Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Using Matlab Project Report

Introduction to Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Using Matlab Project:

In present industry the induction motors are mostly used for its simplicity, robustness, low cost, high reliability, and efficiency, less maintenance, due this high performance applications these induction motors are predominantly used in industries, the speed of the induction motors are controlled by stator voltage control or rotor resistance control and frequency control, these are conventional methods resulting overheating, operates at low speeds with less accuracy, this paper addresses a new concept in speed control of induction motor by pulse width modulation control(PWM) technique.

It is most effective method in speed regulation of these asynchronous motors; they various types of pulse width modulation techniques like sinusoidal pulse width modulation, trapezoidal pulse width modulation, triangular, square wave pulse width modulation, in this we use  to generate pulses by carrier signal, in this paper we presented an prototype using MATLAB/SIMULINK is implemented in this paper, MATLAB is an real time work shop by implementing the SIMULINK module we can achieve the real time control parameters neglecting the fiction and wind-age losses .

The better way is to change the frequency for the control of speed in pulse width modulation technique we vary the speed by regulating the number of pulses, these pulses are the integral multiples of the supply frequency, for any electronic circuit we need to provide a regulated dc power supply so in our circuit we use  Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)  for the conversion of  ac to controlled dc, the output control wave form of pulse width modulation is an stepped sinusoidal wave form which is nearly a sinusoidal wave form that means the speed control of the induction drive is smooth.

By implementing this pulse width modulation we can reduce the undesirable harmonics by using selective harmonic technique,  finally the results from the readings of the TACHOGENERATOR  we observed that the speed of the induction motion is  controlling with respect to the supply frequency. 

Download  Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Using Matlab Project Report.

Pre Paid Energy Meter Microcontroller Project Report

Introduction to Pre Paid Energy Meter Microcontroller Project:

This paper presents a new advanced technology, prepaid energy meter, these meter became an innovative solution for the cost utilities and in this system the users should pay before the use, the main objective of this project is to provide an energy meter that generate pulses in accordance with the varying load this can be used for tariff calculations and it is also known as smart card energy meter, now a days the measurement of electrical energy and billing according with the usage became a prime feature in the electrical boards, the conventional methods used in these days are in effective in terms of accuracy.

So we provided a new concept, by using these energy meters at  the consumer locations made very easy to access power to the each consumer comfortably with reduced man power, and the consumption rates are determined accurately,  this is the advanced technology in automatic reading meters, which calculates not the consumption rates but also calculates the amount in currency, it has three interfacing one is metering interface, the other is monitoring interface, and the third one is communication interface.

This metering has an LED facility which shows information on credits available with an alarm which the utilization of these credits in decremented form. The communication interface is provided with infra red interface for credits transfer, relay control. This modern prepaid meter is robust, flexible, multi tariff billing, power factor detecting and imparting, easily upgraded, high reliable with maximum accuracy at low power consumption.  

The design with individual component representation with their characteristics and features are elaborated in this paper and verification results are tabulated.  This energy meter is rectifying the conventional billing strategies by the concept pay before use; the only thing needed for this implementation is social acceptability, and for proper execution regular management in load, demand aspects.

Manufacturing and Testing Process of Turbo Generators Project Report

Introduction to Manufacturing and Testing Process of Turbo Generators Project:

This project gives the detailed information about the turbo generators, in our project Manufacturing and testing process of   turbo generators we provide a detail study on turbo generators regarding their production cycle, and testing process.

These turbo generators are nothing but alternators driven by the turbines here the turbines acts as a prime mover the rest is similar to the conventional alternator.

while coming from their origin these works on the principle of electro-magnetic induction principle, consists of a rotor and stator, the stator comprises of stator frame for the support of the laminated core and windings, and a laminated stator core provided with ventilation in order to minimize the eddy current losses its purpose is to support stator winding, here the rotating part rotor consists of slotted rotor shaft  for placing field winding(rotor windings) is an single solid piece can withstand high mechanical stress and  non-magnetic rotor retaining rings to overcome centrifugal forces, and for cooling purpose we use rotor fans, the assembly, Preparation of lamination’s   Manufacture of stator coils, excitation systems, cooling methods, Various insulation systems are clearly explained in their respective  sections.

The various process of insulation schemes are resin rich and resin poor systems each system had its own advantages and disadvantages here we introduce a new concept in the turbo generators insulation vacuum pressure impregnation induces pressure for good penetration of varnish on the coils, there are various kinds ventilations like Radial Ventilation system, Axial Ventilation system.

Multiple inlet Ventilation system for various ratings of the turbo generators. While coming to testing of an alternator we perform two kinds of tests process tests during manufacturing and performance tests after assembly of the generator, in order to study the discharge phenomenon quadratic-rate partial discharge tests are conducted on the stator bars, various kinds of process and performance tests are listed below, with tabulated experimental results. 

Download  Manufacturing and Testing Process of Turbo Generators Project Report.

Laser Torch-Based Voice Transmitter And Receiver

Introduction to Laser Torch-Based Voice Transmitter And Receiver Project:

In this paper we demonstrate a new revolutionary concept in the field of fiber optic communication systems, with the implementation o lasers in the field of optical communication had created new dimensions in the advancement of virtual communication, in conventional radio frequency communication systems we find limitations like high interference with less secrecy, and with less data rate transfer.

In this wireless communication era in order to communicate with others at low cost with high accuracy, lasers based communication is the only answer, here laser torch is used as the carrier for the signals, this signals are transmitted by means of  laser beam. It is similar to fiber optic cable system but only difference is instead of optical fiber we use lasers here.

 This system consist of two sections one is transmitter section, and the other receiver section, the transmitter which is operated at 9v comprises of a condenser MIC which take the audio signals and this audio signal is coupled along with the laser beams and transmitted into the space, the receiver takes these signals, this laser based receiver is an NPN photo transistor which amplifies the low power low amplitude audio signal by using an common emitter audio frequency amplifier, and feeds into receiver speaker.

This entire summary of the components used and the designing criteria is briefly explained in this paper, our laser based communication had many advantages in economical prospective with low cost, no additional investment for future communication, secure data transmission maintaining privacy, these lasers can transmit data in any medium with high data rate, these lasers are mono chromatic and coherent with narrow beam divergence making this system a highly reliable in modern wireless communication systems, our project is very useful in offices, conference halls.

We had successfully implemented this project and desired results had obtained by using high range lasers our will be the future for satellite communications. 

Download  Laser Torch-Based Voice Transmitter And Receiver.

Automatic Street Light Control Using LDR MicroController Project Report

Introduction to Automatic Street Light Control Using LDR MicroController Project:

The main objective of this paper is to provide a better solution to minimize the electrical wastage in operating street lights, in this electronic era human became restless and he is not in a position to regulate the manual operations in any field, a rapid advancement in embedded systems had paved path for the virtual mechanisms based on micro controllers, this paper presents an automatic street light controller using light dependent resistor(LDR) which is also known as photo resistor made cadmium sulfide.

These systems operate in accordance with the varying  sun light, whenever there is sufficient light in surroundings this LDR exhibits high resistance and acts as an insulator, while in darkness this LDR behaves as low resistance path and allows the flows of electricity, this LDR’s operates with the help of  IR sensors, these sensors are activated under low illumination conditions and these are controlled by an AT89C51 micro controller, every basic electronic circuit will operate under regulated 5v dc, so need to step down the 230v ac into 12v ac by means of an step down transformer, this 12v ac is to converter into 5v dc by using an bridge rectifier, and this controlled output from the voltage regulator is sent to the operational kit.  

The heart of this circuit is the low power, high performance 8051 micro controller is programmed by embedded assembly programming language for implementing these tasks; this program is stored and operated by means of storage device EPROM, while coming to the functional block i.e. LDR, these LDR’s are in expensive, smaller in size, less complexity, highly reliable, low power applications, minimum risk with greater accuracy.

Our project is successfully implemented in many areas based on the experimental verification proving that it can save the electrical power to greater extent removing the manual work completely; this system became the origin for upcoming advanced intelligent systems in saving both human and electrical power.

Download  Automatic Street Light Control Using LDR MicroController Project Report.

Density Sensed Street Light Intensity Control To Save Energy ECE Project Report

Introduction to Density Sensed Street Light Intensity Control To Save Energy Project:

In this paper we present a new concept on controlling the street lights intensity based on the density of the traffic, our main objective is to save the un-used energy electrical energy in street lights management, we can’t control the intensity of conventional High intensity discharge lamp (HID) using in present situations, so in order to control and regulate the light intensity now a day’s LED’s are replacing these ordinary discharge lamps, implementing pulse width modulation technique  in sensing the densities of the moving vehicles, as the number of vehicles are high then the corresponding intensity of the light in that particular lane is maintained high and vice versa; this dynamic approach in varying the light intensity minimizes the wastage of electrical energy. This entire operation is controlled by micro controller in which the entire scenario is programmed and stored.

Everywhere throughout the world at present humans are deeply poised by the comforts provided due to the advancement of technology in each and every aspect, in the development of the virtual mechanisms embedded systems are playing an vital role in controlling and coordinating various systems by the help of micro controllers and micro processors, these embedded systems are the micro controller based real time control system operated using specified software.

Coming to description of our project the proposed system consists of an AT89S52 Microcontroller, white light emitting LED’s, light dependent resistors (LDR), Rectifier, Filter, with an primary step down Transformer (230 – 12 V AC), and a Voltage Regulator (LM 7805), initially the 230v ac from the supply mains is to be stepped down to 12 v and this 12v output from the transformer to be rectified in 5v dc using an bridge rectifier, in order to achieve regulation an voltage regulator is provided, the total assembly and operation is clearly explained in coming sections.

Our project is experimentally verified and the results revealed that this system is applicable in real time controlling, with less complexity, low power consumption maximum reliability, applicable in traffic control systems.

Download  Density Sensed Street Light Intensity Control To Save Energy ECE Project Report.

Microcontroller Based Multiple Device Control Based On Input Frequency Project Abstract

This paper addresses a new technology in the field of control systems; due vast expansion of Embedded Systems in the development of control systems had made the modern controlling techniques simpler, embedded systems are the auxiliary system which is closely related to the original system either directly or indirectly connected to the main system, these embedded systems uses a micro computer or an micro processor, meeting the immense computing needs to perform the  tasks efficiently at a minimum cost, various controlling strategies were implemented without direct involvement of humans.

In our project a micro controller based multiple device control systems using single switch, these microcontroller had found multiple applications in the fields of security, medical sciences,  determining whether conditions,

 In our project 12v supply is derived from 230v supply by using a transformer,  this 12v output is converted into pulsating dc by using an bridge rectifier and feed to the filter this filter removes the unwanted  ripple content and produced 5v constant DC voltage.  

This rectified DC current is feed to the micro controller and then to potentiometer, this output of the potentiometer is given to the analog to digital converter of the PIC16F872 microcontroller which had capability to perform controlling operations on nearly 256 devices at a time.

The LCD devices operate based on the relay circuit on and off positions, the entire 256 devices are divided into four parts and hence the output terminals are 64 starting from 0-63,  a crystal oscillator is used generate control signals for the microprocessor, along with the control button used to represent the on and off conditions of the device.

When compared to conventional manual operations this microcontroller based control strategies are very useful in maintaining accuracy, saving time and man power, these devices are cheaper and highly reliable with less complexity.

The practical calculations had revealed that this circuit can control multiple devices at a time without the scope of errors and malfunctions 

Download  Microcontroller Based Multiple Device Control Based On Input Frequency Project Abstract.

Microcontroller Based Home Security System ECE Project Report

Introduction to Microcontroller Based Home Security System Project:

Microcontroller based home security system is a new revolutionary concept which is attracting everyone’s attention in recent times. With an intent to provide security right from household purpose to small, medium, large scale industries including  security  in  military organizations.

This paper address a new technology that had numerous applications in the field of security, these devices operate automatically due the interruption caused in the path followed by the infra red rays.  Having an ideology to protect our houses and valuables we implemented this concept in this the transmitter emits infra red radiations continuously to the receiver section whenever there is an interruption in the IR radiation the relay senses it passes signal to the  micro controller, the micro controller operates the siren blows.

The alignment of transmitter and receiver are such that the IR rays directly falls on to the phototransistor LI4GI which is placed on the receiver, the obtained signal is amplified by the operational amplifier µA741followed by the receiver, the micro controller used in this circuit which is the heart of this system  is an low power, high performance AT89C51 CMOS 8-bit microcontroller along with 4Kbytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM) capable of producing accurate timing pulses operates under mono stable condition.

In this circuit NE555 IC is used to achieve High Current Drive Capability, Duty Cycle adjustments with temperature stability of 0.005% per every centigrade. The switching section consists of a relay operated at 12v for this purpose BC547 transistor is used as a driver. From overall considerations it is quite different from ordinary conventional security systems with are operated manually.

These security devices are highly applicable in defense areas, security zones like research laboratories and scientific installations, the only disadvantage is that it operates in the presence of electricity an alternate power supply must be always ready will these security systems while  operating.

Download  Microcontroller Based Home Security System ECE Project Report.

ECE Minor Project Report on Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm

In this paper we implemented Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm System with intent to save time for the busy and energy for senior citizens, in this busy world technology is providing comforts to mankind in many ways from tip to toe, in our project an automatic LED is switched on whenever there is darkness in the room for this we provide an sensor called light dependent resistor (LDR), which senses the variations in the surrounding light, whenever there is enough light this LDR offers high resistance at the terminals of the LED, when there is enough darkness  this LDR behaves as an low resistance path and the LED switched ON.

This system provided with an alarm if necessary when it detects the sunlight, This LDR operates as a biasing resistor in between the electric supply and light, the transistor acts as a relay switch, this kit operates at 12v/750mA, for this we need to step down the supply voltage to 12v by using a step down transformer, along with the bridge rectifier to produce rectified 12v dc output, in order to maintain better voltage regulation an voltage regulator is provided across the circuit,  the various components used in our circuit are  the integrated circuits IC 7806,IC NE555,UM66, BC 548 Transistor  switch,  various Diodes IN4007, IN4001, Resistors of 1K,150K,120K,220Ω,580Ω,560Ω, Capacitors 1000µF,0.01µF, along with an 9V battery supply.

The components assembly and there functions characteristics are elaborated in the circuit explanation section, in the room. This LED serves as a bed lamp and in the morning the LED switches itself OFF and alarm sounds to wake the user. This alarm can be manually operated. 

 Our Automatic Night Lamp system is highly sensitive; Works in accordance with light intensity, minimum cost and maximum reliable, based up on the requirement this circuit can also operated manually due to the above advantages these circuits finding applications in residential, small scale industries, street lightning.

Download  ECE Minor Project Report on Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm.

Micrcotroller Based Semiconductor Tap Changer for Power Transformer Project Report

This paper  addresses a new technology in maintaining power quality in electrical transmission and distribution it is an common concern for both generation grids and consumer to maintain standards in power quality, it is not an easy task to regulate the power flow on the secondary side of an distribution transformer when it is connected to an varying load, our project provides an sample model on micro controller based on-load tap changer for an power transformer in order to regulate the power flow under faulty conditions like over voltages, under voltages, voltage dips, voltage sags, induced harmonics.

The objective is to provide constant output voltage irrespective of load changes at the output terminals by using a tap changer; in order to overcome the present drawbacks of the manual tap changer having less operational speed with minimum accuracy, overheating, producing noise and arcs at the contact terminals,  the entire operation is controlled by the micro processor  automatically by sensing the load variations  and acts up on the situation by varying output contact terminal i.e. tap changing, an CMOS 8-bit, high performance, low power AT89C52 microcontroller with 8K bytes EPROM is used in this circuit as  logical central process control which process the input signal and produce an appropriate  output signal based on the programming that is stored in the RAM  of the micro processor, A/D Converter with 8-Channel Multiplexer is provide information regarding the varying parameters these parameters are displayed on the LCD screen at the output section.

The pin configuration with its performance characteristics are discussed below.

This sample circuit is tested and the practical results shows the capability of this device in eliminating the drawbacks of the conventional tap changing methods, and also improves the life time of the contact terminals, the response time is very less it is nearly 0.44s, it maintains constant output voltage in accordance to varying load by regulating the positions of the contact terminal, this device requires minimum maintenance and it is economical.

Download  Micrcotroller Based Semiconductor Tap Changer for Power Transformer Project Report.