.Net Frame Work CSE Project on SQL Tuner Project Report

In today’s industry as per the normal scenario whenever a developer or a programmer design or write any new query he have to submit the same to the DBA of any company for fine tuning. Even the DBA do nit able to tune it to the fullest extent and even if they become successful then take a lot of resources and time for that. It is not possible to tune every single query during the crunch time. The DBA’s relies on its own experience for the tuning purpose. There are no rules for the tuning and do that sometimes even the most experience DBA do not able to properly tune the queries.

This topic is chosen among all to reduce the tuning work of the quarries by the DBA’s. This can also be used for to tune the queries by the programmer instead of going to the DBA. For developing the tuning if the SQL Queries this project is developed. By reducing the entire CPU time and the I/O time taken by the query the tuning can be made more precise and finer. There are two kinds of tuning that is indexed and syntax tuning.

Syntax tuning helps in checking the physical and logical operators that are used by the query. Index tuning keeps a check on the indexes that is used in the query and can also be used for the columns that are involved in the process of querying.

The interface is used for typing the queries of the users that is provided by the particular software and there are two choices for the users that is either tuning the query or execute it. The software gives suggestions is the tuning is chosen for improving the query performance. On the other hand, if the option of executing is selected then simply it will execute the query.

Rich Site Summary Perl MYSQL NIT CSE Final Year Project

Introduction to Rich Site Summary Perl Project:

The rich site summary project focus on producing softwares that make sure to keep the website for checking the updates as well as the RSS feed automatically. The RSS reader will surely parse the RSS feed and provides the user with the latest news and updates.

The most extensive used XML formats on the web is RSS. THE rss XTML describes a new style of searching web information’s and it also acts as a news fee. Usually this link consists of links and summaries of the new content of a web site.

As per the RSS feed back the generator can now easily generate the RSS files. It’s almost become difficult to manage the sites that are provided with more than thousand links and it is limited only up to a specific domain.  Almost more than half of the sites have useless links or links of other channels. It can also produce RSS generator that can help in generating the RSS feed for almost all the links. For the gcc gnu compilers site there is a selected domain and so for the morzilla web browser.

Open source is the restricted limit for the RSS reader and it includes newforge.net, morzilla.org, linux.com etc. the above mentioned sites is parsing the RSS feeds to the readers of RSS providing the latest up to date informations. According to the research it is said that the domain can be further extended  and it can also be used for generating RSS feedbacks in case the source can be found from where the update is made or at least a small description of the text. .9 is the standard feed generated value for this project that is allowed by the RSS. This can be a useful expansion for the users and it will also enhance the level of security.

Database Library System Project with SQL Code


The Database Library System is intended to Automate the library activities such as  Creating a new borrower, Giving   books to the borrowers, Maintaining the details of all the item that were available in the library such as books, videos, journals etc. This also helps the librarians  by providing information such as total copies available per each book,list of books that belong to a particular category(Short Loan,Long Loan,Reference items etc).

Data Base Schema:

The Schema of  Database Library System includes several tables which include detailed tables and master tables as well as Store Procedures. Master tables are developed so as to maintain the lookup details for all the items.



This is the master table for all the books that are available in the Library. This table contains the complete list of book that are available in the library.Each Book id provided with a Unique ISBN which serves as a primary key.The book details include the ISBN,Book Title,the year in which that particular book was published,the type of binding either soft cover or hard cover,the category to which a book belongs i.e short loan,long loan etc.This table also contains the stock details such as the no.of copies that are there actually and the no of copies available at any given point of time. When ever a book was assigned to a borrower the the available count will be decremented by 1.

Columns :

ISBN:  This is unique ID given to every book .Since there may be many no of books with same TITLE,this ISBN no will help us to distinguish between books of same title.

Book_Title:  Provides the name of the book.

Publication_year :  Contains the year of publication in ‘YY’ format (eg:2009à09)

Language :  contains the language in which this book was published.

Category_Type : This column contains the Category ID whose details can be fetched form the category_master table.The category ID is an Unique number given to each category.

Binding _Type :   This column contains the Binding ID whose details can be fetched form the Binding_Mst table.The Binding ID is an Unique number given to each type Binding.

Description :  This column contains a short description for each book  so that the librarian can understand about this book.

No_Of_Copies_Actual:  This column contains the total no of copies of each book that were initially present.

No_Of_Copies_Current:  This column contains the total no of copies of each book that were currently available .


This table is the Master table for the binding types.This includes the binding ID and Binding Name.The Binding ID servers as a primary key.


Binding_ID:This column contains the Unique number that was given to each type of binding.

Binding_Name:this column give the names of different types of binding. 


This  table is the Master table for the different categories for lending a book such as short Loan,Long Loan etc.This includes the Category ID and Category Name.The Category ID servers as a primary key.


Category _ID:This column contains the Unique number that was given to each type of Category.

Category _Name:this column give the names of different types of categories. 


This Table contains the details of all the persons who lent a  book from  the library.Each Student will be given a Unique borrower ID.All the library related activate for a particular person will be  captured based of the Borrower ID.This table will be used to track the borrowing records.The borrower ID will serve as a primary Key here.


Borrower_ID:Unique ID given to each Student.

Book_ID:This column contains the book ID which was give to the borrower

Borrowed_From_Date:The date on which the book was given a particular borrower

Borrowed_To_Date:The date on which that book was supposed to be returned back or should be renewed

Actual_Return_date:The date on which the borrower returned the book to the library

Issued_by:The ID of the Librarian who issued book to the borrower. 


This table contains the Details of the staff in the Library.Each Staff member will be given a unique User  ID which serves as a Primary Key.


User_ID:The unique ID given to each Staff member present in the Library.

User_Name:The Name of the staff member

Designation:The role of the staff member in the library such as librarian,assistant etc. 


This table contains the details of all the students thar are eligible for availing Library Facilities.Ecah student will be provided with a unique  Student ID and Borrower ID.The student ID will be Primary Key ,where as Borrower_ID , Phone_no will be Unique.


Student_id :Unique ID given to Each Student

Student_Name : The Name of the Student

Fathers_Name : Father’s Name of the Student

Sex : Gender of the Student either Male or Female

DOB:The Date of Birth of the student

Borrower_ID :The borrower ID assigned to each student

Registration_School: The school to which this student belongs

Course : Student course of study

Address :Address of the student

Phone_No :Contact number of the student 


This table serves as the master table for all the videos which includes details like the   author      and    co-author.Each Video will be given a unique ID which pays the role of Primary Key for this table.


Video_Id:Unique ID given to each Video file

Title:The name of the video

Author:The Author of a video

Co_Author:Co_Author for  a video

Genes:Genus for a video

Duration_ Minutes:The time period for a video

Production_Date:The date on which a particular video was produced

Publisher_Name: the Name of the company which released that video. 

/*Description :This table contains the complete list of book that are available in the library.

Each Book id provided with a Unique ISBN which serves as a primary key.*/











Mysql Project for Students on Report Programs Code Generator Tool Project Report

The main aim of ‘Report Programs’ Code Generator Tool system is to produce code assisted by necessary features and the user needs to provide some input related to the application. Those collected inputs would be saved on to the tablets and an ASCII file would be developed on the basis of the information gathered.

All batch programs consenting to a particular logic would be imposed with a similar structure by an automated code generator. Based on limited user inputs, the generator would produce the highest amount of program code. It would not only assist in decreasing coding time of programmers, but also extend the productivity by letting the programmers to concentrate on the application logic. This would lead to decrease in development costs and make code maintenance easy.

The Lexical Analyzer would examine the ASCII file and the necessary information from it would be gathered in data structures and they would be used to produce the required code. As soon as the entire data is extracted from the file, four files would be generated by the chief control file. These four files comprise the code required for the depicted features of main flow. In order to complete the application, the application specific code needs to be assimilated.

The Project modules include Input module, Interface module and Code generation module. The Database layouts include table layouts, namely Program table (PGM_TBL), Input table (INPUT_TBL), Field table (FIELD_TBL) and Report table (RPT_TBL). Output layouts include extract ASCII file structure. The information gathered from the front-end screens is used to create the ASCII files and that data is present in the tables too.

Download Mysql Project for Students on Report Programs Code Generator Tool Project Report.

Mobile Payment Service Java Project Source Code

This Project provides full documentation and source code for all Java students. To execute this project follow the below steps:

Soft wares Needed:

1. J2ME 2.5

2. JDK1.5.0

3. Tomcat 5.0

4. Eclipse 3.2

Running Process:

  • Copy the CartB2B folder (which is in the folder Code->J2ME)and paste it on the workspace.
  • Create a J2ME project using Eclipse named CartB2B
  • Copy the CartB2B  folder (which is in the folder Code->JSP)and paste it on the Tomcat->webapps->ROOT
  • Start the Tomcat.
  • Right click the CartB2B file and click Run as Emulated J2ME
SQL Database tables created to store the information.

Results and Snap Shots of Mobile Shopping cart Management System

Results and Snap Shots

  • Loading status user interface design
    • Then the status of the loading will be displayed to the user.

Loading status user interface designWelcome Screen User Interface Design

    • This Welcome Screen User Interface is the part of the Home module.

 Welcome Screen User Interface Design

  • Mobile shop User Interface Design
    • This is the main window of the Mobile Payment Service system through this the user can Login or Register.

  Mobishop User Interface Design

  • Registration User Interface Design
    • This Registration user interface is the part of the Home module. Here the user has to enter the details of username, password, confirm Password, Address, Phone, Email-Id to before login.

 Registration User Interface Design

  • Registration Successfully User Interface Design
    • This Registration Successfully user interface is the part of the Home module. After the user has to enter the details of username, password, confirm Password, Address, Phone, Email-Id to press OK button to registration successfully.

 Registration Successfully User Interface Design

  • Login User Interface Design
    • This login user interface is the part of the Home module. Here the user has to enter the user name and password to perform various transaction of the shop.


  • Invalid Login User Interface Design
    • This Invalid login user interface is the part of the Home module. If unauthorized users access the system, it will be display the error message.

 Invalid Login User Interface Design

  • Offer User Interface Design
    • This offer user interface is the part of the Place order module which displays various offers of the shop. Then the user has various option.

 Offer User Interface Design

  • Help User Interface Design
    • This Help user interface is the part of the Place order module which provide help facility for the user to clarify their doubts and the system to be more interactive.

 Help User Interface Design

  • Search Shop User Interface Design
    • This Search Shop user interface is the part of the Place order module which provides SearchID facility for the user to displays the particular shop. Then the user has various options.
    • Search Shop User Interface Design
  • Department Selection User Interface Design
    • This Department Selection user interface is the part of the Place order module. The user has to select the department of the shop to perform the place order transaction.

 Department Selection User Interface Design

  • Product Details User Interface Design
    • If the user selects the product, the system will provide the product details such as price for the corresponding product, company model and availability.

 Product Details User Interface Design

  • Confirmation User Interface Design
    • In case of confirmation the user has to press the Back button, otherwise press the OK button to continue the process.

 Confirmation User Interface Design

  • User details User Interface Design
    • The user has to provide various details like Name, Address, Mobile Number, and Credit Card Number to place / cancel order.

 User details User Interface Design

  • Verification User Interface Design
    • In case of Verification the user has to press the Enter button, otherwise press the OK button to continue the process.

 Verification User Interface Design

    • The user can specify the quantity.



  • Process User Interface Design

 Quantity User Interface Design

  • Then the status of the process will be display to the user.


  • Billing User Interface Design
    • Then the Billing will be displayed to the user using the Name, Address, Mobile Number, Quantity and Rate.


  • Display Confirmation User Interface Design
    • Then the Display Confirmation will be displayed to the user using the cancellation and Continue.

 Display Confirmation User Interface Design


  • Cancel order User Interface Design
    • This cancellation user interface is designed, in case if the user wants to cancel the order. The user has specified his Name and Credit Card Number. Then the Name and Credit Card Number will be verified by the system and the process status will be displayed to the user.

 Cancel order User Interface Design

  • Display Cancel Confirmation User Interface Design
    • Then cancel confirmation will be displayed to the user by verifying the username and Credit Card Number.

 Display Cancel Confirmation User Interface Design

  • Display Successfully User Interface Design
    • Then the displayed to the user has to purchase the product successfully. Finally the money is deduced from your Credit Card Number.
Display Successfully User Interface Design

Mobile Payment Service System Java J2EE and J2ME Final Year Project

At the starting point of this Mobile Payment Service System project I would like to state that the work done in this Java based project is only a small percentage of what can actually done. The existing Final Year Project system involves a huge amount of the time wastage which has been reduced from this effort. This J2EE and J2ME project includes the reuse of the coding which means that the user can use the coding in any where which is needed. Now we are living in a world of reduced computing where the customers are mostly interested in products, which are compatible and user friendly. So we go for a systemized one and therefore it leads to the idea of designing a system, which is fully of user friendly and therefore reducing the strains of user.

Future Enhancements of Mobile Payment Service System

                 We can enhance this Java Student project through GPRS connection. When one shop in more number of departments. If new changes come, it should flexible to new user. At future, we can provide service to product sales by our concern. Our computer science and engineering project, In future it can be enhanced to provide to more effective feature to provide complete management feature. As environments are becoming more mobile, are not just dealing with Distributed Processes any-more, Process Landscaping methodology is developed. Finally, the use of Hypertext-Based User Interface (UIs) mobile application, the simple information elements and interaction techniques of hyper-based UIs can be rendered on various presentation channels, ranging from desktop to mobile.

Advantages and Applications of the Project:

  • All the business activities are mobilized.
  • It provides security to the data.
  • It also provides data hiding.
  • Almost all action is provided by GUI interface that will provide the easy to use environment for the user.
  • The access to the Server information is more secured by using
  • the Authentication process of manager.
  • This will greatly reduced the cost by saving the cost and time.

DBMS- Data Base Management System In SQL Project Report

Database Management System in SQL can be considered as one of the important aspects in the computer science filed which includes different innovations in it. Especially the data retrieval and data storage are happened to be important aspects in database management systems. Database management system is even playing important role in data storage of some huge software providers such as Google, Oracle, Yahoo and Mozilla Firefox.

The main aim of this project is to implement an efficient database management system that is capable of storing and retrieving huge data files in a secured manner by making use of the SQL commands. This database management system contains different sets as well as subsets which belong to MYSQL 4.0 functionalities. In this system, a process called interpretation will take place that present within the database system. This system includes different development processes in which database architecture design as well as SQL interpreter is the important steps. This system even include different stages such as Lexical Analysis stage, Syntax Analysis stage, Semantic Analysis stage, Type checking stage, Intermediate file generation stage, evaluation stage and GUI results display stage.

The data base management system which is developed by using SQL is capable of serving different types of functionality present within the system and it will even accept different SQL commands. Alternately the SQL commands will be interpreted with the support of interpreter present in the system which will be converted into the logical form. Then after this particular obtained form will be analyzed and evaluated critically in order to get the final and expected results. The final obtained results can be used to change and retrieve the data by using the database. This database is having an inbuilt error manager which allows the user to protect their data from hackers because if any unauthorized users enter the system then it will show an error message.

System Requirements

  • My SQL 4.0
  • SQL interpreter
  • GUI

Download DBMS- Data Base Management System In SQL Project Report.

Online News Management System VB Project Source Code

This Online News  Management System provides users to create news and read latest news online. This news system was works like web application and coded with VB and SQL.

Modules included in this system are admin page, contact us page, home page, feedback page, new user page, news creation page, user selection page. find the below added SQL tables for this project:


Library Management System PHP project SQL Database Code

The main aim of this PHP project is to provide SQL database tables to the Library Management System developer or final year students.

This application main modules included author details, book details, book category details, contact details, days details, issue details, person information, and more.

Library Management System PHP project SQL Database Code and full source code in VB.