Project Profile
University allots Examination centers (As per Candidate’s preferences of examination centre provided in the Application Form) and Seat numbers to the Candidates and generates admit cards informing the seat number, centre and date and time. University publishes the Information of the Hall Tickets & Examination centers allotted on the admission website. The Candidate can print his/her Admit Card by visiting admission website.
![CET Admission System Project](
University publishes the CET result on admission web site on the stipulated date.
University generates merit list with Combined Score (Academic score + CET score) for admission quota and publishes it on the admission website as well as provides facility to the Candidate to print his/her Scorecard.
As per the data of number of seats available in the college the combined merit (Academic score + CET score) of the candidate, and the preferences given by the candidates in the Option form University allocates seats to the candidates and publishes the college wise candidates list on the admission website.
The Candidate can print his/her provisional Admission Letter by visiting admission website. System administrator adds different colleges with their Admission seat capacity,
also Exam centers list with its capacity along with its unique Id should be maintained.
Features of the system :
- Candidate can make enquiry about the CET.
- Candidate can apply online for CET.
- Candidate can give online CET Exam.
- Results will be put on the website.
- After getting results, Candidate can apply online for Admission.
The total Project can be divided into different sub-systems as follows :
- Application Stage
- Pre-CET Stage (Admit Cards)
- Online Exam(OES)
- Post-CET Stage (Score Cards)
- Post-CET Stage (Option Form Filling)
- Admission Process
- General set-up system
Ajax Functionality Used In Project:
- In the Online CET Project, We used Calendar Control with Ajax Functionality in it.
- When you forgot your password then there is one Forgot password Page in that page Selected Question
- Brings City name into the City DropDownList, whenever user selects the particular State name from the State DropDownList.
C- Sharp is used as Front-End Tool. C- Sharp is a general user Interface Programming Language. Programming in C- Sharp is much simple and understandable compared to other programming languages. Even if some error in software remains uncovered, other S/W Professionals can easily handle errors.
MS-SQL is used as Back-End Tool.
Microsoft Word :-
Word is used for basic purpose of writing Help Files because it offers great new ways to polish the formatting in document.
Windows XP :-
Windows XP is more convenient and easier to use. All the tools mentioned above works better under Windows compared to other platform.
Following forms have been validated, through ASP.NET validation controls in each & every fields.
- Confirmation Form
- Forgot Password Form
- Change Password Form
- Admission Form
- Hall Ticket Form
- Show Detail Form
- Show Detail1 Form
- Login Form
- Signup Form
- Status Form
This table is used to store candidate personal information, qualification and DD Details.
Primary Key: Candidate_ID
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
Candidate_ID |
nvarchar |
10 |
This will be the Id of the candidate & the primary key of the table. |
First_Name |
nvarchar |
40 |
First name of the candidate. |
Middle_Name |
nvarchar |
40 |
Middle name of the candidate. |
Last_Name |
nvarchar |
40 |
Last name of the candidate. |
Address_1 |
nvarchar |
Address1 of the candidate. |
Address_2 |
nvarchar |
Address2 of the candidate. |
Address_3 |
nvarchar |
Address3 of the candidate. |
Gender |
Nvarchar |
6 |
Sex of the candidate. |
City |
nvarchar |
30 |
City of the candidate. |
State |
nvarchar |
10 |
State of the candidate. |
Pincode |
numeric |
6 |
Pincode of the city. |
Country |
nvarchar |
20 |
Country of the candidate. |
Nationality |
nvarchar |
20 |
Nationality of the candidate. |
Birthdate |
smalldatetime |
Birthdate of the candidate. |
Age |
int |
Age of the candidate. |
STD_Code |
Int |
STD code of the Candidate’s Phone no. |
Phone_No |
Numeric |
10 |
Phone number of the Candidate |
Mobile_No |
Numeric |
10 |
Mobile number of the Candidate |
Email_ID |
nvarchar |
50 |
Email id of the candidate. |
SSC_percentage |
numeric |
4,2 |
SSC percentage of the candidate. |
SSC_year |
numeric |
4 |
SSC passing year of the candidate. |
SSC_board |
nvarchar |
50 |
Education board from where the candidate passed SSC. |
HSC_percentage |
numeric |
4,2 |
HSC percentage of the candidate. |
HSC_year |
numeric |
4 |
HSC passing year of the candidate. |
HSC_board |
nvarchar |
50 |
Education board from where the candidate passed HSC. |
Graduation_Degree |
nvarchar |
10 |
Graduation Degree of Candidate. |
Graduation_percentage |
numeric |
4,2 |
Graduation percentage of the candidate. |
Graduation_year |
numeric |
4 |
Graduation passing year of the candidate. |
University |
nvarchar |
50 |
University from where the candidate completed Graduation. |
Choice_of_center1 |
nvarchar |
30 |
Examination Centre1 of choice for the candidate. |
Choice_of_center2 |
nvarchar |
30 |
Examination Centre2 of choice for the candidate. |
Choice_of_center3 |
nvarchar |
30 |
Examination Centre3 of choice for the candidate. |
DD_no |
numeric |
10 |
Demand Draft number issued to the candidate. |
MICR_Code |
Numeric |
10 |
MICR_Code of the DD issued to the Candidate. |
DD_Date |
Smalldatetime |
Date of the issued DD. |
DD_Received |
bit |
It shows the status, whether DD is received or not. |
Amount |
Int |
Amount of the DD paid by the candidate. |
Bank_Code |
nvarchar |
10 |
Bank name which draw the DD. |
Branch_Code |
numeric |
10 |
Branch code of the drawee bank. |
Batch_year |
numeric |
4 |
Batch year for which the candidate is applying. |
HallTicket |
Nvarchar |
10 |
Hall Ticket no. of candidate will be stored. |
Seatno |
Nvarchar |
3 |
Seat no. of the candidate will be stored. |
ExamCenter_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
Exam center Id will be stored. |
This table is used to store details of the entire examination center.
Primary Key: College_ID
Foreign Key: Center_ID
Field Name |
Data Type |
Length |
Description |
Center_Id |
nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store CenterID which works as a Foreign Key. |
College_Id |
nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store CollegeID which is Unique. |
College_Name |
nvarchar |
30 |
This Column is used to store Center Name. |
Address_1 |
nvarchar |
This Column is used to store Address. |
Address_2 |
nvarchar |
This Column is used to store Address. |
State_Id |
nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store State. |
Pincode |
nvarchar |
6 |
This Column is used to store State’s Pincode No. |
Course_Id |
nvarchar |
10 |
This table is used to store all the graduation’s degree name.
Primary Key: Graduation_ID
Field Name |
Data Type |
Length |
Description |
Graduation_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store GraduationID which is Unique. |
Graduation_Name |
Nvarchar |
50 |
This Column is used to store Graduation Name. |
This table is used to store Bank name for DD Details.
Primary Key: – Bank_ID
Field Name |
Data Type |
Length |
Description |
Bank_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store BankID which is Unique. |
Bank_Name |
Nvarchar |
50 |
This Column is used to store Bank Name. |
This table is used to store courses offered by the colleges.
Primary Key: – Course_ID
Field Name |
Data Type |
Length |
Description |
Course_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store CourseID which is Unique. |
Course_Name |
Nvarchar |
50 |
This Column is used to store Course Name. |
This table is used to store states.
Primary Key: – State_ID
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
State_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
It is used to store State Id. |
State_Name |
Nvarchar |
30 |
It is used to store State Name. |
This table is used to all the examination center of any city.
Primary Key: – ExamCenter_ID
Foreign Key: – ExamCity_Id
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
ExamCity_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
It is used to store city Id. |
ExamCenter_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
It is used to store Exam Center Id. |
ExamCenter_Name |
Nvarchar |
30 |
It is used to store Exam Center Name. |
Address |
Nvarchar |
It is used to store Exam Address. |
Phone_no |
Nvarchar |
20 |
It is used to Phone No. |
TotalSeat |
Int |
AllotedSeat |
Int |
This table is used to store Login related information. Candidate ID will be used as user name.
Foreign Key: – Candidate_ID
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
Candidate_ID |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store UserID of the user which is Unique. |
Password |
Nvarchar |
30 |
Password will be stored in the Encrypted Form. |
SecQue |
Nvarchar |
Security question will be stored. |
SecAns |
Nvarchar |
Security Answer will be stored. |
Type |
Nvarchar |
20 |
Type of the user will be stored whether He is administrator or User. |
This table is used to store all the exams which are available in this system.
Primary Key: – Exam_ID
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
Exam_ID |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store ExamID of the Exam which is Unique. |
Exam_Name |
Nvarchar |
30 |
This Column is used to store Exam Name. |
Totalque |
Int |
This Column is used to store total no. of question related with the exam. |
Timing |
Numeric |
5,2 |
This column will be having value of allotted time for the exam. |
Total_Marks |
Int |
It shows the total marks of the examination. |
QueSet |
Int |
Question that will appear in the exam. Question will be selected randomly from the question paper Entity. |
This table is used to store information about the various exams given by the user, status of the exam (whether user has completed it or not) and his marks.
Foreign Key: – Candidate_ID and Exam_ID
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
Candidate_ID |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column is used to store UserID of the user which works as a Foreign Key. |
Exam_ID |
Nvarchar |
10 |
This Column works as a Foreign Key and used to store the exams given by the user. |
Status |
Bit |
This column shows that whether user has completed the exam or not. If It is set to 1 that means exam is completed by user. |
MarksScored |
Int |
Marks Scored by the user. |
This table is used to all the city of examination center.
Primary Key: – City_ID
Foreign Key: – State_Id
Field_Name |
Data_Type |
Size |
Description |
City_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
It is used to store city Id. |
City_Name |
Nvarchar |
30 |
It is used to store city Name. |
State_Id |
Nvarchar |
10 |
It is used to store State Id. |
Following forms have been validated, through ASP.NET validation controls in each & every fields.
- Login Form
- Admit Center Form
- Candidate DD Form
- Candidate Result Form
- Bank Form
- City Form
- State Form
- College Form
- Course Form
- Exam Center Form
- Graduation Form
- Hall Ticket Form
- Candidate Information
NOTE : More information about validation you can find in TEST CASES sheet.