Assignments and Materials Java Project


The main aim of developing this assignments and materials web-based java & MySQL application is to provide a simple way of educational communication between student and the faculty. Here Admin role is to just view and manage faculty and student information if anything goes wrong.

Both faculty and Student has to register themselves into the application and login with registered credentials, Where Faculty can upload the necessary material for the questions to be asked in the exam, where students can view the material which is uploaded by the particular teacher for their teaching subjects, Once the student reads the material and if he is ready for the exam.

The Faculty asks questions for a particular branch and section wise where student give an answer for the particular question and again Faculty verifies the answers and finally, Faculty provides marks for the given answers.

This is a simple way to provide materials and conduct an exam assignment online. With the help of this project, we can reduce the manual work, paperwork, and save time.

We have used Java, NetBeans7.4, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS software technical requirements to develop these assignments and materials application.


  • Admin
  • Faculty
  • Student

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Output Screens process details

  • Home Page
  • Admin login
  • Admin Home
  • View faculty
  • View student
  • Faculty registration
  • Faculty Login
  • Faculty Login
  • Faculty home
  • Faculty home
  • Upload questions
  • Upload Material
  • View Student Answers
  • Enter Marks
  • Student reg
  • Student Login
  • Student home
  • View Questions
  • Write Answers
  • View Materials
  • View Marks

Online Bonafide Certificate Generation System Project

the main aim of this application is to create a user-friendly environment for students to get the certificate like bonafide online. In this page, the student can request for service by their login details.

This project is controlled by admin. Admin will accept the request of the students and provide the services accordingly. Once the student request on the page using their login details that request can only be approved by admin. The student and signature cannot be copied because the access permission is only given to only admin.

Existing System:

In the existing system, the student should manually fill the form, write the letter and wait for acceptance to complete the process. This manual process takes more time. there is a lot of paper needed and files to be transferred from one office to other.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system student can get the service by filling the form online and by mentioning the purpose. There is no wastage of paperwork. It reduces the burden of people who are involving in that process. Notifications are sent to their mobile (emails) after the approval of the request. Signature is added at the end of the document as an image

System Requirements Document for Invoice Creation for Company


A consulting company which focuses on advising companies on how best they can use technology in achieving their business goals. The consulting firm administrates and implements behalf of their clients. This company employees working on different projects with different clients. They work according to the requirements of the client project. The accountant collects the data of the employee like the working hours and the number of projects and the respective client company is noted down and calculated manually. The detailed invoice is sent to the client through email.  The accountant might have made mistakes in entering the data or calculating the amount. This would result in a false report and could create problems.

The consulting company would like to have a software invoice that automatically generates a detailed report about the payment. This would replace the existing system and improve the accuracy in the present system.


  • Maintains a detailed record of the employees such as a total number of hours, type of project, job role, and hourly pay.
  • Reduce human errors and automatic calculations are done without errors.
  • Can generate an invoice and detailed report on employee payments.
  • The automatically generated reports are flexible for the clients to pay to the employees.
  • Flexible usability for the employees to enter their login and logout hours.
  • Improves accuracy and timeliness, security.

Existing System:

In the existing system, we have employees working for different clients on different projects. The accountant calculates all the working hours of employees. But if he makes any mistake in data entry of calculating the hours then a wrong report about payment is sent to the client and it may over cost the client. The client again has to recheck everything and sent it back to the consultancy for re-evaluation or sometimes the employee does not get the correct pay. This helps to generate an invoice which is done manually.

The client has identified these problems:

  • Generation of the Invoice is very slow and takes a long time to remit to the employee.
  • The generation reports took even longer then invoice.
  • Delay in all the reports due to manual work and there are possible human errors which may cost the client.
  • Manual work is expensive
  • Data loss can happen easily
  • There is no way to find a duplicate entry of data.

Functional Requirements:

Maintain company information:

The manager maintains the company information in the system which has details about a company like its name, Address, City, State, Zip code.

Taking up the project:

The consulting company takes up the project from the client. They need to know every detail about the project.

Maintain project person information:

The company should maintain all the information about the project person such as project number, project name.

Maintain Employee information:

The company should maintain information about the employees working. It should provide details like Name, their title in the company and also the role they play in completing the project.

Maintain project data:

The company should have the proper information about the project such as client id which is provided by the company, project number, its name, start date, and end date, status, the name of the manager, name of the client, and budget for the project completion. 

Maintain client data:

The company should the client details such as project id, the name of the client, address of the company, email id, contact information, invoice frequency, billing terms, invoice grouping.

Enter Time for Employee

  • Input number of hours worked in a week
  • Input overtime hours

Generate Invoice

Create an invoice based on the following criteria

  • Input employee hours within the budget goal.
  • Project data that contains the Client*, Project number, Project name, Start Date*, End Date*, Status, Project Manager and Budget*.
  • There are employees who work overtime when needed.

Generate Reports

  1. Invoice Report
  2. Project Report
  3. Budget Report
  4. Payroll Report

Non-Functional Requirements 

  • Usability
    • The system must be easy to use so that user can easily perform any actions.
      • A User should be able to create an invoice without any difficulty in PDF format.
      • A user should be able to do that inaccurate time.
      • A user should be able to effectively operate the system with less than one hour of training.
    • Availability
      • The system must be highly reliable since, if the system is not available, the user can’t easily able to create an invoice.
        • The system should be available 99.999% of the office open hours.
      • Performance
        • All the actions should be performed in accurate time.
        • All the imports should be performed inaccurate time.
        • Generation of Invoice should be performed inaccurate time.
        • Generation of reports should be performed inaccurate time.
      • Supportability
        • The system should be developed in a common technology that the Accountants in the Consulting company should be able to use to make upgrades to the system
        • The system should be documented and coded in a way that a developer that was not originally on the development team could determine how to make updates.
      • Interface
        • The system must support an interface with some users.
        • The system must support a file exchange interface.
        • The system interface should provide multiple accesses.
        • Accountants, Project Manager, and Employees will operate and use this system.
  • Operations
    • In-office personnel will use the system. These users are not trained computer operators.
  • Legal
    • The system should meet legal and OC security requirements for People data.
    • No one should have access to specific People data.
    • Copyright protected.
    • Trade protected. 

Target Environment 

The system must normally function on a stand-alone Windows 10 based PC with 4G of memory and 200 GB hard drive. 

Use Cases 

This is a list of use cases identified for this system.  The definition of each use case follows. 

  • Log in
  • Log out
  • Add employee
  • Update employee
  • Delete employee
  • Add client
  • Update client
  • Add Client project
  • Update Client project
  • Start time for an employee
  • The end time for an employee
  • Enter time
  • Make an employee report
    • Add an employee
    • Number of hours worked
  • Which client

How many projects

Hourly pay

Method of payments by the client (monthly, weekly, bi-week, calendar)

  • Cancel
  • Save

Generate Reports

Client ID

Payment details

  • Date



Hourly pay

  • Amount
  • Payment terms

Invoice number

Billing frequency

Total amount due 

System Authorization Use Cases

1         Log In

2         Log Out


Name Log in
Description Grant user access as an authorized user
Actor(s) User
Flow of Events 1. A User wants to use the system.

2. The user selects to login

3. User enters credentials

4. System tests the credentials and grants access or shows an error.

Special Requirements Require credentials (username and password)


Pre- Conditions The user has previously been set up as a user in the system
Post- Conditions The user is authorized to the system if requirements and exceptions are met.
Exceptions Credentials do not match what is in the system
Name Log out
Description Remove user access as an authorized user
Actor(s) User
Flow of Events 1. A User wants to end using the system.

2. The user selects to log out.

3. System logs out the users

4. The manager selects to save

Special Requirements Require store number and name


Pre- Conditions The user is currently authorized to the system
Post- Conditions No user is currently authorized if requirements and exceptions are met.
Exceptions There must be a user authorized before a user can be logged out.

 Maintain Client details 

Client data

Name Client Data
Description The manager should maintain all details about the client such as name, id, billing information etc.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events

1. The manager should enter all the details about the client.

2. He should all the correct details of the client.

3. he should provide them with the payment details such as hourly payment rate, billing frequency.


Special Requirements Should require unique id for every client


Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to enter all the details when he has accurate information from the client
Exceptions None

Maintain Employee information

  • Add employee
  • Delete employee
  • Update employee


Name Add employee
Description The manager should add an employee to the system
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. When there is any new employee, the manager should enter all the required details to add the employee to the system

2. The manager should have all the details about employee details

3. The manager enters information about the employee

4. The manager should save all the details

Special Requirements The employee should have a unique id


Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to add information to the system
Exceptions Do not add if the employee already exists in the system


Name Update employee
Description Update the information for an existing employee in the system.  This happens when a correction is required.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. A change in employee information is detected.

2. The manager selects to update an employee.

3. The manager selects the employee to update.

3. The manager enters information about the employee.

4. The manager selects to save the employee.

Special Requirements Require employee id


Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions Employee details will be updated when it meets all the requirements and expectations are met
Exceptions Do not add if the employee exists in the system


Name Delete employee
Description Delete the information for an existing employee in the system.  This happens when an employee detail is entered in error.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. Employee details are identified that needs deletion.

2. The manager selects to delete an employee.

3. The manager selects the employee to delete.

4. Manager deletes an employee.

Special Requirements
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The employee is deleted from the system if requirements and exceptions are met.


Report maintenance

Name Generate project report
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. The manager should be able to generate a report.

2. The manager should enter all details

3. He should give all the required details

4. The manager selects to save

Special Requirements Require to give every detail as accurate


Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to generate a report

Client Data

Name Client  Project Details
Description Report for project details for the client
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. The manager should have all the details about the project

2. The manager selects the project by giving information like client id.

3. The manager enters the start date and end date

3. The manager enters information payment details

4. The manager selects to save all the details

Special Requirements Require unique client id
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to give a report regarding project details to the client


Name Add Client
Description Add the details about for the new client.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. The new client is identified that needs to be added.

2. The manager selects to add a new client.

3. The manager enters the details about the client.

4. The manager adds the client.

Special Requirements Need to give the accurate details.
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions Client details will be updated when it meets all the requirements and expectations are met
Exceptions Do not add if the client exists in the system


Name Update Client
Description Update the details about for the new client.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. Client details have identified that need to be deleted.

2. The manager selects to update a client.

3. The manager selects the client to update.

4. Manager updates a client.

Special Requirements Need to give the accurate details.
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions Client details will be updated when it meets all the requirements and expectations are met


Name Add Project
Description Add the details about for the new project.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. The new project is identified that needs to be added.

2. The manager selects to add a new project.

3. The manager enters the details about the new project to be added.

4. The manager adds the project.

Special Requirements Need to give the accurate details.
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to give all the details when he has accurate information for the project.


Name Update Project
Description Update the details about the project.
Actor(s) Manager
Flow of Events 1. The new project is identified that needs to be added.

2. The manager selects to add a new project.

3. The manager enters the details about the new project to be added.

4. The manager adds the project.

Special Requirements Need to give the accurate details.
Pre- Conditions The manager has been authorized to the system
Post- Conditions The manager will be able to give all the details when he has accurate information for the project.


Term Definition
Company A company which handles all the projects
Manager A manager is a person who he responsible for maintaining project details.
Client A client is a person who gives a project for the manufacturing company
Employee A person who works for a manufacturing company
Billing information Billing information which gives details about payment information to the client about the project.
Project data Project data is given which has all the details about the project such as name and id.
Enter time The employee enters the that he worked in the week
Budget The Project should not exceed the budget
Payment remit This is generated by invoice and paid to the employee
Invoice This is a report which shows all details about the employees and the number of hours worked.
Project person It describes the project who is related to the project who gives it to the company.

Employee Attendance Monitoring System Java Project


In this Employee Attendance Monitoring project, attempts were made to register the presence of employees. The main purpose of this java application is to maintain information about the presence that all employees can use in their departments. This web application retrieves the details of the departments assigned to the relevant administrative employees and employees enrolled in the courses from the server with the internet connection and stores them in the database. At the end of the month, when the administrator is needed to attend, attendance reports can directly generate an administrator report view.

Existing System:

In the Existing System, we maintain information manually to maintain the information in manually is also time taken. Calculate the loss of pay is also time taken.

Proposed System:

In Proposed System, we are maintaining all the employees’ information in Their attendance and their salary‘s. In this project Employee’s also can view the Attendance and LOP’S. The Application automatically calculates their LOP’s based on their Salary’s.



  • Login
  • View Employee Details
  • Add Employee Details
  • Delete Employee Details

Admin Staff:

  • Update the Employee Attendance.
  • Calculate LOPS


  • Login
  • View Employee Attendance
  • View Lop
  • Apply for The Leave

Requirements Specifications

Hardware Requirements

  • Processor: Pentium-III (or) Higher
  • Ram: 64MB (or) Higher
  • Hard disk: 10GB

Software Requirements

  • Technology: Java 2 Standard Edition, JDBC
  • WebServer: Tomcat 7.0
  • Client Side Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Server Side Technologies: Servlets, JSP
  • Data Base Server: MySQL
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows

Student Repository System Java Project


žThe main objective of this Repository system application is to store all the details of the students permanently by using the one-time registration process.

žThe students can register their details at once and they get one unique id which is useful to fetch their details to any application automatically.

Present Working System

žIn the existing repository system, the students have to enter their details every time whenever they required for filling the application.

ž It is time-consuming and sometimes there is a chance of misplacement of data.

To Be Proposed

žIn the proposed repository system the students no need to enter their details every time.

žBy using their unique registration id the details are automatically fetched to the application only extra details required are to be entered.

žThe students can update their details in the existed profile whenever they required.

žIt is the user-friendly environment and less time-consuming.


The proposed repository system has two modules:


  • žAdministrator can store and manage all the details of registered students.
  • žProvides the functionalities that the student can fetch their details whenever required.
  • žAdmin maintains the entire application who is responsible for the activities that are performed in the system.


  • žThe student can log in into the system with their login details.
  • žThey can add, delete and modify the existed details in the system.
  • žThe student gets the notification any activity is performed in the system.

Repository system is a Java-based project, Its like one time registration application in this students can register all their details one time and they will get one id using that if they can apply any application form like job purpose, certificates purpose like that they can utilize that id, if they enter that id automatically the details related to that fields fetched and extra details to be filled by the student.

and one thing is the photo and signature are also to be saved in a file and those also to be fetched automatically whenever required.

This project developed by using Java, NetBeans7.4, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Student Result System Desktop Application in Java

Different Users  Based Access

  1. The Student Result System Application uses Users based access/ security for the General user and the Administrator. Both have different access to different pages
  2. The user is prompted to submit and edit the details submitted.
  3. The Administrator is prompted to enter and manage the information.



This is the main page of the Student Result System project. It consists of the links to log in, to register the user, to search or book shows for authenticated users, to saw the coming up shows for next seven days etc.








Following Student Result System Software’s are required for developing application:

1 Operating System Windows XP, Vista, Window7
2 Front-end Tool Java
3 Backend Tool SQL Server2005

 Data Flow Diagrams:

Data Flow Diagram For My Menu

Data Flow Diagram for Admin:

Data Flow Diagram for User:

Audience Target

Mainly we are trying to target the students and teachers as our audience. From this project students as well as teachers get benefitted.


  • This system helps to reduce the waiting time of the students.
  • Students can see their results according to their preferences.


  • It requires an internet connection.
  • It requires a large database.

15 Java Academic Mini Projects for Students

Adventurous Tourism Enterprises Project:

Adventurous tourism enterprises are intended to manage and provide tourism details through the application, based on the requirements of the tourists. It is an android based application which works through the internet. This system can be used to provide the detailed information of adventures tourism with all the facilities including adventurous places, guide, food, transport, shelter and main specialty of this application is to move with different kind of people from different places.

Smart Village Communication System Project:

1. In this Smart Village Communication Project, We have 3 modules in this app MRO, VRO, and Sarpanch.
2.MRO send the policies information to the VROs and VROs send that information to the people to their corresponding villages.
whatever the information send to the people from VRO that info also sends to MRO.
3. Sarpanch sends the plans and policies information to the people directly through messages.
4. The people who have this app they can register and send feedback to the MRO, VRO, and Sarpanch.
5. We have to maintain 2 types of data. temporary data and permanent data.
temporary data has the policies which have a time limit and permanent data has permanent policies,
6. The messages which are in temporary data are sent for the first time by MRO, VRO, and Sarpanch and the same message has to send automatically at the end of policy time.
7. The text message has to convert as an audio message when the people open that message.
8. Here only MRO, VRO, and Sarpanch and registered people have android phones.

Student Career Assessment Project:

If a student completes the exam less than 10 min and 12questions correct out of 15 questions in beginners level the system must show” student is having basic knowledge about JAVA programming language and he is able to understand java.

If a student completes the exam less than 15 min and 10 questions correct out of 15 questions in intermediate level the system must show” student is having enough knowledge about JAVA programming language and he is able to perform well java.

If a student completes the exam less than 20 min and  6quections correct out of 10 questions and one program executed out of 2 in expert level the system must show” student is having very good knowledge about JAVA programming language.

The project should use only GUI of NetBeans or any ide should not use HTML. total project should be in java language only(our guide instruction).

Mobile Theft Monitoring App Project:

Android project requirements:

Develop an Android application to control the theft mobile, in any case, if mobile is theft or lost this application should help the owner to control the mobile like tracking the GPS Location, turning off the mobile, deleting WhatsApp and social media remotely, ringing the phone,
Locking the phone remotely from the admin interface.

A web Application in online Shopping System Project:

The main purpose is to develop as per university norms this is the web application for doing shopping through Online.
This is web based Application which provides facility to the customer to purchase goods through Online.
Front End –presentation layer is developed by Visual Studio using with c#. Back End- Database of the project is using SQL server.

Online Academic Information Project:

In this Online Academic Information project work, we are focusing on the category of the people who don’t have enough time to visit the place & to gather all the required information regarding courses offered, fee structure, duration of various courses, facilities provided by the academic institute.

Tourism in Telangana Project:

The Project “Tourism in Telangana” aims at computerizing the activities of the tourism. This Project, process the tourist spot, bus spare details, train spare details, bus timings, and train timings them in the database. The processed details in the database can be either updated or viewed or deleted if required. This system is also used to generate a report, which describes the details of tourism.

Online Shopping E-Commerce Project:

This is Web Application to Maintain Company, Product vise Computer Parts and Purchase online computer Parts Using Payment Gateway.
Technology:, C#, SQL 2005

Courier Service System Project:

This project is designed to maintain the records related to courier services Package delivery, dispatch dates, arrivals, departures along with charges involved.

Contact Management System Project:

This application mainly used forCreateg and updating new contacts. Generation of the address book.

PT Education Management System B.C.A Project

To develop a project on Pt Education Management for Pt Education Institute to Manage Student, Staff and take test exam like an online exam in the institute.

Online Course information Website Mini Project

To develop a project on Online Course Information Website to give the information about Certificate course available with the free and institute name, address.

Payroll management Industrial Project in SAP

To develop the project in SAP HR Module for Payroll the Management System to manage new Employee Details, Manage Attendance, overtime works. Calculate Salary based on Attendance or word and after all Generate Reports.

College Feedback System Java Project


College feedback system is a web application which provides an easy way to know information about a college. In this application, all the information of the college will be added by admin. Students can find all the details of college and can give feedback which will be helpful to fresher’s who are searching for college information.

Existing System:

In the existing system, there is no proper information about colleges. Students who are searching for college details should go physically and make enquire about college which takes a lot of time and effort. The student is not able to give feedback about college.

Proposed System:

The proposed system provides an easy way to a student who is searching for college information. All the information is added by admin where students and fresher’s can easily access the information. This system saves a lot of time and effort of students. This system also provides a chance for students to give feedback about the college.



Admin needs to get logged in with valid username and password. Admin can add college, add placement and view college.


The student needs to get registered with the application by entering all the details in the registration page. A student can get logged in by entering college name, username, and password. A student can view profile, View College, view placements and can give feedback.


Fresher can get registered with the application by entering all the details in the registration page. Fresher can get logged in by entering college name, username, and password. Fresher can view profile, View College, view placements and can give feedback.

Output Results Pages:

  • Homepage:
  • Admin login page:
  • Admin home page:
  • Add college page:
  • Add placements page:
  • Student registration page:
  • Student login page:
  • Student homepage:
  • View profile page:
  • View college page:
  • View placements page:
  • Feedback page:
  • fresher registration page:
  • Fresher login page:
  • Fresher homepage:
  • View profile page:
  • View college page:
  • View feedback page:

School Management Software Project Synopsis

The Educational based School Management software project has 5 modules. 

  1. Student
  2. Teachers
  3. Principal
  4. Administrator
  5. Parents


In this module, every student is provided with a unique username and password. So that student can log in to view his attendance details, academic details, cultural details, fee details.

The sub-forms are:

  • View Attendance
  • Time Table
  • Examinations
  • Report Card
  • Fee Details/Payment
  • Leaves Details
  • Library
  • Cafeteria
  • Assignment
  • Homework
  • Bus Schedule
  • Activity
  • Health Checkup
  • Holidays
  • Internal Messaging
  • Ideas Room[Comeup with new thoughts]
  • Feedback
  • Reports


In this module, every teacher is provided with a unique username and password. So that teacher can login to view his attendance details, class details, cultural details, salary details, reports. 

The sub-forms are: 

  • Time Table
  • Examination Schedule
  • Mark sheet Entry for students
  • Salary
  • Maintain Attendance of students
  • Class syllabus
  • View School Timings
  • Library
  • Cafeteria
  • Holidays
  • Internal Messaging
  • Feedback
  • Reports


In this module principal is provided with a unique username and password. So that principal can login to view his class attendance details, academic details, cultural details, pay roll management. He can allocate rooms. 

The sub-modules are:

  • Timetable Management
  • Office Management
  • Attendance Maintenance
  • Academic Management
  • Examination & Mark sheet Generation
  • Health Management
  • Library Management
  • Lab Maintenance
  • Internal Messaging
  • Miscellaneous[Cafeteria]
  • Reports


The Administration Module is one of the key modules of School Manager provides a comprehensive set of tools which helps the management to manage various budgetary details. This automates common administrative tasks, increase efficiency and accountability, and eliminates paper-pushing and workflow bottlenecks. It contains the budget head, budget create, donation and occurrence. In short this, module manages the entire money flow in the institution.

The sub-modules are:

  • Student Fee Management
  • Accounts & Finance Management
  • Payroll Management
  • Transport Management
  • Hostel Management
  • Stores Management
  • HRD
  • Security
  • Front office Management
  • Site
  • Reports


In this module, every parent is provided with a unique username and password. So that parent can login to view his/her child attendance details, academic details, cultural details, fee management. 

The sub-forms are:

  • Student Attendance
  • Student Mark sheet
  • Student Activities
  • Fee Management

Employee Management System Project Synopsis

Project Description: Employee Management System is a program to automate or computerize all employee management operations.

Generally, every company has different departments (for example, Accounts/Admin/Human Resource/Technical/Vendors etc). For our project, consider the following departments. Due to the limited time, for our project, we will not be implementing the features of Vendors department.

Employee Management System is open to admins, HRs, Managers, and regular employees. Among all users, only the admins have all privileges to access all the information of EMS. So the admins will insert, update, remove the employees, departments, generate reports and whereas other users will have limited roles. Once the user’s login they can perform few tasks specific to their role.

Employee information can be modified by either Admin, Managers or by the employee himself/herself. Suppose if we want to keep track of a list of all changes made to an employee profile, we need to maintain logs.

Reports for employee management system are categorized into different types based on roles.

Note: To make concepts simple, assume that we are storing all the information in binary files.

Project’s Detailed Description:

1) Objective/ Vision:

This project is aimed at developing Employee Management System that allows to automate or computerize all employee management operations

2) Users of the System:

  • Admins
  • Regular Employees
  • HRs
  • Accountants
  • Managers

3) Functional requirements

  • Create initial setup which includes: Generating company information (includes creating departments, company history, CEOs information etc..) Generating employee information (adding/deleting/updating employee information, feedback’s, salaries) Generating unique employee ID for each employee
  • User management
  • Role-based user menus
  • Generating Reports

4) Non-functional requirements

  • Simple UI
  • Generic Coding

5) User interface priorities: console
6) Reports to be generated:

  • Reports for Admins
  • Reports for Regular Employees
  • Reports for HRs
  • Reports for Accountants
  • Reports for Managers

7) Technologies to be used:

C, and binary Files for storing data

8) Tools to be Used:

Dev C++

9) Final Deliverable must include:

  • Create initial setup mentioned as above
  • User management
  • Role-based user menus
  • Reports