Final Year ECE Project Idea on Superconducting Quantum Interference Device

Introducing to Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Project:

A Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) is a very sensitive magneto meter, which is used for measuring extremely weak signals such as suddenly changes in human body electromagnetic energy fields. Its noise level is very low. For this measurement a device is used, which is known as “Josephson Junction”. It is made up of two superconductors and separated by a thin insulating layer and electrons pass through this device.

SQUID is used to measure a change of energy as much as 100 billion times of weak electromagnetic energy that passes through compass needle. In this each and every electron moves in opposite directions because current moves in two opposite directions. Generally SQUIDs have been using in testing purpose because its sensitivity, in engineering, medicine, and geological equipment measuring sensitive magnetic field energy, so it is used in these fields.

Electron-pair wave coherence and Josephson junction properties used by SQUID for measuring small magnetic fields. SQUID has a central element called as “ring”, which is made up of superconducting material with one or more weak links. This ring has 4-sides,2-opposite sides are weak links, whose critical current is much less than critical current of main ring. It produces less current density. There are 2-types of SQUID.

One is Direct Current (DC) SQUID, next one is Radio Frequency (RF) SQUID. In DC SQUID, when the external flux increased by the half integral multiple of Φ0 then the screening current direction changes every time. The superconducting ring becomes resistive and voltage appears across the junction. Whereas in RF SQUID is inductively coupled to resonant tank circuit.

When it is operated in resistive mode, then changes the inductance of tank circuit so resonant frequency changes, so easily measure these frequencies and losses appear as voltage across load resistance. The uses of SQUID are oil prospecting, earth-quakes prediction, mineral exploration, scanning, geothermal energy surveying, etc.

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ECE Project Idea on Controlling and Monitoring Of Industrial Parameters Using CAMAC

Introduction to Controlling and Monitoring Of Industrial Parameters Using CAMAC:

Generally atmospheric quotients are not controlled by anyone because they are not in our hand. But industrial instruments and parameters can be controlling and monitoring, because it is in our hand. The main aim of this project is controlling and monitoring the industrial parameters using “CAMAC” (computer automated measurement and control). It allows a person to monitor the parameters and control the industrial level via the system.

The parameters are temperature, pressure, and voltages are monitored by real time monolithic sensor, which is operated by us. These parameters are measured by corresponding sensors. By controlling the machines, they will work much long time and no damage and no repair will not occur.

The hardware requirements are Micro controller  ADC unit& PC, Power supply unit, Relay, Proximity sensor, and Buzzer. And software requirements are Embedded C and KEIL software. This “CAMAC” utilizes visual basic (VB) as back-end with the help of based hardware interface and embedded system is used as front-end. Embedded is used because it is more reliable, easy to use, and perform a specific task perfectly because it a combination of both software and hardware. Embedded C is same as C-language but somewhat different.

The output of the sensor is given to multi-channel analog to digital converter (ADC). It is multi selection of data so required data only given as input once. The o/p of ADC is 8-bit binary data. This data is read by micro controller and displays in LCD display. And read the respective data from parallel port, which is designed by keil software for further communication with VB. The parameters are controlled by the relay.

If pressure and temperature are increased then which are controlled by PC back-end of the VB. LAN ON and OFF controls the voltage of the machine so it will become cool. Whenever the safe ranges will return then micro controller comes to its normal state. This project is applicable for industries and high speed sensitive operations.

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RFID Based Project on Embedded Palm Device for Guiding Applications Using ARM-7 and RFID Techniques

Introduction to RFID Based Project on Embedded Palm Device for Guiding Applications Using ARM-7 and RFID Techniques:

The main objective of this paper is to develop a embedded palm device. In our modern life ,we expect the devices which are intelligent and can satisfy our needs. We need the devices which makes our work simple and faster. When the visitor visited the museum previously the information about the exhibit is given through conventional audio cassette system, in this system there are many problems  and this focused them to develop a guide system for museum  by using personal digital assistants (PDAs) .

This can automatically retrieve all the information about the exhibit which the visitor is looking at. Hence user doesn’t require to search for the information about the exhibit every time.

Brief into design and working of Embedded Palm device:

This embedded palm devices consists of LCD, Arm processor, RFID Reader, Keypad, Flash Memory and audio amplifier circuit. RFID readers use radio frequencies for transmitting data attached to a tag. These are used for automatic identification and tracking purposes. Keypad helps the user to communicate with the device.

Flash memory is used to store the information about the exhibit. Here also the heart of the project is arm processor. The arm-7 processor is used. These processors makes use of von-neuman architecture and is specially designed for devices which use low power. Digital to analog converter is prebuilt in it. Audio amplifier circuit is used to play the files which are stored in flash memory through processor. LCD displays the information about the exhibit. 

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ECE Project Report on IP over SONET

Introduction to IP over SONET:

IP over SONET technology is deployed in IP backbone networks to provide efficient, cost-effective, high-speed transport fast routers. SONET is an ANSI standard which provides rates, formats and optical parameter specifications for optical interfaces ranging from 51 Mb/s to 9.8 Gb/s capacities. SONET provide: Highly survivable/reliable networking because of standardized switching architecture, multivendor inter networking  interoperability standards, and well-thought-out and standardized transport operations and maintenance capabilities. SONET   multiplexing combines low speed digital signals with required overhead to form Synchronous Transport Signal Level One (STS-1).

SONET was providing huge bandwidth, but there was not enough IP traffic to make use of it. Bandwidth can be used fully by mapping IP traffic into higher volume of ATM traffic before transporting it via SONET. ATM is a packet switched technology which can handle both variable-rate traffic and fixed-rate traffic. ATM is based on transmitting all information in small fixed- size packets i.e., 53-bytes long called cells.  ATM is not the most efficient way to transport IP traffic and future demands for bandwidth cannot be met, because it has too much overhead. For this reason users prefer to use ATM when sending audio, video, voice and other IP data types requiring quality of service. So, IP over SONET can carry all types of traffic and is ideal for data-only networks, because it does not use ATM. Thus eliminates a layer of network stack and has lower overhead. All these considerations has become much more important to carriers as volume of IP traffic has increased and ISPs and large corporate users have begun sending IP directly over SONET as fast, cost-effective, reliable, fault tolerant, and easily configurable alternative. 

SONET has following features:

  1. Network management
  2. Protection
  3. Bandwidth Management
  4. Network Simplification
  5. Mid-fiber meet

The problem with IP over SONET is, it uses entire link between the routers, and no other traffic could be multiplexed with the IP packets. Network provider goal is to provide IP transport solutions with low-cost and value- added services: QOS control, guaranteed service availability, and dynamic bandwidth allocation. Since the nature of data being transported over networks change, the demand for IP over SONET is increasing. Because of this increasing demand, network carriers are looking for efficiency and speed that IP over SONET offers. So IP has become dominant internetworking protocol.  Many carriers already have SONET in their network infrastructures, so adopting IP over SONET is a cost effective for them. 

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ECE Project Report on Autonomous Robots

Introduction to Autonomous Robots ECE Project:

Autonomous is the word which clearly tells that it works on its own without any guidance. Autonomous Robots are those which work independently without any particular tasks or any kind of human guidance. Most of the robots works with some extent of autonomy and these are of various kinds some robots can be of autonomy to some extent and some completely.

The strength and the extent of autonomy is based on the work or task that the robot has to be done for example if a robot has to clean a floor or lawn it some one kind of autonomy and the robots which work in space has one kind of autonomy all these are based on the place in which they work. For any kind of robot the exact work and the kind of work and the place in which it has to work must be determined before as this can be unpredictable.

The most important thing in the research of robotics is they have to enable based on the environment it has work as working on the land and in space has many variations. A complete independent robot has a capability of gathering information regarding the environment and also has the capability of working without human intervention for longer period and also can move its parts or some parts without human guidance.

The autonomous robots are designed in a way that they can avoid situations which are harmful to itself or others. The autonomous robots gains novel abilities such as adjusting the strategies based on the surrounding situation and also for completing its tasks. This paper deals with the autonomous foraging which is an apprehension among the social anthropology, human behavioral ecology and also the robotics artificial life and intelligence.     

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Seminar Topic and Report on Speaker Recognition System

Introduction to Speaker Recognition System  Seminar Topic:

The process of speaker recognition is to identify the voice of the speaker and this process is divided into two parts identification of speaker and recognition of speaker. After verifying the voice waves the access to the services is controlled. These are most used in the areas such as financial companies, telephone shopping, database services, computers remote access and information areas. Presently most of the customers have started using the voice recognition cards with sprints.

This technology of speaker recognition has become an important part for the creation of novel services as these make life easier and more secured. The other important place where the technology of speaker recognition used is in the Forensic department. This technology has made prominent place in the field of research from so many decades. The main feature of the speech recognition is the extraction of the categorization problem and this is to reduce the input vector dimensionally.

Later the raised cosine window was called as the Hamming window. Hamming window’s equation is discussed below, the value of the window function is zero for the chosen interval. Which means the function that is zero in other places and stable in the interval is called as the rectangular window. The main aim of the speaker recognition must be capable of eliminating the distribution probability of the vectors. This deals with the quantizing and distribution of the feature vectors.

As storing of each and every vector is not possible it is suggestible to quantize the features of the vector and this is called as the vector quantization and this is the process of considering huge vectors for the production of the small vectors for the distribution. 

Download  Seminar Topic and Report on Speaker Recognition System .

Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project Report

Introduction to Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project:

The existing system is the .net application which shows a demo of a connection of a stepper motor to a computer parallel port. It can be controlled by scroll wheel of the mouse. It is done or can be done using Both Visual C# and Visual Basic software. It is an interesting topic for those who have never experienced this machines or stepper motors. It also helps us to learn how to communicate with the parallel ports and how it is controlled. For this the code are written on the scroll event. But the important thing is if the connections are done incorrectly then the whole pc will get damaged.

It takes approx. 3-4 hours to complete the entire project and its working. And takes a price up to less than 50$ in dollars.

Stepper motors are contemporary electric device which can separate a full rotation into single-single steps. The best example of stepper motor is the bar magnet and coils. This device has different stepping modes such as single stepping, half stepping, high torque stepping etc… here the single stepping each coil is activated and the motor moves a single 1 step further, single stepping is also called as Single coil excitation. Half stepping gives every step a double speed of resolution. High torque as its name desire this mode makes the arrangement of higher torque, high torque is also called two coil excitation.

The main thing required in this work is the parallel port sockets which are available in the PC’s and other things like printer, scanner, webcams etc… this sends an 8 bit of data from the pc to printers and other devices. This port has various pin no. and pin names with pin nos. from 1 to 25. His port can also be used to farce with other device like LED, relays etc… It is very useful to create toys like RC cars, robots and much more. 

Download  Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project Report.

SMS through Temperature Monitoring Project Abstract

Introduction to SMS through Temperature Monitoring Project:

Now days the technology is growing at very fast rate. Scientists are developing many technical things such as sensors, which developing at very fast rate in the world. The waste development in sensors will go to bring a revolutionary impact around the world. Now a day’s technology has became a part of human life. After few all works of human being will be done by machines which will sensors in them which will sense the need of human being. Today various types of sensors are present in the world which can be classified as wired and wireless sensors. Wired sensors use wire for connection and the other i.e wireless doesn’t uses wire for connection.

            The wired sensors read the information from the system and stores there values in some storage device. The presence of internet all around the world makes the sensor possible to transfer the values fro source location to the destination but there still some places in the world which lacks internet access. In research on present eco system, it has found that the buildings are too far from each other so it takes a long hour to transfer.

If the distance is more than the sensors values which are available in it, going to be reduce the needed values. Due to the increase in the cell phone service, the use of short message service (SMS) is also increased. Users transfer the data by using this service that is SMS from a remote location very easily.

This data can be transferred to the sever which make the data easily accessible from person who have access to the internet from a computer anywhere and at anytime. It generally uses GSM modem which is connected to microcontroller which has temperature sensor and connected to LCD.

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Microcontroller Project on Wireless Technology Based Consumer Application Display System

Introduction to Microcontroller Project on Wireless Technology Based Consumer Application Display System:

Our Project is aimed to come out with an idea of “Data Receiving” with no loss, by implementing of current Wireless technology. The wireless technology we are relied on is ZIGBEE Sensor Network which is explored for accurate and real data receiving. 

The Current System   

The current technology of advertising display system is based on opto-electronic devices, in which the motion digital video is projected on to the screen from a somehow closed or fully covered conveyance or transportation.

The theory of this project here is to eliminate reasons in improper display of the motion video at transportation area. The modular features of invention for easy seeing and nearer of a force display system in the transit area consists of parallel wire mechanism and high speed motion makes the view high standard. 

We have come up with the topic of how to regulate issue of the force display system run by parallel wire mechanism. We have done enough research on developing the quality or performance of display systems by proposing Control laws. The systems performance experimentally  be proved in terms of  quantity, stated that Proposed control laws supports the more acceleration and less reaction force compare to any force display systems. 

The current system is normally based on an Electronic display system, more commonly to the Database Driven Electronic Display System. The Multilanguage Self- Contained Unmanaged Database- Driven Real Time Digital Advertising Display System has dramatically changed the advertising style of Products of the Retail sector with an idea of aiming audiences directly through Display systems in transit areas. This creates to promote the products easily and in a very efficient manner with in limit finance and time. 

The Retail Sector had been using the corporate databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL for their promotion of products in the Stores and outside by hoardings. The Multilanguage Self- Contained Unmanaged Database- Driven Real Time Digital Advertising Display System uses high speed internet for their communications and advertisements with upgraded information of the product displayed online. 

Proposed System 

Our innovation is based on the “Wireless Technology based consumer application display system” to reduce the difficulties of Consumer application display and complicated system. Our project is consisting of three units. First is Application User Unit, second is User Display Device 1 and third is User Display Device 2

The Application User Unit is containing ZIGBEE, a Receiver or Transmitter, and PC a server. 

The User Display device 1 and User Display device 2 are the modules that work like a receiver units with user friendly ZIGBEE modules consisting of Microcontrollers that collects data from modem and passes it on LCD display. 

Software specifications include Keil version 3 and Flash magic. Hardware specifications include ZIGBEE module, microcontroller, LCD display, and keyboard.

  Download  Microcontroller Project on Wireless Technology Based Consumer Application Display System.

Micro Controller Based IVRS Based Result Announcement Project Report

Introduction to IVRS Based Result Announcement Project:

Process Control comes under Statistical and Engineering field which is tackling architectures, mechanisms and algorithms to regulate the result of particular process. Industrial Processes is dependent on chemical and mechanical procedures used to be a part of manufacturing of any products on huge scale. Industrial Processes in the heavy industries needs controlling system to observe any industrial processes that is going to be completed with in a time, great accuracy and precision. 

Industrial revolution started with human effort with minimum requirements of machines which soon became needed to produce more products as demanded. The mechanization came into industries with minimum human effort to produce and machine was doing a work of human where as human was operating machines. The industrial automation now has much reduced the work of man by automatically controlling the machines and its processes. Automation provides an industry to produce huge scale of products with great accuracy and less effort. 

The commodity became now cheaper and widely available because of automation. The wastage of Raw material has been reduced and hazardous materials as by products can be measured. 

The productivity of an industry can be increased by combining machines with electronics with regulating high speed, accurate movements, analog measurements and user friendly machines operation display or interface. The wireless technology does this by operating things efficiently. 

The Proposed project is based on the Microcontrollers that operate process control systems. The microcontroller operates the industrial parameters. Apart from Microcontroller the other things are DTMF, Mobile phone, Voice processing unit and lastly power supply. The Software used for the project are Keil Software for C Programming, Express PCB for layout design, Express SCH for schematic design.

The application software is developed in µVision 3. 

The project is highly designed and passed the quality testing. The IVRS makes human effort to remotely operate industries by automated systems.

  Download  Micro Controller Based IVRS Based Result Announcement Project Report.