A Study on Online Examination System Internship Project Report


The Online Examination System project mainly intends to provide insight into the functionality and behavior of the Online Examination System. This project integrates computer and Internet technologies for the purpose of student assessment. It provides the options of the examinations available on the system according to the user privilege.

Based on the choice of the user, the system provides the questions related to that area. Mostly the questions are in the form of multiple-choice questions, they can also be filling in the blanks, matching, and essay questions. At the end of the questions, the user will be given the option to report or cancel the scores.

When a person enters the online test, a system will ask for a login id and password. If the person is authorized, by simply giving his login id and password he will enter filling the registration field based on the privilege. If the user is new he has to register as a user by filling in the registration details. While filling in the details he has to take care of privilege. If the user is a candidate, he has to take the privilege as “0”, the operator as “1” and admin as “2”. Once these details are filled, the user will be provided with a login id. With this login id, he can enter based on his privilege.

If the user is a candidate, as soon as he submits the login id he enters the area section. There he can select the area depending on which he wants to take the test. As soon as he selects the area he will be ready to take the test.

Depending upon the area selected questions the be displayed with four options and the candidate has to select the correct answer and proceed to the next question till the end of the test. The time is set for the test. The test should be completed within that time period. If he does not complete the test within the given time the test will be lost automatically.

After the test is completed, the candidate has the option to report or cancel his scores. If he wants the hard copy of the score report he can take it.

If the user is an administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section where he has to handle both operator and candidate functions.

If the user is an operator or administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section. In this, he can change the information of the candidate, view the candidate result, and status by simply giving the respective login and he can also modify or update questions in any area.

Product goals:

  • The goals of this Online Examination System are:
  • To automate the testing activity. The system will function with centralized control over all the units that are involved in the online test system.
  • Provide data security from unauthorized users.


when the user is an operator or administrator opts for the operator section the process will direct to the above screen. This screen can get the user to user edit, candidate view, current examinees, exam report, and areas report screens on clicking the corresponding link.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the data basest candidate has to select the correct answer by clicking the radio button corresponding to the question. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button else going to the next question.

The above screen is the start of the test, in which the user should validate his/her login id and password by clicking submit button, after entering their identity. New users can register their information by clicking the register button.

This screen is used when the user is not registered. It is used for registering new users by entering their personal information and then by clicking on the save button.

When a user wants to view candidate details he can get this screen by clicking the link of candidate view in the operator section. This screen gets the information of the status, Name, and login id of the desired candidate.

The current examiner’s screen gets the information of the login id name, status, and date he/she appeared for the test for the specified candidate. On clicking the details the exam report is generated. We can get a copy of the details by clicking the copy.

Based on the privilege of the user, he is directed to the next screen. If he is a candidate the user comes to the above screen. In this, he got to confirm the login id and should select the area where he is intending to take the test. The user can start taking the test by clicking the start button.

This question editor screens enable the user (admin/operator) to create and update the new question in the desired area and specified difficulty level. The user can also create a new question by clicking on the new question button.

This screen is used to display the details of the code and the related areas selected. This screen links the user to questions related to that area. Here the user can also create a new area by clicking the new area button.
This screen is used to create a new area code and name of the area by mentioning them in the specified text boxes and then clicking on the save button.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the database. The candidate has to select the correct answer by checking the radio button corresponding to the question. On clicking the ok button. The answer he opted for is stored in the data store and the next question is generated. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button. This happens to generate the exam report.

This screen enables the user to answer the numeric ability questions posted to him by clicking on the radio buttons which are given to choose the right answers. The user can also create a new question by clicking on a new question button.

This screen is viewed when the user types either the wrong name or password in the given text box and the button back is used to move back to the login page to re-enter the right login id and password.

The current examinee’s screen gets the information of the login id, name, status, and date he appeared for the test for the specified candidate. . It also tells about the total number of questions and right answers given by the candidate.


The Online Examination System has been successfully completed. The goal of the system is achieved and problems are solved. Final reports are generated as per the specification of the client. The package is developed in a manner that is user-friendly and requires help is provided at different levels.

The Online Examination project can be easily used in the process of decision making.


To modify the Online Examination System project to the .Net platform to take the advantage of geographical remote areas. By shifting the project to the Dot Net platform the project can be made into a Mobile Accessible Application by which the restrictions of the software & hardware requirements can be scaled down, which is not possible using ASP.

we can even apply the unique identity of the user by keeping certain formalities that must be answered by the user while entering the test (like the user need to answer again the questions which he did while registering himself for the test) the questions selected will be in random order from his personal data only (like the mole present on the user, etc …) so that it may confirm that the user itself is writing the test.

we can even use the thumb mark of the users to confirm their identities.

We can even add the photos of the users in this to confirm the user Identity.
Thus by applying these steps we can make sure that the user itself is writing the exam, not the others.

Mini Projects Abstracts on Java and PHP

The below mini Projects are developed using java and PHP technologies.

School Management System:

This is a school management system project which is developed using  PHP on the CodeIgniter framework. But it is not for only a single school or college to manage. We can add multiple schools or institutions and they will be provided the proper login credentials and they can add Management, Teachers, Students, Parents, and library inventory as well.

Multi Messaging Service Encryption:

This project is a java based server-client architecture within a local area network LAN. The user will be created at the server application and then the client can log in through the client application. The client can send video/audio and text images to some other client by encrypting them using some encryption algorithms. And when the receiver client will receive the file it will be decrypted on the receiver end and then the files can be opened or text can be read.

College Management System:

It is a java based Windows/ Desktop application. This Project has featured an admin panel where the admin can register a new student, can update the existing user, can promote students to higher classes. And admin can manage the monthly fee of the student and then the admin can print the receipt using the printer.

Blood Bank Management System:

It is the management of the blood donor that if some donor is donating the blood and it will be managed into the inventory that which kind of blood is it like A+, A- and all. And when the user wants to search the inventory whether this kind of blood is available at the blood bank or not he can check into his inventory. And can purchase from the blood bank once he purchased the inventory will be maintained again. this is a website on PHP.

E- Student Management System:

It is the complete management of students, Teachers from the admin panel. This is a website with an admin panel. Admin can add the new class. Within the class, he can register new students. Admin can also manage the library. Admin can also add teachers. And can edit or delete them. And these things will be displayed on the website. It is a completely dynamic website with high features. This project is on PHP technology having the use of the CodeIgniter framework.

Online Bakery Shop:

This is an E-commerce Website for selling online cakes. Users can visit the website and can search for the desired cake by their category and then they can add to the cart and proceed to checkout. This project is on PHP technology having the use of the CodeIgniter framework.

Employee Break Tracking System:

It is a java based system that will help the employer to find out the total as well as split up of break time taken by the employees. The report will be exported to an excel file or it can display in a common console.

Automatic Backup of files to Network Drive:

It is a java based application that will be used to back up the files automatically onto a network drive. The backup can be scheduled.

Active Directory Users Management:

It is a PHP application that is used to get the last logon time of all the active directory users and will be saved in the MySql database. Then from MySql, reports will be generated and shown in the GUI.

Common Repository of Linux Syslogs:

It is a PHP application that is used to get the Linux sys logs onto a common location and it will be saved in the database. On request, the report will be generated and shown in the GUI.

ATM Management System:

It is a java based system for ATMs. It will have all the features like withdrawal, deposit, and balance summary. The user management system is also part of this.

Talent Hunt Website:

  • The objective of this website is to make people able to share their talent over the world so that more audiences can watch them.
  • The users who uploaded their videos on the website can also manage them. They can delete them also.
  • Registered user can edit their profile. They also can get the chance to make their talent their profession.
  • So this website also provides job opportunities for the user.

There are the following objectives of this website:-

  • Sharing videos, images, audio, and quotes.
  • Making talented people the best in their field.
  • Providing a chance to show their creativity
  • Providing user-friendly GUI.
  • Establishing relationship.
  • Increasing Curiosity.
  • Inspiring people to do new things to share.
  • Delivering innovative ideas to people.
  • Verification before displaying data.
  • Management of uploaded files/data.
  • Categorized display.

Work In Progress (WIP) Java Project

Work In Progress  (Production and Stores Accounting System)module will accept the process sheet details from the Methods department. By using this information, the PPC prints the documents for required work order for the given Number. The new Work order is launched as per the Number with the Work In Progress status ‘R’. The cost center, machine code & batch quantity are also chosen.

When a new work order is to be launched WIP forwards Material Requisition to Material Management. Then MM, in turn, propels the material requisition to the Store, to confirm the availability of the material. If the required material is existing, Store mails Material Requisition Issue to WIP so that a new Work order may be successfully launched.

If the material is withdrawn from the store for a new work order, it indicates that the Work order is ‘ready for loading’ and the status of the WIP is updated to ‘R’ (Ready for Loading). When the Work order is loaded to the machine, the WIP status is altered to ‘L’ (Loaded) from the shop. When a particular operation is in progress then the status is reorganized as ‘N’ (Not Completed) by SFM module.

In the SFM module itself, the machine card/labor card is booked for that work order with respect to Operation number. When a Work order is completed, the WIP status is updated as ‘C’, which indicates the completion of the Operation.

Inspection of manufactured parts is done not only after each operation but also after the completion of the final operation. When the PPC offers the component for each operation then WIP status is updated as ‘I’. After the completion of the final operation for that particular Work order, the refined component is credited to the store & the WIP status is updated as ‘F’. Hence by screening the status of WIP user can predict the phase of the work order.

Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 7

Technology             :  Java/J2EE(Servlets,JSP,JDBC)

Web Technologies  :  Html,Javascript,CSS

Web Server: Linux ad-hoc server

Database: Oracle 11G(Grid Computing), Oracle 9I  (forms and reports)

Software ’s: JDK 1.6

Hardware Requirements:

Hardware: Pentium based systems with a minimum of P4

RAM: 1GB (minimum)

Download the attached Work In Progress (WIP) Java Project Code & Database.

Development of Online Examination System Java & MySql database Project

The main aim of developing this Online Examination system is to provide all college examinations in educational institutions without manual efforts. Have developed this application using java and the MySql database.Here we divide the project into 3 major modules, They are Admin, Faculty, and Student.

The objective of the project:

This Online Examination system website contains many modules to conduct the exams in the proper manner that helps us to conduct exams. With the help of this site, exams can be conducted anytime, anywhere with ease. One of our objectives is to create a User-Friendly system and reach a responsive design. Make out report generated process fast so that user will not get wait.

Modules are described below

Admin features list


Manage subjects

  • Add subject  list
  • Delete subject  list
  • Edit  subject  list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exams (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Student management

  • add student
  • delete student

Manage results

admin can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions
  • delete questions
  • edit questions


Faculty features list


Manage subjects

  • add subjects list
  • delete the subjects list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exam (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Manage results

Students can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions

Manage questions

  • edit questions
  • delete questions

Edit your profile


Student features list:


View results

Take tests

  • View the list of attempted exams along with the result

Practice test

Resume test

Edit your profile


Technologies :

  • The student has to be present in the examination hall till the end for that please hide the submit button till the completion of the time
  • Please provide a timer for the exam.

Future scope

1. This Online Examination system will reduce the manual operation done by people.
2. People can directly enter the examination hall with one click.
3. People will be able to redirect to the link of the website where the exam is available.
4. Quick and accurate results.
5. No need for pen, paper, and any examiner.

Scope for Extension

Things that can be added to extend this project into a major one:

1. This Online Examination system web interface can also be converted into an android application for easy access to the people.
2. We can add some functionality related to the security of data.
3. Also, we can increase the efficiency of our system.
4. We can also focus to increase the restriction on Remote Proctoring to encourage talented students.
5. In this COVID-19 pandemic, the chances of extension of this project are very high.

Banking System C++ Project


Banking System is developed in C++ to replaced manual System by a computerized system.

This system allows to create a new account and Allows to deposit and withdrawal amount facilities.

It Also maintains Loan Transaction and Paying Loan Installment.

It also Provides Advanced searching Facilities.


Open Account

User to Create The New Account Of Customer

Deposit Amount

In This Module, Customers Can Deposit Amount in their Accounts.

Withdraw Amount

In This Module Customers Can Withdrawal Amount from their Accounts.

Display All Account

This Module Display All The Account Information.

Display Transaction

This Module Display Transaction Information By Account No, By Date And All Transactions Of All Accounts.

Delete Account

This Module Closed Account Of Customers.


This Module Maintain All Transaction Of Loan. Also, Maintain Installment.


This Module Provide Advanced Searching Techniques.

Transfer Amount

This Module Provide Facility For Transfering Amount From One Account To Another Account.


–   System Generate Account No and Loan Id Automatically.

–   The user can not Enter number In Name Field.

–   The user can not Enter Character In Mobile No.

–   The user can not Enter Less or More Than 10 digits in Mobile no.

–   The user can not Enter Character In Numeric Field.

–   The user can not Enter Invalid choice and Invalid date into the system.

  • Welcome Screen
  • Developers & Guide’s Name Screen
  • Main Menu Screen

– User Can Select multiple Options.

  • Open An Account Form
  • Display All Accounts Information
  • Deposit Amount In A Particular Account
  • Account Information After Deposited Amount
  • Withdraw Amount In a Particular Account
  • It shows Account Information After Withdrawal Amount
  • Displaying Transaction Menu
  • Displaying All Transaction Information
  • Displaying Account Wise Transaction  Information
  • Displaying Account Wise Transaction Information
  • Displaying Loan Menu
  • selecting Loan Type
  • Displaying Calculation On Loan Amount And Add Interest to Loan Amount and Display Monthly Installment
  • Confirmation For Applying Loan
  •  Applying Loan And Storing Detail Of  Customer
  • Paying Loan Installment
  • Displaying All Loan Information
  • Displaying Loan Information By Loan  Type
  • Displaying Loan Information By Loan  Type
  • Displaying Search Menu
  • Searching Account In for formation By  Account No
  • Searching Account Information By  Date  It Shows Invalid date If Date Is not correct
  • Screen For Searching Account Information By  Date
  • Displaying Message If Record(s) Are not Found
  • Displaying Account Information BY Date
  • displaying Account Information Between Two Amounts
  • displaying Account Information Between Two Amounts
  • displaying Account Information By Account Type
  • displaying Account Information By Account Type
  • Transferring Amount From One Account To Another Account

Online Ticket Booking System Project Source Code

The main objective of the Java Project on the Bus Booking System is to manage the details of Operators, Customers, and Ticket Booking.
It manages all the information about Bus Ticket Booking. The project is totally built at the administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed access.
The purpose of the project is to build a bus ticketing application program to reduce the manual work of managing the Operators, buses, and Customers.

Admin & User Functionalities:





The online bus ticketing system has two users:



Admin can perform all the actions regarding bus details such as addition, and deletion of the bus. changing operation date and time.


Users (passengers) have limited action in the application. They can log in, and register if they are a new user. After logging in they can view the buses by entering from and to the location and they can book a number of tickets accordingly.

Admin Login:


Home page: Admin login page:

On selecting admin in the above-displaying age, the admin can log in and can make changes to the bus details.

User Login Page:

By selecting users, they can view the home page designed and register if they are new users.


If the user is new to this application, they can register themselves by clicking the signup button given below.

UserServices Page:

On successful login of users, they can search for buses and book tickets.

Search Bus Page:

By providing the from, to location, and date of journey, the user can get the list of all available buses planned on that particular route and with the time details.

ContactUs Page:



Expected Outcomes

  • This Online Bus Ticket Booking System Application Connects Passengers with the Bus Operators And Vice Versa
  • Using This project, Passengers Can Book a Number Of Tickets Whenever They Want And Can Cancel Them.
  • Admins Can Alter The Bus Details Based On Their Route, day Of Operation, and Time.

Introduction to Online Ticket Booking System Project:

The online ticket booking system project explains about concept of developing a web-based bus ticket buying system. This project is implemented in Java Spring MVC Hibernate technologies, as the back end. In the present scenario usage of the internet had grown rapidly and most of the work is done through an online process as we see most products are purchased from websites and bus tickets are booked form online.

Though there are many online bus ticket reservation systems available on the internet we develop an application that will a real-time experience on an online website. This project provides detailed information with the project source code database.

Using these web portals users can book tickets, cancel tickets, know the availability of tickets, and the cost of tickets, and many other features which are available on every online reservation website.

Download the Complete project on Online Bus Ticket Booking System Java Spring MVC Hibernate Project Source Code

Php Projects

 List of Php Projects:

This category consists of Php Projects for CSE final year students,1000 projects in PHP, PHP projects with source code free download, and Final year PHP projects. Here we provide PHP projects for free of cost you can download entire project-related information from this site.

Crime and Missing People Reporting System

The project titled “Crime and Missing People Reporting System” is a web-based application. This software provides a facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, robberies, missing complaints, etc. It provides the facility of uploading images of crime scenes so that police can take action immediately.

Download the Crime and Missing People Reporting System Project Code using PHP.

Attendance Management System

The main motto of the project is Attend today, and achieve tomorrow. The most common modules of the project are admin, student, and teacher. Where Admin can add Student details, Course details, Teacher details, Subject details, and attendance details.

Choose Account Type

  • Admin
  • Teacher
  • Student

Admin Functionalities below:

  • Home
  • Attendance
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Course
  • Subject
  • Subject teacher
  • Logout

Download the complete Attendance Management System PHP & My SQL Project

Download Online Food Ordering System Project using PHP

Download Student Scholarship Management System PHP & MySQL Project Source Code and Database.

Here is a list of a few Php Projects mentioned below:

  1. Spam Filter Email Program PHP CSE Mini Project
  3. Social Networking Site Buddy Manager PHP CSE Final Year Project
  4. Question Exam Portal A PHP Project With Code And Paper presentation
  6. Video Streaming a Php Mysql Project
  7. Computerized Internal Evaluation Test (CIET) PHP Project
  8. Chat Application

Online Ticket Booking Project A Java Project

For computer Final year students who are interested in developing traveling portal-related projects then this Online Ticket Booking Project A Java Project will be the best choice. This application is commonly used in our day-to-day life for train bookings, bus ticket bookings tour information…etc. This application will be the alternative to a manual booking mechanism. The main idea for developing this project is to provide a secured and updated ticket booking procedure that will focus on Economical, Technical, and Operational feasibility. Online-Ticket-Booking-Project-A-Java-Project.

The online Ticket Booking Project application provides GUI as the front end with different modifications based on the type of user. Administrators, agents, and customers are provided with GUI through which their respective work can be done. customer can enter his source and destination information to find out the services available similarly administrator and agent will perform their respective functionality. This application will provide security at different tiers. 

Over the past decade, functional centralization has experienced a strong acceleration thanks to rapid developments in application technology and communication protocols. In the past few years, functional centralization had shown rapid growth in application technology and communication protocols. Centralization had shown a lot of benefits like cost saving, control improvements, standardization, and an increase in productivity’s-Ticketing project will deal with centralization and provide better service. In centralization, this project provides Strategic coordination, Compliance control, Mandated execution, and Functional consolidation. 

 Hardware and Software Requirements for Online Ticket Booking Project

User interface requirements: Dreamweaver MX.

IDE: Eclipse

Database requirements: Oracle8.1

Server: Tomcat 5.0

Preferred Technologies: JavaScript, Java

( Jdbc 2.0,Servlets2.1, JSP 1.2 ,Struts) 

For more information, you can download the project report and code from this site.

The online Ticket Booking Project document contains

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Hardware and Software Requirements
  • SRS Document
  • Software Model
  • Architectural Pattern
  • Design Pattern
  • Scope and Process
  • UML Diagrams
  • Usecase Diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams

Bus Booking System Functional Requirements:

Admin Login :

1. Add route details, bus details, ticket fare
2. Update bus, and route details
3. Delete route and bus details
4.Veiw passenger details
5. Logout

User Login :

1. Book a bus ticket
2. Cancelation of Booking
3. View bus details
3. Logout

Output Screens Results:

Welcome Page: The above snapshot is the beginning of the bus booking system it contains the admin and the user login.

Admin Login: Admin login takes place from the above snapshot

Admin menu: The above snapshot is the display of the admin menu, the menu contains Route, Bus, Passenger, Ticket

Bus details page: The above snapshot is used to display the bus details

Register Page: This is the registration page for both the admin and user
User login page: User login takes place from the above snapshot

User menu page: The above snapshot is the display of the user menu

Journey details page: The above snapshot is used to fetch the bus details as per the Source and destination for the user end

on-route bus details: The above snapshot contains the bus details, on which the user wants to travel

Passenger details Page: The above snapshot is used to insert the passenger details

Download the Online Ticket Booking Project Project report.

Download the complete project code, report on the Bus Ticket booking system Java Web Project