The Project Report On Automated Electricity Meter aims to move away from the traditional method of manual reading of electricity meters in which an individual has to physically record the reading. Instead the project proposes to successfully be able to take the meter reading automatically without having a person be physically present while taking the reading, thereby reducing manpower requirement.
An Automated meter is an advanced meter (usually an electrical meter) that records consumption at all instants and communicates the reading information via wireless network back to the central system for monitoring and billing purposes (telemeter) as per the requirement and regulation of the energy supplier. It enables two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Automatic electricity meter reading system is implemented, which provides cost-effective, reliable and interference free data transfer between remote meter reading units and the electric utility control center. The meter reading and management processes are free from human involvement. Based on the existing telephone networks, it is very flexible for utility companies to access, service and maintain this meter reading system. A user friendly and window-based user interface is designed which fully utilizes the personal computer’s terminate and stay resident programming techniques to achieve communications between the remote meter reading units and the personal computers in the electric utility control center.
Project Report On Automated Electricity Meter Conclusion:
The proposed system for energy billing is automatic without human intervention and consumer can directly know the amount he has to pay .So it is both consumer and EB friendly.
In future, this system can be improved by some additional features meeting the consumer requirements like emergency signal from the EB station employees; bill payment acknowledgement alarm etc., by just replacing the transmitter in the consumer side with a transmitter and receiver antenna. The receiver micro controller can be made designated for some other applications also.
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