Gated Communities Java Project,Code and Paper Presentation

Gated communities(java Project)  are neighborhoods enclosed by walls or fences, and providing services to members in that community. In those services we can provide online food services, marketing, travel agency…..etc. Some gated communities may even have their own places of worship.

Gated communities exist throughout the United States. Gated communities are designed to providing services and maintaining the database about the homes and apartments are located. There are a number of reasons that individuals from all walks of life may choose to live within the enclosures of a gated community.


Gated communities are not reserved for the upper class and the wealthy or for the most affluent of cities. Gated communities can be found in many towns in every state. In USA Today, it was estimated that nearly seven million families lived in gated communities, and four million of these families lived in a community where it was impossible to gain access without some sort of security clearance.

Residents of gated communities may own their own home, or they may rent from someone else. Residents of gated communities represent all different racial groups.

Scope of the system 

This final year cse project can be used by any gated way community which wants to maintain the database and utilize the various services provided by the application. In order to reduce the manual work and view the services which are provided by our website. 


 Objective of the project 

  • The main aim of this Gated community computer science project is to create a web application which maintains the Database and the information about various services which can be useful for various gated way communities.
  • Vast information is maintained in this system so as to provide all the details of services.
  • Online service is purely an web application and lot of efforts is put to make it as user friendly.
  • Reduce the wastage and time of the users/visitors by going and enquiring manually.


As mentioned above, the existing system is facing the problems as the person needs approach the location to report his problem/complaint. So the GCS system can overcome this problem so that the users can post their queries and get them solved with in a quick time.

download Project Report, project Code and  paper presentation  of  Gated communities(java Project)  . 

Global Communication Java Project with Code and Paper Presentation

Global Communication java project is developed for N.E.C. Main idea for developing this application is to reduce communication problem between companies by developing a online conference application. This application will be a better choice to replace existing telephone communication through web by including new features is called Global Communication. 

Why to develop Global Communication Java Project.                                                   

As there is lot of improvement in technology,there is lot of scope for developing applications in business field which can reduce cost as well as time. This final year project is experiment to reduce that gap in business field. Normally companies follow manual procedures for transaction and dealings. But this application will be a good option for companies to communicate through online. This application will improve business standards of a company.

In present market each and every business are having branches all over the country so this application will help to communicate with different branches for faster services through online conferences.


Conferences will take part a vital role for any of the national wide company. A company like National Engineering Corporation it takes part an important role. Because the company is having branches through out India, they need to conduct conferences between their employees and to conduct board of directors meeting among their directors, general managers. 


Normally conferences will be conducted in some place owned by company or in some conference hall. The person, who has to participate in the conference, has to travel all the way to participate in the conference. So it will be very risky to travel for the persons, and it is risky work for the company also to provide all the felicities to persons. Now a day wherever you see so many strikes are going. In that case to participate in any important conference or to conduct any conference will be very tedious. All this may lead to loss of company and time taking matters. So here the company is decided to develop their conferences on the net itself. 


The proposed system is to maintain the conferences, live meetings, general body meetings on the net. This system is to develop in a client/server environment. It aims to do the following. 

  • Grouping: Grouping of selected users
    •  Support of multi conference
    •  By selecting the single user from the list, Talk can be  achieved
    •  By selecting all the users in the list, Chat can be achieved.
download Project Report, project Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Global Communication java project . 

Medicate Search Java Project Report,Paper Presentation and Code

Medicate search java projects main idea is to develop a application which can be easily operatable by users who are poor in computer and Medical knowledge can also search for medical information and users can communicate between different medical hubs for requesting medical help.


Medicate-Search-Java-Project As there are different medical branches which provide medical services like Allopathy, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy. Based on the users interest they can search for medical information and communicate with doctors for further help. Doctors can register with the system and share there information in the forum which will be visible to users.

    • It is web based application.
    • Users are free to search.
    • Doctors are Primary Stakeholders.
    • Feedback facility.
    • Registration/Login facility.
    • Open community like module is available 



Presently there is no such system where people can find the information related to any medicine or medical related information and there is no such platform that provide all kinds of treatment at one base. 
The objective of this project is to develop a system which is useful in the above mentioned emergency situations effectively. This project involves the detailed study of the symptoms of the disease and its severity. This is not merely based on the theoretical knowledge of medicine but is performed under the esteem supervision of highly experience doctors from all the fields of medicine.

This includes the symptoms,  videos and also video chat between the doctor and the patients which help in diagnosing the disease.

This is mainly intended to provide first-aid for the persons before they could be taken to the doctor and also helps a lot during the natural calamities where its very difficult to provide direct medical assistance to the affected people.

This includes the names of the medicines for cure of common diseases.   The proposed system provides various means through which lot of information related to medical can be retrieved. This system not only benefits general public but also to medical professionals.

download Project Report,Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Medicate search java projects . 

Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project With Code

Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project is for computer science final year students.This project main idea is to trace moving objects which will be useful in fields like military and aviation.This application can be  useful in battle field in order to find out moving objects.

Data transfer is done using wireless sensor network. This application is implemented using two sensor detection models :single sensing and multiple sensing detection. This project will show advantages of multiple heterogeneous wireless networks.

Existing System:

1) In present existing system  single sensing detection is used where only one object is detected for a single time in wireless sensor  network.

2) Our Previous work was according to homogeneous and heterogeneous single sensor in wireless sensor network

Intrusion-detection-in-Wireless-Sensor-Network-Java-ProjectProposed System: 

1) In Heterogeneous wireless sensor ,Intruder detected anywhere in the network.

2) We are detecting the intruder in multiple sensor heterogeneous wireless sensor network.


1) Constructing Sensor Network

2) Packet Creation

3) Find authorized and un authorized port

4) Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters

5) Receiving the valid packet 

Modules Descriptions:


In this module, we are going to connect the network .Each node is connected the neighboring node and it is independently deployed in network area. And also deploy the each port no is authorized in a node.


In this module, browse and select the source file. And selected data is converted into fixed size of packets. And the packet is send from source to detector.       


The intrusion detection is defined as a mechanism for a WSN to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous moving attackers.

In this module check whether the path is authorized or unauthorized. If path is authorized the packet is send to valid destination. Otherwise the packet will be deleted. According port no only we are going to find the path is authorized or Unauthorized.


If the packet is received from other than the port no it will be filtered   and discarded. This filter only removes the unauthorized packets and authorized packets send to destination.


In this module, after filtering the invalid packets all the valid   Packets will reach the destination.


This paper presented a novel highly automated approach for protecting Web applications from SQLIAs. Our approach consists of 

1) Identifying trusted data sources and marking data coming from these sources as trusted,

2) Using dynamic tainting to track trusted data at runtime, and

3) Allowing only trusted data to form the semantically relevant parts of queries such as SQL keywords and operators. 

 Unlike previous approaches based on dynamic tainting, our technique is based on positive tainting, which explicitly identifies trusted (rather than untrusted) data in a program. This way, we eliminate the problem of false negatives that may result from the incomplete identification of all untrusted data sources.

False positives, although possible in some cases, can typically be easily eliminated during testing. Our approach also provides practical advantages over the many existing techniques whose application requires customized and complex runtime environments: It is defined at the application level, requires no modification of the runtime system, and imposes a low execution overhead.

download Project Report,Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project . 

Student Management System a .Net Project

Student Management System a .Net Project explains about the student management. It mainly explains the various actions related to student details. It shows some ease in adding, editing and deleting the student details. It also provides a less time consuming process for viewing, adding, editing and deleting the marks of the students. Student Management System includes, student registration, subject allocation, branch selection, semester wise selection, examination marks entry and displaying branch and semester wise result.


Why there should be the use of Student Management System Software(s)? 

This software is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. This system deals with the various activities related to the students. Proposed system has the provision of adding the details of the students by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers will become less. 

Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a student when it found unnecessary. The marks of the student are added in the database and so students can also view the marks whenever they want. Proposed system had some advantages for example it is User friendly interface, Fast access to database, More Storage Capacity, Search facility, Quick transaction etc. 


All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or college have been rectified by implementing computerization. This project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

Its main objective is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project gets progressed.

Rainbow Technology A CSE Mini Project Report and Paper Presentation


Rainbow technology a cse mini project and paper presentation is, a breakthrough in digital data storage enables us to store up to a massive 450GB on just a piece of paper. Rainbow Storage is a group of techniques to store digital data in some colours, colour combinations and some symbols known as rainbow format, and therefore a rainbow picture will be generated. Rainbow-Technology-A-CSE-Mini-project-Report

Why is this useful? 

The technique is used to achieve high-density storage. With the help of Rainbow system we would be watching full-length high-definition videos from a piece of paper. The main attraction is the cheap paper. The Rainbow technology is feasible because printed text, readable by the human eye is a very wasteful use of the potential capacity of paper to store data. By printing the data encoded in a denser way much higher capacities can be achieved. 

Paper is, of course, bio-degradable, unlike CDs or DVDs. And sheets of paper also cost a fraction of the cost of a CD or DVD. In the Rainbow technology, soon we would be watching full-length high-definition videos from a piece of paper! With the popularity of the Rainbow Technology, computer or fashion magazines in future need not carry CDs in a pack. 

One of the major advantages of the Rainbow system is the fact that it should cost a lot less to produce than the typical polycarbonate DVDs, CDs and now Blue- rays. Hence huge data banks can be constructed out of Rainbow-based storage medium.

download Project Report and paper presentation  of CSE Rainbow Technology A CSE Mini project . 

Online Examination Project a Java Project

Online Examination java project is a newly developed project that assesses students by conducting online objective tests. The tests would be highly customizable. This project will enable educational institutes to conduct test and have automated checking of answers based on the response by the candidates. The purpose of the project is to see that the responses from the candidates will be checked automatically and instantly. Online examination will reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by the candidates. Being an integrated Online Examination System it will reduce paper work.


It can generate various reports almost instantly when and where required. This project would be very useful for educational institutes where regular evaluation of students’ is required. Further it can also be useful for anyone who requires feedback based on objective type responses. 



Online Examination java project allows faculties to create their own tests. It would enable educational institutes to perform tests, quiz and create feedback forms. It asks faculty to create his/her set of questions. Faculty then creates groups and adds related students into the groups. Further the tests are associated with specific groups so that only associated students can appear for the test.

The result of the response would be available to the faculty of the question set. Further the result would also be mailed to the student. This project would be helpful for creating practice tests, say for educational institutes and as a feedback form. The project requires programmed software with administrator aspect, student aspect and analysis.