Online Book Store a CSE Final Year Java Project


 The project “Online book store a CSE Final Year Java Project” has been designed for the sole purpose of selling books on a single platform. The website of the book is wherein the books that are mainly sold off are computer and technical books. The customers can access this bookstore via the worldwide web or in simple words the internet. For a particular book they require, they have to simply search through a database and then place the order. Payment can be made through credit cards. Online-Book-Store-a-CSE-Final-Year-Java-Project.

This bookstore has software that serves a link between two commercial websites. Those commercial websites are and The bridge enables users to search through the inventory of these real bookstores and it displays search results like price, title and the availability of books.

Online Book Store Java Project Description:

In the project online book store a web based interface which is a graphical user interface. A form is present to fill in input queries and this information can be used to search the database. The interface of the user then passes this input to the control function. This is implemented in Java. The control function’s main role is to process the input generated at the user’s end and then carries out the search operation in the database. The result is returned to the user’s interface.

 The control functions have bridges by which links are provided to search through external real online bookstores. The query is generated based on the user’s input and passed on to the commercial bookstores available on the web. The bridge also handles response from commercial bookstores and passes on this information and displays it to the user in HTML forms.    


The project has used various software’s to design the project. HTML language is used for web page design and implementation. Oracle is used to design the database and for the bride connections Java technology is used.

Online Banking Project a ASP.Net and VB.Net Project.

The project “Online banking a ASP.Net and VB.Net Project” is a model website used for performing internet banking. The website enables the users to execute basic banking transactions by sitting at the comfort of their home/office. The customers can access their bank account from the bank website. Through internet, the traditional banking takes the shape of a click and port model. E-banking allows bank transactions round the clock.

Anybody who is an account holder in the bank can access the bank account online by filling his account number and personal details. The transactions are executed online through the most powerful and secure backend software which is the MS SQL server 2003. This software is web oriented and application oriented.

VB.Net Online Banking Project Description:

            Online banking .Net Project provides a wide array of banking services online. There are four main modules in the project-account information, transaction, interest calculation and reports. The first module is account creation of the user which can be any type of account. All these details are fed into the database and this is validated by the bank.

         The second module consists of various transactions carried out by the customer. These transactions include deposit, withdrawal and money transfer. The administrator gives user id and password to the user. The user however can change the password when he wishes to. Withdrawals and transferring of amount is facilitated by this system in a secure fashion. Also, various other banking services can be provided.


Thus the main goal of developing software that meets the requirements of the users is designed here. User friendliness is also part of the project and the user can access the information without making use of complicated procedures. All other features like data security, extendibility and scope for future enhancements is incorporated in this project.

Paper Presentation and Project on Morphological image processing


        The project “Morphological image processing paper presentation and project ” is a very important tool in the digital image processing as it is this science which can rigorously quantify a lot many aspects of the geometrical structure in such a way that is in accordance with human intuition and perceiving abilities. Through this system, the structural character of an image in the morphological approach is analyzed.Paper-Presentation-and-Project-on-image-processing

         This project is capable of eliminating noise and clutter as well as in the editing of an image based on the size and shape of the objects under consideration. In this system the information of the image is not lost which gets distorted as in the case of Linear image processing. Hence this system is hugely preferred.   

CSE Final Year Morphological Image Project description:

   In this project Morphological image processing, the original image can be again reconstructed by using methods such as dilation, erosion, opening and closing operation. These can be done a limited number of times. Here in this project a fixed length Morphological image processing tool is converted to a mathematical structure by utilizing Java language.

         This system refers to certain operations in which an object is Hit or Fit with the aid of structuring elements and this is thereby reduced to a more revealing shape. The elements are basically shape primitives and are developed to represent some aspect of the information or noise. On applying these structuring elements to the data with various algebraic combinations, morphological transformations can be applied on the data. 


       This project has a lot of scope and can be implemented in various applications such as medical image analysis i.e. in tumor detection and shape of internal organs. It is also used in robotics and radar imaging.  The system is used in the forensics department in fingerprint enhancement and in the reduction of noise in finger print images.  

Download Paper presentation and Project Report of CSE Morphological image processing project.

Modeling and automated containment of worms a Java Project

Self-propagating codes popularly known as worms are drawing a lot of attention. The popular ones are Code Red, Nimda and Slammer and they are drawing attention because they cause an adverse impact on the internet. The project “Modeling and automated containment of worms a Java Project” has designed a branching process model which helps in characterizing the propagation of these internet worms.Modeling-and-automated-containment-of-worms-a-Java-Project    

Thus in this project an accurate model for the early phase of propagation of uniform scanning worms is obtained along with an equation that helps in determining the total number of infected hosts in case of a worm epidemic. The scheme proposed here is non-intrusive in nature and can be validates by means of analysis, simulation and real traffic situations.  

Modeling Worms Java Project description:

The project Modeling and automated containment of worms is developed for uniform scanning worms and it can be extended to preferentially scanning of worms. Here the factor which causes the spread of worms is established and hence can be stopped. The project contains automatic worm containment schemes that effectively prevent the spread of a worm beyond its early stage.

In this project, a strategy has been developed which will prevent the growth of not only fast scan worms but also the spread of slow scan worms. Here an equation is formulated on the basis of which the number of hosts that the worm infects is achieved below a designated level as established. This system can thus prevent the breeding of worms.


In the future, the project could be enhanced by developing a statistical model which would spread the awareness of the topology of worms. Consequently design mechanisms could be derived for the containment of these worms. Evaluation of the performance of real data from enterprise networks could be done. This scheme could be extended to local preference of scanning worms.

Download seminar and Project Report of CSE Modeling and automated containment of worms a Java Project.

Download modeling automated containment of worms project base paper pdf, Project source code in java, Project report and ppt.

Mobile banking Seminar and Project Using GPRS and MIDP and Java.


           The project “Mobile banking using GPRS and MIDP” is an online system on mobiles where banks provide services to their customers. With internet becoming the most popular and secured way for communication, mobile banking has emerged as the most popular category of services. In his system, all banking activities are performed on the phone and are popularly known as M-banking or WAP-banking.Mobile-banking-Project-Using-GPRS-and-MIDP-and-Java

         The technologies that mobiles use for allowing banking services is either through SMS or Wireless application protocol (WAP). Most of the services offered can be either accessed by cellular phone PDAs. The client which is generally a JAVA Midget is installed on the mobile and then these banking operations can be carried out.      

Mobile Banking GPRS Project description:

The project Mobile banking mainly focuses on providing total mobility in terms of banking services to its customers. The system is divided into three parts. For accessing the web site the users will be provided with an id and a password and this can be used to log on and make use of the internet banking facility. The customers are then provided with an application which has to be loaded on the phone.

           Through this application, the users can access their bank accounts on the phone with the aid of their GPRS connection. A server is present which caters to the requests of both the web as well as the mobile application. This system offers a very practical system to the users and they can carry out their transactions anywhere and anytime.


           In the proposed system above, very high level of security has to be enabled to make the mobile banking a safe procedure. A system could be incorporated for ordering checks online as well as clearing those images. Also, a format should be designed for downloading his account history.

Download seminar and Project Report of CSE Mobile banking using GPRS and MIDP.

Online voting system a ASP.Net Project.

Introduction: The project “Online voting system a ASP.Net Project” aims at creating a system through which the voting process is made easier in cooperative societies. In the current system, voting is performed by using ballot paper and then the counting is executed manually. This is a time consuming process and involves manual effort. It might also lead to the possibility of invalid votes.Online-voting-system-a-ASP.Net-Project            All the above tedious tasks are eliminated in the above process. In the system discussed here, the counting of votes is done by using a computer. This saves time and also avoids the errors that might occur during the election process. The system is designed with the coding language ASP.Net with C# and the database is SQL Server 2005.

ASP.Net online Voting Project description:

   The project Online Voting system is designed to count the number of votes and thereby calculate the percentage of votes. Also the number of vote a candidate obtains is also obtained. Along with the number the percentage of votes for each candidate is calculated. The system is so designed that it can also check for duplication. It then decides the winner in every section.           The project is designed with a modular approach and the number of modules is decided as per the requirements of the organization. The two modules are administrator module and the user module. The administrator has total authority of the organization and maintains all the aspects. The user has the provision to view the list of all candidates and results as well as vote for the desired  candidates.

Conclusion:       Once the system is designed the software is tested in order to see the validity of the system is established. This is the method by which functionality of components is checked. After the system is tested then a trial run of the system is done so that errors if any can be eliminated.

Download Project Report of CSE Online voting system a ASP.Net Project.

Online Ticket Booking System For PVR Cinemas


The main objective of this project “Online ticket booking system for PVR cinemas” is to book tickets online. It provides an alternate and convenient method for a customer to purchase tickets. The system is automatic in nature. Once the data is fed into the database, the staff need not do anything and the entire order is processed by the system. This project also offers the option of a refund to the customers.Online-Ticket-Booking-System-For-PVR-Cinemas

This system allows customers to book tickets from anywhere. The number of staff members is also minimized at the ticket box. The film could also be promoted on the internet. This could bring in more profit for the theatres. Statistical records about the booking process are also provided.


The project Online ticket booking system for PVR cinemas is a web-based system that allows the customers to purchase tickets online and also allows the cancellation of a ticket at an appropriate time i.e. decide by the theatre. To enhance the refund system, the customers have to be valid members of the site and complete the registration process. The staff can add and delete data to make the system dynamic and interesting for viewers.

 The web page is generated by an automatic process based on the data in the database. There are provisions on the site for a user to become a registered member. Through a simple operation, the customer can select the seat and make the payment. He can also cancel the booking through a simple mechanism.


The project is a real-time-based management system. This can be practically implemented. The mode of payment can be modernized and various enhancements could be done to this process. The customer has the choice of choosing the seat he is comfortable with. Also, the pricing could be made dynamic in order to enhance the system.

Download the Project Report of Online Movie Ticket Booking System For PVR Cinemas.

Download the complete Project code on Online Movie Ticket Booking System.

Download Online Movie Ticket Booking web-based Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Project Report.

Online Text Tile On ICON Tile Project


              The project “Online text tile on ICON tile” has designed software which will be use by ICON tiles for maintaining the record of tiles that have been ordered by the customers. Thus a system is created wherein records can be maintained of all the transactions that have occurs with a password and login for additional security. This system lessens the manual work.

           With the aid of this system, if the customer places any order for tiles then this entry is automatically made in the online register and stored in the database. This database management has the facility of having a relation with the table. In this system, a code of the tile is entered and the customer id entered. This system requires very little maintenance as it is very secure. 


          In this project Online text tile on ICON tile, the automatic maintenance of tiles, bills, etc is managed. This system has various reports and forms that deal with various functions. Every form has its own menu and on clicking the link, the menu is opened. The customer can browse through the menu by providing his id and password. The information of tiles is generated when the code for the particular tile is entered.

               This system also has the option of incorporating a lot of activities and computerization of these activities. All the computerizations of the system must be done by efficient staff that can do effective work in terms of efficiency, speed, accuracy, storage capacity and quickness. Even though it is an expensive system yet it is very feasible in the current scenario.


          The project described above is faster than the manual system and has easy techniques for storing data. Man power required is less and the system is flexible in nature. The system consumes low resources yet ensures security and accuracy of data.

Download Project Report of CSE Online text tile on ICON tile project.

Online Promotion Examination Project Using SAP-ABAP


                 The project “Online promotion examination using SAP-ABAP” is a system wherein the students can appear for the examination online. Its main goal is to provide a quick and easy way for appearing in the exam conducted by ONGC. This system is managed by collaborating with partnerships with agencies/boards that conduct the exam. It can also provide special advantage to the applicants.Online-Promotion-Examination-Project-Using-SAP-ABAP

               This exam consists of many procedures once you are an employee of ONGC and then you have to enter your CPF number. Once you log on, then you can view all the instructions that are related to the examination. The time limitation of the examination is set by the administrator. Once your exam is complete, you can click on the submit button.

SAP-ABAP Examination project description:

This project online promotion examination is developed on a SAP platform in ABAP programming language. There are two types of user groups for this project. One is the administrator and the other is the candidate. The administrator has several roles to play. He has to upload the question bank and the correct answers corresponding to the question bank. He has to also validate the master data of the candidates and prepare the final result.

            The candidate has to register for the exam with the personal number before the exam. He can then login and appear for the exam. He has the option of appearing for a demo session of the exam where he can get to see how the real examination process would be. He can get a list of instructions to be followed for the main examination and can access the result after the exam is completed.


              The project discussed here is flexible in nature and changes can be incorporated very easily into this system. The system can be maintained very easily. An additional feature that can be added in the future would be that a mail response can be sent to the user to let him know whether he is eligible for the exam or not.

Download Project Report of CSE Online Promotion Examination Project Using SAP-ABAP.

Supply Chain Management System a Java Project

 Management projects are playing key role in the software market if you are looking for a supply and management software project then this project can help you. Supply Chain Management System a Java Project explains about interconnection between product and service packages for the end customer. This application will store all movements from raw materials, work progress information, completed goods from point of consumption to point of origin. This application is developed for production sector which deals with company dealers with respect to product launches. SUPPLY-CHAIN-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-a-JAVA-PROJECT

      Supply chain management system needs java software to be installed in client side machine, by installing this software it can run on any computer. 

     Permissions are given based on designation of the user who registers in to application respective user has the permission to submit his registration form and list out the features. Company will directly interact with client using this supply management tool where client has direct interaction on product information like production status, quality control and etc. The main aim of this project is to bring client, admin, company under single stage.                  

Supply Chain Management project has developed with HTML as front end, M.S Access as back end, Apache Tomcat 5.1 as web server and java (JSP ,JDBC) as programming language.           

System Specifications for implementing Supply Chain Management Java Project.


  •            Processor                 Intel Pentium family
  •            RAM                        256 MB
  •            Hard disc                16 GB
  •           Operating System   Windows 2000     


  •             Front End                        HTML
  •             Back End                           M.S Access
  •             Web server              Apache Tomcat 5.1
  •             Languages                       Java using JSP and JDBC

Download CSE Supply Chain Management System a Java Project.