Real Time Monitoring of High Capacity (400kva-600kva)Battery Back Up System Project Report

The design and implementation of a microcontroller-based power monitoring system is presented I this paper, the objective of this project is to provide the user in monitoring the varying electrical parameters like voltage, frequency, current at various locations the entire  electrical or electronic system, these  power monitoring systems are  designed for controlling heavy industrial equipments, our latest technology gives an complete information on power analysis like  determining the power consumption rates , power fluctuations, harmonic interference, and flickering effects in the electrical systems. In this project an 80C31 microcontroller is used to control this monitoring system.

The micro controller is like a computer on chip, can performs various operations those are performed by an conventional CPU, the micro controller operates based on bit handling instructions, this system comprises of an analog multiplexer with 8 input terminals, analog to digital converter is used with EPROM, RAM and display unit.

An 8-bit analog signal is feed to the analog multiplexer from multiplexer to A/D converter where it is converted into digital form, the micro controller controls the operations based on the program initialized in the EPROM, here the EPROM acts an storage device which is auxiliary to the RAM, we use the LCD for displaying the converted digital information driven by the supply through mains,  the supply from mains is step down into 9v ac by using an  step down transformer and converted into 5v dc using abridge rectifier, in order to minimize the load fluctuations a regulator IC 7805 is used to provide a constant 5V dc  voltage,  our circuit can monitor the power utilities to a range 400KVA  to 600KVA.

The circuit assembly with their pin configurations is clearly explained in the below sections, apart from the high cost of LCD’s this device had several advantages, it is an effective monitoring system available in present market, this system not only controls the varying parameters in the electrical circuit but also it forecasts the future upcoming consequences based up on the present values.  It is robust, reliable and highly efficient than other monitoring systems.

Download  Real Time Monitoring of High Capacity (400kva-600kva)Battery Back Up System Project Report.

ECE Minor Project Report on Design Of Cmut Using Comsol And Coventerware

Introduction to Design Of Cmut Using Comsol And Coventerware Minor Project:

This paper presents about the designing and modeling of Capacitive Micro machined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) using Micro electro- mechanical systems (MEMS) software, converter ware. The origin of these Micro electro- mechanical systems came through the advancement of nanotechnologies, in the field of bio technology and communications.

These are formed by the integration of electronic and mechanical components on the single chip; these devices are cost effective with low power consumption, and better performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency, MEMS does not stand for a single application or a single device these have advantages of miniaturization, and multiple devices are designed and constructed on a single integrated electro-mechanical system. These micro machines are made up of components between. 0.001 to 0.1 mm and these MEMS devices generally vary in size from 20 micro meters to 1mm.

The fabrication of MEMS was detail explained in the coming sections, while coming to CMUT, CMUT is an array of elements which is used to generate and for detection of ultrasonic waves.

CMUT is a parallel plate capacitor with two electrodes one is a movable metalized electrode and the other fixed substrate electrode the medium between these dielectric, the CMUT is operated in two operational modes one transmitter mode to generate the ultrasonic waves the and the other is receiver mode for detecting the wave radiations, these MEMS find applications in Communications Satellites, Healthcare¸ Automotive, vibration sensors, Light reflectors, Accelerometers (for airbags, pacemakers) in auto mobile industry.

MEMS gyroscope used in navigational system maintains greater accuracy than any other, these devices have greater functionality in mechanical components,  implementing these IC technology in mechanical systems had became a new dimension in the field of manufacturing technology ,these system are rooted into the modern Aerospace technology and  biotechnology. Implementing Finite element analysis in MEMS we can attain high rates in simulation, prototyping, and testing multiple devices.

Download  ECE Minor Project Report on Design Of Cmut Using Comsol And Coventerware.

Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector Electronics Project Report

Automatic anesthesia injector (AAI), is an virtual reality system creating new dimensions the field of medical sciences, in our project we implemented an micro controller based automatic anesthesia injector system, operates under the supervision of the 8051 micro controller .

which acts as an processing unit for the entire system, in this computer simulated environment everything is controlled by the artificial devices without any manual operations.

In order to control pain and stress for the patient undergoing surgery anesthesia plays a vital role. In recent times due rapid advancement of embedded systems in real time computing, having ability to control many devices at a time, these embebdded systems paved path to the invention of micro controller, this micro controller is a real time operating system can read data and can perform various calculations based on the varying conditions, it consists of  memory device in which the entire program is stored to perform various tasks, this integrated single chip consists every parts of an controller on it,  this painkilling anesthesia is to be properly injected in to the patient’s body based upon the requirement any variations in the content of dose may leads to emergency condition.

In order to replace this conventional manual operations in injecting anesthesia we implemented a new concept to regulate the  levels of anesthesia based on the conditions, our project we use different components for different operations, to measure the temperature variations we used a n  Temperature Sensor , a respiration sensor is provided to sense the respiration conditions, to measure the rate of the heart beat an Heart Beat sensor is used, a stepper motor is used for the angular movements of the infusion pump this entire operations are controlled by the micro controller, an analog to digital convert is provided at the output of the system to understand the internal  conditions of the patient.

This Automatic anesthesia injector proved to be very successful when compared to ordinary ECG’s promoting comfortable surgeries with minimum amount of risk, high efficiency.

Download  Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector Electronics Project Report.

ECE Minor Project Report on Modern Security System With Message Transmitter

Introduction to Modern Security System With Message Transmitter Project:

“Prevention is better than cure” this notation not only applicable for medical sciences, but also in security aspects. We need to protect our valuables every man had right to ownership for his belongings, keeping this in mind we implemented a new modern security system with message transmitter, this paper discuss detail phenomenon of this security device.

The main objective of this paper is to provide reliable security in major theft prone areas like banks, business complexes, houses, national treasures and museums,  this system uses the infra red sensors also called as optical sensors which had an infra red LED,  emits continuous beam of rays under normal conditions the receiver receives these IR rays from the infra red LED but whenever any obstruction taken place in the path of IR rays, the sensor gets activated and transmits an alarm signal to the authorities including the recorded information revealing the theft location.

 This entire mechanism is controlled by the micro processor, and the transmissions of the IR rays are done by frequency modulation techniques.  

The sensing circuit consists of a condenser MIC, a high sensitive device which can sense even minute sounds and amplifies it to audible sound, the receiver module is kept near the police stations or the concern authorities, it not only prohibits the un authorized entries into important places but it gives the detail list of total entries during the whole day with number of individual entries, the micro controller used in this project is ATMEL 89C51 a high performance, low power device with high sensitivity.

 This kit is operated at rectified 5v dc, so we have to step down the 230v- 50 Hz supply from mains into 12v and then converted into 5v dc using a full wave bridge rectifier, and a voltage regulator to attain proper voltage regulation.  The design and the performance results are listed in the following sections. 

Download  ECE Minor Project Report on Modern Security System With Message Transmitter.

Harmonic Analysis of Separately Excited Dc Motor Drives Fed by Single Phase Controlled Rectifier and PWM Rectifier

In recent year the electrical energy transfer is done by the converters made of semi conductors had became immense problem by injecting undesirable harmonic effects in the electrical equipments, in order to rectify these drawbacks pulse width modulation rectifiers are replaced in the place of phase controlled rectifiers having capability of controlling the harmonics, by implementing pulse with modulation technique.

These pulse width rectifiers having   low harmonic distortion i.e. THD is below 5%, maintains unity power factors, and attains nearly sinusoidal controlled output with bidirectional power flow.  And these are in expensive, operates at high switching states with high power applications.

Here modulation is nothing but varying the properties of one signal by using another signal know as carrier signal, Pulse width modulation is mainly classified into Single pulse width modulation, multiple pulse width modulation, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Trapezoidal pulse width modulation, Staircase pulse width modulation, Delta pulse width modulation having various switching strategies, Natural sampled , Regular sampled , Optimal Sub-optimal  these entire phenomenon’s and their operation principles are elaborately explained in this paper.

Our project we provided the basic information regarding the strategies of various harmonics and their reduction techniques. These harmonic creates an abnormal behavior of the electrical equipment like decrease in power factor, over heating of the system, decreasing the efficiency and damaging the equipment.

Hence there is an immediate need for reduction of these harmonics, so we provided the necessary solutions for the reduction of harmonics. Harmonic filters are used to reduce the harmonics by improving total harmonic distortion. Harmonic analysis is carried out by a mathematical approach Fourier series.

Our project is simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software, the simulation results shows that a controlled output nearly equal to sinusoidal is obtained by using pulse width modulation, this paper reveals that PWM is low cost approach for protection of electrical accessories which can be easily installed with simple circuit logic; it reduced the total harmonic distortion to a greater extent.

Download  Harmonic Analysis of Separately Excited Dc Motor Drives Fed by Single Phase Controlled Rectifier and PWM Rectifier.

Project Report for Investigation Of Alternators Subjected To Different Loads And Minimization Of Encountered Harmonics

In these days the maintaining appropriate power quality had became a basic concern in both production and transmission of the electrical energy, because of increasing demand for electricity and involvement of sensitive devices in transmission of power had caused many problems in distribution and utilization of the electrical energy, these sensitive devices in order to meet the increasing demand of electricity, they creating undesirable quantities like harmonics, the harmonics are created due to the non linear behavior of the load, causing severe problems in the electrical equipment either reducing its performance abilities or by damaging it permanently.  These power quality disturbances are to be reduced in order to achieve proper economical energy transmission.

In our project we provided we studied the different conditions of the alternator performance when they subjected to varying loads, along the suitable harmonic filtration methods improving power quality.  This paper gives the detailed information regarding the evolution of harmonics and their prevention strategies,

In order to analyze the performance of particular machine the following factors are to be concerned like voltage regulation, total harmonic distortion(THD), power factor variations, our paper discusses about the  harmonic analysis which helps in designing proper harmonic filters,  we  conducted experiments on two types of alternators one is Laminated rotor alternator and the other  Solid rotor alternator, and these alternators tested under varying loads i.e. current is proportional to the voltage  and non varying loads i.e. current is not proportional to the load,

The performance tests we conducted are includes oscilloscope test for observing the variations in the load characteristic, Synchronous Impedance Method, Ampere-turn Method, Zero power factor (or) Potier reactance method to find the voltage regulation, and to measure the harmonics we use Spectrum analyzer having two types namely Analog spectrum analyzer, Digital spectrum analyzer with a Wave analyzer to amplitude and frequency calculations. The filters we employed are Single tuned harmonic filter, Capacitor filter having tendency to provide information regarding various harmonics and their behavior.

Download  Project Report for Investigation Of Alternators Subjected To Different Loads And Minimization Of Encountered Harmonics .

Microcontroller Based Heart Rate Meter ECE Project Report

This paper describes a new revolutionary concept in the field of medical sciences; the main objective of our project is to provide a meter for heart rate calculations controlled by a micro controller, this paper explains how a single micro controller can performs the heart rate calculations based on the signals from the heart in real time applications,  it give the total details about the heart beat variations  in specified time period through this detailed information the work of doctors is made so easy, and also it forecasts the future effects of the heart based on the present calculations.

Up to know the heart rates are determined using Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal these signals are studied by using a micro controller, but our paper replaces this conventional tape recording system into a new compact micro controller which controls the heart rate in real time, it implements an digital heart counter, the number pulses at the heart are counted by the micro controller, which operates under 4.0 MHz frequency shows its output on the LCD screen. This device is portable and easy to carry, the power consumption is very low, it is fast maintaining accuracy in heart rate estimations, and it is cost effective.

 This system comprises of AT89C2051 microcontroller based on CMOS technology, its configurations and description were briefly explained in below sections, and LM358 Operational Amplifier allows direct sensing facility with highly Compatible logic, the LCD is an seven segment display and had simple layout, through cathode ray oscilloscope we can observe the variations in the heart signals, an assembly level language software is assembled into ASM51 cross-assembler. The entire assembly on a single chip reduces the overall power consumption, reduces the circuit complexity and hardware requirement.

This microcontroller based ECG is practically verified for the analysis of the ECG signals from the heart, made the heart diagnosis easier and their future consequences are determined quite comfortably, and quite reliable when compared to magnetic recording system.

Download  Microcontroller Based Heart Rate Meter ECE Project Report.

Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector ECE Project Report

Introduction to Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector Project:

This paper addresses the new upcoming technology in the field of medical sciences; our project is about Microcontroller based anesthesia injector which regulates the levels of anesthesia that to be injected into the patient’s body during major surgeries. In present day situations in doing operations there is an involvement of an anesthetist, who operates these tasks manually, creating some problems in giving appropriate doses and varying levels of anesthesia may cause severe problems, a man can make mistakes but a machine cannot, because it is sequentially programmed the necessary conditions based on the requirements.

So considering these factors we demonstrated a new model a Microcontroller based anesthesia injector performs painless surgery and makes the work of the anesthetists very simple. The system comprises of a temperature sensor to sense the variations in body temperature, a Respiration Sensor  to record the abrupt changes in the respiration system, an electromagnetic Stepper Motor in order to regulate the movements of the Infusion Pump, analog to digital i.e. A/D converter is used for changing the analog signals from body into digital signals, and this entire operation is controlled by a 89C51 micro-controller.

The assembly of these various components and working is explained in this paper, the 89C51 micro controller used in this circuit is an advanced version of 8031, based on CMOS technology, and it is an 8-bit processor having Multiple 16-Bit Timer/Counters, it is bi-directional has individual input and output lines, the data transfer is based on SPI Serial Bus Interface, the software details are given in the following sections, the stepper motor transforms the pluses signals into stepped rotational movements.

Our project was practically tested and the revealed results shows the importance of the virtually operated micro controller in analyzing various practical parameters, this specialized anesthesia machine is able to improve the working skills of human. By our successful implementation of this project paved path to the future technologies to develop this respective field.

Download  Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector ECE Project Report.

Micro Controller Based Automated Irrigation System Microcontroller Project Abstract

In this project we present the automatic irrigation system by using an 8051 micro controller, this irrigation network is controlled by the processing unit which is nothing but the 8051 micro controller, in order to the increasing demand for the food production we implemented the new dimension in the irrigation field with less utilization of humans, it is totally different from the conventional irrigation method used by our Indian farmers which involves manual operation and control, in this electronic era farmers not willing to face the challenges creating by these conventional methods,  so we provide this automatic irrigation system which waters the plants based on the atmospheric conditions detecting the dryness of the soil, the temperature and whether  conditions are displayed by using LCD’s, depending upon the signals of  these LCD’s he relay will operate to excite the motor.

In this project we use a temperature sensor which senses the temperature and this sensed value is displayed on the screen, a moisture sensing circuit is used to sense the levels of moisture content in the soil and interruption signal is generated whenever the soil maintains appropriate water content in it when this sensor is on the motor stops working, this entire scenario is programmed in the micro processor depending upon the requirement of that particular conditions.

This system had several advantages, its saves a lot of energy both human and electrical energy, maintains proper water regulation by preventing loss of water, it is not complex and easily controlled even by an illiterate persons within minutes of time, the maintenance cost is very low.

 The system operation along performance are illustrated in the coming sections, this project is successfully implemented in many areas, majorly domestic appliances had obtained successful results proving that it is an cheapest means of automatic irrigation system with high reliability and accuracy, this technology is creating new dimensions in underground  water management.

Download  Micro Controller Based Automated Irrigation System Microcontroller Project Abstract.

ECE Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project Report

Introduction to Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project:

This paper reveals a new technology implementing driver less metro train which gained an enormous reputation in abroad countries, the train was provided with a CPU here in our project we use 8051 micro controller as CPU which controls the operation of the train, we providing the proto type of a metro train prototype using 8051 micro controller the path which the train has to travel is programmed initially defining specific locations for stations to stop.

The arrival time and departure time including maximum waiting time are to be initialized,  the trains movements are controlled by the stepper motor i.e. an electromagnetic motor that converts pulses into angular movements ,we used LED’s as the tracking system in order specify the path for the train,  we included the buzzer to inform stoppage time to train and emergency breaking system, the basic four parts that included in our project are power supply, 8051 micro controller, Intelligent LCD’s used for displaying  information , stepper motor with  breaking  system.  We use ULN 2003 driver which prohibits the slow downing of stepper motor due lack of sufficient current.

 The micro controller used in our project is an low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer, produced using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology, the Atmel IC 8051 is the powerful device  which is     highly flexible  and  low cost, it had several applications in embedded systems, the ULN2003 is an high voltage, high current device used  for driving inductive load.

The LCD interfacing and DC motor interfacing with the micro controller are elaborated along with the circuit operation in the upcoming sections. Voltage regulator IC (7805) is used in order to provide the constant voltage for the continuous operation.

This project had proven to be very useful in developed countries without involvement driver we can run the train without any difficulty.

Download  ECE Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project Report.