ECE Project Report on Security System Using RFID

Introduction to Security System Using RFID:

   In general for each and every organization, industry, home and a person need security. It is most important common need. Security is mainly used in organizations. For this purpose, in olden days security guard was used next token numbers and next passwords. Now a day tags with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has been using. But it is not more secure because one of the person tags is used by other one without his/her permission. It is more danger. To avoid these types of danger situations we should provide a new technology, which is “BIOMETRIC SYSTEM” with existed RFID system.

                                    The main objective of our project is providing a security to individuals having only one identification. For this purpose biometric system is used. We have to use hardware equipments are RFID Reader, RFID Tag, Camera, GSM, Zig bee, Microcontroller, power supply, RS-232, antenna, PC and mobile.

RFID tag system has taken more time to identification, not secure, cost effective and need a person. But our proposed system is not require a person and don’t have these disadvantages. It has multiple advantages so it is also called as multi-level security system. It is used for each and every room, which are in the organization.

                                    Fingerprint (thumb) biometric system is used in this proposed system because each person has different fingerprints so individual identification is provided. All these equipments are under the control of microcontroller. For every entry and exit SMS will send to the management. Zigbee is a wireless mesh communication within the organization. It has a range of 10m and operated at 2.4GHZ. Transmitter module keeps at rooms and receiver module keeps at management room. So security is more no chance to done mistakes. Finally conclude that it is the best technology for security purpose. It is easy to maintain user has a bright future and low cost more reliable. It is also used for vehicle security.  

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Power Generation from Speed Breakers Using Air Compression Method Project Report

Introduction to Power Generation from Speed Breakers Using Air Compression Method Project:

 In our world every organization, industry, scientific labs, etc have been depending on electricity. Not only these sectors but also humans need electricity, which is equal to our minimum needs. Can we live without electricity now a day? Can we imagine our world without electricity? It is the most important need to us. So we have to increase the electricity. But it is generating very less quantity because population is more, so required more electricity. So we should generate more electricity. For power generation, there are so many methods, which are by using water, coal, sunrises, iron, etc. one of the source is by using speed breakers using air compression method we can generate the power. This is the aim of our project.  

                These speed breakers are made by helical springs of vibrating type at the base position. This spring height should be 0.3m only. When a vehicle loads and cross the speed breaker, immediately both are in depressed state and come back to their original position. These are having a specific dimensions compared to national high-ways. Length, width and height are 4m, 0.4, 0.2m respectively. These are rigid type with made of steel or tar.

When a vehicle loads the speed breaker then compresses the air in it. This air is used to impeller, so it is resource for the alternator. For e.g. Base is trapezoidal shape, so it has max and mini loads on the speed breaker. If it may be uniformly distribution load then it depends on product of factor of safety and whole weight.

                In impeller existing energies are, in inlet is kinetic energy and in outlet is atmospheric. This alternator is a electric generator machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is based on principle of dynamically induced e.m.f. it has both stator and rotor and not having brushes, commutator and slip rings. Finally mechanical energy is generated from the speed breakers, which is resource to the alternator and generates the 10kw electricity from speed breakers.

Download  Power Generation from Speed Breakers Using Air Compression Method Project Report.

ECE Project Report on Agriculture Aid Seed Sprinkling and Crop Care Taking Mechanism

Introduction to Agriculture Aid Seed Sprinkling and Crop Care Taking Mechanism:

In previous years, farmers were depended on plants and crops for staple food. They were depending only on rain and atmospheric quotients for field crops. For these crops they have 5-steps. They are Ploughing, Seed sowing, Seed sprinkling, Harvesting, and pesticide sprinkler.

                              Ploughing is the first step in farming. In this process we will till the land and make get ready to seed sowing. Plough is nothing but it has a teeth’s structure and will be able to turn top layer of soil down. In this process land will be making as a field. Second step is seed sowing, in this process we will put the seeds in ground. Seeds flow will control automatically. Third step is seed sprinkling, this is another way to put the seeds in ground i.e., we have to thrown the seeds into tilled field.

For this we have a high-speed fan. It moves automatically and controls the directions. Fourth one is harvesting. It is a mechanism, has horizontal blades used to cutting the standing crop. Last one is pesticides, which are used for not to get diseases, insects, damages the plants, and growing the crops and production.

                              In this process labor and time is required and put more effort. And also it is a slow process. All these slow steps are avoided by the new mechanism is known as “CHAIN DRIVE MECHANISM”. It has a conventional wheeled ploughs for balancing and proper weight distribution.

It has pipes for sowing of seeds connected to the seed tank and has controlling the speed of fan capability and restrict the flow of seeds and pouring the seeds in tilled field which is sprinkling. For this work no. of motors, pipes, and chains and also controlling mechanism required. Atmel 89C 51 micro controllers, RF transmitter/receiver, and dc motor are used. Advantage of this mechanism is no need of labor, time and effort. It is fast and more reliable process.

Download  ECE Project Report on Agriculture Aid Seed Sprinkling and Crop Care Taking Mechanism .

Aeronautical Crash Prevention System through RF Communication Project Report

Introduction to Aeronautical Crash Prevention System through RF Communication Project:

Generally if any two vehicles collide on the road, that situation is there then we can avoid that collision because it is in our hand. Then what about flights collision in an air. They don’t what happens in the atmosphere, so chances to flights collision. To avoid this problem in aeronautical sectors we can prevent aeronautical crashes by using RF communication with embedded systems.

Embedded system is used for a specific task with low power supply. It is a combination of both software and hardware. It is mainly used for industrial, aeronautical, automobile, home applications. Now a day wireless communication plays important role in technology, by using this communication we can switch off the lights and entertainment systems to industrial controls through remote monitoring (wireless).

                                    The main aim this project is preventing the aeronautical crashes. Hardware requirements are RF Transmitter (STT-433MHz)/Receiver (STR-433MHz), Microcontroller (AT89C52), Encoder-318, Decoder-318, LCD (16×2 and 20×2), Electromagnetic relays, ULN2803, Buzzer and power supply. Transmitter contains encoder, which takes parallel data from microcontroller as input and gives serial output. Whereas receiver takes serial input and gives parallel output to the microcontroller. Compare to microprocessor microcontroller has three level programmable clocks and low power consumption. This data is processed in receiver and drives the motors in opposite direction. All the status will be displayed in LCD. This unit is placed in flight.

                                   Every aero plane contains both transmitter and receiver; this mechanism will depend on ip address. Transmitter sends the ip address of aero plane to receiver of other. Receiver receives ip address of other aero plane. If any information is there transmitter sends, then the receiver buzzer will glow and produce sound. So there is a chance to crashing aero planes. Then we have to divert the both aero planes to its initial position. So no chance to crash. 

 Download  Aeronautical Crash Prevention System through RF Communication Project Report .

Electronic Temperature Control Relay Project Report

Introduction to Electronic Temperature Control Relay Project:

In our daily life we have been wasting so much of power by using electronic devices like heaters, fans, TVs, iron boxes, etc and other resources. Electricity is the most important for our world so we should be save it. By using temperature control device we can save the power. 0-100°C electronic temperature controlled relay is a circuit, which temperature is controlled with the help of LM35 temperature sensor.

LM35 series are precision integrated –circuit temperature sensors. Its output is directly proportional to the Celsius temperature. These sensors has an advantage compared to linear sensors is which are calculated in ˚ Kelvin also. If any user does not required to subtract constant voltage from its output to get centigrade scaling, these LM35 series sensors do not require external calibration.

The main aim of this project is control the temperature. Hardware requirements are LM35, Comparator, Relay, Reference voltage, and buzzer or alarm. LM35 temperature sensor is calibrated in Celsius and Kelvin. Comparator is used for to construct complete thermal-controlled switch. Reverential voltage is used for set the temperature. If the temperature is low for the preset level then it will energize if high then de-energize is done by the Relay. Buzzer or alarm will generate the sound when temperature is sufficient.

This project is applicable for both heaters and iron boxes. When a bucket of water is heated with heater then LM35 circuit is keep in touch with heater and set a temperature value. After completion of that presented level buzzer will give sound. same for iron boxes.

Future enhancement is applicable for industries. This circuit is keep in touch with mission and set a temperature value. After completion of the temperature level alarm will give the sound then inform to control room immediately mission will be stop. So we can save the power as well as money.  

 Download  Electronic Temperature Control Relay Project Report .

ECE Mini Project Abstract on Active Kisok with Speech

Introduction to Active Kisok with Speech:

The project is “Active Kisok with Speech”. Generally for announcement purpose we should use mikes. Similarly it is used for announce the Tourist information, Bus timings, etc. this project highlights are easy to use and flexibility with compatibility. It has a voice chips for speech and LCD display for displaying the relevant information.

For example ACTIVE KISOK WITH SPEECH is used for tourism purpose. If you want to know about any tourist spot information like Distance, Bus fare, timings, Services, product information, etc then you can touch that sport on the map simply it will display the all information (which is mentioned above) about that sport.  

This project is based on Micro controller 89C51, which is an Intel Architecture based chip is mostly used in embedded systems with keil software. Micro controller based displays are widely used for precision and accurate readings should be read on display unit.

From previous years it has been increasing widely, which are used in clocks, pointer based instruments, industrial instruments, etc. for this purpose it requires some hardware parts with some software, which are input port (key board), Micro controller chip, output port, 7-segment display, and input power supply.

Power supply is used for supplying the regulated, constant working voltage to this system. Keyboard is connected to the input port of the mother board, whatever the key pressed (user data) on the keyboard is send to the micro controller. The user data is manipulated by some software and finally send to the output port. LCD display is connected to the output port. Whatever the data received by the output port is displayed in the LCD display.

Main features of this project are low power consumption, compact size, it is highly useful for blind people due to voice capability, and it has greater control range due to the use of re-programmable memory blanks.

Adaptive Camouflage Project Report

Introduction to Adaptive Camouflage Project:

The project is “Adaptive Camouflage”. It is a group of camouflage technologies. It allows the object to blend into surroundings by the use of their appearance, color, altering, prevents shadows, luminance, and reflective properties. In these technologies one of the best is active camouflage, which is taken from animals because of their capacity to provide exact concealment from visual detection.

The detection produced by the human eye and optical sensor is avoided by this technology. Active camouflage provides perfect concealment in two different ways. First one is, it makes the camouflaged objects not similar to its surroundings but by the mimicry makes effectively invisible. Second one is when the changes occur in the background then active camouflage changes the appearance of the object.

Adaptive camouflage shows the perfect object and its surroundings for this purpose, it should follow three methods. 1st method is Light Surface Reflectivity, in which a retro-reflective material is used for getting brightness reflection with the help of perfect smooth surface like mirror because incident rays and reflected rays came from same angle with mirror surface. 2nd method is TV & Camera method (it has two technologies. They are CCD& CMOS), in which for capturing the image active-pixel sensor is required. The advantages of both CCD and CMOS involved in a single active-pixel sensor.

And third one is Meta materials method, in which Metamaterial will collect rays from all directions and emits in a single direction. Radio antennas will do same and include wavelengths. Applications of the adaptive camouflage are military, security of valuables, precious jewelry, documents, Doctors performing surgery to see through their hands and get a clear view of biological tissues, aircraft landing, to see outside world for windowless buildings and automobiles, it will provide view section. By using this we can know the surroundings of the target.

ECE Project Report on Microcontroller Based Automated Precise Temperature Controlling Systems

Introduction to Micro controller Based Automated Precise Temperature Controlling Systems Project:

Present days so many places are depending on temperature. For example industries. Industrial instruments mainly have been depending on powerful and controllable energy sources. Boiler, heat exchanges are providing these energies to the industries. The temperature of these machines can be controlled by heat coils or flame. So the machines will work long time, no damage will take place, and excessive heat will be remove.

Like these so many temperature controlling systems are available in market, which are warmer controlling system, medicine storing units, etc. temperature sensing is not controlled by basic standards method, direct comparison method. The main of this project is to sense the current status of the system and to control the heat generated by the source.

In olden days for controlling the temperature mechanical systems were used. But these systems were not giving efficient and accurate result. So electronic based systems were invented, which were efficient compared to mechanical machines. Present days technology has been improving effetely, so micro controller based automated precise controlling systems are used.

Various temperature controlling systems are available in market, which are discrete type (semi-automatic), discrete type (automatic), and Micro controller based (fully automatic). Hardware requirements are heater (LM35), temperature sensor, signal conditioning unit (LM358), controller (89C52), buffer (MOC 3041), and display (16*2 LCD display). Software requirements are MID-51 and Flash Magic.

Heater provides i/p to the system and such heat controlled by the controller. The surrounding temperature sensed by the sensor and corresponding output is produced in mv. The o/p of the sensor is not strong in signal form so signal conditioning circuit (SCC) is used.

Buffer is nothing but non-inverting unity gain amplifier which acts as feedback network to the system. Required point of temperature and o/p of SCC are given to controller, which mix these two and controlling feedback is given to heater through feedback network.

Display will display the required set point of temperature. It is applicable for domestic purpose, textile industries, water heating systems for aquarium, etc. future enhancement is compact size, improving range of temperature, also uses in some liquids, and parameters can operated by remote control. 

 Download  ECE Project Report on Micro controller Based Automated Precise Temperature Controlling Systems  .

Artificial Vision Systems for The Blind Using Ultra Sonic Wave Transmission Reception Techniques Abstract

Introduction to Artificial Vision Systems for The Blind Using Ultra  Sonic Wave Transmission Reception Techniques Project:

In general all most all persons having all body parts, but they didn’t do any work perfectly. Then what about the handicapped persons. Here we are discussing about blind people. They are being feared by the public, because public doesn’t help anyone. For this kind of people scientists decided to end the blindness, so researchers developed a hi-tech technology, which is known as “Artificial Vision System” for the blind using Ultra sonic Wave Transmission Reception techniques. Various systems have been developed by the scientists, which are very complex in size, expensive, not easy to use, and also somewhat dangerous to eye of the blind people.

Coming to ultra sonic sensor, which is easy to use because it reflects the signals for a long distance nearby 2 meters and received signals are converted to digital form, which are send to micro controller  It can access the voice through voice chip (IC APR 9600). By accessing the voice blind people can easily identify which obstacle is in front of them.

Hardware requirements are Micro controller  Ultra sonic sensor, Voice IC, Speaker, Power supply and software requirements are, tool is KEIL Micro vision, Platform is windows, Language is Embedded-C, and Hardware design is Protues professional 7.4SP. Embedded system are used because it is more reliable, no complexity, easy to use, inexpensive, and perform perfectly and get good results. And also it is more popular high technology and performs a specific task.

Ultra sonic sensor has both Transmitter (TX) and Receiver (Rx). Ultra sonic sound carrier signal sound produced by the CPU-Controlled carrier generator. Sensor TX to amplify the carrier signal to piezoelectric transmitter acceptable levels, the Doppler frequency shift is selected by the signal mixer for the speed measurements. For suppressing the high frequency mixer or rectifier products synchronous rectifier is used. Mainly CPU is used for controlling the system. So by using this sensor we can aware the blindness.

 Download  Artificial Vision Systems for The Blind Using Ultra  Sonic Wave Transmission Reception Techniques Abstract .

Locker Security System in Advanced Banking Using Efficient OTP Generation Using Stream Cipher with Random Digit

Introduction to Locker Security System in Advanced Banking Using Efficient OTP Generation Using Stream Cipher with Random Digit Project:

 In recent days security is the most important for everyone and everything. Without security we can’t do anything because hacking is done by the unknown persons, so we are lost our properties, money, things, etc. it is done mainly in online system (banking systems)  because most of the business persons, working people, busy persons, etc will do the transactions through online so hacking of passwords are easy. Mainly ID and Password is the most important for the internet. Compare to other methods it is easy way. it is a vulnerable method against attacks such as eavesdropping or relay attack.

To overcome this problem, OTP technique method is used. The most popular algorithm is HOTP algorithm based on one-way hash function SHA-1. But the recent researchers have found the weakness of hash function, so we have to replace a new algorithm i.e., “PING PONG-128”, which is a onetime key password. It is created for not only security but also more efficiency to satisfy the need for light weight algorithm. And also “RANDOM DIGIT” is used for creating variable with a digit of OTP.

This algorithm is mainly for safe deposit lockers. For the password generation “OTP generation using steam cipher with random digit” is used. Software requirements are ASP/Asp.Net 2.0 and SQL server 2000, VB script, java script. Ping pong-128 is a specific cipher from ping pong family. It has 128-bit initialization vector, has 257 bits of internal state and achieves a security of 128 bits.

For cryptography one of the algebraic structures is “QUASIGROUP”. It has both encrypted and decrypts the user data. Secure message is also available. If the transaction is done then the encrypted message will go to the mobile of the user and also server. Password has validity, if cross the validity message will sent to the user mobile. So attacks are not possible and we will secure our deposit lockers.

 Download  Locker Security System in Advanced Banking Using Efficient OTP Generation Using Stream Cipher with Random Digit Project Report .