Electrostatic Micro Power Generation from Low Frequency Vibration Electronics Project Abstract

This project aims at generating high output power from low frequency signal. This type of power system generators are used in low frequency harvesting applications. In this type of low frequency power generators a new electret electrode is used a micro power generator which is a new vibration structure. In this paper we will see how the micro power is generated and how an electret electrode is designed.

Brief on the working model:

The electrostatic micro power generator device is made up of two fixed pats made of glass substrates with collector electrodes. These are provided with moving parts with a electric structure made of silicon substrate which have proof mass.

Micro balls are fixed firmly so as to support the moving parts and they can roll along the silicon and glass substrates. For the springs attached to moving parts the spring constant is kept low so as to vibrate at low resonance frequencies. The electrets electrodes are made of dielectric material which has quasi permanent electric charge facing the collector electrode.


These power generators are capable of generating a power of above 40W even under a signal of 2hz. These types of micro power generators are best suited for low frequency harvested applications. By using high surface electret electrodes we can design high power generation structure. This type of design allows separation gap control and a long range movement even at low frequencies. We can even use human motions for generation of power.

 Download  Electrostatic Micro Power Generation from Low Frequency Vibration Electronics Project Abstract.

Solar Thermal Power System Electrical Final Year Project Report

Introduction to Solar Thermal Power System Project:

Due to growing electricity demands the power generated from the thermal power stations could not reach the needs as they run short of coal. There is a need to look into renewable sources for power generation. In this paper we see solar thermal power system which uses sunlight and gets converted into heat energy for running steam turbines to generate electricity.

At present the use of this systems is very less as it is facing certain drawbacks and the cost for installation of the equipment high. We will discuss about the measurement steps to be taken for improving the thermal efficiency of the solar system.

Brief on the working of Solar thermal power system:

In solar thermal power systems the operating temperatures are below 360C which is of less efficient for maintaining a constant steam for power generation. In order to increase the efficiency the stem generated from solar thermal power systems is added to the conventional thermal power systems, by which only a limited fuel energy can be used for generating the steam.

The heat generated in the solar thermal power systems can meet 70 percent of the heat absorption requirements and the remaining can be generated by using fossil fuels. The proposed design is called as a trough solar power system and by using this system we can generate temperature of 560C which is used to drive a turbine.

Advantages of using a combined system:

By using this combined system we can overcome mid temperature problem face in solar thermal power plants. By using this combined system for power generation we can reduce the usage fossil fuels which reduces the pollution and also cut downs the generation costs of power. By using this method we can improve the efficiency and cost of maintenance also decreases.

Download  Solar Thermal Power System Electrical Final Year Project Report.

Autonomous Under Water Vehicles Electronics Final Year Seminar Report

Introduction to Autonomous Under Water Vehicles Seminar Report:

The two thirds of the earth surface is covered by water and it is very difficult for a human being to go into deep oceans for making a study of the species present. So we are not that aware of the available species of plants and the aquatic life present in the deep oceans. So there is need for the development of autonomous under water vehicles which can mover under deep oceans. In this paper we will look into the development of underwater vehicles and how they work under water in deep oceans.

Development of underwater vehicles:

The concept of submarine came in the 17th century and but the practical model of submarine was designed by Reverend George W. Garret and it worked on fireless steam engine and it capacity of ten hours. In the recent years a drastic development has been made in the design of submarines and they are having many advanced features.Depending on the usage the submarines are classified has manned and unmanned systems. Manned systems are used in military and non military purposes for the purpose of investigations and for operating under water.

Whereas the unmanned systems have a onboard computers and they perform the operations of the [redefined task and they can be communicates through wireless communication. unlike radio signals which are used in land communication and they are suitable for communication in underwater so we use acoustic signals which can propagate through multi paths are used in underwater communication. in the design of a underwater vehicles we find command and control section which contains remote terminals for controlling and tail section which has a motor operated fan which makes the vehicle to move underwater.


The underwater vehicles are used mainly for military purpose for proving security in the coastal areas. We find other unmanned systems which are used for making a study on the plant species and to find aquatic life and to explore minerals which are available in deep oceans. 

Download  Autonomous Under Water Vehicles Electronics Final Year Seminar Report.

Solider Monitoring System Electronics Final Year Project Report

The national security of the country depends on the army and for they should provide a better security system for the soldiers to safeguard them from the enemies. In this paper we will see a solider monitoring system which safe guards the soldier from the enemies and communicates the information of the soldier. This device is present in the jacket of the soldier and it contains a GPS system for tracking the position of the soldier and  sensors are present which looks into the health of the soldier and a GSM enabled phone is present for communicating.

Brief on the design of monitoring system:

Here we find a soldier unit which is present in his jacket and a base unit consists of server which is located at the army office. In the base unit a GSM modem is present for enabling the transmission and reception process from the monitoring system present at the soldier. We will use Zigbee protocol system for making the communication and it is best suited for network functionalities. 

A PIC18F452 microcontroller is used for controlling the devices and to give response accordingly. A heart beat sensor is placed in the system which measure the heart beat of the soldier. For connecting the components we will use max232 cable as it can drive the message given the pic microcontroller. ADC converter is used for converting the data given from components to the microcontroller. The entire unit is provide with a 5V dc power supply.

Advantages of using Soldier monitoring system:

By using this device we can track the positions of the soldiers and we can guide them when they enter enemy field. It give the health status of the soldiers so we can provide medical assistance. Thus we can conclude that these kinds of devices are very helpful for ensuring security to the soldiers.

Electronics In Biomedical and Instrumentation Project Abstract for ECE Final Year Students

Introduction to Electronics In Biomedical and Instrumentation Project:

The development in medical field led to the use of electronic devices for making a better and accurate diagnosis and treatment. Electronics and instrumentation engineers design the required equipment for biomedical field. Biomedical medical engineering is application which consists of engineering principles which are used for analyzing the problems in medical and biological sciences so as to provide a better diagnosis. In this paper we will look into the equipment which are being used for performing tests and about the devices which are used in treatment.

Brief on usage of electronics in biomedical fields:

Depending upon the usage of the electronic equipment in the biomedical we classify them. We use ECG, MRI and CTSCAN for making a diagnosis of the tissues present in the body and based on these reports the doctors analyze the damage. These devices consist of electrodes which transmit signals on the body of the human being, based on the interface and impedance of the signal on the human body the diagnosis is made.

Now days the doctors are performing the operations by a process called as laparoscopic where the electronic device is injected into the body through a nerve and it treats the affected area. Research is going on in the fields of tissue engineering where a artificial tissue can be created by using electronic equipment. Genetic engineering is the study of DNA structure and we can manipulate the genetic material of DNA and inject required material.


By using the electronic equipment we can make a better diagnosis for give a proper treatment. By using laparoscopic methods we can perform the operations exactly on the affected areas with a little loss of blood. By making a research in genetic fields we can develop hybrid crops which yield more and have high resistance towards pests.

Download  Electronics In Biomedical and Instrumentation Project Abstract for ECE Final Year Students.

Power Line Carrier Communication ECE Project Report

Introduction to Power Line Carrier Communication ECE Project:

The aim of this abstract to present the standards, characteristics, technologies, products and development associated with the power line carrier communication systems.  The PLC is also called as mains communication. Power area network (PAN) describes the power used by different systems through distributed lines the carrier can carry the data of voice and signal by superimposing over alternate current of 50HZ to 60HZ. It carries broadband over current lines with data speed of 1MBPS.higher data can be transmitted by lower power distribution in power lines.

Operating Principle:

The device used for communication is built in power line modem. Which receives and transmits the data over power line PLM device contains both DCU MIU. The data is streamed on to the line by frequency shift keying.The central frequency is shifted +0.3 KHzto represent 1 or 0 of the binary data stream. The signal is coupled by PLM.  On the other side the receiving PLM will receive the data and convert it back to the binary data stream they can operate in Half-Duplex and multi division communication mode. Proper communication is produced by DCU MIU. The data rate of PLC channel is 600bps. Each MIU has facility repeater function so DCU can designate MIU subsystem as repeater function. It has sensitive signal detection and sophisticated digital filtering technique.PLC is highly immune to electrical noise interference.


There are different types of applications providing economic networking solutions. 

  Transmission& Distribution Network

  Home control and Automation



  Security Systems

 Automatic Meter Reading 

Hybrid Active Power Filters Electronics Project Report

Introduction to Hybrid Active Power Filters Electronics Project:

This system uses low power harmonic and easy control and computation methods and the harmonic with high are filtered by the high pass filters this utilizes the APF and performance of the filtering is improves with HPF. We use small passive components.

Prototype: when we talk about the control system, the time taken by the interrupts is based on the timer unit. Modulation is set at the 10 KHz and during that time interrupts are generated twice. The software that is used can be used in the three levels of priorities. The highest level is used for the security and time control process or you can set current, provide delay to the current and update the modulators. When the second level was on go then DC link is performed after the 75th interrupt that takes place. Then at the last level synchronization of the system takes place and interface is also updated.

Efficiency: power measurement is done to check the power losses of the system. Our main purpose of this is to compare the efficiency of hybrid filter systems and APF systems. We need to control the both the system so that their power efficiency remains the same. When we use the compensated harmonic bridges this in turn increases loss of power in both the filters. To avoid this we can use active filter of dc voltage of 750 V. this maintain the same efficiency that of the active filters.

These whole systems shows the passive components are small but are not degraded like active components. This also shows the efficiency of the harmonic filters. And there is small difference between the RL type and RC type load. Control delay can be used with low order harmonic to improve the system.

Download  Hybrid Active Power Filters Electronics Project Report.

ECE Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project Report

Introduction to Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project:

This paper reveals a new technology implementing driver less metro train which gained an enormous reputation in abroad countries, the train was provided with a CPU here in our project we use 8051 micro controller as CPU which controls the operation of the train, we providing the proto type of a metro train prototype using 8051 micro controller the path which the train has to travel is programmed initially defining specific locations for stations to stop.

The arrival time and departure time including maximum waiting time are to be initialized,  the trains movements are controlled by the stepper motor i.e. an electromagnetic motor that converts pulses into angular movements ,we used LED’s as the tracking system in order specify the path for the train,  we included the buzzer to inform stoppage time to train and emergency breaking system, the basic four parts that included in our project are power supply, 8051 micro controller, Intelligent LCD’s used for displaying  information , stepper motor with  breaking  system.  We use ULN 2003 driver which prohibits the slow downing of stepper motor due lack of sufficient current.

 The micro controller used in our project is an low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer, produced using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology, the Atmel IC 8051 is the powerful device  which is     highly flexible  and  low cost, it had several applications in embedded systems, the ULN2003 is an high voltage, high current device used  for driving inductive load.

The LCD interfacing and DC motor interfacing with the micro controller are elaborated along with the circuit operation in the upcoming sections. Voltage regulator IC (7805) is used in order to provide the constant voltage for the continuous operation.

This project had proven to be very useful in developed countries without involvement driver we can run the train without any difficulty.

Download  ECE Minor Project Report On Metro Train Prototype with Project Report.

Controlling Solar Panel Using MicroController ECE Project Report

Introduction to Controlling Solar Panel Using MicroController Project:

Due the extinction of the non renewable energy resources a rapid development had occurred in utilization, conservation of natural renewable energy resources, solar energy is major renewable energy available for the humans in the environment. In utilization of this solar energy scientists have been implementing several methods that reforms the efficiency in saving the energy prodded from the solar panels, through these researches a new concept had arrived in order to control and regulate the solar panels, here in this paper we introduced a new concept solar panel tracking system.

The main objective of our project is to control the solar panel angular movements based on the movements of the sun. The positions of the solar panel are altered by means of stepper motor and micro controller set, the variations in the orbit of the sun are divided into segments, Real Time Clock (RTC) is used to fix specific time limits for each segments.

Solar cell is made silicon wafer and it implements photovoltaic effect in order to convert solar energy into electrical energy, hence it is also termed as photovoltaic cell.

These solar cells produce neat energy about 1400 kilowatt, the stepper motor is used here to convert the pulses into angular movements, and its controls the movements of the solar panel, an 8051 micro controller is used in kit to guide stepper motor in controlling panel positions, DS1307 serial real-time clock (RTC) is used here is capable of operating under Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C.  the hardware assembly was neatly explained, As per the research out comes average output wattage for a moving panel is around 6.9141 W is high when compared to the fixed panel, the load curve represents the power generation at various times in a day.

The solar tracking system has several advantages; it has low running cost, less impact on harmful atmospheric gases, long life cycle with good efficiency.

Solar Lighting System ECE Project Abstract

Introduction to Solar Lighting System Electronics Project:

Our non-renewable sources are in danger of extinction we had very little time hence the one and only alternate source is natural renewable energy resources, these are the resources given to us by nature, nature can replenish these resources in very quick time prevents from there extinction.  These renewable resources are of various kinds like are solar, geothermal, wind, water and biomass these are main source for human survival in coming future.

The main objective of our project is to provide alternate lightning system by using solar energy, for that we designed and developed a low cost solar power lightning system. Our project includes various components namely solar lighting system, solar panel, integrated circuit, light source, photovoltaic, battery, relay, solar panel.

In our project we harvest electrical power required for lightning applications by means of solar panels, we implement pulse width modulation technique in order to drive the solar LED system, this pulse width modulation resists the power loss by using current limiting resistor implementing time multiplexing method. The entire system consists of the following equipment in circuit construction they are 12-16Vsolar panel, 35mf capacitor, a relay operated at 10V, IC 7808 integrated circuit, a lamp with range of 6V, 1A, 3 watts, light emitting diodes, resistors of different values, operating switches.

The total circuit is verified under prescribed conditions, These experimental results revealed that our circuit is working at supreme condition, there are no short circuits, battery was delivering required power constantly, when relay is under working conditions the capacitor is charging in day light and delivering power at required time, the solar panel is up to the task by energizing the battery continuously. Our project not only gives information regarding the modern utilization solar energy by using latest technology but it reforms how to conserve these renewable energy for future global development.