Introduction to Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM:
Enhancement of power quality in distributed system using D-STATCOM project is a MATLAB project. This project explains about concept of improvements in voltage sags, harmonic distortions and low power factor using distributed static compensator. This method works on voltage source converter principle. As the increase in power usage there is need to provide quality, reliable, electrical power but as the factors like distorting loads which is reducing awareness between customer and utilities. Three factors which effect quality of power supply is voltage sags, harmonic distortion and low power factor. Main cause of voltage sags is because of utility systems at customer side and sudden increase of load current like starting generator or motor. This problem is mostly seen in industries which cause serious problems and huge loss.
In order to solve this problem there are many power electronic devices introduced like flexible AC transmission system, and custom power devices. There are many ways to improve power quality in transmission and distributed systems and among all these devices D-STATCOM is most effective one. In order to control electrical values in D-STATCOM PWM based control scheme is used.
In this project we provide detailed explanation on construction of D-STATCOM with filters are analyzed. This device is connected to stunt in parallel to 11KV. This system is designed to reduce distortion in power due to harmonics, power quality reducing due to voltage sags and low power factor.
Students can download entire project report with block diagrams and students can find more related projects from below links.
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