Indian Tourism Portal .Net Project Report

Introduction to Indian Tourism Portal .Net Project:

The Travel Management System has been advanced by opting the Online Booking and information system. The Travel search and Booking Software is an automated system that has been developed for the tour travelers, tour operators and the tourism agents.  The website allows one to log on and perform the real time and online reservations. 

The website has lot of information too for the convenience of the tourist which shows the various cities and places along with the complete details and images of the tourist places. The details also include the distance of the tourist place from major cities and the how to reach and reservations. The transportation and accommodation is also available in this online service. The administration has to manage the travels details, users and agents and its updation. 

The Existing System 

The Existing System is not able to update the details and provide it online immediately. The online services are not in use so there is no remote access. The mismanagement of the confidential data like addresses and other is high leads to threat. The user has to search for the details manually asking to the provider. It is less user oriented. The system consumes more manpower. The owner of the tourism provider is not able to directly contact with the customer and their interests. Only single system which is only to enter the details in computer for future use. The reports can not be generated automatically. Recoding is difficult as it need more paper work. The services are not reliable on phone. The other booking are not possible. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System automates the whole process by the help of Database Integration Approach. The features are

  1. The system is user friendly and control over various applications.
  2. The project management is easy, simple and retrievable.
  3. The uploading and downloading facility is available.
  4. No mismanagement of data during the project development.
  5. The system is highly secured and authenticated.
  6. The user can themselves check and book the reservations. 

The system possess various modules

  1. Administrator– The module have sub- modules

            User Registration

            Manage Transportation

            Provide Accommodation

            Accept Request

            Generate Report

            Latest News regarding Tourism 

  1. Travel Agents– The module have sub- modules

            Register or Sign in


            Transportation Request

            Query Status

            Updation of Profile

            Password management 

  1. User– The module have sub- modules


           SelectCityand Places



            Update of Profile

            Password Management 

  1. Reports– The module have sub- modules.

            Registered Users/Agents Reports

            Query Performance

            Information related with booking details

            Create Reports 

The system run on Windows XP/2000/2000 Server/2003 Server operating system. The programs followed are Visual Studio. Net 2005 Enterprise Edition, Internet Information Server 5.0, Visual Studio.Net Frame work, SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

The hardware requirements are PIV 2.8 GHz Processor, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB hard disk.

Download  Indian Tourism Portal .Net Project Report .

Open Cry Auction Server ASP.Net Project Report

Introduction to Open Cry Auction Server ASP.Net Project:

The online auctions are now in trend for the simple and easy business. The Project deals with the application software “Open Cry Auction Server” to use for the online transactions. The software is internet based website that has been made for the auction of the buying and selling goods online.

The database server stores the data related to it. The software has developed by the different programs and architectures made. To run the Open Cry Auction Server the programming language is used ASP. NET for the web programming and SQL Server for the database programming. Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 is compatible for the running the program. 


The current trend are now familiar with the different types of the online auction system in dealing of the products sale and buy in low and guaranteed rate. 

The general auctions systems in the Open Cry Auction Systems are Single type and multiple round bid auctions and Dutch Auctions. The plans and rules has to be followed by everyone bidding for the Auction. 

The Open Cry Auction System is the Online Auction transaction system. The person is required to register for Auction. The registered used only can bid on the buying and selling goods and also update their bid details online. An Open Cry Auction Server is combined with the Database for bidding data online transactions.

Download  Open Cry Auction Server ASP.Net Project Report .

Design and Implementation of Sip for Multistreaming Applications Project Report

Introduction to Design and Implementation of Sip for Multistreaming Applications Project:

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is for the signaling protocol used for the preparation and differentiation of the Multimedia type of communications like voice calls and video calls in the field of Internet. The possible applications are like video conferencing, streaming of multimedia distributions, online games, emails etc. The SIP has applications like creation, modification, termination of the two way party or Unicast and Multiparty or Multicast areas of more than one media fields. 

The Proposed topic constitutes of developing the applications for the text and file transfer, voice and video conference by the use of SIP along with proxy server system. The SIP signaling is based on the pattern of Server- Client which uses protocols HTTP or SMTP. The requirement of the project includes the Internet phone or soft phone. The Internet phone applies the Session Initiation Protocol or Media Gateway Protocol (MeGaCo).

The SIP phone consists of the VoIP phone. The Soft Phone runs on the personal computer and does not need any special device. The soft Phone enhances the quality and similar to the normal phone along with head set or can be used with the USB device. The applications of SIP phone includes Voice conference, IP contact, IP phone system, FAX on the IP, Video conference, Call monitoring. 

The modules is needed to develop are

  1. User Agent Client or UAC which develops the conclusion and transfer to the servers.
  2. User Agent Server or UAS which receives the requests and process that requests to create response. 

The system has to be developed in the Linux 2.6 kernel operating system, ANSIC, GCC compiler, GDB debugging tool. The hardware requirements are  2 personal computers, 512 MB RAM, CPU with 2.2 GHz or above, LAN connection.

Download  Design and Implementation of Sip for Multistreaming Applications Project Report .

Airline Reservation System BCA Project Report

Introduction to Airline Reservation System BCA Project:

The title of the project is “Airline Reservation”. It is used to do reservation in flights through online by using internet. Previously, the existing system is done by manually and not generated immediate and updated results. I.e., if any person wants to do reservation, he/she have to travel certain distance and does the work manually before 2weeks. So they waste their time and money and even not get immediate results. If any information is missing, they can’t get reservation. It is very lengthy process and not secure. So we should provide a new technique. In which these mistakes are not done by us and not to waste anything.

                         Airline reservation system has two parts, which are exercise reservation platform (ERP) and management platform. ERP faces only passengers. To avoid these types of shortcuts we provided a new software, which is not only user interface but also show the details of flights and time schedule all related information. It fulfills the passenger’s desire. Depending on the problem we have to study the feasibility study is nothing but testing the utility of feasibility and meet the user need and effective use of resources and checks the working ability of our propose system.

                         Feasibility study is 3-types, which are Technical feasibility (TF), Economic feasibility (EF) and Operational feasibility (OF). TF is used for both software and hardware existing computer system. These technical resources are sufficient for our system and determines whether. EF is used for economic position not to weigh budget. Consider only s/w and h/w, development and implementation. OF is used for according to user need we have to operate that way. h/w requirements are RAM-64MB, Hard disk and processer. s/w requirements are Microsoft visual basic6.0, MS Access2000, OS windows 98SE.

                          Advantage of this system has online electronic post office. So data is encrypted and performance is accuracy, high-effective, reservation and cancellation enquiry. Future enhancement is our system more reliable, reservation and cancellation enquiry, flight status, all these will be done through online by adding large-scale SQL server, advanced VISUAL BASIV and passengers will ask airline time  and enquiry. 

Download  Airline Reservation System BCA Project Report.

Project Report on Image Gallery

Introduction to Image Gallery Project:

The Image Gallery application software allows the user or visitor to access the two different categories or sections known as “Read” and “Write”. The “Read” tab grants the user to see the images in the album, to give a comment for the particular image, see images by slide show. The “Write” tab allows the user to access and post the images of them or uploading of images. 

The holder owner of the Gallery has a registered user account and possesses special accessible rights. The owner does not have the rights to control or regulate the “Owner” and the “Primary Group”. They are only rights to access their “Read” and “Write” access permissions. The “Owner” and the “Primary group” permission rights is made only for the Administrator. 

The Existing system 

The existing system focused on the data analysis that are extracted from the different records. The system tackles the decisions and transactions on the basis of the data collected. To collect data the commonly used tools are the Flow charts, Interviews, Training, and the Experience also some general knowledge. These tools are combined to form a system. The shortcomings of the system is to understand the problem after only completely defined and investigated and need the solution. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed system has image gallery of our interest to create it. The merits of the system are:

  1. The user friendly Interface
  2. Quick access to the database
  3. Reduce error
  4. More Storage 

The Proposed system is developed on the Windows XP/SP2 operating system, Java Run time Environment 1.5, ASP for the front end program, Microsoft Access 2003 for the Back end program. The hardware specifications are Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 40 GB hard disk.

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model .Net Project Report

Introduction to Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model .Net Project:

The usage of the Credit Card has been tremendously increased. The fraudulent also increased simultaneously with the Credit Card usage. The Credit Card is used for the online payments and also for the normal purchases.

The Project is based on the model the detection of the frauds during the Credit Card usage by applying Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The principle is to make the HMM known to the Credit Card and the act of the Card holder. The fraud is considered when the HMM does not allow the Credit Card transactions. 

The Existing System 

In an existing system the fraud can not be detected. Fraud is identified after the Credit Card holder complains about the fraudulent. The investigation also takes lot of time to complete. The huge data and information is required for detection of the fraud for all transactions which are maintained in the log. The way of using the Credit Card is difficult. To detect the fraud first the requirement is to get the IP address. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System is based on the immediate behavior of the Credit Card holders. It does not require the fraud signatures. The Credit Card transaction is done in a stochastic procedure. 

The general fraud detection system is not able to detect separate transactions. The HMM overcome this problem by detecting the False transactions. 

The hardware system required is Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, 40 GB, hard disk. 256 MB RAM. 

 Download  Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model .Net Project Report .

MCA Project Report on IT Job Portal

Introduction to Project Report on IT Job Portal:

The objective of the Project is to develop my skills in e- commerce by applying ASP.Net programming language. The Project aims to both the employer and the job seeker become benefited. The employer is our Client.

The client can develop the business by using this application software. The client can become global and able to search the best suited candidate for them. The Portal enhances the job search. The job seeker is able to take the forms. 

The existing system doesn’t have facility for the job consultancy or company to select candidate. Also it does not provide the mobile alerts to the candidates who are registered with them. 

The Proposed System 

The job seeker has to enroll in the portal which leads to register them and let them see the jobs. The system provides the facility to upload MS word or pdf. Format resume which can be regularly update and see by the employer. The job seeker can upload the photograph. 

The portal lets the candidate to search the job by the Company name, by the job location, and by the position applied. They can apply the job online. 

The job seeker can edit and see the account information. The job seeker regularly able to update the profile, skill etc. The job seeker can send an email directly to the company.

E-Banking System Project Report

Introduction to E-Banking System Project:

The application software known as I- Connect is made for the popular Regional Bank inSouth India. This bank also has many branches in major cities and towns in the North. For past 3 years, almost all banks are become computerized to offer its customers the process of e- banking. The bank has been very close to its customers after implementing of e- banking which also enhanced the basic operational strategy. The Banks are focused to start I- Connect which is basically a IT enabled service. The I- Connect concept is only applicable for the saving account customers, not for the Current account holders. The current facility related to the I- Concept is to provide a customer to view the account. The application only prefers to perform transactions for chequebook requistiton, fund transfers from the personal accounts. 

The I- Connect is designed in a distributed architecture which has centralized storage system for the database. The storage of the data in the application I- Connect uses the MS- SQL Server 2000. The interface is designed by applying ASP.Net Technologies. The SQL Connection method is applied for the database connectivity. The application can be used without any threat, and the proper protection mechanism has been monitored continuously. 

The work of the I- Connect is to assist the administrative staff to develop the different modules and the combined reports with the proper strategy and standards. 

The Existing System is time taking, producing errors, taking manpower and lacking the data security. The current system also takes more time to retrieve the data with less accuracy and more time to prepare a report. 

The Proposed System includes-

  1. Produce immediate reports
  2. Exact and effective estimations
  3. Information in brief
  4. Security of data
  5. Easy and better keeping of records
  6. Transactions is easy and accessible

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HRMS Employee Performance Management Project Abstract

Introduction to HRMS Employee Performance Management Project:

The SAGA INC., a medium scale Pharmaceutical company was started in 1999 and in that time it was the only branch. Now the company has grown upto the strength of 200 employees and has two more branches or units in other states. 

The Current System 

The SAGA Inc. HR department is very efficient in recruiting the people and providing the deserving remuneration for their employees. Now the company strength has more with more that one branches, so the HR department is also maintaining the centralized or common database system to retrieve the information of their employees. The HR Online system is made for both the HR and employees to update and get the information. 

The HR department is still maintaining the employee performance report in the manually documented style. The cumbersome works leads to delay of deserving employees to get reward and appraisal along with the difficulty of identifying the past performance of the staff. 

The appraisal procedure gets more delay when the file of the employee evaluation shifts from one desk of manager to next high official desk. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed system is known as the Employee Performance Management System to maintain the records in an automatic generated form. The system has following features. 

  1. The two kinds of evaluation of an employee can be done by the official.
  • The Annual Performance evaluation which directly related to the recommendations for the wages increment.
  • The evaluation of the allotted project and its status and also the next project. 
  1. The HR, Management, Supervisor, Staff can use the system for accessing the tasks to be done and performance evaluation.
  2. The HR evaluates the employee record as following.
  • HR needs information of the employee and supervisor of the current project and similarly the previous project to evaluate the performance of an employee and authorize the supervisor.
  • HR prepares a evaluation form which has to be responded by an employee about his or her goals achieved.
  • The HR then gives this form to the manager to evaluate and provide the appraisal for promotions.

 Download  HRMS Employee Performance Management Project Abstract .

HRMS Time and Expense System Project Abstract

Introduction to HRMS Time and Expense System Project:

The Project Time and Expense System is made for the employees for the organization to update their work hours and expenses in the internet based Application software regarding the time and expenses during the job from any place for 24 hours. The system software keeps the data of time and expenses spent by an employee in various works, start ups, implementation of project and others. The system perfectly reports and presents the information data in different types, so that the supervisor can estimate the time and expenses. The employee can construct the other data like the expenses in, locality, projects, project related time and expense in a extraordinary style to make it more understanding to the manager. 

Current System 

The existing system of the Time & Expenses is manually done and the should be well documented for the future use. The work is also cumbersome. 

Proposed System 

The Proposed system is focused on the time and expenses of the employee regarding their focused work and initiatives to communicate with the clients. The system also allows you to supervise efficiently the problems and the estimated budget on the project to overrule the hurdles. The manager can also look into the weekly and regular Time report and review it on combined authorization system. 

The Features of the Proposed System 

  1. The Time & Expense system can be explored from any where on the internet for both employee and the manager.
  2. The Time has option to add comments in it. The review can be done on weekly or daily.
  3. The employee has the option to make template that is useful for filling timesheets.
  4. The inbuilt approval system for the Time & Expense enables the manager to approve and disapprove the information provided by the employee. The project initiatives are prepared for the daily or weekly approval.
  5. The comment can be given to each approval and disapproval system and can effectively manage team.
  6. The approval system allows to the manager to make Time & Expenses system a multiple manager approval system with first and second stage of approvals.
  7. The past timesheet can be copied with the help of single option.
  8. The easy and immediate accessibility of the Timesheet for the complete financial year.
  9. The inbuilt administration module systematically supervises and generates the default features of the application.
  10. The Management part of the administration module makes easy and immediate access to managers.

Download  HRMS Time and Expense System Project Abstract .