Mobile based College Student Communication Portal App

Project Abstract :

The aim of this Student communication platform android project is to build an android application that provides an interactive environment among students of various colleges providing updates regarding different events or activities.

It creates an open forum and brings together all the students of similar age groups providing a space for communication and enables the sharing of knowledge and ideas. This application can become a one-stop for the various needs of students.

Problem Definition:

In Existing college student app scenario, there are many events, activities, technical and cultural fests that take place in colleges and many times, the updates regarding these events might not be effectively communicated among students of other colleges and sometimes even within the college. Communication of these events requires physical effort to reach out to different colleges and convey the information regarding such events.

In this communication app, we have 3 modules i.e. for faculty, club-head and student. Club-head can share the details of the events to pa articular college or group of colleges. And also, there is an option for in a particular college you can send the poster to a particular class or section or department. The student can find the details of events whereas the club head can share the details of the events. Faculty can also share useful information like notes with particular students.

Thus,t his application can play a major role in increasing participation levels of students in various events regardless of their college.


Software Requirements: Android studio, Java

Database:  Firebase

Future Expansion of the Project:

The project can further be expanded to include the registrations and payments of the events apart from the updates alone. It can also enable communication between lecturers and students to share knowledge and concepts through this application.

Output Screenshots:

63 Replies to “Mobile based College Student Communication Portal App”

  1. Plz i hve submission on27th plzz if anyone can help me by providing a android project of any defination plzz with source code

  2. Hi, would it still be possible to recieve a copy of the source code? If so, may you email it to me? Thanks

    1. hey…hii Shivani , I am Bhanu , I am studying MCA final year , I am looking for a project , I wish to can we do something a project , can you help me & guide me , can you share your knowledge with me..?
      if you willing to help me , simply drop a message to my inbox , my e-mail id is

  3. Hi sir, please send me the source code to this project. I am a newbie to coding and this would really help me in my revision.

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