Scalable Routing in Cyclic Mobile Networks seminar topics explains about routing mechanisms used in existing system and problems facing due to this method and explains about a new contact information algorithm that can solve routing problems .
Existing System.
- In existing system routing of packet is dependent on the location id of the end user which was assigned while sending packet.
- In order to update direction information of packets routing protocols needs to bear high level of load.
- Existing systems use Weak state routing mechanism is implemented to handle large scale networks.
- Information used in routing systems are not accurate they are based on the probability bases. Which causes packet loss problems?
Proposed System.
- Proposed system uses scalable deterministic routing mechanism for continuous mobility.
- This system uses contact information in three different combinations for delivering packets. This method is alternative routing method for global contact knowledge.
- Critical information is maintained using aggregation and compression in time spacing domain.
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