Development of Medical Store Management System Java Project

Project Aim:

The main goal of the development of this project on the Medical Store Management System is to manage the details of Medical Shop, Medicines and its stocks and price, Supplier details. This project manages all the info about Medical shops, Sells, Products, and Inventory. It tracks all the details about the Suppliers, Medicines, Sales, and Stocks. This is a Java web application that used database management concepts.

Project Scope:

It helps in current all works relative to Medical Store Management System. The first subsystem is a Supplier which has all the details of all the suppliers of a particular Medical Shop. The second subsystem is Medicines. The third subsystem is Reports which generates reports for all suppliers and the pharmacists. This Medical Store Java project aims at Business process automation, i.e. I have tried to computerize the various process of the Medical Store Management System.


This Medical Store project implementation is done in java language which consists of several classes as mentioned below to perform several operations.

Medical Store Management System Home Screen



Allows the administrator to login into the Medical Store Management System software with a valid user id and password

Main Menu

Allows the administrator to add a new supplier and medicine, update or search or delete the suppliers, view the supplier’s list, view the stock of medicines, view supplier-wise medicine report, to view the daily purchase report.

Add New Supplier

Allows the administrator to add a new supplier

Add New Medicines

Allows the administrator to add the new medicines

Search Supplier

Allows the administrator to search the suppliers with the supplier id or supplier name

Search Medicine

Allows the administrator to search the medicines with the Medicine batch number or Medicine name

Delete Supplier

Allows the administrator to delete the record of the existing supplier

Delete Medicine

Allows the administrator to delete the record of the existing medicines

Update Supplier

Allows the administrator to update the record of the existing suppliers

Update Medicines

Allows the administrator to update the record of the existing medicines

Supplier List

Allows the administrator to view the records of the existing suppliers

Medicine List

Allows the administrator to view the records of the medicines

Supplier Wise Medicine List

Allows the administrator to view the records of the Medicines by entering the Supplier name

Daily Purchase Report

Allows the administrator to view the records of the medicines by entering the Medicine Purchase Date


Allows the administrator to view the details of the Medical Store Management System

Download the Complete project code, Project Report, and Paper Presentation on Medical Store Management System on Github

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Medical Store Management Project Windows Application using C#.Net
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Interactive Hostel Management System Java and MySQL Project


The main objective of this Java and MySQL-based project is to create an interactive Hostel management GUI application that helps in the management of Hostel records about registration of students and employees, and fee and salary management. Through this application, the admin can register & manage students & employees of the hostel.



Admin can log in to the software using the Username and password provided by the developers. After login, he can register students and employees. He has to update the data of all the participants of the system i.e., Students and employees. He can Insert, update and as well as delete records from the system.


This module is about the residents of the hostel. It holds the data of the students residing in the hostel eg. Names, addresses, USN, RoomNo & Phone. The complete information about a particular student can be obtained by referring to this module.

Fee Payment (Insert):

This module is necessary to hold the information related to the Fees of the residents of the hostel. It has fields for Name, total fees, the amount paid, mode of payment, and balance amount remaining to be paid by every individual student. The individual student details can be accessed by providing a unique USN.


This module is related to the employees of the hostel. It holds the data of the employees like Name, Age, Eid, Designation & Salary. The complete information of a particular employee can be obtained by the unique employee ID.

Salary Payment (Insert & Update):

This module is necessary to hold the information related to the salary of the employees of the hostel. It has fields for Name, Eid, total salary, the amount paid, and balance amount remaining to be paid for every individual employee. The individual employee details can be accessed by providing a unique Eid.

Features page of the Hostel Management project

Output Pages will be below:

  • Login Page of the project
  • Features page of the project
  • Registration page for new Students
  • Employee registration page
  • Options for employee management
  • Fee update and fetch the page
  • Fetch fee details of individual students
  • Maintain student records of the system
  • Update fee details of a specific student

Download the complete Hostel Management System Project source code and Project report.

College Campus Students and Faculty Activities Tracker Java Project

College Campus Activities Tracker deals with the tracking of both student and faculty performance and the activities done by them in and out of the college. This project can help us to know all the activities happening in the college campus area and even get to know who has scheduled the activity. Different certificates of the students based on their performance are generated department-wise and academic year-wise.

Our Students and Faculty Activities Tracker system has two users, faculty and student.

The student will upload their certificates that they have participated in other colleges and the faculty will schedule the activity and upload the respective student’s certificates to those who have participated in the activity.

College Activities Tracker is a java web application that will allow the users (both faculty and students) to upload their documents and intimating each activity (hackathon, workshops, competitions) that they participate in and out of the college with certifications as proof.

And it should also allow the user to register for ongoing or upcoming events through the form and after registration, A successfully registered message should be sent to the user to their corresponding phone number. The faculty must be allowed to check or keep track of student and faculty performance and previews the data student-wise, faculty, wise, section-wise, department-wise, event-wise, and duration wise. And faculty should be allowed to add/update the upcoming event happening in the college.

Results Page of College Activities Tracker


College Campus Students and Faculty Activities Tracker is an application that will aid users in uploading their Documents and intimating each activity that they perform in and out of the college with Certifications as proof.

This is a centralized system that keeps track of students and faculty activities and previews the data student-wise, faculty-wise, section-wise, Department wise, Event wise, and Duration wise. It is mainly used to maintain the data for Department’s weekly report.

Modules of the Project

We have three modules in our Activities Tracker Java Project.

● Admin
● Student
● Faculty


Software Requirement:

1. Language – Java (JDK 1.7)
2. OS – Windows 7- 32bit
3. MySql Server
5. JSP

College Student Results Analysis Android App Subject wise and Department wise


The College Student results app is an android application. It enables the students to check and get their each semester results within their mobiles by using their College Registration ID/Hall Ticket Number.

This College Student results in mobile app system is developed for students as well as their parents to check both the internal & external examination results.

Currently, the students are using the University website which is displaying only the individual subject marks and is lacking in some other advanced features which we will supplement through our mobile application.

Primarily, by using this result app project we can generate student individual results and analyze subject-wise and department-wise analysis (toppers list, Max marks, Min marks).

Android Project Features:

  • Latest user-friendly interface with a neat layout.
  • The total marks of the student with percentage will be displayed.
  • Push notifications whenever the results are out.
  • The list of toppers in the individual departments.
  • Sharing results on social networking sites.

Hardware Requirements:

Internal Memory: 512MB RAM
External Memory: 1GB
Speed: 1GHz Processor
Device: Mobile or Tablet

Software Requirements:

Operating system: Android
Programming languages: HTML5, XML, java
Database Used: Android SQLite Database
Others: Android Studio SDK

Related Projects on Student Exam Results System:

Student Result System Desktop Application in Java
Results Through Emails Java Project

Student Exams Backlog Management System Project using PHP & MySQL

College Classroom Appliances Repair and Maintenance System App


This College Electronic items Repair and Maintenance System App has been implemented to accept complaints against damaged fans and lights in the classroom and to show the status of the registered complaint.

The college classroom-specific android mobile app has two sides, the user end, and the admin end. The user end is for the class CRs which allows them to lodge complaints, view the status of the complaint, and see the complaint’s history. Whereas, on the admin end, the admin can view the lodged complaints and can update the status of the complaint.

User end Project development:

First, after opening the Repair and Maintenance System App, a login page appears. The user must log in to the app, with his/her respective login ID and password. If the details match with any of the CR’s details, then the app will be directed to the user side. After logging in, a page with all the room numbers is displayed.

When the respective room is selected, the user is directed to a page where he will be asked to select the fan number or the light number that needs repairs. On clicking the submit button, the complaint will be lodged successfully.

On the home page, there is a menu bar towards the extreme left, which has two options-complaints books and logout. The complaints book has information about all the complaints that have been lodged to date.

The status of the complaint whether it is repaired, or it is still pending, is shown for each complaint. By using the logout option, the user can log out of the app. This is the user side of the app.

Dataflow of the App (User end):

DFD of College Classroom Fan & Lights Repair System App                                         

Working Flow of the App(User end):

Output Workflow results of College Classroom Fan & Lights Repair System App

Admin end project development:

When the given user ID and password match with the details of the admin, then the College items Repair System App will be directed to the admin side. After the admin logs in, he will be directly navigated to the complaints book. Here, he can view all the complaints, old as well as new ones, that have been registered. At the end of each entry, he has the option to update the status of that entry.


The ultimate goal of this Final year android-based mini or major project is to eliminate the huge loss of man-hours and manual intervention. The goal is to provide an effective platform to lodge complaints and also to maintain a chain of responsibility and efficiently attend to complaints.

The entire academic project has been built according to the requirements stated and can be implemented without errors. The complaints can be stored and can be monitored. The is very useful as it would reduce stress and it is very easy to use. This process is less time-consuming and is highly reliable.

This Repair and Maintenance System App project was developed with HTML, CSS, XML, Java, JavaScript, and MySQL databases. It can be scaled to add even more sophisticated features and be made more flexible.

The application can be integrated by adding several other complaints regarding infrastructure etc. A communication system can be provided where the students can clarify their queries. This would enhance the standard of the application.

Farm Assist – An Android Application for Farmers Assistance Project


Farm Assist (The farmers assistant project) is an android mobile application that is used to get the details about the crop price, and crop insurance details as insisted by the government. We can also get tips for skillful cultivation and get better yields. The farmer’s assistant application also provides the dealers to interact with the farmers so that they can enter the crop price details and buy the farmer’s crop.


The main problem of the Farm Assist – Farmers Assistance project is that we are considering the loss of farmers due to the price of the crop that is sold to the dealers, the nonprofitable methods of cultivation, and the details regarding the crop loan issued by the government.

Technology stack :

1. Android studio.
2. CSS
3. Java
7. JavaScript
8. BootStrap.

The farmer’s assistant project mobile app consists of a basic entry for any user means anyone is allowed into the app without any login but the dealers are given a special button to register as a dealer.

In the crop section, the dealer information is stored in the database and shown when the farmer is searching for the best dealer the dealer’s list is displayed for him. the dealer is allowed to update the prizes when the updates are to be done.

In the Insurance section, the insurance of every crop is given and is updated in the database periodically when it is needed. In the agro-tips, the farmers are given the best tips for good crops and crop diseases.

App Home Screen of Farmers Assistance App


  • Problems faced by farmers.
  • What are the solutions that others had given in the past?
  • Application demo.
  • Crop details.
  • Insurance.
  • Agro tips.

Problems faced by farmers:

  • The main problem that we are concerned is about the sale of crops to the dealers.
  • General market rates which are provided by Government are not implemented at the root level.
  • So to overcome this problem we are developing this application for the benefit of farmers and future generations.

What are the solutions that others had given in the past:

  • In the past govt. has started some committees in India to overcome this problem.
  • But it is not implemented all over the state due to the lack of knowledge of farmers and few inconveniences.

APP Demo:

The facilities which we are providing in our Farm Assist – farmer’s assistant app project

Crop details:

The first farmer will enter into the crops and then he moves into the district then the prices of the crop in that district will be shown in the farmer’s assistant android mobile app.


In this, the periodical update of the amount that the government has provided to the crop will be updated.

Agro tips:

  • Different suggestions like fertilizers, crop rotation, etc. are provided to the farmers.
  • The agricultural officers give these details regarding fertilizers, crops to be grown, etc.

Related Projects on Farmers & Agriculture based below:

Real-Time Assistance to Farmers and Health Sector Android App

Farmer’s Medium of Communication for Support Price of Crops

Farmers Buddy Java Project

Automatic Humidity Monitoring and Pumping System for Farmers

Design & Development of E – Agriculture Java project

Design & Development of E – Agriculture Java project

The main objective of this E Agriculture Project is to build a website that will help Indian farmers to make effective cultivation by providing information on crops and making a path to earn more money from Indian villages by selling their products to different cities online and by registering their crops to get their suitable price for their crops. They can open this site and register with it and sell and buy their products and register their crops online etc.

  • The website “E Agriculture Project” is for farmers.
  • This website contains information about different types of effective farming and irrigation techniques.
  • This website gives information on crop management to satisfy the demand for a particular crop to reduce crop prices.
  • Through this E Agriculture website, the government can buy products directly from farmers.
  • Through this website, farmers can buy seeds, and fertilizers directly
  • The farmers can have a deal with the government for a certain cost.
  • So farmers can have a lot of profits.

Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 10,
Technology: Net Beans
Database: MySQL

Modules Description:


This helps the farmer to login by which they can know about soil information Crops suitable for different regions and government schemes and register the crops which they want to produce.

New Register:

If the farmer wants to log in the has to first register by clicking new register and Filling in the details


Once the farmer has logged in he can register the crops in their region, buy products, Sell products, Know crop information, soil information, schemes given by the government, update details, available at home

Crop Management:

It has all information about crops suitable for different regions, soil information, and all crop Information, scheme of the government

Crop Registration:

It helps the farmer to register for the crops that they want to produce in their region. This leads to the balancing of crops and certainty in the price of crops

Buy Products (seeds, fertilizers):

It helps the farmer to buy fertilizers and seeds from the government without agents between

Update details:

It helps the farmer to update their details which they have filled in the new registration

Download the Design & Development of E – Agriculture Java project Source Code, Report.

Development of Life Improvisation System Java Project

Life Improvisation System is a Java-based GUI application project which aims to develop an eco-system-based application that can generate indexes for citizen safety, nutrition, and education in a community and serve them a better life.

Problem Statement

  • Health, Education, and safety are the essentials of mankind in modern society.
  • The health conditions of citizens should be improved, especially for those who are underprivileged.
  • The prominence of education should be acknowledged to parents who are deprived and their children shall be enrolled in any nearby school.
  • Safety is more a right of every citizen which can be improved and information on critical incidents are to be immediately notified to people.
  • Future living conditions of any place should be determined for helping citizens live a better life.


  • A powerful Life Improvisation System ecosystem-based application that collects data of citizens on the below aspects.
  • Improper health conditions of underprivileged people are treated by doctors in a local hospital being funded by private firms or privileged ones.
  • Children are enrolled in a high school by campaigning about the importance of education, conducted by higher standard students of the same school. This process can again be funded by any private firms.
  • Acknowledging any critical incident to all the people in any region before it becomes news and improving safety measures by a collection of reported incidents.
  • perform data analysis of accumulated data over a period to derive inferences.

Use cases

Safety Module

  • Citizens report a critical situation to the police for authentication and approval.
  • After approval, the message is delivered to all users of the application in that region.
  • Increase of patrol and safety measures based on the accumulated data of the activities reported dynamically.

This Safety Module has the functionality to enable a user to alert other users in a community of a threat situation around it. This also involves a Police officer for authentication of any incident reported by a user. Further improvement of police patrolling or conduction of law awareness camps can be organized based on the crime index calculated for a locality. 

Health Module

  • Volunteers report information on the ill health of people in a community to doctors.
  • A doctor then suggests the treatment required and the tests that should be undergone and forward the same request to CSR heads of private firms.
  • A CSR head can either fund the request or can even reject it.
  • The unique feature here is to provide a platform for every citizen to help other needful citizens(patients).

A volunteer group assigned to a community collects data on the food habits and diseases prevailing in that community and uploads it into this application for doctors to see the data. Doctors then come up with action items to be taken and the volunteer group then takes the action item list and requests any prior enrolled Private organizations for financial support and serves the community with necessary items.

Education Module

  • Volunteers collect details of the educational background of children in a region and send them to schools in that region.
  • Higher standard students of school conduct camps and register students based on volunteer reports.
  • Vacancies are created in school based on registrations done in the camps and funds need to accommodate those vacancies are generated.
  • The principal then requests CSR Head for the funds and gets the children enrolled.

A volunteer collects the educational details of people in a locality and generates an education index for each community in a locality. This index is useful for universities to come up with intensive programs with volunteer camps to educate them.


  • Citizen
  • Police
  • Patrol
  • Volunteer
  • Doctor
  • School
  • CSR Head

Unique features

  • Life Improvisation System Ecosystem model that enables the communication between networks.
  • Common access to all the functions for citizens is realistic.
  • Email alerts, and messages for users.
  • Bar charts and Pie charts analyze data for deriving decisions.
  • The citizen role has multiple features i.e funding others for education and ill-health conditions.

Students and Teachers based College Notice board System Java Project

In the Students and Teachers-based College Notice board System, we are providing role-based access rights to different users, that are students, teachers, and administrators in a college.

In our College Notice board System Java project, the students and teachers can view all the Notices such as examination notices, marks notices, announcement notices, training and placement notice, schedule notices, etc. which are published by the respective departments. Improving my feedback is very important. Keeping this in mind, we have a section in our system dedicated to feedback. With the help of this, students can give feedback to their respective teachers which will help in increasing the quality of education in a university.

In the College Notice board System, students and teacher can access their class timetable, anywhere and on the go without the hassle to go to a particular place to see the timetable. Students can access all their academic details with the help of an interactive graph. The system is very user-friendly, it is made in such a way that users will have a hassle-free and interactive user experience.

Future work to be done

  • Teacher – Student feedback system, which will enable students to give their respective feedback to their teachers directly in real-time.
  • Timetable portal, which will enable students to view the timetable of their respective classes. If further implemented using B.P.A (business process automation) or R.P.A (robotics process automation), then the timetable for the whole department could be easily generated without any human interference with the help of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
  • Students can also use the College Notice board System on their mobile phones and tablets through an Android and iOS application.
  • Students can also chat with the faculties to clear doubts and ask questions using the real-time chat system.
  • Students can get counseling with the help of A.I. Chatbots and also can chat with the counselors present at the university.
  • It will also show the graph of Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A.) and Semester Grade Point Average (S.G.P.A.) concerning the semester. And also use the College Notice board System to view the marks and answer sheets.

Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System Project


The purpose of developing a Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System Android Mobile App is to digitalize the traditional way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this application is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session or in the between-session for a particular student on a regular check basis.


The following Android Mobile App project has much scope both in present as well as future. In the present situation, the system can be accessed on android mobile devices. Any android device which has the access to the server on which the project has been deployed can use the application i.e. the Daily Student Classroom Attendance Management System project will work for a particular institution. But later on, the project can be modified to operate for many institutions.


  • Front-end: XML
  • Back-end: Java
  • DATABASE: MySQL, Firebase
  • SERVER: SQLite Server
  • Tool- Android Studio


This android based mobile app project is a classroom attendance management system and the objectives are:

1. Manual work for information retrieval on attendance becomes less like the work.
2. Easy access for students because they can view their attendance and make up for the shortage of attendance accordingly.
3. It is also time-saving as manual work is less.
4. There is less chance of error.
5. It eliminates duplicate data entry in time and attendance entries.
6. Weekly or Monthly attendance reports can be generated for a particular student.
7. Easy maintenance of students and faculty data by admin.
8. Data redundancy can be decreased as data is now stored in one place.
9. Data is now much more secure.
10. Easy access for teachers as they can now view their student’s attendance reports easily.



Admin and Faculty will login in into the system with username and password, if username and password are correct admin/faculty will be prompt to proceed option otherwise an error will be shown

INPUT: username and password
OUTPUT: student detail information


Admin can insert, update, and delete course details.

INPUT: Course name
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Admin can insert, update, delete student info, and enroll students in particular courses.

INPUT: name, Roll No., DOB, Course
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Admin can insert, update, delete teacher’s info and assign a course to each teacher.

INPUT: Name, Address, Email, image, course, DOJ
OUTPUT: Operation(insert/update/delete) successful


Faculty can take attendance on a particular day over a student’s name by marking him present or absent.

INPUT: Absent/Present
OUTPUT: A confirmation message


Admin/Faculty can create a student attendance report/chart between any 2 dates

INPUT: starting date, ending date
OUTPUT: attendance report/chart