Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM Electronics Project

Introduction to Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM:

Enhancement of power quality in distributed system using D-STATCOM project is a MATLAB project. This project explains about concept of improvements in voltage sags, harmonic distortions and low power factor using distributed static compensator. This method works on voltage source converter principle. As the increase in power usage there is need to provide quality, reliable, electrical power but as the factors like distorting loads which is reducing awareness between customer and utilities. Three factors which effect quality of power supply is voltage sags, harmonic distortion and low power factor. Main cause of voltage sags is because of utility systems at customer side and sudden increase of load current like starting generator or motor. This problem is mostly seen in industries which cause serious problems and huge loss. 

In order to solve this problem there are many power electronic devices introduced like flexible AC transmission system, and custom power devices.  There are many ways to improve power quality in transmission and distributed systems and among all these devices D-STATCOM is most effective one. In order to control electrical values in D-STATCOM PWM based control scheme is used. 

In this project we provide detailed explanation on construction of D-STATCOM with filters are analyzed. This device is connected to stunt in parallel to 11KV. This system is designed to reduce distortion in power due to harmonics, power quality reducing due to voltage sags and low power factor. 

Students can download entire project report with block diagrams and students can find more related projects from below links. 

Download Enhancement of power quality in distributed system using D-STATCOM project documentation and related files from this link.


Sound Operated Traic Based Disco Lights Electronics Mini Project

Introduction to Sound Operated Traic Based Disco Lights Project:

Sound operated traic based disco lights project is mini project form electronics and communication students. Main aim of this project is to develop a simple electronic circuit for controlling light based on the variations in sound or music. As we see in discotheques people dance for music but there is no variation is light effects in order to increase effect in discotheques we implement a lighting system in which light flicker based on sound variations. With this lighting system we can add more attraction and improve entertainment in discotheques.

In this project we use condenser micro phones are used for converting audio signals in to electrical signals these signals are used as input for transistors for amplifying micro phone signals. Voltage from audio signals will activate transistor and turn on LEDs. 

Block diagram consist of input audio signal, filtering stage, amplifier stage, switching stage and output stage. Each block has its own functionality. In first block audio input is taken from condenser mic which converts audio signals to electrical signals and output is sent for filtering stage.

In second stage filtering is done using RC high pass and low pass filters which are used to remove high frequency and low frequency from the audio and linear stable audio output is produced.

In third stage two stage common emitter amplifiers are used for increasing signal strength and processed to other block.

In fourth stage switching operation is performed for switching transistor switching action is used. Based on the input signal strength from amplifier transistor are switched to on and off state.

Output from this circuit is given to LED light or DC motor which will help to test the variation in signal strength and voltage. 

Here we provide full project report for this project with circuit diagrams, block diagram and detailed explanation of project on every topic.

Download Sound operated traic based disco lights project documentation from this link.

Metal Detection by Robot ECE Final Year Project

The main aim of this Metal Detection by Robot project Report and documentation is to detecting the obstacle (metal), and weapons (gun, knives) this can be done by using Robot. In this project ANTI TANK MINE DETECTOR is automated in the robot.

The anti tank mine detector is used for finding mine when robot moving on the earth. It is the robotic vehicle it can understand the mine and obstacle. This robot consists of memory to store the obstacle position and the robot can move in safe path.

In this Electronics and communications branch project  the hardware components used are motors ,dc motors, ac motors, stepper motor, servo motors, driving mechanisms(gears and chains, pulleys and belts, gear boxes, power supplies (3volts and 9volts batteries), micro controller, the micro controller is selected based on the chip size, speed, memory, display(LCD or LED).

Metal Detection by Robot Features and Advantages:

To control the robot in this project four wheels are used. These four wheels are controlled by servo motor. For this we used AT 89C51 programmed microcontroller. Whenever any obstacle is found by the sensor then sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller then the alarm is ON until the direction of the robot is changed to desired direction.

The metal detector consist of oscillator produces the alternating current passes throw the coil and producing alternating magnetic field. For the signal is in condition the signal from the comparator must be match with the microcontroller.

 The printed circuit board consist of socket, input /output plug up resisters and auto reset circuit. The 8051 microcontroller consist of crystal oscillator it is connected externally and it can support (0 to 24MHZ). The buzzer is used for whenever any fault happen in the circuit the controller is active.

This project mainly used at airports, treasure hunting, to find the weapons and land mines.

Cell Phone Operated Land Rover Electronics Project Report

The main aim of this Cell Phone Operated Land Rover Electronics Project Report is to control the robot by using the mobile phone. If we pressed a button in a mobile then that same button can be pressed and tuned to the Robot phone. This technique is called as the dual tone multiple frequencies (DTMF). This DTMF tone is received to the robot by headset .The robot get the tone this received tone is send to the microcontroller of type ATMEGA16 MC.

 The DTMF decoder used for decoding the encoded signal. This decoded data consists of original data. This data is in the form of binary form. This binary data send to the microcontroller then the robot can move right, left, forward, backward and cross. The robot phone acts as a remote in this ECE project. Normally the wireless (Zig bee) robots are operating at short range of communication and limited frequency range, to avoid this problem we are using the mobile at robot. By using GPS in the robot we can find robot position, by using GSM we can control the robot.

Basically the robot consist of perception (sensors is on the robot), processing (controlling by micro controller).

The components used in this ECE project are Resisters(100k,300k,10k),capacitors(0.47Ωf disk type,22pf),microcontroller of type ATMEGA16(40 pin mc),DTMF decoder MT8870 IC, filters, decoders, steering circuit, guard time adjustments, motor drivers in IC, NOT gates, battery’s for converting chemical to electrical (rechargeable and non rechargeable batteries),voltage regulator(7805 IC) .

Download RC Phase Shift Oscillator ECE Mini Project full Report.

Microcontroller based wireless controlled fire fighting robot Project Report

Project Title: Microcontroller based wireless controlled fire fighting robot.

Project Description: With the help of camera we can easily and immediately  Notified regarding any fire accident happened in a specific area so that will take measures to control it. We have used Smoke detector, buzzer and LED to develop this project. Architecture of this electronics fire fighting robot works with power supply connection to micro controller where this controller connected to indicator as we as Water Sprinkler. This application converts the analog signs to binary data with the help of micro controller and passes the information to robot. This project can be useful for embedded system students to submit mini project reports to their respective HOD’s. The main advantage of this system is to provide full security to all shops, homes, corporate offices, business areas, chemical industries, mechanical companies, etc; this application has implemented with very low price and gives us less manual efforts needed. 

Download Microcontroller based wireless controlled fire fighting robot project documentation, paper presentation.

Working of Electrical devices using Mobile phone ECE Academic Project

Title of the Project: Working of Electrical devices using Mobile phone

Project Description: This ECE Final Year project report details the design, operation of a system which controls the electrical devices with mobile phone. The main feature of this system is it has  used  the  light sensing  system  to  control  the  operation  of  the  electrical devices. Depending on the call duration the electrical devices are turned on or off. The mobile was not altered in any manner so that the user can use the phone for normal operation, if they wish to. This Project was developed in Wine Yard Technologies, Hyderabad for Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE Student Project Submission. This Working of Electrical devices using Mobile phone application provide us lots of advantages in Homes, Offices and public Places.

Embedded based Locker System Academic Project

Diploma EEE -Academic Project 

 Project Title:  Embedded based Locker System

Embedded based Locker System Final Year Diploma Project developed with Microcontroller for my Diploma Project Submission. The main aim of this academic project is to Provide online Locker application system in homes for storing valuble items like gold, silver, importanant documents, and many more. This Embedded based keyless locker system mainly useful in banking sectors, which can be open and closes a system using remote control used in bank Security System.

 Technology          Used  :         Microcontroller

Embedded based Online Automatic Switching Academic Project

B.E., EEE – Academic Project

 Project Title: Embedded based Online Automatic Switching

Software Requirements                   :         VB, Embedded C, Keil Software

The main aim of developing this Embedded based online automatic switching is to provide final year Electical and Electronics Engineering Bachelors Degree Project for Students. This application provides of consumers’ connections for improved performance of a distribution feeder. Visual Basic and Embedded C Programming language used to develop and implement this project report.

With the help of this project we will have lots of advantages like providing automated switching for companies and industrail areas without any manual work. Presently more organizations are using this online system to complete their company work without time delay.

Real Time Embedded System Projects

List of real time embeddes system projects:

Final year electronics students who are looking for live real time embedded systems projects can find address of project institutions in this site. students can contact then for any reference about the final year project cost and available projects information.

submit real time embeddes system projects to us. 

Links to download real time embeddes system projects: 

  1. Project Report On Message Scrolling On Lcd Using Arm Controller
  2. Security Management System for Oilfield Based on Zigbee Wireless Communication (Abstract)
  5. Air and zigbee to-zigbee Device Control Scheme for Single Media Multi Devices
  6. INFOPODS ZIGBEE-Based Remote Information Monitoring Devices
download to find more related real time embeddes system projects.

Recent Projects Embedded Systems

List of recent projects embedded systems: 

 Here we provide recent projects on embedded systems like 2011,2010 related projects information for electronics engineering students who can download and use project related information for there final year projects as reference documents.

submit recent projects embedded systems to us. 

Links to download recent projects embedded systems:  

  4. Remote controlling Home Using Zigbee.
  5. Embedded System Project Abstract On TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM
  6. Embedded Systems And Information Appliances.
download to find more related recent projects embedded systems.