability and robustness. IVR software use graphical user interface with color schemes to handle calls more effectively. Each state of operation is mentioned with different color. For call disconnected red color is used, for call connected green color is used.

This seminar topic will explain about touch tones, voice calls handling and more. Client using this application can design new application by creating his own call flow diagram. This software provides user friendly GUI for designing our own call flow application.

download Seminar Report and paper presentaion  on Cell phones beyond calls and SMS .

Cell Phones Beyond Calls And SMS Seminar Topic

CELL-PHONES-BEYOND-CALLS-AND-SMSCell phones beyond calls and SMS is a seminar topic which will be useful for computer science students. This topic explains about how cell technology had started and how the use of this technology had grown from day to day. This topic covers some of the interesting facts in cell phones design and software which are not known to many of the users.

Concepts that are covered in this seminar are.

SHORT AND SWEET SMS: Away from calls SMS are widely used by mobile users for communication. This feature allows users to use value added services like ring tones, caller tunes, email , chatting …etc. SMS option had created lot of options for developing innovative features for mobile users.

MOBILITY: Because of this feature mobile technology had created lot of interest in users. With this feature users can get connected from anywhere in the world.

CHEATING CODES: In this document you can find list of cheat codes that are used to find out hidden information of your mobile.

MOBILE SECURITY: There are lot of security features in mobiles which can be used for locking sim, locking phone and blocking unwanted calls.

CELLPHONE MEETS PC: With new innovations like IPADS computers are over taken by mobiles.

download Seminar Report and paper presentaion  on Cell phones beyond calls and SMS .

Error Control System in Network Environment a Java Project

Error Control System in Network Environment is implemented using java. This projects is useful for computer science final year students who are interested in developing network related project.

In cellular communication networks, the geographical area is divided into smaller regions, called cells. In each cell, there is one Mobile Service Station (MSS) as well as a number of Mobile Hosts (MH). The communication between MSSs is, in general, through wired links, while the links between an MH and MSS is wireless.

A Mobile Host can communicate with other Mobile Hosts in the system only through the Mobile Service Station in its cell.


There are two kinds of channels available to an MH: communication channel and control channel. The former is used to support communication between an MH and the MSS in its cell, while the latter is set aside to be used exclusively to send control messages that are generated by the channel allocation algorithm.

In this paper, henceforth, unless specified otherwise, the term channel or wireless channel refers to a communication channel. When an MH wants to communicate with another MH, it sends a request message to the MSS in its own cell. The request can be granted only if a wireless channel can be allocated for communication between MSS and MH. Since channels are limited, they should be reused as much as possible.

But, a channel cannot be used at the same time by two cells if they are within a threshold distance called the minimum channel reuse distance (Dmin) , because it will cause interference. Such an interference is called cochannel interference. A cell, say Ci, is said to be an interference neighbor of another cell, say Cj, if the distance between them is less than Dmin. So, if a channel r is used by a cell Ci, then none of the interference neighbors of Ci can use r concurrently. If using a channel in a cell causes no interference, then we say that this channel is available for the cell. When an MH needs a channel to support a call, it sends a request message to the MSS in its cell through a control channel.

When the MSS receives such a message, it tries to assign a channel using a channel allocation algorithm. A channel allocation algorithm is usually divided into two parts: a channel acquisition algorithm and a channel selection algorithm. The task of the former is to compute the set of channels that are not being used by cells within distance Dmin.

The goal of the latter is to choose a channel from the computed set of channels smartly so that good channel reuse pattern can be achieved. If the MSS cannot assign a channel to support the call initiated by the MH, then we say that the call has failed. 

Graphical Share Market Data Rep .Net-Project

Graphical share market data rep .Net-Project
is a speculator on a Stock Market, aside from having money to spare, needs at least one other thing — a means of producing accurate and understandable predictions ahead of others in the Market, so that a tactical and price advantage can be gained.


This work demonstrates that it is possible to predict one such Market to a high degree of accuracy. Neural network predictions were obtained for the daily Market close 5 days ahead, and 25 days ahead, as measured in mean square error and in root mean square error.

To measure percentage accuracy, each individual test case prediction was compared with the actual market outcome, and total percentage accuracy for the whole test set was similarly calculated. Comparisons were also drawn with predictions for the same test cases using four types of Multiple Linear Regression.

The neural network results indicated that predictions based upon the lowest mean square error bear little relationship to the same test cases, when measured in terms of overall percentage accuracy.  


Existing System:     

       Maintaining the data of Stock Market manually is very difficult where we deal with huge amount of data and the data will be changing frequently depending upon the share market.

Viewing of the required data is also a big problem and end-user will not get the clear idea about the flow of the system.

Proposed System:

                    For the lay person, or a Stock-Market speculator, it was also shown that predictions can be produced to a high level of accuracy, in a readily understandable format. This application is totally integrated system with different sub systems like multi user Security, financial module integration. For now the software has the Organizer and Trader module. The organizer will hold all the master data that are required as part of the application. The Trader will involve uploading the daily Trade files received from NSE.

All this trade information’s are captured in the tables. The data from the master tables are displayed in different formats using reports as part of daily information to the clients who trade with the Stock brokers. Design and Development of Client, Organizer, Reports modules.

Digital Water Marking Seminar Topic

  Digital-Water-Marking-Seminar-Topic.Digital water Marking seminar Topic is for computer science final year students.The main idea of digital water marking is to save data on web. This topic will explain in detail about how this concept can be implemented as a project.       

All watermarking methods share the same building blocks : an embedding system and the watermark extraction or recovery system. Any generic embedding system should have as inputs: cove (data/image)/hiding medium (I), watermark symbol, (w)(image/text/number) and a key (k) to enforce security. The output of the embedding process is always the watermarked data/image.

The generic watermark recovery process needs the watermarked data, the secret key or public key and depending on the method, the original data and /or the original watermark as inputs while the output is the recovered watermark W with some kind of confidence measure for the given watermark symbol or an indication about the presence of watermark in the cover document under inspection. Depending on the combination of inputs and outputs three types namely private, semi private public watermarking system can be defined .Private watermarking (also called non blind watermarking) requires at least the cover image and/or watermark symbol and key (if used in embedding) for the recovery of the hidden information.Public watermarking (Blind or oblivious watermarking) system requires neither the cover image nor the embedded watermark symbol but only the secret key/image during the detection of the hidden information.


                   Proposed technique describes robust and blind digital image watermarking in spatial domain, which is computationally efficient. Embedded watermark is meaningful and recognizable rather than a sequence of real numbers that are normally distributed or a Pseudo-Noise sequence. Proposed technique has been tested over large number of benchmark images as suggested by watermarking community and the results of robustness to different signal processing operations are found to be satisfactory.

Currently investigation is being carried out to insert the same watermark symbol in other region of the cover image also to make the present scheme more resilient to other types of external attacks. Further research works should be carried out in spatial domain watermarking to exploit other higher order factors such as size, shape, color, location and foreground/background of the cover image to generate watermarked image with less visible impairments along with robustness against other types of external attacks such as the image flip and image rotation.

download Seminar Report and paper presentaion  on Digital Water Marking .

IRIS Scanning Seminar Topic

IRIS-SCANNING-SEMINAR-TOPICFor every county identity of person is compulsory in order to get control over individual. Different countries follow different methods for providing citizen identification numbers. Among existing methods like ID Cards or Social security numbers, Ration cards …etc very few of them are secured almost every method can be duplicated or forged. There are many cases where accurate information is not submitted for getting identity cards like age is not accurate…etc.

Considering these issues there is scope for generating new method like biometric cards which are more accurate and provides exact information of citizen. In this method authentication techniques used are more accurate which are based on physical and mental behavioral characteristics.

Biometric technology is an alternate method for existing system, using this technology validation of samples is more accurate and fast. This method uses physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual for providing identification for a person. With this procedure there is no chance of fraud because person should present at the point of identification.

Bio metric identification is done in two stages firstly physiological, in this stage individuals face, finger prints, hands, eyes are scanned. In second stage behavioral information like keystrokes, signature, and voice are judged.

This system is called IRIS Scanner. This method is divided in to two stages.

  1. Enrollment module: In this module is a training stage where citizens should attend for enrollment.  Persons eyes, finger prints, hands , are scanned and template is created.
  2. Identification module: In this identification stage when ever person is checked his scanned information template is compared with enrollment template based on matching result persons identification will be confirmed.
download Seminar Report and paper presentaion  on IRIS SCANNING .