Online Lawyers Application Website Project Synopsis

Project Understanding:

We need to design and develop a website for lawyers and their service. Customers can register and search for lawyers basing their requirement. Info related to lawyers will be there in website which customers can browse through and view their profile before contacting them.

Customers can book a schedule for meeting with lawyer. We also had a discussion in regard to few clarifications and inputs from your side specifically to understand the project flow.

In this document we present our understanding of what needs to be accomplished in the project along with the budget and time estimation.


  1. Registration for customer as well as Lawyers.
  2. Panel for Lawyers showcasing their details
  3. Payment integration (for live application in future)
  4. Google map integration to track lawyer office location for customers
  5. Search by lawyer location, lawyer services like criminal, divorce, affidavit, civil, and then schedule a meeting with the same.
  6. A customer search will show minimal info of a lawyer related to the service which customer searches, a click on lawyer profile should go to lawyer profile, where in customer can schedule a meeting and book a slot.
  7. Login through Facebook and Google and also normal registration form for customer is mandatory and for a lawyer registration form is required.
  8. Showcase of the lawyer when they search one by one.
  9. Membership like gold, silver, bronze and also share app, ratings for lawyer (in live application in future)
  10. Web App and mobile app for same database (in live application)
  11. Social media share and logins

User Types:

Admin: To manage information that we will be seen in homepage and manage lawyer profiles need to be seen for searches. Manage schedules and membership plans.

Customer: To search for lawyer services basing his or her requirement.

Module details:

S. No

Page Types


Customer / Lawyer registration


Panel for lawyers


Payment gateway where lawyer will pay for leads


Google map integration to show the direction to customer of lawyer address


Search by lawyer location, lawyer services like Criminal, divorce, affidavit, civil, and then meeting place


View Lawyer profile / Book Appointment / Travel booking too


Login through Face book and Google and also normal registration form for customer is mandatory this is because people are lazy, but lawyer registration form is required.


Showcase of the lawyer when they search one by one


Membership packages


Social media share and logins


Admin Pages


Design and Markup

– HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behavior

– Bootstrap / Angular JS will be used for making the site responsive and as a framework.

Server side language (anyone can be used depending upon your preference)

– PHP (codeigniter, CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel) OR .Net with framework

Database Software (anyone can be used depending upon your preference and server setup)


– SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor

RAM 4GB and Above

HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above

64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Create a health application to monitor a user’s health

The main aim of developing this project is to create a health application to monitor a user’s health. This is an android based app.

The application must have a tabbed layout

a) The application shall have a signup/information collection page. Once the user creates a profile the following fields must be stored permanently and must be displayed in the “personal” tab. User must have the ability to update at any time.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Height
  • Weight

b) The second tab should contain links to common health topics. There must be a list view and each link should open in a details view. (at least 30 different links to get information about health/diet/diseases etc.

c) The third tab should allow the user to enter his/her details about health on a daily basis.

The app must store the data day-wise and must present the trend in increase/decrease on these three levels on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. (i.e. Average of the week, month and year). You can add the option to add a date or you can pick a date from system.

  • Blood pressure level
  • Blood sugar level
  • Calorie intake

d) Based on the information provided and result calculated from the third tab the fourth tab should display further information. The information should be category wise stored links to health websites.

  • If the BP level is not in range for week or month; then the suggestion to improve the BP levels
  • If the Blood sugar level is not in range for week or month, the suggestion to improve Blood sugar levels
  • If calorie intake is not consistent then the suggestion to normalize the calorie intake.

Real-Time Assistance to Farmers and Health Sector Android App


Our objective is to provide real-time assistance to Indian farmers and common people, who are not getting the proper timely treatment.

Existing System:

In the traditional system, every farmer should collect disease plant samples and take to agriculture specialists to explain plant symptoms. This is a big problem for rural area former and new to agriculture. It takes too much time delay and every zone needs at least one agriculture specialist to attend farmer problems.


Too much time Delay.
Need at least one agriculture specialist to attending farmer problems.


  • Instant Diagnosis
  • Easy to understand Plant disease
  • Could take between 1 minute to 48 hours


  1. User Registration
  2. In store-and-forward
  3. Instant Diagnosis
  4. HealthCare service provider

User Registration:

In these modules, the user must register their credentials to use this application. The users are of two types, farmer and patients. The User should enter the details like First name, Last Name, Username, password, Location, contact no and etc… So user using this registration details to get a sign in that HealthCare application. This authentication process to avoid someone malpractice as this application was paired with agriculture Specialists centralized server.

In store-and-forward:

In store-and-forward HealthCare, digital images, video, audio, observations of daily living (ODLs), and clinical data are captured and “stored” on Android mobile device; then are at the convenient time they transmitted securely (“forwarded”) to Agriculture specialists Server.
The opinion of the specialist is transmitting back based on the requirements of the participating healthcare entities. The patients forward the symptoms of the disease so that they can get back the specialist opinion and comments regarding their details.

Instant Diagnosis:

In this module using the centralized server give instant responses to the farmer and patients. The responses are based on farmer’s queries and the patients who entered their symptoms. The specialists will be there to respond to the queries and symptoms. Common problems or diseases, the Specialists already provided or upload some Diagnosis method or comments for the regular problem and emergency problem.

HealthCareTelehealth Service Provider:

In this module, the HealthCare service provider can able to access the information post about the patient detail and also the farmer details. Now the authorized person will suggest the treatment for the disease after receiving the symptoms and more related information regarding the disease. Also for the plant diseases queries which are posted by the farmers.

Development of Online College Yearbook Java Project

The main aim & objective of development of Online College Yearbook java project is to provide an online platform to the college management, Staff and student alumni.

With the help of this project Students & Staff can able see the tasks & achievements done in previous years.

Statement of Problem:

Every year, for each institution it is a part of the curriculum to showcase the tasks, achievements completed by students and teachers, manually, it is not suitable and chores take longer time to prepare.


For the IT department, in our college we want to develop a website which helps in uploading, updating the required information in any form.

This provides accessibility, privacy and is user-friendly as well. With each academic year passing by, new information can be added as per requirement.

Scope of Work:

This project Development of online college yearbook is developed based on MySQL, Java, HTML, and CSS.

Mainly this project focuses on providing information regarding the achievements of the IT department every year.

The below youtube video is the total output demo of the online college yearbook project.


This Java project consists of 3 major modules


  • Admin Login with Username & Password
  • Add & View Teacher Achievements
  • Add & View Student Achievements
  • Logout


  • Teacher Register with his/her details
  • Login with Username & Password
  • Update Profile
  • View Achievements
  • Logout


  • Register
  • Login
  • Update Profile
  • View Achievements
  • Logout

Activity Diagram:

UML - Activity Diagram

Other Related projects on the College Management System:

Output Screens Details:

Home Page:

Development of College Yearbook Home Page
Home Page

Registration Page:

Development of College Yearbook User Registration Page
User Registration Page

Login Page:

Development of College Yearbook Login Page
Login Page

Admin Home:

Add Teacher Achievements

View Teacher Achievements

College Yearbook View Teacher Achievements output
View Teacher Achievements

Update Teacher Achievements

Add Student Achievements

View Student Achievements

Update Student Achievements

Teacher Home Page

Teacher Update Profile Page

View Teacher Achievements

View Students Achievements

Student Home

Update Profile

View Students Achievements

View Teacher Achievements

View Teacher Achievements Page
View Teacher Achievements

Download the below attached Project Source Code of College Yearbook system.

Software requirements to run/execute the project:

  • JAVA (Servlets, JSP)
  • NetBeans 8.1
  • JDK 1.7
  • MySQL 5.5
  • SQLYog
  • HTML
  • JavaScript and CSS

Java Web application on Car Store System


The main aim of this car store project is to create a web-based application using Java and MySQL for an online car store system that includes the customers to search for cars and order online and manage their online bookings

Online Car Store System is an website that allows a customer to search for various cars available at the store, segregate according to the price and model, Unique data of cars available, Time it takes for a car to get delivered, book the car online and enter the date they would visit the store and also allows customers to book for a test drive.

Other features such as discounts, EMI Scheme, Insurance and Client Testimonials.

Challenge Description

1. This challenge requires you to build a fully functional website for a car store. The Customer should be able to sign up and login into the application using the ID created. Without a login ID, customer can only search for discounts, cars available, discounts available and book for a test drive.

2. This includes high-level design, UI screens development, data storage, and manipulation and business logic using the concepts of core and advanced Java.

3. A running website hosted locally or remotely (on a cloud), the design document created and the source code used in a zip file.

Use case Diagrams for Admin & User:

Use case Diagram for Admin
Use case Diagram for Admin
Use case Diagram for User
Use case Diagram for User


Flow Chart:


After completing this challenge, we should have a thorough understanding of:

  1. Creating a real-world web-based application on Car Store
  2. Designing a car store application using Data flow diagrams
  3. Advanced Java concepts: Servlets, JSP’s, etc and web design tools such as HTML, CSS.
  4. Data Management using databases such as MySQL etc.

Output Screens:

Home Page:

Car Store System Home Page
Car Store System Home Page

Admin Login Page:

Car Store System Admin Login Page
Car Store System Admin Login Page

Admin Home Page:

Admin Home Page for Car Store System Java Project
Car Store System Admin Home Page

Add Models:

Car Store System Admin Add Models Page
Car Store System Admin Add Models Page

View models:

Car Store System Admin View Models Page
Car Store System Admin View Models Page

Add discounts:

Car Store System Admin View Models Page
Car Store System Admin View Models Page

View Bookings:

Car Store System View Bookings Page
Car Store System View Bookings Page

View appointments:

View feedback:

View feedback;

User registration:

User login:

User home:

Search Cars Page:

User Search Cars Page
User Search Cars Page

View bookings:

View appointments:

Send feedback:

Emi calculator:

Car Booking EMI calculator Page
Car Booking EMI calculator Page



Find the below Youtube Video Link for the Online Car Store System Java & MySQL Project.

Download the below attached Online Car store System Java Web application Source Code.



Java web application for the healthcare logistics company

The main objective of this project is to create a web application using Java, for a healthcare logistics company to maintain a record of its test’s and technicians.


A logistics and technicians tracking website that allows a customer to search for all the booking date time and location, Technicians assigned for a booking, also allows customers to check the logistics used for bookings and unique data for the logistics required.

Other features such as billing, customer database technicians details.

Challenge Description

  1. This challenge requires you to build a fully functional logistics and technicians tracking website.
  2. The user should be able to sign up and login into the application using the ID created. Without a login ID, the customer can only view a number of bookings and technicians.
  3. This includes high-level design, UI screens development, data storage, and manipulation and business logic using the concepts of core and advanced Java.

A running website hosted locally or remotely (on a cloud), the design document created and the source code used in a zip file.

Use Case Diagram:


After completing this challenge, you should have a thorough understanding of

  1. Creating a real-world web-based application
  2. Designing an application using flow diagrams
  3.   Advanced Java concepts: Servlets, JSP’s, etc and web design tools such as HTML, CSS.
  4.   Data Management using databases such as Oracle, MySQL, etc.

Learning Dashboard

Designing the application

The most important step in building an application is designed. The participant should come up with a plan for the website and the features you intend to provide.

The compulsory elements are a Welcome screen with SignUp and Login buttons and a dashboard.

[To-do 1]  – Creating a flow diagram

It is helpful to create a flow diagram detailing out the various entry points i.e. Menu items that shall be available in the website and the customer journey through each of these.

[To-do 2]  – Creating sample screens or wireframes

In order to represent the final design of the website, the wireframes should be created.

A wireframe is basically the UI element of the design that indicates the final look and feel of the website including the color scheme, fonts and the navigation scheme.

[To-do 3] – Data Modeling and review

The design should also include the data components i.e. The table schemas that will be part of the application.

The participant must design the tables based on the data that has to be stored in the Database to be dynamically fetched. Some examples include

  1. A logistics table, that stores the details of the logistics such as Logistics number, logistics name, quantity, Technician Appointed ID, technician name its destination area, etc.
  2. A technician table, that stores the login details of the customer when they sign up and allow them to use this data to sign in.

After completing the above steps, review your design and fine tune it to make any improvements necessary. You can approach your mentor for guidance on this.

Flow Chart:

Designing the Welcome Screen

The welcome screen or the home screen of the website should allow the user to search for flights by either Logistics number, logistics name, quantity, Technician Appointed ID, technician name its destination area, etc from the list, he should be prompted with the login or signup screen.

[To-do 1]  Create the User Interface of the welcome screen

In this section, the participant is free to make the welcome screen as simple or complex as per his/her own preference. Use JSP’s integrated with HTML 5 and CSS to create the screen and test it with no data or static data first.

The welcome screen should be able to display a list of flights based on search criteria at the end of this step.

[To-do 2] Create the business logic element or the controller

The logic for data handling and manipulation and database connectivity is written inside the servlets.

The data passed from the forms created in the JSP in step 1 should be passed to the servlets which then perform any validations required or fetch operations on the database using JDBC connectivity

[To-do 3] Create the tables required and connect to a database to fetch data dynamically

Using the schema created in Step 1, populate data in the tables and make sure the welcome screen works with all the components plugged in together.

Designing the Sign-Up Or Login Screen

The Sign up/ Login screen appears when the user tries to book the logistics and appoint technicians. The user will be prompted to sign up or log in. However, if the user is already logged in, he should not be prompted with this screen again on tap of «book» button.

[To-do 1]  Create a simple Sign Up page

When the user clicks to sign up, he should be redirected to a signup screen. The UI of the screen can consist of text fields to enter name, email, password.

Once the customer fills in all the details and submits, a row should be added in the customer table. Basic validations such as email address format, password length should be taken care of.

[To-do 2] Create the login page

The design of the login page is very similar to that of the signup screen.

However, when the customer logins using username and password, the system must check the database for validity and allow/block the user.

[To-do 3]  Integrate the screens and test them thoroughly

Ensure that the customer who has already logged in is not prompted to log in again on tap of book. Fine tune any design or performance concerns up to this point

Designing the other features

The other features will be visible to customers once they have logged in. Apart from the search feature, the website can provide other facilities such as check-in, baggage allowance, etc.

The details are up to the participant. Each feature should be designed using the 3 step approach of designing the UI, writing the business logic, data modeling and wiring all of these together.

[To-do 1]  Create the User Interface

[To-do 2] Create the business logic element or the controller

[To-do 3] Create the tables required and connect to a database to fetch data dynamically

At the end of each element, do integrate and test with existing features to ensure that the built functionality is not broken due to the new code.

This health care logistics java project contains 3 modules

1) Manager Module functionalities

  • login
  • Add Equipment
  • Add Tests
  • View Equipment
  • View Tests
  • View Technician
  • View Customer
  • Total Tests
  • Logout

2) Technicians Module functionalities

  • Register
  • View Customer Details
  • add customer details
  • Logout

3) Customer Module functionalities

  • register
  • Login
  • Book Technicians
  • View Bills
  • Logout

Output Screens of the Project:

Home Page:

Manager Login Page:

Manager Home Page:

Add Equipment:

Add Tests:

View Equipment Page:

View Tests Page:

View Technicians:

View Customers:

Total Tests:

Technician Register:

Technician Login:

Technician Home:

View customer Details:

Customer Registration:

Customer Login:

Customer Home:

Book Technicians:

View Bills:

Find the below Healthcare Logistics Java Projects Youtube Video


Online Chatting System with Displaying Chat History Project

Online chatting system with display chat history application works on wired networks like LAN. This chat system project has the option to chat with different languages.

Chat application works for multiple users but each user must register with the application. After login user can enter into a group for a chat.

After register and login part is done user can view available user online and offline. User can chat with a person who is logged to the system.

In order to chat with the respective language, the user must install the editor of that language.

This application works on LAN communication when user login with application request is sent to the server for authentication and gets a response. The server-side database will store information of each user data.

Online Chatting System Class Diagram:

Modules overview:

User Registration Form:

The first step for using this application is the registration form where the user will ask for a login or signup option. User can select register if he is a new user and enter all these details to get a unique id and password.

Using these details he can log in an application.  The registration form will have all validations checks for each field.

User Module:

After registration is done user will get user id and password using these details he can log in to the application and use all features.

There are options for users to change password. User can view the list of available users online and offline and perform chat operations.

Chatting Module:

Under chatting module user can view a list of available users with online and offline status. He can select the user and send request after acceptance he can chat with the user.

User will have setting options for changing font and color. User can enter a message and use the send button to send a message which is displayed under the upper window.

User can chat with multiple users at a time he can view list previous chats and delete messages.

Sequence Diagram for Login:

Sequence Diagram for Forgot Password:

Sequence Diagram for Chat:

Activity Diagram:

Students and Staff Automation System Java Project


The Project “Students and Staff Automation System Project” targeted for the College Students and for faculty members integrates the transaction management and inventory management of the College for better control and timely response.

The College is provided with better control over the transactions like entering the admission details, maintaining the staff details, providing course and admission details, maintaining fee details.

This project’s main motto is to reduce the effort of the college administrator and provide better service to students and Faculty.

The Basic functionalities of a college are to maintain its information in an orderly manner such as student admission details, staff details, course details and so on. “Students and Staff Automation System ” has enabled to maintain the information on a computerized system.

As a result of this method, the college management has maintained the information in an orderly manner and the information can be retrieved quickly within a less time period.

This system also enables to modify and update the information whenever they require. This application enables the college to maintain the college details in a secure manner avoiding forgeries

Project Introduction:

Student and staff automation system project is database management software with front end data updating using java HTML pages.

Application is developed for colleges and schools for handling data of students and staff in a single database. Admin will upload details of student and queries for new course details.

Admin can update, delete and modify existing data from the database.

Existing System:

In the existing system, students and faculty must visit different departments and wait for department staff to get information about any queries and this will involve different stages of the process moving a file from one department to another.

In this process, students and staff should waste time. In process is a manual process.

Proposed System:

The proposed system works on the automation process where we use software tools to develop an app using Java and MySQL database.

In this system process of workflow from the application process to deliver process will be by online. This process will save time and reduce manual work.

Advantages of the proposed system:

1. Data management is easy and effective.
2. Data management will be easy. Admin or user can view data of any records in a short time by just entering in the search field.
3. Time is taken for report generation and record retrieval is very short.
4. Data security is provided for total records.
5. Any department inside an organization can easily access old and new data in a short time.

Drawbacks in the existing system:

Disadvantages of the existing system are given below which are major reasons for moving to an updated version.
Time delay:
Time taken for processing any type of work for students and faculty is more.
Information of each user is maintained in multiple tables which will provide redundancy.
Nonuser Friendly:
Since the existing system is not an automated process which is not user-friendly.

Dataflow Diagrams of Context Level, First Level, and Second Level


Data Dictionary


Hierarchy Chart:

Designing Data Tables:

The following tables are used in the Database:

  • Admission
  • Attendance
  • Fee
  • Login
  • N_staff_d
  • N_staff_exp
  • Research
  • Result
  • Staff_d
  • Staff_exp
  • Staff_res
  • student

Name:     Admission

Purpose:  For storing all the details of students.






Admission no of student



Name of student



Sex of student



Place of student



Student Date of birth



Student address



The total fee of student



Student date of join



Academic year



Course of student



Student father name



Father occupation



Student phone no



Medium of student

Name:     Fee

Purpose:  For storing fee details of the student.






Student number



Total fee



Fee Paid



Remaining fee

 Name:   Attendance

 Purpose: For storing attendance details of the student.






Student number



Student name






No.of working days



No.of present days



Medium of student

 Name:   N_STAFF_D

 Purpose: For storing Nonstaff details.






Staff id number



Name of the staff



Staff experience

Pay bill


Salary of  the staff


 Purpose: For storing Nonstaff experience details.






Staff id number



Name of the Institute



No.of experience years

 Name:   Research

 Purpose: For storing staff research details.






Staff id number



Subject researched






Research guide

 Name:   Result

 Purpose: For storing Student result details.






Student number



Ist mid percentage



IInd mid percentage



Average percentage



Semester percentage



Result(pass or fail)

Name:  Staff_d

 Purpose: For storing Staff details .






Staff id number



Experience of staff



Subjects handled



Name of the staff



Researched subjects



Salary of the staff


 Purpose: For storing staff experience details.






Staff id number



Name of the Institute



No.of experience years


 Purpose: For storing staff research details.






Staff id number



Researched Subject






Research guide

Name:   Student

 Purpose: For storing student. details






Student number



Student name



Father name



Student address



Student Icet rank



Management category(Y or N)



Student caste



Student religion


Online E-Waste Management System Project

Need to develop an online e-waste management system in Java language.
online e-waste management should be done at the panchayat level.

Admin should be the panchayath and should be able to monitor the staffs and customer and send emails to them for communications.

the main functionalities that need to include is below


  • Admin
  • updating of products
  • payment list
  • view daily and weekly reports
  • add/remove products
  • login/register
  • attendance
  • send emails
  • customer
  • product selection
  • buy/sell products
  • payment
  • login/register
  • feedback
  • collection agents
  • collection
  • receive products
  • connection to the recycling company

e-waste management system

The e-waste management system is to be done in a panchayat or a residence association.

A member of the panchayat/residence association will be the admin. Admin should be able to view the attendance of the staff, maintain the payment list of both customer and staff.

The member of the panchayath/residence association will be the customer. The persons who view and purchase products will be consumers.

The people who collect waste according to admin’s instruction will be the collection agents/staff/employee. Functionalities of each user are described below


  • login/logout
  • view products uploaded by the customer
  • add/remove products
  • upload products
  • view weekly/daily reports
  • maintain the allocation of staff
  • view the attendance of staff
  • payment list of staff
  • payment list of customer
  • add/remove customer
  • add/remove staffs
  • send messages to staff about the e-waste and location
  • informs the date on which staff come to collect waste
  • informs the customer when the date is preponed or postponed
  • view feedback
  • approval of products uploaded by the customer
  • verification(if both customer and staff send confirmation message)


  • login/logout
  • registration
  • view products
  • purchase products
  • view description of products


  • login/logout
  • mark attendance
  • view messages from admin about the e-waste and location
  • receive products
  • send confirmation message
  • send messages to admin if there is any inconvenience


  • login/logout
  • Registration
  • upload products
  • Sell products
  • Send confirmation message to admin
  • remove products
  • receive the date as a message from admin about the day on which staff
  • come to collect e-waste
  • send message to an admin if there is any inconvenience
  • upload description about the product
  • send feedback to admin

Online Fee Challan Generation Project Synopsis


The project is a web-based application where the user can generate Challan to pay the fee. The system automates the conventional process of generating Challan by visiting the college website. The system would be having two logins: Admin and User Login. Admin can view student details and can even add or update things in their account.


  • Admin login
  • Student/user login
  • Student details
  • The Fee details
  • Dues

Software Requirements:

  • Windows XP,Windows 10
  • Sql 2012
  • Visual studio 2017


  • This software is user friendly you will automatically feel the difference in managing the fee challan things on the implementation of software
  • It perfectly manages the fees by creating the student profile with demographic information, contact details and parent information
  • Using this software is completely safe
  • It also offers quick payment 


  • User must have a reliable internet connection