The main aim of this car store project is to create a web-based application using Java and MySQL for an online car store system that includes the customers to search for cars and order online and manage their online bookings
Online Car Store System is an website that allows a customer to search for various cars available at the store, segregate according to the price and model, Unique data of cars available, Time it takes for a car to get delivered, book the car online and enter the date they would visit the store and also allows customers to book for a test drive.
Other features such as discounts, EMI Scheme, Insurance and Client Testimonials.
Challenge Description
1. This challenge requires you to build a fully functional website for a car store. The Customer should be able to sign up and login into the application using the ID created. Without a login ID, customer can only search for discounts, cars available, discounts available and book for a test drive.
2. This includes high-level design, UI screens development, data storage, and manipulation and business logic using the concepts of core and advanced Java.
3. A running website hosted locally or remotely (on a cloud), the design document created and the source code used in a zip file.
Use case Diagrams for Admin & User:

Flow Chart:
After completing this challenge, we should have a thorough understanding of:
- Creating a real-world web-based application on Car Store
- Designing a car store application using Data flow diagrams
- Advanced Java concepts: Servlets, JSP’s, etc and web design tools such as HTML, CSS.
- Data Management using databases such as MySQL etc.
Output Screens:
Home Page:

Admin Login Page:

Admin Home Page:

Add Models:

View models:

Add discounts:

View Bookings:

View appointments:
View feedback:
View feedback;
User registration:
User login:
User home:
Search Cars Page:

View bookings:
View appointments:
Send feedback:
Emi calculator:

Find the below Youtube Video Link for the Online Car Store System Java & MySQL Project.
Download the below attached Online Car store System Java Web application Source Code.
i need project for Mtech final year
please reply i have send you several mails
Strange! MTech final year and you need a built application? What did you learn in your course?
I want documentation
ple send
web-application-on-car-store-system java projects with source code and documentation
I want full java and mysql code of car store system
I want documentation.
I want documentation.
I want the complete code for car store project
I want the complete java and mysql code for car store project