Asp.Net Project Topic for BCA on Small Mobile Shop System with Project Report

Introduction to Small Mobile Shop System with Project:

The aim of developing a Small Mobile Shop System is to sale and buy of the mobile sets in which all the details such as model number, battery number and other details are included. In the system costs of various models of the mobile sets are put and this record will kept by the storekeepers for any further query. But for sales and buying process generally calculator and notepad are widely used by the storekeepers. In this system there should be some columns for entering necessary details and it should be user-friendly and fast to access. 

For the recognized sets there should be model id column and image of the model for some renowned brand. If these columns are added to the system then it will be easy for the storekeeper to find the particular model if customer asks and he can easily check out whether it is still available or not.

In case there are some complaint regarding the sets this system allows putting remarks on it and change it when you need.   After putting the model id you can easily get all the details about the particular model such as features, applications. You can also put supplier information for further reference. 

While purchasing the handsets the storekeeper needs to put some information of customer as well. So customer can fill the form with necessary details. In order to keep this data on this system Microsoft Access can be aiding to display the report without wasting much time.

This database helps to arrange all the details and displays it in integrated version and it is easy to use for any user to work n it. This Access includes the multiple data tables in the single database file therefore it is quite easy to use several information to access simultaneously. It does not make use of much memory of your system and it displays the query in supreme manner by a single click. 

Download  Asp.Net Project Topic for BCA on Small Mobile Shop System with Project Report. Project Abstract for College Account Package Project

Introduction to College Account Package Project:

College account packages deals with the records of students, staffs and other records in a single database. At present there are various institutions that make use of this system and this system is really aiding for the administration to keep all the minute details regarding students and staffs in a particular database used by administrative personnel.

As there are development in technology and technology wraps up all the spheres from institutions to corporate offices. The system provides secured access of the data. This system is designed in an integrated manner so that it becomes flexible enough to use.

By using this system administrative personnel can access fees module of the staffs, students’ fees billing, and library maintenance with book labeling all can be done. It can easily keep the financial details of fee receipt. The application can be useful for admission process of students, recruitment of staffs and to engender various reports that are related to the institutions.

It is customized application which is easy to use and fast as well. One can easily track any of the information that is desired regarding students or employees on a single click of mouse. By using this system one can save lots of time in keeping every details about every students along with staffs.

There are various sections on which the system performs. In the staff section this system aids in managing the payroll system, attendance of the staffs and other details about the staffs. In the section of student this system is truly aiding as it serves the administration in every possible manner from fees collection to provide transfer certificate to the pass-out students.

The personnel can easily work on this system without wasting much time. This system also works for keeping financial details and utility details like library, books and others. Financial details include different financial activities. 

Download Project Abstract for College Account Package Project.

BUGTRACKER CSE Project in Asp.Net

Introduction to BUGTRACKER CSE Project in Asp.Net:

One of the best bug tracking system or a system that tracks down defects in a machine in the recent times is the bugzilla. What this bug tracking system allows people to do is that it enable both groups of developers and individuals in tracking the number of bugs that are outstanding in a very efficient manner.

The reson for its soaring popularity is that it is free and does not charge an exorbitant amount as license fee. Other advantage of bugzilla is that it has a number of other added features that help in tracking down the defects, which most of the other non-free systems lack. 

What bugzilla does is offer to help you have a grasp over the process of software development. If the projects are successful, then the entire organization will bask in its glory, as it will showcase not only a successful organization, but also a successful communication within the organization. Some of the enviable features of bugzilla are given below:

  • Ability to track bugs and change codes
  • Enable proper communication within the organization
  • Review and submission of patches
  • Assurance of management of quality
  • Efficient administration of systems
  • Deployment of management
  • Ability of tracking both hardware and software bugs
  • Supports IT queues 

Many organizations that have been using bugzilla have stated that they now find that it has helped to minimize downtime, help in increasing productivity, improved the level of customer satisfaction and helped in over all communication within the organization

. It has also reduced costs in IT and telephone support, while keeping track of any problems. Bugzilla has done wonders for numerous organizations, and it is best to implement bugzilla in your organization at the earliest instance.

This tracking system will not help you to keep a tab on the bugs, but will also generate a profit for your organization. 

Download  BUGTRACKER CSE Project in Asp.Net.

Project Related to Tracking System: Defect tracking system project source code in

Asp.Net Project Topic for MCA on Real Time Web Server

Introduction to Asp.Net Project Topic on Real Time Web Server :

This server might be utilized to accommodate a network post on our private PC as a part of an Intranet taking care of business or to advance and test a web space before hosting the locale with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This server listens for particular asks for net assets that touch base from the system, deciphers them and furnishes the assets over the system or furnishes a mistake inform, on the off chance that a specific ask for can’t be respected.

The framework Real Time Web Server gives network locales for customers through within the web based world. Clients can basically enroll into our client posts and select or make a remarkable post name for their specific destinations. Notwithstanding in addition they can transfer their specific pages. With Sql or Access database underpin this framework furnishes numerous dialects like asp,, php, html and so forth.

Existing System:

The thought of Real time network server is as of now good to go with specialists that uphold Internet based systems administration. Ubiquitous net servers incorporate the Internet informative data server, Apache, The Netscape Enterprise server and whatnot admitting that exclusive net servers are ready, because of potentially certain cutoff points ready in such servers.


  • The notion of Real time network server is as of now good to go with specialists. It upholds Internet based systems administration.
  • The charging aid has not yet advanced.
  • The Real time net server for hosting mechanism has not advanced in .Net stage.

Proposed System:

This Real time net server is outlined for the most part with the Internet informative data Server Design thoughts in brain. Torments have been taken in the line inferred by network growth masters to consolidate just about every last trace of the items of the Internet qualified information. This server could be utilized to accommodate a net locale on our private PC as a part of an Intranet taking care of business or to advance and test an online content before hosting the destination with an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

This server listens for particular asks for network assets that land from the grid, deciphers them and gives the assets over the system or furnishes a mistake inform, in the event that a specific ask for lack the capacity to be regarded (association not ready, invalid ask for organization and so forth).

Download  Asp.Net Project Topic for MCA on Real Time Web Server .

Virtual Class Room Project Report in Asp.Net

Introduction to Virtual Class Room Project in Asp.Net:

This undertaking is resolved to give both educator and scholar the fitness to do their businesses adequately and powerfully without all the more leaving their spots. The task is basically depicted as displaying a certifiable protest (i.e. classroom) into workstation planet. As in the pure essence the learners can see their instructor composing on the plank or educator can see understudies talking or anybody can prefer freedom to make inquiry.

The developing prevalence of online world and e-memorizing acquainted the unique terms with instruction, for example “virtual classroom”. Might be in the close destiny learners should not run over to anyplace to take confirmation. The notion “virtual classroom” describes a re-enactment of the pure classroom that empowers users to go to a class from anyplace through Web and gives a picking up background.

When we research the ebb and flow “virtual classroom” activities we perceive that they might be bunched chiefly in a few classes. In the top of the line the ventures are planned to take a shot at minor LAN (the result of NetOP Ensemble is an illustration of such undertaking) that might be utilized as a part of a school or any training focus. The second sort of ventures is that are composed to work through Web that permits it to be utilized ordinarily. (The result of IBM Ensemble is an illustration of such activity). The aforementioned frameworks are planned consistent with their working surroundings that they have offbeat lands because of their practice zones.

  • A whiteboard that instructor and learners utilize to draw pictures, compose capacities showcase message and so forth. Then again moreover instructor can play editable slides on this plank. The sheet normally looks like “MS Paint”.
  • An Aggregate talk Load up (a talk framework that empowers to speak progressively with the on line users).
  • Question and Response Load up (it’s like newsgroup framework in our specialty that is not precisely ongoing conveyance device.)
  • Slide Demonstrate (a range that slides might be viewed).
  • Student Control (Regulating the movements of the scholars such as not playing amusements or forestalling the scholars to make certain occasions).

Download  Virtual Class Room Project Report in Asp.Net.

Asp.Net Project Topics for MCA on Library Management System

Introduction to Library Management System Project:

Connected College Information System is advanced to mechanize and in this way mechanize the whole regular work technique. The interest in this sort of framework is developing day by day. It’s raised to blanket every last trace of the ranges of school-situated information transactions.

With the quick adapting mechanics, today a group has ended up being surprisingly extensive and advanced operation. Advances frequently have a critical part to play and are the key to victory in rivaling the planet. Therefore the working way of the folks has altered a mess. Notwithstanding a day’s time and cash matter a ton. Available College Information System is one of them. This incorporates a diverse segment of a school such as Student profiles, work areas, and so on.

The method of arranging, outlining, and actualizing the PC framework is called an activity. Connected College Information System coddles understudies and Job Seekers spread around the globe to recognize their suitable College for investigations and get College qualified data living in a remote place to administer each qualified data which is identified with the College. As we have said previously that the target of the task is to blanket up the tricks exist in taking care of the “Online College Information System”.

The scope of the undertaking is to discover fundamental issues we are blanketed in our task and to discover the essential capacity of our activity. We have improved and can unite people in every part of the globe. Utilizing our online content one can expand his worldwide system by sitting at home. It moreover gives an astounding quest office which can be encouraging understudy to inquiry their most fit school. Understudies can impart their contemplation & thoughts by making their neighborhood & utilizing discussions.

Just these scholars and employees have possessed private records where the user can offer Student Forum, Recent Notice, and more university-qualified information. This framework gives a plat structure where any user cans pursue and spots their suitable College for inquiries and on the net provision for concession the university.

Download  Asp.Net Project Topics for MCA on Library Management System.

Download the complete Library Management System .Net Project Source Code and Database

Asp.Net Summer Training Report on Online National Polling System

Introduction to Online National Polling System:

This web Based system that is ONPS has two parts. It means it is made on the basis of two parts. These parts are-

1.         Before the Election Day the framework should be utilized for general purposes for example review applicants’ profiles and past years’ decision outcomes.

2.         On the Election Day a different free framework could be utilized for voting operations. The voters throw their votes utilizing the interface that are given at the proposed machines. The proposed votes are received by the framework on the server.

Now these projects have some Module which has to follow. These modules are Voter Module, Candidate Module and Administrator Module.


In this module any voter can see the results. There is some path has to be follow. Path is-

  • Firstly voter has to be registered.
  • After registration they have to update their account.
  • Then they can see the information about the candidate
  • Also they can question any candidate.
  • After these step they are willing to logout
  • Lastly they can see the result of election. 


Here candidate can attend this question and answer it. For this purpose they have to follow a single way, that is-

  • Firstly candidate has to register in it.
  • Then he can update the account.

But there is one more option for him that is

  • They can login again
  • After that they can edit their profile.
  • Next they will promises here
  • Lastly they give the answer of Voters question.

In this platform any voter and the candidate can contact each other without facing any problem.

Now comes to the Administrator Account. He is the main part of this system. So, he controls all the activity. He manages all the account details of voter and candidate and update the database with giving the details.

Download  Asp.Net Summer Training Report on Online National Polling System.

Web Based Employees Communication System Asp.Net Project Report

The Live Meeting is the project that has been developed for the convenience of the employees in segregated places of the same company to communicate each other. This project creates a digital room for the project leaders, system administrators and programmers to communicate each other by sending messages. 

The administrator from his system keeps contact with their project leaders and programmers by log in to the system and after completion of the work he can log out. This also provides application for the offline messages. The administrator first identifies the IP address of the desired employees and interacts with them. This is useful as the administrator can get the ongoing work reports and its status. 

The system records the login time of the user automatically. By seeing the current online system and IP address is identified by the administrator for sending the messages to the programmer, single or multiple. The application reduces the cumbersome desk work which enhances focus of the programmer on to the project. 

The Proposed system features: 

  1. The administrator and the Project leaders or Programmers will always be in contact about the progress of their project.
  2. The login time and log out time is automatically recorded for the user for their work time.
  3. The online as well as offline messages can be seen.
  4. The employee hierarchy is formed. 

The functional features of the Live Meeting: 

  1. Message sending
  2. Chatting
  3. View messages
  4. Employees status and hierarchy i.e., Administrator -à Leader -à Programmer.
  5. Login
  6. Logout 

The Hardware requires PC with 2 GB hard disk drive and 256 MB RAM.

The Software requires Windows XP operating system.

Download  Web Based Employees Communication System Asp.Net Project Report.

LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project Report

Introduction to LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project:

The LGI Monitoring system is the finance information application in developed in Windows Operating system. The application provides all information related with the Loans, the Grants-in-Aid and also Investments. The LGI Monitoring system project is developed under and for the use of Ministry of Finance to ease their procedures for Loans and the Grants- in- Aid applications.

The project aims to computerized the processing of all applications and cases related to Loans and Grants, Investments in a very systematic way that has been starting from entering the Loan sanction details to producing their reports for the RBI New Delhi and CAS Nagpur. 

To maintain the thousands of LGI files and records is not an easy procedure which cannot be remembered especially histories and the old records in the form of paper and documents.

The Software system gives the solution to this in a very efficient manner in which the authorized person can easily access the information filled. This developed software has gone through the three stages of testing. The first stage consists of the DH level which asks to enter all data of Loan sanctions. The second stage includes the AAO level which is made for the security purpose that sorts out the data of DH level. The third stage is the PAO level that modifies the information. The information need to be passed which then enables the report generation for the RBI. 

The work is now easy by the automated software system that make the user to enter the data in the form for all Loans and Grants and Investments which will be  processed for the in the Computer and easily retrieved. 

The Hardware requires are Pentium  IV processor, 256 MB RAM and 20 GB hard disk drive. The operating system is Windows XP and Software programs are Vb.Net 8.0 and Crystal Reports, SQL Server 2000.

Download  LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project Report.

File Splitter .Net Project Report

Introduction to File Splitter .Net Project:

The main aim of this project is to develop a file splitter. This developed using Visual c#, Java Development Kit. File splitter is used to split the large files into smaller parts which help in transferring the files over internet. The data may video audio or anything. The splatted data has information about the remaining files and they are joined as single file after transferring the data. These data can be protected by a security lock.

Tasks of file splitter:

  • It reads the actual size and find it size
  • New files were created depending on the target size and splits as needed
  • It creates memory for new files based on their size
  • The splitted files are stored on disk
  • Split size 1.4MB
  • Split size 650MB
  • Split based on user choice

Techniques in splitting:

Split size 1.4MB:

      In this technique the data that is to be transferred is splitted into a size of floppy disk size that is 1.4MB. For Example a 4.8MB file has to transfer it is splitted into three equal size of 1.4MB and it is transferred to destination and all files are rejoined as 4.8MB. But this method is suitable for small data not for larger data such as gigabytes.

Split size 650MB:

     In this technique the data is splitted into a size of cd that is 650MB. This method is suitable for Gigabytes larger data can be easily transferred over internet. After that the files can be rejoined on destination side

Split Based on User Choice:

    Based on the user choice the data is splitted as per user requirement. It is most commonly used technique. Because user can specify his choice and based on his estimation the data is splitted and it is transferred over the internet to the destination and rejoined as source file.

Download  File Splitter .Net Project Report.