Production Planning System Project in Asp.Net

 The objective of Production Planning System Project in Asp.Net is to avoid the wastage of the products, that are manufacturing in the company and the manufacturing of the product is to be maintained at which amount it is required for the customers based on sales forecasting.  Some companies manufacture uniform quantities of all models, some of which were sold out and others which had excess inventory at the end of every month. So the problem was in the scheduling of production of specific models and not as much on capacity. It is a sophisticated system that can chalk out the production plan based on sales forecasting. 

Production Planning System Project

Need for the system

Some companies manufacture particular amount of product for every month if the manufactured product is not sold out there is a lot of wastage for that month. If the requirement of the product for that particular month is more they cannot manufacture at what amount it is required. Companies manufacturing uniform quantities of all models, some of which were sold out and others, which had excess inventory at the end of every month. So the problem was in the scheduling of production of specific models and not as much on capacity. It is a sophisticated system that can chalk out the production plan based on the forecasting carried out by the national Sales Team.. The sales forecasts are submitted for every month by the sales officers of that particular company.

 It involves the transactions of viewing the orders information generated by the sales team, issuing the alerts against the non submission of orders information. If the administrator has to conduct the business by employing a flexible relation between the Sales and Production teams in association with other organization parts, he should have ready lines of information about, the suppliers who practically exist for the supply of raw material, Sales team who conduct the process of organizing the sales and Production team who organizes the production process and finally the inventory team which maintains the details of the all the products associated models details in supporting the sales team in increasing the sales. If it is doing through manual it is the costly process and it takes more time to perform it. If it is handled through web based the process is cheap and it takes less time.

Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprinting Codes Under Worst-Case Noise

Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprinting Codes Under Worst-Case Noise project is developed in programming language. Detailed explanation of project is given below.

Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprinting Codes Under Worst-Case Noise

Existing System

Problem of great theoretical and practical interest is to know what is the worst collusion attack, subject to a maximum  distortion constraint on the illegal copy. This question has been addressed in capacity and error-exponent analysis for fingerprints defined over finite alphabets. Depending on the problem setup, the worst collusion channel is either a memoryless or a “nearly memoryless” multiple-access channel that can be identified as the solution to a communication game. For fingerprints and signals defined over Euclidean spaces, the worst collusion channel subject to mean-squared distortion constraints was identified in the capacity analysis.


This project has four main modules namely 

  • Registration module
  • Finger print embedding module
  • Collision attack module
  • Authentication module
  • Verification module 

Module Description 

  • Registration module 

In this module user have enter his personal details . In this module it will collect the user login details. The details will used for his future authentication process Our fingerprints form a randomized orthogonal code, where the randomization parameter is a rotation. The noiseless forgery is obtained by uniform linear averaging of the colluders’ copies. The detector has access to the host signal and performs a binary hypothesis test to verify whether a user of interest is colluding. The cost function in this problem is the detector’s error probability. 

  • Finger print embedding module 

In this module the user will act according to the attackers actions. In this projects the user during registration time he will used to embedded his fingerprint information according to his value and store it into the databse specific field. But the original fingerprint will be stored at the back of dupilicate fingerprint with embedding . so this makes the the user data to be in safer side.

Web Grabber Project Report in Asp.Net

Web grabber project is developed in which is useful to download entire website pages in offline mode and view pages any time. Here we provide project report and design details for this project.

web grabber project

Web Grabber has the following features:

  • Pages are downloaded easily, from a single page to an entire site 
  • Directory tree on the local machine is created automatically

    to match the downloaded site 

  • URLs that refer to downloaded pages are translated automatically
  • Images can be downloaded with pages (this is a settable feature) 
  • Site configuration can be programmed and stored, accessible later from a menu
  • The Web browser can be accessed from the Web Grabber application  

This project is developed using C# (.Net) framework on Windows XP platform. We assure that our proposed computerization will be fully benefited to the requirements of the application.

Existing System: 

            In this modern world internet serves as a means of connecting people all around the world. Today much of the data is transferred by the internet as mails and important information is downloaded from the internet. But people with slow connection may not be able to download the data while many people are online  as the connection will be slow as many users are using the same bandwidth. Moreover they will also have to pay money for the extra usage of their connection . There is no way both of this could be done without being on-line. Our proposed system overcome all these disadvantages in an efficient manner giving the client full power to use internet while he is off-line. 

Limitations of the existing system:

 1.People with slow connection may not be able to download the data while many people  are online as the connection will be slow as many users are using the same bandwidth.

 2. Moreover they will also have to pay money for the extra usage of their connection. 

Proposed System: 

It has the following features. 

  1. Online Browsing 
  1. URL Parsing 
  1. URL Reconstruction 
  1. URL blocking 
  1. URL unblocking 
  1. Offline Browsing 
  1. User Authentication

Jewellery Management System Project in Asp.Net

Jewellery Management System Project in Asp.Net is developed for jewelry shop for managing products, update products to different category, check orders from customers, check customers details and view reports. 

Existing System:

          At present all the activities in transaction are handled manually. Manual data processing system, whole providing economy, flexibility and adaptability at low data volumes become more complex when the volume of data becomes large. As an organization expands in size and function, a stage is reached when manual procedures become inadequate and inefficient. No matter how many clerks are employed a stage is reached then it becomes impossible to systemize such a large amount of information. What is required then is an upgrading in the class of information processing technology.

         The present system is not sufficient to hold all the information that is necessary for the processing. So the library is in need of new computerized system, which is very flexible, user-friendly and capable of holding the system in a robust manner.

Proposed Jewellery Management System Project:

          The system study phase studies the problem, identifies alternate solution, evaluates these solutions and finally recommends best solution. The system gives the structure and function of the system. A detailed system study is essential for developing an efficient system. The proposed system provides a better user interface. The system is a menu driven program.

Advantages of Proposed System:

 Computerization will avoids human errors due to inexperience in data entry, manipulation etc.

The paper work occurred in the manual system can be completely avoided. 

School Administration System Project in Asp.Net

The scope School Administration System Project in Asp.Net is to describe whole education system online to get better interaction between students and their faculties.

School Administration System Project Conclusion:

School Administration System Project provide online Examination, Time tables, Exam syllabus, exam Dates to students. I schooling system also provide Faculties time table management, students’ time table management. It also provides students to interact with faculties though E-mail facility. Here important feature is that parent can also interact with faculties though E-mail facility. So parents could monitor how yours child’s Study gone? Students can download studies material. Faculty clarifies doubts of students online. Faculty access library & students account. It has been provided alerts facilities of new alert & also provide upload, checking recodes facilities.  


This system is suppose to used for only one school, but we can make this system for many school or for India level.

We can add new module like most recently asked questions for doubt clarification and solutions for those questions, this will increase the speed.

 We can add a new module of web cam, so student can solve their problems webcam to webcam.

We can add a new module of solving problems with 2 or more students, so this will not require the help of experts always. So some of time will be saved of the experts.

Forms Overview:

Admin Take Faculty’s Attendance:

This page allow the admin to take faculty attendance, single faculty or many faculty together on particular day.

Admin Student Attendance:

In this page admin can check student attendance of particular class and he can also make the attendance sheet of particular month.

Admin Library Books :

This page will show the library of the system from this page admin can download book uploaded by other faculty or he can check library.

City Needs Job and Classified Portal Project in Asp.Net

City Needs a Job and Classified Portal Project in Asp.Net , developed by a team of people located across kolkata is focused on providing quality service and / or information which would help fresh graduates, students, home owners, buyers, sellers and every Indian in his/her day to day needs. City Needs aims to build a great community of Indians located across the globe in helping each other live better lives.

City Needs Job and Classified Portal Project


          The default database is used to create the following tables, which are needed to store the huge data to make the site function properly. The tables are AD POSTING1, Category_Master, City_Master, Event Posting, and Sub Category_Master The user interface is through a user-friendly graphical interface which is visually appealing and also soothing for eyes. 

 Job and Classified Portal Project  Product Function:

          The site provides following types of functions: 

  • Function through which client can upload advertisements and / or events of various category. 
  • Function through which the normal user view different kinds of advertisement from a huge range of advertisements as there choice. 
  • Function through which a user can post events. 
  • Function through which administrator view and can control total things. 


          Sony’s in house staffs and buyers are the main user of this system and must have some familiarization with computer to operate this type of automated system.  The in house staffs will also be trained to use the system properly and efficiently. 


          The unregistered users only able to view different products, but once they register themselves they are able to use the cart to buy product as well as communicate with the administrator regarding their problems. An administrator has all the privilege, so he or she has all the rights to function every sort of works they need. 

Future Scope:

  • At present there is a four-point rating scale to define the complexity of a project. This rating scale can change over a period of time and the proposed system should be able to capture a new rating scale at a future instance. 
  • The attribute of Competence currently is defined over a 4 point rating scale. This could also undergo change in the future. 
  • The interfaces will be much more user friendly and visually appealing. 
  • At present the manner in which the modules are identified and defined is a technical process and beyond the scope of this project.  In future this feature will also be included, so the project manager can able to break down the project easily. 
  • Help pages will be much more informative.

E-Commerce Website Project Report

E-Commerce Website Project Report explains about how to implement website for selling goods through online. This report consists of design details with source code.

Proposed scope:
Our E commerce project divides into two main parts; the first part is dynamic creation of E-commerce web sites and managed them through our web site. Second part is shopping transactions which allow to company owners who we create an E-commerce web site to them to sell their products through our web site. This can be done by showing their products to consumers and then consumers can perform all shopping process.

E commerce Website Project


Here  we will discuss the all functions and how to manage it and allow vendor and customer to sell and buy through it. When the customer enters the main page of our site, he will see in the right side Page Log in form. If he has registered he can log in his account and can manage his website. But if he has not registered before, he must register first to be allowed to buy and sell through our web site.

Vendor Registration:
In this page of Vendor Registration, the vendor fill personal data which contains Full name, User name, password, address, E-mail and another crucial data.

Customer Registration:
In the page of Customer Registration, the customer fill personal data which contains Full name, User name, password, address, E-mail and another crucial data.

Admin Registration:
In the page of Admin Registration, the admin fill personal data which contains Full name, User name, password, address, E-mail and another crucial data.

In the Home Page, User asked to enter username and password to login, our task to check if the user logged in were admin, customer or vendor. If user name of logged user in customers table so the logged user was customer if not we will check admin table. If password not match we will redirect to error page to show error message (Please Enter Right Password) and from that page user can use back button to return to login form to be able to enter right password.

And if password match customer will be redirect to customer Home Page to see his/her own personal information, and if user enters as admin he/she will be redirect to Admin Page to get all his authorized to manage different aspects in our site (Add or Update any Department). And if user name not found it also redirect To Error Page to show error message (Your User Name Not Found!! Please Enter Right One).

Production and Resource Planning System Project in Vb.Net

Production and Resource planning system project is management software useful in companies which manufacture goods. Using this application we can manage resource, customers, work, products, cost details, billing..etc.

Production and resource Management Forms work Flow:

Sales Order Work Process:

By default – for each line item, One sub-part is created, and the subpart is the same as the part # in the line item.

The user has the option to add Sub-Parts to each line item. If they click the ‘Add Sub-Part’ button, another Sub-Item is added to the line item. The User must then choose two different Sub-Parts from Inventory (sub-parts CANNOT be the same item as the line-item Part #).

WorkFolw Continued:

For each line item, the user can add Processes. They must select the box below ‘Start’ and click on the ‘Add Process’ button to pop up this window. The user can then click on the process they would like to add, or add a new process if need be:

Work Flow, Cont:

Note that when a Process is added, A ‘Add New process’ button appears before and after the process. This lets the user add process at any point in the process flow.

For each process, A Supplier must be chosen. If an external supplier is chosen, The a corresponding Purchase Order in the system must be linked. This Purchase Order should automatically populate the Due Date.

In ‘In House’ is chosen as the supplier, this means the part will be manufactured locally (NOT with external Supplier).

Extra fields should appear:        

Equipment:  Select from a list of Equipment.

Employee: Employee responsible for the process 

Finished/Received Button:  When clicked – to notify that the process is complete, the Finished Date should be entered automatically in the ‘Date Finished’ Field.

Virus Tracking System Project Report

The “Virus Tracking System” will scan the system files and detects the virus and alerts the user whenever necessary.Viruses and other malicious programs are an ever increasing threat to current computer systems. They can cause damage and consume countless hours and system administration time to combat. 

The basic ideas, concepts, components and approaches involved in developing an anti-virus program from a developer’s/software engineer’s point of view is discussed here. It will focus on the main elements of an anti-virus engine and will exclude aspects like graphical user interfaces, real-time monitors, file system drivers and plug-ins for certain application software like Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Office. virus tracking system project


Virus Tracking System Project Modules :

The following are the different modules in to which we have divided our complete project.

HOME PAGE:       

The home page of the “Virus Tracking System” contains the options the user can navigate to the other modules of the system. This is the beginning module of the project.


This module is the part of the project where the user can update the database of the antivirus so that we can increase the antivirus efficiency and accuracy.

This module again subdivides into two different categories where one is about the adding the new code and other is to delete the existing code from the virus database.

In add module the user will be given the option to enter any virus source code in assembly level so that he will be intimated whenever the file that is made by the same source code is scanned.

In the deletion module the system will display the list of the codes that are there in the database and the user can select and delete the code which he doesn’t want to detect it as virus.


This module corresponds to the scanning part of the antivirus. Here the user gets the options of scanning the file he wanted to scan. Here the selected file or folder will be passed to the disassembler module.

This module again consists of three different sub modules namely, scanning of a given single file, scanning of a specific folder, and scanning of the entire system. 


The disassembler is the core part of our system. Here the file or set of files that are selected in the scanning module will be taken and they are translated to the assembly level code. The assembly level code that was generated for each file scanned will be passed to the next module.

Web Based Immigration Portal Project in Asp.Net

Web Based Immigration Portal Project in Asp.Net is an application, which is used to track the different users of the system and provide them a variety of information. This site provides all the general information regarding particular country which include details about the country, resources of the country, FAQ’s, traveling details of the country, statistics and trends, currency converter, list of government immigration sites.

Web Based Immigration Portal Project

The main users of this application are

  • End users (Immigration Applications)
  • Employees
  • migration Department
  • Accounting setoff

Each reader or user will communicate for a different purpose with the system

  • End user communicates with system for company details its products, dealers for the product and to provide feedback for the system.
  • Immigration Department takes care about immigration process which includes legal policies.

For New Applicants:-

           Immigration website gives detailed description about Immigration process, countries which offer different types of visa.

  • For existing Immigration aspirants:-

             Existing aspirants can view their immigration status.

  • For Immigration Department: – Immigration department details.
  • For Accounting staff :-

             Reports regarding the amount paid by the applicants.

Product Scope:

  • The scope of the project is to extend immigration details of various countries by analyzing the different VISA procedures
  • Easy to extend immigration access information
  • Maximize regional details in terms of new and events

Benefits of the System:-

  • Authorized accessing is provided to the authorized persons.
  • Consumes less time for issuing visa.

Goals of the System:

  • The basic objective of this project is to design immigration portal to exchange an immigration functionalities
  • Submit different visa applications by an end users

Overall Description: –

Product Perspective:

           OCSC Global forward the client details to the enquiry department for fast enquiry process.

Product Functions: –

  • Automate the communication between the clients and the company.
  • Obtain feedback from the clients and dealers.
  • Obtain workshop details.