Patient Record Management System Project

Patient Record Management system project is a web portal designed in using Microsoft SQL Server database. Main idea behind developing this application is to provide a solution for hospitals to manage patient’s records and details in single software. Patient management system application can manage information of patients health details, appointment details, payment details, past visiting details..etc.

Patient Record Management System

Project Overview:

With the increase of Multispecialty hospitals in every area number of patients visiting hospitals is also increasing. It is becoming tough task for hospital management team to manage details of every patient in the form of records. There are many issues in getting old records updating records giving printing details..etc.

Considering all these issues hospitals are using software application like patient management system which will handle all these details in software.

Forms Overview:

When application is executed main form is displayed which consists of admin, doctor, employees, feed back, about us and contact us.

Admin Module:  Admin is the main module for this application. In order to use this application admin should have username and password.

Admin form consist of add, delete, modify, search, log out options.

Add Form: Using add form admin can add details of employee, doctor , medicine, test, specialists and room details.  Each form will have details with name, address, phone number and other required details.

Doctor Addition form:  This form is visible for admin with employee name, doctor code, specialists, available timing,  contact number, description, charges, username and password.

Medicine Addition: This form is useful for admin to update medicine details. This form consists of medicine code, medicine name, prices, notification dates, expiry dates, company name, batch number, quantity.

Greenwich Online Course Management System Project

Online course management system project is a web portal which works as communication platform between students, teachers and training institutes. With the advancement of latest technologies and fast way of communication on web it is easy to develop a application where education training can carried out. Greenwich application helps students to learn different types of courses through online and teachers can earn money and share knowledge by applied for training post through online and training institutes can develop business by creating this platform.

Online Course Management System

Working Procedure:

  • After installing database and setting up all the procedure that is explained in things to follow document we can execute application.
  • After execution is completed main screen with Home, login, registration, courses, admin and help features are displayed.
  • In order to test application we need to create data for admin, student and technician.
  • First register using admin registration form and get user name and password or users can use existing admin name and password by looking in database tables.
  • Using Registration form for student a new record should be created to get student id and password. Users can also use existing student id and password by looking after related table in database.
  • Create new record for technician by filling all required details using registration form.
  • Now all records are created for student, admin and technician.
  • Users can test different features in admin ( delete, modify, update )  and Student module ( see courses , select courses, contact technician..etc ) , Technician ( read messages form students, update personal details..etc ).

Knowledge Management Project

Knowledge management system project is a web based portal developed in using Microsoft sql server. This web portal is useful for college and education institutions to create platform for students and lecturers to get information related to different subjects and reference. Users can share files through online and search for reference material uploaded by students from different locations. Users can give feedback and comment on uploaded material.

Knowledge Management Project

Project Design Overview:

There are two main features in knowledge management system project (admin and user\ staff ) .

User and staff is the basic module where students and lecturers can log in to application for uploaded education related files. In order to use this application both users should register with application for accessing any features.

Home Page has following Menu options:

Home, Contact US, about us, feedback, search, testimonial, admin.

Feed Back Form: Users who want to give feedback for contact admin can use this form. This form consists of user name, email address and feedback comments.

Search Feature:   As there are many files in the portal it is tough to get exact file . In order to provide better service search option is implemented. Using this feature user can search for files based on document title, category, keyword, page size. Details of available related documents are displayed on the screen.

Document Information Related Details:   Each document that are uploaded to application will contain these details. Users can view over view of each document using this form.  In this form users can find document title, category, short description, full description, keyword, status, attached document, rating, comment, user name, and email address.

Testimonial:   In this form over view of uploaded document with user details are displayed. If any user wants to contact that person he can use email and name of person.

Commodity Intelligence System Project in Asp.Net

Commodity intelligence system project is a web portal ( Asp.Net ) which is useful for providing solution for commodity classes with updated information of every commodity prices and provides option to trading online.  This is the new method of network which is used in every national trading centers and market places all over the country. This application will update all prices to the software which will be same all over the country users can know actual prices of commodity for that point of time.  We can generate reports on daily, monthly, weekly and yearly basis. We can use this reports to analyse market and learn about trading. 

Commodity Intelligence System Project

Project Introduction:

Main objective of Commodity intelligence system is to develop a software application which will help business people to know exact market rates that are fluctuating in different parts of the country and get best deals. This software will give updated information for every minute to help traders to get best deals. 

Existing System: 

Presently we don’t have this type of application with centralized data updating on commodity prices which are similar all over the country. At present trading is running on prices set by business people which will be different from every location. With this process traders and buyers are not getting best deals. 

Commodity intelligence system :

With the improvement of globalization of market commodity software will provide solution for business deals by updating information of rates which will be same all over the country. Business and trading will be carried based on these rates. This Networking project is used in national trading centers market yards..etc.

SQL DB Regulator Project

Project Description:

This Engineering Academic project is used to create databases, db tables, stored procedures and run sql queries from this project without installing SQL server in that system we can connect SQL server from server system.

This SQL DB Regulator project contains database details, tables details ,stored procedure details, user details save, run, load queries and perform activities on server  based on permissions. administrator can access entire the server. User can access theirown databases.

SQLDB Regulator project provides all the features provided by Microsoft sql server management studio. But the advantage is without using any third party software, just by using browser database administrators connect to company’s database server and perform the maintenance work. The connectivity is under the high level security policy.

Software &  Hardware requirements to implement this project: 

    Project Title                     :  SQL database regulator
    Front End                         :
    Back End                         :  sql server
    IDE                                  :  Microsoft visual studio.Net/2010
    Programming Languages used :  Asp.Net,C#.Net, Ajax

Cyber Cafe Management System Project in Asp.Net

 Cyber cafe management system project is a standalone application which is developed in programming language using MS Access database. Main objective of this application is to develop a software for internet café for managing users details, billing details, transaction details, Machine updating..etc.

Existing and Proposed System:

In existing system internet café are working on manual management process where users information and billing details are updated in records. Using this software entire process will be computerized and information is updated to database.

Database Tables:

Daily Reports table, Machine Number, New Machine, User, Report Generation, and Transaction.

Rate Settings Module:

This module will have four fields (cost settings for one hour, starting date, ending date, comment). Admin can change rates which will reflect on billing.

Transaction Time Module:

Details of transactions that are done by cyber café for day or month are updated to this table. Transaction database consists of ( start time, machine no, total time, amount, Bill No, Date, Month, Year, End Time,  Hour, Minute, Date ) . Whenever admin want to know full month or day transaction details he can select date, time, month..etc options which are provide in form and search. Details are shown on the list.  This module is useful for analyzing payment and traffic details.

Password Change Module:

Using this change password form admin can change password and update new password which will be updated to users database.  Even admin can add other user to the list.

Asp.Net Tourism Project with SQL Database operations

Tourism Project

Project Description: A sample Tourism project which explains about developing an Asp.Net Application in layered architecture. This Tourism application has all coding standards in place. This online Tourism project is developed only for freshers and junior developers. It has Object Oriented Programming which helps Freshers and Junior developers to easily understand how project will be developed any software company. 

Note: it is not an advanced project which means it doesn’t have Business Rules, Security, Roles etc, this application will helps to understand how to develop an application using classes and reusable data access objects etc. 

Project Requirement:

Need to develop a tourism application with below operations available.

  •  Need to capture the Guides and Customer information
  •  Need to capture various location 
  •  Any person can see locations available in application
  •  Application should have ability to update the existing data.
  •  Application should have static pages to display predefined content. 

Below technologies are used in this application development

  •  ASP.NET
  •  C#.NET
  •  SQL Server
  •  HTML
  •  JavaScript
  •  Css 

Concepts Covered in this tourism project: 

  1. Using Master Page.
  2. Using Validation controls to validate page.
  3. Binding grid-view with data-source controls and edit delete operations using grid-view.
  4. Centralized session management
  5. Uploading files to server
  6. Using Query Strings
  7. Using Object Oriented Programming (Using classes and objects) to do database operations
  8. Inserting Data into database using stored procedures
  9. Updating/deleting Data into database using stored procedures
  10. Centralized procedure names management
  11. Using same screen for two different type of user’s database operations
  12. Centralized database operations
  13. Implementing coding when tables having Parent and Child relation (Added database diagram for reference ).
  14. OOPs in relational database operations (Parent and Child/ Primary and Foreign key operations)
  15. Maintaining database transactions in dot net while doing multiple database operations at once.
  16. Commit and roll back operations using dot net.
  17. Exception Handling (Not included logging)
  18. Writing Stored Procedures
  19. HTML & CSS 

Project Architecture: 

This application has two layer architecture as below 

l  Presentation Layer: Which will have all presentation related code and design.

l  Data Access Layer: Which will have all database operations. 

Presentation layer will communicate Data Access layer for all database operations such as Insert, Update, Delete and Get operations. 

Below Image will helps you understand the application architecture.

SQL Database Details:

This application has 3 tables and stored procedures are also included in database. Below diagram will helps you to understand the database relations.

we need to configure the database before you open the application in browser.

We can configure database three ways

  1. Restore Backup file (Works for SQL Server 2008 R2 only )
  2. Execute the provided database scripts to create new database in your server
  3. Attach the database directly to your database server
  4. Keep database .mdf and .ldf files in your App_Data directory and use below connection string to connect the database

Connection String: <addname=”ConnectionString1″connectionString=”Data Source=.;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True”providerName=”System.Data.SqlClient”/>

In the above case please check for data-source (. or ./sqlexpress or any other database instnace) 

We are providing below database files and you can use any of the file as per your convinence

  1. “.bak” file (works only for Sql Server 2008 R2).
  2. “.mdf” and “.ldf” files
  3. Sql Script file. 

 Download the Asp.Net Tourism Project with SQL Database source code with documentations and screenshots.

School Time Table Project in Asp.Net

School time table project is designed to full fill requirements in private schools where there are many sections and large number of faculty members. Our idea is to develop a web application which will help school administration to manage students, employee, faculty attendance and time table planning using this software.

Existing and proposed System:

Most of the schools use records for managing any type of data like students, employees, faculty, time table generations..etc. This procedure becomes a tough task when there are large number of students and sections in a school.

Considering the importance of software design for this application we developed a school time table and attendance management software which can manage time tables for each class, attendance for students and faculty..etc.

Modules Overview:

There are three main modules attendance management, time table management, staff details management.

Attendance Management: In this module attendance of students are updated to database. Admin can enter student identification number, total number of class’s attendance ant absent classes.

Time Table Management Module:  Time table for each class and section are created in this module for each faculty members, class section..etc.

Online Food Ordering Website Project

Online food ordering website project is developed in for reputed hotels for providing online solution for reaching maximum number of users. Online business is growing fast with most of the business are providing online services for customers.

Online food order website Overview:

This website will contain different types of forms with different types of food varities available to user to buy though online. For example : fast food, cakes, bakery items, ice creams, south Indian and north Indian foods..etc.

How system works:

As normal e commerce site user should register with application and get user name and password to buy products.

Users can select different options available on the site to add product to chart.

After adding products to chart users can move to payment process by selection available payment options and pay amount.

Conformation is received to mail with order id.

List of forms available:

Cart detailed report, payment report, customer report, my account, change password, Fast food, south Indian food, north Indian food, ice cream ordering..etc.

Online Goods Management System Project in Asp.Net

Online Goods Management System Project in Asp.Net is developed to bring buyers and suppliers under single platform. Buyers can register with application and request for material and suppliers will see messages and respond to messages.

Goods Management System


1   This main concern in passing messages between Buyer and Supplier companies.

2      Here, Buyer Company creates purchase order according to their requirements and sends to Supplier Company.

3      On receiving the PO the Supplier Company give response to it.

4      If Supplier company meets the requirements which are specified in PO then its sends confirmation to Buyer otherwise proposal satisfies the requirements of the Buyer Company it accepts otherwise rejects. 


  • Negotiations between Buyer and Supplier Company.
  • Immediate data transfer among trading partners.
  • Can view PO’s information.


The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:


 1. Administration Module

  • Registration Maintenance Module
  • Authentication Module
  • Administrative Module

2. Suppliers Module

  • Register Module
  • Login Module
  • Products Module
  • Purchase Order Module

3. Buyers Module

  • Register Module
  • Login Module
  • Purchase Order Module

4. Message Module

5. Search Module 


  • This Modules involves Administrator operations, involves with maintenance registration, authenticating the suppliers and buyers. This Module contains three sub-modules.
  • Registration Maintenance Module:-This Modules contains operations that perform registration for new suppliers and buyers. When the supplier or buyer fill-up the registration form with out empty fields, the details of that supplier or buyer can store within the database.
  • Authentication Module:-This module authenticated for responsible supplier or user. If any registered supplier or user trying to entering into this system, the administrator check the database if supplier/buyer is existing or no, if exists then checkout the supplier/buyer status in database for allow enter to the system.
  • Administrative Module:- This module maintains list of suppliers and list of buyers from databases.