Tours and Travels Management System Documentation

Tours and travels management system project is a web based application useful for managing different types of bookings for using a single application. This application is developed in programming language.

Tours and Travels Management System Project Report

Advantages of Tours and Travels Management System Project:

One-stop shopping When it comes to flight arrangements, railway arrangements, rental cars, tour excursions, cruise information and accommodation, and hotels, travel agents have a lot of clout. They can provide a complete travel package, including shuttle service to and from the airport and even the services of a personal tour guide if requested. By doing all your travel and travel-related shopping with a reputable online travel agency, there is no telling how much you can get done within a short amount of time.

Last minute booking- It used to be that travelling last minute was expensive. Not anymore with online travel agents! In many cases, unsold seats on flights or unsold rooms in hotels are offered to travel agents a few weeks before departure date at considerably discounted rates so they can be sold immediately. If you are travelling last minute, ask your online travel agent for last minute budget deals. Chances are you might get what you want, provided your travel dates don’t fall within peak travel times. But you have to ask, not assume that it will be offered automatically!

Explanation of Few modules in this project:

Customer Reservation:

The customer are given the facility to make online directly.Theyhas to register themselves as registered customers. It is made to authentication of the customers, exchange of cryptography keys, and creation of a profile for each traveler. Each customer is identified by the user name. The customer confirms their reservation or makes any query using the user id.

Online Ticket Reservation:

T ‘n’ T Travels allows its customers to reserve ticket online through its own site contains a huge information regarding all types of convenes throughout India in comparatively less price. Customer may select their own way of communication according to their requirements. Travels boasts of a modern and computerized infrastructure.This enables us to assure immediate reservations to ourcustomers and provide them with relevant online information. .The advantage of booking your online ticket is that you receive “e-tickets” instantly, which consist of a number that identifies your transaction. This not only saves your time but also helps you to compare and find the best deals on your travel.

Social Networking Site Project Documentation

Social Networking Site Project Documentation Covers explains detailed information about how to develop simple social networking site with screen shots and database details.

Social Networking Site

There are the following objectives of Social Networking Site Project :-

Users can add friends and share personal and interested details with friends in their circle.

 Earn money by developing a ad management option where we can sell ads for users.

Quickly spread messages to a wide audience.

Create social awareness about any topic.

What registered users will do?

  • Registered user can give information about his / herself in the site.
  • Can search for friends.
  • Can send instant messages.
  • Can upload images and documents.
  • Can create album and upload images.
  • Can share videos.

What an administrator will do?

  • Banner management

This is an important work of an ADMINISTRATOR. ADMINISTRATOR can change the banner displaying on the screen of the websites. So at the regular interval of time when it demands that new Banner is to be displayed onto the Website Screen then the ADMINISTRATOR can edit the Banner (i.e. the images, some properties information’s, some advertisements etc).

  • Block registered User

It should be the right of the ADMINISTRATOR that he can block the user in against of any complain, improper content upload in the site.

  • Sending Newsletter and updates to the users through email

Our project provides the options to the ADMINISTRATOR that he can directly contact with the registered users through email and send those Newsletters. This is really a nice communication idea between the ADMINISTRATOR and the registered users.

  • Posting latest news in the website

It is really a demand of any Websites that it should be “Dynamic” in nature. Likewise our project provides facility to the ADMINISTRATOR that he, at certain time period or at demand, can post the Latest news in the Websites. This is the Dynamicity of our Websites.

Online bidding Project in

Online Bidding Project or E auction System Project is a web based product selling website which is developed in programming language. With the advancement is web technologies and product selling methods through online there is scope for online bidding applications for increasing business needs.

Online bidding Project

Project Introduction:

There are many website which sell products through online like flip cart , ebay..etc. E commerce websites are growing day by day in selling different types of goods. There are two ways to buy products through online one is by directly paying amount given and get product and buying using bidding procedure. This project works on bidding mechanism.

Online Bidding Forms Explanation:

Registration Form:

From this page user can register himself to bid and to do a auction on the site. He has to enter his full details like his bank account no and mobile no and other important details he can select option of vendor customer or both at the time of registration.

Vendor Account:

This is vendor account page after vendor login this page will show this page have all details of user his mobile no bank account details address etc. he can edit his details and he can start auction from the given categories by clicking on it. All auctions by current user will also shows in this page.

Add Auction page:

When a user click on categories of product all products will show in this page in that categories .like a user clicks on electronics then all related products to electronics will shows in this page user can click on these items and then start auction.

Add Auction Details:

After selecting the item for bidding user will add details of auction from this page like starting date ending date of the auction and starting price for bidding and description of his product.

Add Items:

From this page admin can add categories and add items on added categories in which a vendor can add auctions to the site and bidder can bid on the site.

Financial Planning and Analysis Project

Financial Planning and Analysis Project is a management software developed in Main objective of this application is to help organizations to manage expenditure, assets, financial goals and insurance details. We can generate reports for analysis on various topics.

Financial Planning and Analysis Project

Financial Planning and Analysis Modules:

  1. Behaviours Module

a.      Question Category Master

It is used to create the Question Categories for the questions and update the existing Question Categories and can define the sequence of their trigger to an investor. The categories can be Investment Stability, Risk Appetite etc. The field is captured in this form pertaining to Question Category details information are:

Question category: This field contains the details of the Categories for the questions.

b.      Question Master

It is used to create the Questions and update the existing Questions as per the Question Categories.Question Master will have various questions defined/Added under each Question Category. Every Question will have 5 Optional answers with predefined scores for every answer. User can also define the sequence of their trigger to an investor within the question category.The field is captured in this form pertaining to Questions information are:

Category: This field will contain the Existing Category details.

Questions: This field contains the name of Question (details).

Option: This field contains the option need to be selected by investor based on category.

Sequence: This field contains the sequence of the question based on the Category

Score : This filed contains the score for the option . 

c.      Investor Category Master

            Investor is basically grouped under various categories like Risk Averse, Conservative, Moderately and Aggressive etc.This investor is grouped based on the scores he got by answering the questions given to him. Each Investor Category is defined between a score range.The field is captured in this form pertaining to Investor Category are:

Investor Category: This field contains the name of Investor category(details).

Score Range Begin: It defines the range of the beginning score for the investor category.

Score Range End:   It defines the range of the Ending score for the investor category.

d.      Recommended Asset Risk Profile Master

It is used to create the Recommended Asset Risk Profile based on the Investor category   and can update the existing Risk Profile Master.The field is captured in this form pertaining to Recommended Asset Risk Profile Master are:Investor Category: This field contains the name of the Existing Investor category (details).

High risk/High Return: This field defines the allocation return percentage based on the investor category

Medium Risk/ Medium return: This field defines the allocation return percentage based on the investor category

Low Risk/Low return: This field defines the allocation return percentage based on the investor category.

 e.      Recommended Asset Class Master 

  1. Inflation Rate Master

It contains Inflation Rate Percentage details (%) based on the Applicable date

The fields are captured pertaining to:

Applicable date: This field contains the date values which can be applicable for inflation master till it is mentioned.

Rate (%): This field defines the percentage range. 

  1. Disclaimer Master

It defines the disclaimer.

  1. Asset Wrap Master

Combination of Various Instrument, Risk Class and schemes creates an asset wrap. This gets compared with the investor financial assets corresponding to Investor Risk Profile.

  1. Reports

a.      Download Tracking Report

It defines how many reports have been downloaded of the investor. Keeping track of the Investor report downloaded.

  1. Selection of Investor
    1. Risk Profile

a.      Questionnaire

It illustrates the Predefined questions and answering options will be given to the user which the user needs to select an answer for each question. Each question will carry a score a defined in the masters.

Finally based on the scores got by the user the investor category will be determined and based on the category his Risk allocation will be displayed. The allocation spread given by the investor will be compared with the predefined allocation in the system for the given category for all asset classes and asset categories and the risk behavior will be determined.

b.      Risk Result

It illustrates finally based on the Investor Category a report can be generated where based the investor’s current percentage of asset allocation and the recommended allocation (Model Portfolio allocation as per the investor category) is displayed to the user.User can also modify the percentage of asset allocation in each asset class/category./scheme.

  1. Income

It illustrates Investor Income details along with periodicity, Expected percentage changes based on the factors like Life Expectancy, Expected Retirement Age, and Amount. The fields are captured in this pertaining to Income form : 

  1. Salary
  2. Rental Income
  3. Business Income
  4. Allowances
  5. Other Income
  1. Expense

It is useful to enter the expense details and to display the total Expense and net disposable income. The fields are captured in this pertaining to Goal Input form

  1. House Hold
  2. Traveling
  3. Education
  4. Medical
  5. House Rent
  6. Entertainment
  7. Credit Cards
  1. Asset

It enables to create the investor asset details and display the total assets amount. The fields are captured in this pertaining to Goal Input form

  1. Financial Asset Equities
  2. Financial Asset Mutual Funds
  3. Financial Asset Fixed income instruments
  4. Financial Assets – Insurance
  5. Financial Asset – Cash
  6. Non-Financial Assets 
  1. Liabilities

It facilitates to enter the liabilities details also to display the net worth amount based on Type of Loan, Loan Tenure in which year Loan started. The fields are captured in this pertaining to Goal Input form

  1. Personal Loan
  2. Vehicle Loan
  3. Home Loan
  4. Credit card dues
  5. Business Loan
  6. Education Loan
  7. Other Loans
  1. Rebalance

a.      Available Investment

It defines collection of Assets amount and different category.

b.      Portfolio Rebalance

Portfolio is rebalanced on the basis of asset wrap based of Risk Profile of the investor and the portfolio is rebalanced based on available investment and expert financial report.

  1. Goal Input

It illustrates the Goal Input details and current cost of goal, no of years to achieve that goal also expected changes in percentage.

  1. The fields are captured in this pertaining to Goal Input form
  2. Retirement Planning
  3. New House
  4. New Car
  5. Daughter marriage
  1. Analysis

a.      Dash Board

It is the heart of the project. It explain overall of the project means the goal of the investors is how much met and how much is required on graph basis. Calculating the overall financial status of the investor. Taking care of net saving, Assets and portfolio gives the overall knowledge of the chart of Goal status.

b.      Goal Allocation

Goals can map with different assets. Such as Purchase of New Car can be mapped with Other Assets.

  1. Result

a.      Projection Sheet

b.      Summarize Financial Plan.

c.      Complete Financial Plan.

d.      Asset Recommendation.

Client Server Live Meeting Application in Asp.Net

Client Server Live meeting Application is a web based application developed in programming language. Main objective for developing this application is to provide solution for organizations to share information between employees using a chat feature and mailing application which is integrated in a single software. This software will provide management features where employees and many other features are updated to database for reference.

Client Server Live Meeting Forms Overview:

Admin should register with application to get user name and password to login with application.  Admin main forms consists of home, add, view , report, change password  and log out options.

Add Country:  This form is used to add new country to database.  We can add country name, description and click add to set record in database. Result is displayed on screen.

Admin will have option to delete or update existing records which are displayed on the screen.

Add State:  Using add state we can add states under country. We can add state by selecting country, state name, description and click add feature.

Add Industry: Using this form admin can add different types of projects organization is handling like automobile, clothe industry, mobile, plastic..etc.

View All Users: Total number of users registered with application is displayed using this form. This form displays user name, first name, phone number with delete and update option.

User Logout History:  Users who used this application details are shown in this form with login name, logout date, log out time.

Admin can get feedback messages form employees and attachments to view which can be printed using print option or save to system.

Online Crime Reporting Project in Asp.Net

Online crime reporting project software is developed for police department to reach public in a effective way and provide best service from door steps.  Comparing to existing system public should visit near by police stations to give writing complaint and wait for officials to take complaint. This process is time taking procedure. With the increase of technology and communication methods  we find many web applications which are helping users to get solutions from home. 

Online Crime Reporting Project

By developing Online crime reporting project we can computerize entire process of communication between public and police and allow features like taking complaints through online and know information of rules and regulations.

There are three main modules used in this application user who will give complaint by registering with application, administrator can be accessed only by higher officials where as department module is accessed by employees in police station.

Online Crime Reporting Forms Overview:

User Form Overview: Main form consists of user name and password to user to login if he don’t have username he should register with application.

In user form after logging in to system he can view user mail id, department mail id, subject , query . Here he should enter complaint related details and send to respective department.

User can search for registered complaints based on mail id .

Department Form Overview:  Using this form SI, DSP..etc higher officials can search for thief by entering thieve name, no of crimes, identity, reward with photo. Using these details they can know about criminal.

Personal Assistant Project in Asp.Net

Personal assistant project is a simple web based application developed in Asp.Net programming language. Personal assistance will help individual user to create account and manage personal details like phone numbers, address book, send mails , set reminders for important dates, fix dates for meetings..etc. Personal Assistant Project

Personal Assistant Project Introduction:

With the use of internet is growing in a fast pace most of the work is done through web there are many applications which are helping users to solve problems in day to day life. Personal assistant is one among these application which will help users to manage all personal details in a single account and use this application on move. When ever user want to update any new reminders or contacts can use this application.  Main advantage of this application is we can  use it from any location and we can see out important reminders and contacts from any location.

Functional Components:

There are mainly two users admin and user who can access this application. Admin will be primary user who can manage all back end details and delete old records or user records if required. Admin should first register with application and get user name and password to access account. User is the normal personal who wants to use all features of this application should register with application by providing personal details like user name, contact details, and login details. After user creates his account a personal page is created with personal features like setting page for updating or modifying personal details, add contacts to address book, add birth days and anniversary dates, write and check notes, update or delete appointment details..etc.

Project Management Information System Project in Asp.Net

Project management information system project  is a software project which comes under  management and , sql server category. This project will give detailed understanding about project design, development, database creation and modules design.  

Project Management Information System

Project management software is developed to understand basics of how project tracking and project scheduling system works in software companies and create forms to view projects and update latest projects and manage existing project. This software will have all basic features that we see in existing project management software.

Project Abstract:

For every software company management software fok managing projects is very important. As company handles many project at a time there must a software where employees are divided  in to team and allot work for employees and allot specific time slot for every project.

Project Management Information System Forms Explanation:

Main form consists of six options Home, admin login, employee login, client login, about us and contact us.

Admin Login : Admin will have registered user name and password to loging in to application. Admin can modify password and other settings from setting option.

Manage Department: This application will have department name, page size to display details. Details with  department name, description is displayed. Admin can select specific department from the list.

Manage Project Type:  This form is used to manage existing project which are active in status. This form consists of project type name, page size to display results. Details are displayed by project type name ( compu, e commerce..etc ) with project description.

Manage Country:  This form is used to manage projects based on country. This form will have country name to search by specific country, page size to display results. List consist of  country name and description.

Shopping Cart Website Project in Asp.Net

Shopping Cart Website Project is a web based application developed in programming language.  This application is developed to help users to buy products through online.  Shopping cart website project comes under e commerce category.

Shopping Cart Website Project

Project Overview:

At present online business is growing fast in every filed. This type of applications are called as business to customer method in e commerce which has lot of scope for business in world wide web. Main goal of these e commerce sites is to sell different type of goods through online. At present we can see many e commerce site which are selling mobile phones, clothes, watches..etc. Now each and every good that is available out side is also available on web.

Advantages of  Shopping Cart Website:

Users can order products from any location if they have internet facility.

Users can save time by selecting products through online and pay amount using credit or debit card.

There is also returning option in online booking. If user is not satisfied with the product he can send back.

Compare to cost for products that are available on the market is more compare to products available on e commerce sites. 

This application consist of nine main modules which are explained below.

1. Registration Module:  In order to use this application user should register with application. Registration form will contain all basic information like user name , password, contact number, address..etc. Using this information profile for each use is created.

2. Products Browse Module:  When user is logged in to application he can use browse module for searching products. In this form user will have different selection options where user can chose products and browse website.

Fine Crop Banking System Project in Asp.Net

Fine Crop is a banking system project developed in programming language using sql server database.  This application is a web based application developed for banks with restricted features. This application provides solution for banks as a medium between banks and customers. Banking management system project is applicable for only saving accounts.

Fine Crop Banking System Project Project Introduction:

         With the introduction of new technologies it has become easy to develop web applications to reduce manual work and increase efficiency in the work. With this technology banking sector has increased its customers and provides best service using web.

          Fine Crop application is a simple application with specific features like viewing account information, creating new accounts, deposits and withdraws, transfers money from one account to other account, generate reports.

Fine Crop Forms Explanation:

Main form consists of options like master, manage, cheque book status, fund deposit status, fund with drawl status and customer accounts.

Account Status Form:  This form consists of account status description, Account status abbreviations, and other details.

Account Type:  This form is usefulfor updating type of account. This form consists of account status,    account name, Account abbreviation, Minimum balance, maximum balance, other details.

Employee Details: This form is used to update employee details working in bank. This form consist of Employee Name,             Address, Date of birth, date of joining, branch name.

Service Type: This form is used to update type of account. This form consists of service description, abbreviation, other details, service start date, service initial rates.