Nano Technology Based Data Storage Final Year Seminar Topic

Nanotechnology is abbreviated as Nanotech. It is the study of matter based on the scale of atoms and molecules. It deals generally with the size structures of smaller or 100 nanometers to develop device or material.

It increases various issues of modern technology and nanomaterials impact on environmental and toxicity. There are potential effects on speculation and global economics and many doomsday scenarios.

There are two important approaches employed in nanotechnology. In the approach of bottom-up, the materials and devices are constructed from components of molecular on the molecular recognition principle. In the top-down approach, nano-objects are made from entities which are large without control of atomic-level.

There are many modern developments. They are atomic force microscope (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) launched nanotechnology. Marvin Minsky developed scanning probe microscope, scanning confocal microscope, and scanning acoustic microscope. Other developed nanolithography techniques are dip pen nanolithography, electron beam lithography, and nanoimprint lithography.

Many products are made accessible online with this technology. Various applications include cosmetics, titanium dioxide in sunscreen, and other food products. The allotropes of carbon are employed to produce gecko tape, silver in clothing, food packaging, disinfectants, and household appliances, zinc oxide in cosmetics and sunscreens, paints surface coatings, and furniture varnishes, and cerium oxide for fuel catalyst.


The NANO TECHNOLOGY BASED DATA STORAGE Final Year Seminar Topic concludes that nanotechnology is diverse extremely widely ranging from physics of device to modern approaches depending on molecules with nanoscale dimensions. The technology creates various materials and devices with applications like electronics, medicine, and energy production etc.

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Nanosystem Design with Dynamic Collision Detection for Autonomous Nanorobot Motion Control using Neural Networks

Nano system Design with Dynamic Collision Detection for Autonomous Nano robot Motion Control using Neural Networks is an application of technology and science with many topics. The main concept is about the matter control on a scale as small as a micrometer and device fabrication on the same smaller scale. This field is highly multidisciplinary like device physics, colloidal science, and supra molecular chemistry. Many speculations came into existence with the research of modern science and technology.

 The technology predicted remarked inexpensive and powerful computers with modern medical technologies saving numerous lives, environmental protection, military application, manufactured zero-pollution etc. The advanced nanotechnology will surely bring radical innovation as per the key policy makers due to its broad impact and spark industrial revolution.

 Nanotechnology is the future development technology with dimensions of sub-microscopic. There are many nanotechnologies like quantum dots and nanotubes with applications like cosmetics, protective coatings, suntan lotion, and stain resistant clothing. The technology has various many disciplines like chemistry, applied physics, colloidal science, and biology.

 The technology is not cure-all but useful to solve many problems. The health can be increased by improved plumbing and housing. It brings effective industry and agriculture, save materials, water, labor, land, and reduces pollution. There is an easy access to education, information, and communication. It provides reliable and cheap power with various conveniences.


Nano system Design with Dynamic Collision Detection for Autonomous Nano robot Motion Control using Neural Networks is the system of function of engineering on the smaller scale covering advanced current concepts and work. The technology is ability to make items from the bottom up to products of high performance. It is the phrase for catch-all devices and materials functioning at the molecular scale.

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Nanotechnology Services Embedded with Ubiquitous Computing for Smart Classrooms Seminar Paper

Nanotechnology is the process of building objects at molecular scale. The final aim is to make Universal Assembler in which atoms produce the products. Until Scanning Tunneling Microscope and the Atomic Force Microscope inventions, Nanotechnology was just a dream but today it is possible to see and move the atoms. The technology is used in clothing, cosmetics, and medicine. With its impact in computer field, science strongly believes surge in capacity of storage.

 With this revolutionary technology, employing ramifications is considered. Feynman explained the process of manipulating developed molecules and atoms with a tools set to create and function smaller set at required scale. The issue of scaling comes from the altering the magnitude of many phenomena of physics. This idea is feasible which increases parallelism to give the end products.

 Tokyo Science University Professor Norio Taniguchi defined nanotechnology composes of processing, consolidation, separation, and deformation of products by an atom or a molecule. The future Nanotechnology and Nano-systems era are Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation.

 Nanotechnology and nano-science started with two great developments. They are the birth of cluster science and the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) which discovered fullerenes, carbon nano-tubes, and properties of semiconductor nano-crystals which increased the number of metal oxide nano-particles of quantum dots.


It is concluded that Nanotechnology Services Embedded with Ubiquitous Computing for Smart Classrooms Seminar Paper has greatly enhanced the ratio of surface area to volume at nano-scale with future possibilities like catalysis. The physical phenomena are noticed with decrease in the system size including effects of statistical mechanical and quantum mechanical.

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Mobile Communication System Seminar Topic

Mobile-Communication-System-seminar-topicMobile communication system seminar topic explains about new technologies in telecommunication systems and its usage in present trend. This paper covers features of wireless communication networks 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G with detailed explanation on features of 4G, working of 4G technologies, Multiplexing techniques used in mobile communication systems, antennas and features of 4G.

Mobile technology is one of the fast growing technologies in the world there are millions of users in the world using telecom services. There are new technologies developing in this field among them wireless communication technology like 3G and 4G are one of the mostly used technology. At present 3G is mostly used web communication in the world which provides wireless internet, video calling and mobile TV. 4G is a fourth generation wireless communication technology which is advanced version of 3G with advanced features like fast data transmission on moving and same ip address on moving, internet access anywhere and high quality mobile TV.

4G technology uses any frequency which is already in use like radio frequencies which will increase wider scope of communication. It works on frequency ranges from 3.2 HZ to 10.6 HZ.4G works with less power consumption because it uses pulse instead of signals. For implementation of 4G new antennas should be installed.

download Mobile Communication System Seminar Topic, paper presentation.

Web Service on Mobile Platform Seminar Topic

Web-service-on-Mobile-platform-seminar-topic.Web service on mobile platform seminar topic explains about features of web services in present situation for fulfilling needs in web development along with mobile accessibility. This paper explains about details of web services, role of web services in mobile environment, types of web services, introduction of middle ware components, web services on J2ME and web services on different mobile operating systems. 

Web services are applications which run externally at different locations like Google provides web services from America similarly different organizations will have their own web services under their control. Web services are not language dependent they can run any applications which are developed in different languages and different platforms which is developed as per the common web service standards. Web services is basically application programming interface (API) which is accessed by HTTP protocol when ever user requests for information from a web page web service will provide information using HTTP protocol.

SOA is the architecture used in this technology which uses XML and HTTP standard protocols for communication from all over the world. This system is also called as machine to machine interaction for communicating over the network.

download Web service on Mobile platform seminar topic.

Computer Vision and Image Processing Seminar Topic

Computer-Vision-seminar-topicComputer vision and image processing seminar topic explains about how computers can change future of image processing and its applications in different fileds. This paper explains about introduction to image processing and computer vision, and differences between computer vision and image processing and practical considerations.

 Computer vision and image processing belongs to two different fields which are interlinked with each other. In computer vision technology we analyze image by taking image as input and decision is taken based on analyses. Main idea of this paper to propose an new idea in which human beings can increase visual capability using computer techniques. It can also be explained as computer can view images more accurately as we see. In this technique low quality image is processed to develop a new high quality image.

Computer vision will develop three dimensional images based on the processed images. In present there are many files like animation, movie making, computer graphics, image understanding and artificial intelligence computer vision and image processing is used.Details about image processing can be useful.

  Computer vision applications are used in the medicine, security, traveling  and many other fields.

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Cryptography & Information Security CSE Seminar


The Cryptography & Information Security has become the major issue face by professionals of the computer around the globe. They require security and they are afraid of hackers. Hacking is a perpetual responsibility for all the computer users in computer technology, as an expert or as a novice. Hackers and Hacking are concepts to have negative impact on people.

Hackers are known to be criminals of computers who harm the systems or release viruses into the system etc. The computer criminals are called Hackers which is outrageously and horribly referred by media and people. But the fact in reality is that Hackers are extremely intelligent, good, and pleasant people by applying their mind in a constructive method to protect secrets documents of company, national documents etc.

Security crack could be from the network (inside or outside) internally or externally. The outside threats are caused by e-mails or internet gateway. The inside threats are caused by disgruntled hacker or imposter access to a system. The imposter can be either malicious code such as a worm or Trojan infecting the system or the human being.

During the implementation of network security, there are four aspects considered are firewalls, patch management, anti virus/anti-spam, and intrusion-detection system (ids).


There is a big difference between a Cracker and a Hacker. A cracker breaks into the computer systems and does illegal things. It is punishable act by cyber crime and considered as serious offense. Nowadays most computers are operated by windows OS and Unix OS which is said to be most secured OS.

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Defending Syn Attack in Tcp Using Cryptography Project Report

The overview on cryptography and network security is given by various algorithms. This project provides focuses on network security with digital signatures. Network security and cryptography is the concept covering a wide range to secure the data in digital form by giving protection services. The digital signature gives an entity to secure the identity with a piece of data. The digital signature is attacked by the common attack.

The first concept was the RSA signature scheme which is much versatile and practical technique present. There are other methods of digital signature are DSA and related signature schemes. Digital signatures include various applications in authentication, data integrity, non-repudiation, and information security.

The DEFENDING SYN ATTACK IN TCP USING CRYPTOGRAPHY Project Report focuses on recent developments in network security and cryptography with respect to digital signatures. Cryptography is the tool to secure secrets of nation and strategies. The computers and communications systems proliferation provide private sector to secure data in digital form with security services.

The Data Encryption Standard DES is the popular cryptographic mechanism. It is the standard method to protect commerce for financial institute around the globe. The digital signature relies on secret exposed only to the signer. Signatures should be verifiable.

The first method RSA signature scheme is the versatile technique and Feige-Fiat-Shamir signature scheme needs a one-way hash function. Cryptography is the concept regarding information security which is very much essential.


Hence it is concluded that information security clarifies in various methods based on requirement. The set of mechanisms and protocols are made to deal with issues of information security if the data is transferred by physical documents.

Download Defending Syn Attack in Tcp Using Cryptography Project Report

A Proactive Approach to Network Security


In the present world of contemporary scenarios, the network security is the most sensible issue. It could be either a real world or cyber world. The attack is made by gathering of information in the cyber world. The computer network is widely utilized in present world scenarios with computerization. The software and information is much more open to get attack by the unauthorized users due to the interlinked network computers.

The minicomputers and mainframe computers have taken place by the computer network with which security issue has also increased. It is very essential to get familiar with the basic knowledge of computer networks and network security principles. The network security secures the network assets.

 There are many threats such as Hackers, Viruses, Data Stealing, Data Diddling, and Loss of Data.

 Firewall is the network security that protects the network from network threats and attacks by forming barrier between the networks. The firewall applications are gateways, packet filtering, and hybrid systems.

A Proactive Approach to Network Security Final Year Project is really the important debate in computer enthusiasts which is a major task in boardrooms round the clock. Many companies are much bothered to have computer security to secure the secret and sensitive data of the company around the globe.

Password is the crux part of computer network security. It secures accounts of user. These guidelines protect, create, and change passwords to be secure, strong, and protected.


The conclusion made is that the mechanisms of security depend on cryptographic algorithms like asymmetric-RSA, symmetric-DES, AES, and ECC. These algorithms provide security levels with optimal speed.

Download A Proactive Approach to Network Security Project.

Image Processing Seminar Topic

       Image-processing-seminar-Topic.  Image processing seminar topic explains about extracting data from images present in real world. This paper contains components of ip system, possible representation of images, image processing, smoothing special filters and sample java code. Image processing main idea to analyze information in images in all areas of real world. Information is extracted from real world images. Image processing differs from computer graphics, in computer graphics two dimensional and three dimensional images are used where are in real world it is not possible.

          Image processing procedure is used for finding out color and position of real world images. At present mat lab and java like software’s are used for image processing. Using this software’s image filtering, image improvement and image threshold operations are performed.

          Position and color determination of a set of regular objects using image processing technique. Tools like matlab, java etc used.    Techniques like image acquisition, filtering, enhancement, threshold and edge determination performed

          Image processing is mostly using in applications like computer vision, face detection, remote sensing, medical imaging, microscope image processing, lane departure warning system, mathematical morphology.

download Image processing seminar Topic.