Corporate Address Book an ASP.Net Project.

  If you are looking for a software project which is related to Software Company then this project may help you. Corporate Address book a ASP.Net project helps Software Company to manage employee details. After employee is registered with system, admin will allocate a personal id for each employee where employee can store his personal data in that account. This application will allow employee to view his address book based on category wise. Employee can edit his details.Corporate-Address-Book-an-ASP-Net-Project.

Address book maintenance will be maintained by HR manager. He will enter new employee details in to address book.HR manager has the permission to delete and modify employee details. This application will provide full details and addresses of the employees are working in the organization. 

Corporate address book concept is used by many software companies in present market.

This project requires Windows XP operating system, sql server for database, ASP.Net is used for server side technology, ASP for server side scripting, HTML for Client side scripting and IIS is used for Web-Server. 

System Specifications for implementing corporate address book ASP.Net Project.


  • Processor              :          Intel P-IV system
  • Processor Speed    :         250MHz to 833MHz
  • RAM                     :         512MB RAM
  • Hard Disk             :          40GB            


  • Operating System            :            Windows XP
  • Database                           :             Sql Server
  • Server side technology     :            ASP.Net
  • Server side scripting       :             ASP
  • Client side scripting         :             HTML
  • Web-Server        :             IIS

Download CSE Corporate Address book a ASP.Net project.

Port Scanner an Java Project

 Hacking is one of the biggest security issues on the web, though lot of researches were going on we are still facing hacking problems. PORT SCANNER a Java project will be one of the application which deals with hacking protection. This project is about scanning ports of different systems connection to your system and providing security by blocking ports of systems which are trying to steal your information.PORT-SCANNER-a-Java-Project

 Lack of port protection is the reason why viruses are attacking to our network. Every viruses has its inbuilt port scanner which will check for a open port in the network if they find any open ports then they will cripple in to you software and collect your secure data and inform to other system. 

PORT SCANNER application will provide option for scanning local database of services of every remote system which is connected to the server using IP/TCP address. This application provides scanner for testing connections which will control local database services. Port scanner will provide security by controlling ports. 

System Requirement for implementing Port Scanner Java Project:


                   Hardware Platform: PIII or above with

                                                    RAM of 128 or above MB

                                                    And 20GB or above of HD.

                   Software Platform:  Java Enabled Browser


          Hardware Platform: PIII or above with

                                                   RAM of 128 or above MB

                                                  And 20GB or above of HD.

           Software Platform    : JAVA, jdk1.5.0, awt, Swings, applets

Download CSE Port Scanner a Java project.

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project will be best option for a student who is looking for software project which deals with software company problems. This project explains about establishing effective work relation between team leader and team members which will be alternative method for manual work assigning method. Using this application work delay problem will be reduced as well as relation between team leader and team member will be effective. IMPLEMENTATION-OF-ECCENTRIC-NETWORK-FOR-INTRANET-a-C# .Net-Project.

ECCENTRIC NETWORK FOR INTRANET a c# .Net project is already implemented in almost every software company. In a project team leader will assign work to his team members and discussions on the project will do through this application even when project leader is not in office. ECCENTRIC NETWORK application will provide private network for the team leader and team member. 

 By using this application team member can know there assigned work by checking offline. Team member is provided with network id, password with project name and his role in the project and time duration of the project.            

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet project uses .NET Frame work, ASP.Net for server application development and C#.NET programming language. 

System specifications for implementing

Software Requirements Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project

  • Web-Technologies            :        ASP.NET
  • Frameworks                      :        .NET Framework 2.0  
  • Database                             :        SQL Server 2005
  • Web server                        :        IIS 5.0
  • Language                            :           C#

  Hardware Requirements

  • Operating System                : Windows XP Professional sp2
  • Processor                               : Pentium 4.0(1.6GHz)
  • Memory                                 :        512 MB 

Download CSE Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project.

Online Solution Provider a Java Project.

If you are looking for a customer service related software project then Online Solution provider a java project may be helpful for you. This project is about providing customer services  For software professionals through website.

Using this concept users from all over the world who are facing problem with software or hardware can just register in to website and join in to respective community based on the problem they are facing and post questions on the site’s-Solution site will provide related help to costumer to solve there problem’s-Solution site will charge registration fee for every user who want customer support from there site with a time limit.

Online Solution Provider site will provide customer support for hardware, software, networking and database… Etc. User is provided with priority levels based on the type of registration they had chosen. This site comes with different methods of online payments like credit card, PayPal…Etc. 

This application main objective is to provide quick solutions in less time and to reduce communication gap.


Online Solution provider a java project  is developed in four modules.

  1. Registration Module.
  2. Customer Module.
  3. Sales Module.
  4. Support Module. 

E-Solution site is developed under Microsoft windows xp operating system, Java and HTML languages are used with J2EE (Jdbc,JSP,XML) web technology’s, oracle 10g for database and Tomcat 5.0 is the web server. These are the software requirements of E-Solution site.

Download CSE Online Solution provider a java project.

Infrastructure Management System a ASP.Net Project.

If you are looking for a live project which was done is a company then this project may help you, Infrastructure Management System a ASP.Net project is about maintaining server in a factory where each server has the ability to backup the data after every operation it performs so in order to maintain that data information technology department of vishaka steel plant had developed a intranet based web application which will store data of servers generated log files in to online using system server group. Infrastructure-Management-System-a-ASP.Net-Project.

This project helps to backup log files from the stored server which will save time. Presently server management in vishaka steel company is managed using log books. 

Infrastructure management ASP.Net project is developed under six modules. 

  1. Server Management.
  2. Server Maintenance.
  3. Cat ridge Management.
  4. Mock Restoration.
  5. Software Management.
  6. Document Management. 

Hardware Interfaces

  • Pentium IV Processor.
  • 128 MB RAM.
  • 20GB Hard Disk space.
  • Ethernet card with an Internet and Internet zone. 

Software Interfaces

  • Windows 98 or 2000 or XP operating system.
  • Internet explorer 5.0 and Netscape navigator.
  • Visual Studio 2005
  • Front end: with C#
  • Oracle 9i as back end
  • IIS. 

Download CSE Infrastructure Management  System  a ASP.Net Project.

COMM4 Efficient Packet Filtering in Wireless Ad Hoc Network a VB Project.

COMM4 Efficient Packet Filtering in Wireless Ad Hoc Network a VB Project is related to Wireless networking and packet information. Wireless Mesh Network(WMNs) have developed as one of the important technology to provide best network access and best mobile applications in different scenarios, such as relief operation in disaster, ad hoc network help in convention centers, tough places like terrains with their fast development in architecture.

MNS use Internet access facility by extending established network areas, and lessen the cost of back haul connections to distant B.S.Top companies are calling for specifications for mesh networking .

One of the most important issues in WMNs is security which will ensure the trusted communication. Away from flexible protocol design and features track back mechanism are necessary. 

Ad Hoc Network a VB Project is developing under windows operating system with visual basic as front end and wireless technology RS 232 as back end. This project uses serial programming and micro controller. This project is divided into four modules you can download documents and application from below link.

Recruitment Agencies CSE Project

Recruitment Agencies CSE Project  is an alternate for manual existing manual process. As every sector is moving towards computerizing there services in order to achieve global goals. Human resource management system is one among them which is playing main role in maintaining database for employees. Recruitment-Agencies-CSE-Project

As major companies organizing hosting services of HRMS. This project explains about computerization of It Recruit system. Using this system manual work will be reduced to a large extent. This project increases flexibility, quick response, less processing time, non-diligence, fast recovery, robustness, reliability, scalability. 

As organizations are dependent on HRMS for maintaining database of their employees and recruiting information. This It Recruit project will provide services for fast and easy access which will satisfy all the requirements for client. 

Recruitment Agencies application is developed with a user-friendly interface using HTML language which is used for fast loading of the page. Design is implemented in the way that user can easy access the features of the webpage. Hyperlinks are provided for the user on every web page through which user can easy navigate from one page to other page with less risk. Each page is designed with new look so that user can easily understand the content of the page which will provide security. 

This application is developed in five modules where each module has its own features. Candidate module helps user to update there resumes details in to the site with few other features which are explained in project document in detail. 

Employee module is used to know details about their job availability and status of their job. 

Recruiter module main fucnationality is to update job details based on the job category which will be available for candidates and employee to submit their resumes. 

Admin module will have access to all modules to maintain entire website and remove unwanted information which is not related to website. 

Recruitment Agencies CSE Project System Specifications.

  • Hardware platform
  • Pentium III processor or higher
  • 256 MB RAM
  • Software specifications
  • Jboss 3.3, J2SDK 1.4
  • Oracle 8i
  • Internet Explorer5.0 or Mozilla.

Download CSE Recruitment Agencies CSE Project.

Data Compression and Encoding Using Color

Data Compression and Encoding Using Color project is about developing coding for bar codes using color sensor technology. As security for products like books, dresses…Etc are increasing, Enhancements in development of coding system for bar codes are also increasing. Color sensor technology is a new technology which will increase bar codes compactness, security, and efficiency. This technology is based on color combinations of RGB which is explained in this document. Data-Compression-and-Encoding-Using-Color-project


Color is formed when there is collision between light, object and observer. And the other form of light source is reflection, when light falls on the reflected object based on observing density of object color will form. For example consider a Red paper has the capacity to observe green and blue part of light this will reflect red part making it appear red to the observer. Colors are the mixer of three basic colors like Red, Green and Blue in fixed ratio. These colors are stored in the form of three numbers which are called digital color format. In Short these colors are called as RGB, there are different types of color formats like JPEG, BMP,BITMAP..ETC. 

Data Compression and Encoding Using Color document explains about

  1. Color sensor circuit and operation.
  2. Color sensing.
  3. Compactness, security, and efficiency.
  4. Color fading.
  5. Bar code Reader.
  6. Color code versus Bar code.
Download CSE Data Compression and Encoding Using Color project.

Design of Intranet Mail System Project

Final year students who are interested in knowing about mailing system and understand the procedure involved in developing a mailing system then Design of Intranet mail system project can help you to gain some knowledge. The main aim for developing this project is to understand steps involved in developing a mail application by updating few new innovative features in to this application and upgrade it to new version will be better choice for computer science students. Design-of-Intranet-Mail-System-Project

Intranet mail application is a mail client application with features like login, sending mail, deleting mail and forwarding mail where admin can add and delete messages in the network. This type of mailing systems can be seen in organizations for sharing information between employees. 

This application is developed by connecting client system to a Linux mail server and Apache is used as web server. This application will provide basic mail facilities as mentioned above where mail transferring is done through IMAP. Admin can delete user messages using Cyrus server.

 As regular mail systems this application will provide welcome page through which user should log in. Unless user name and password is not provided user cannot access his account.     


     List of software’s required for developing this application is mentioned below. 

Linux Platform  

 The Debi an Linux is used for coding plat form.  

Apache Server                 

Apache server should be installed as web server. 

 MYSQL Server

For database storage MYSQL server should be installed. 

 Send mail Server 

                  Send mail server is a MTA agent. It should be installed for transferring the mails.

The protocol to be used is IMAP which serves as the Message Delivery Agent. 

For more information on this project you can download project report form this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Analyzing of Design of Intranet Mail System Project. 

Analyzing of Network Stack Parallelism Project

Final year students who are interested in developed bandwidth efficiency related project using threading concept this application Analyzing of Network Stack Parallelism project can provide better option for developing a project. As the new application are coming in market which takes lot of bandwidth had increased scope for developing better performance in using network bandwidths. In order to increase performance micro-processors had brought lot of change for efficient use of bandwidth. There is need to develop new processors for replacing existing uni-processors to handle continued performance growth.

Developing parallel Core processor had helped in handling stacks in order to increase performance compare to individual core processors. But there is need to bring new processors for handling network servers, this project concentrates to develop better processors for handling network stacks.

In present available network stacks Message based parallelism is handled using multiple threads for processing multiple message at the same time from single or multiple connections, this type of threading can be seen in Linux and FreeBSD.

Where as in Connection based parallelism, Threading is done through groups. Threads which are divided in two groups will handle connections which are assigned to them. This type of threading mechanism can be seen in Dragonfly’s BSD and Solaris 10.

In both the situations handling network using thread mechanism is good but there are few problems like locking, and synchronization problems. This application Network stack parallelism project will explore new ideas for better performance.

For more information on Analyzing of Network Stack Parallelism project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Analyzing of Network Stack Parallelism Project.