Design & Implementation of Library Management System Java Project


In every institute or city, there are libraries. A lot of software’s are being made in the past to manage the library system so that easy and proper functioning of the library can be there. This project aims at building such a project by implementing some of the functionalities that have been present in the older software’s using the content and the knowledge.

Giving a brief overview of the project is that this will be a core java project. The information regarding the books and members of the library is stored in the database. Very basic and user-friendly screens will be there for a good user experience and for the most part it will be implementing some easy and necessary features of the library management system.

functionalities :

  • Very friendly user interface.
  • Easy to issue and return books.
  • Easy to search books.
  • Adding and deleting members will be easy.
  • Adding and deleting books will be easy.
  • Can view all the members of the library
  • View all the books in the library

For accomplishing these functionalities very easy screens will be provided. Complex features of the general library management system will not be implemented but this system will be very useful for the staff in the library rather than the students. This will be small software implementing some easy features of the library management system in practice.


The software Library Management System has the following main modules.

Insertion to Database Module  – Easy insert of books and members
Search Facility system  – search for the book
Deletion to Database Module – Easy to delete books and members
Issue Books  – Easy to issue books
Return Books  – Easy to return books and  charge fine on members and other basic operations

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

System Requirement and Specifications


This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software application ‘‘Library Management System’.

The system aims at providing the Library of an institute with better functioning and easy to issue the books and return books and many other facilities that can reduce the human work to an extent.


 The software product ‘Library Management System’ will be an application that will provide information regarding the current situation and presence of books in the library and also very specific details of the library. Various functions can be performed like updating the number of books, issuing the books and adding and deleting members, etc.


The details about the books and the members are provided by the Library head.

Overall Description:

The ‘Library Management System’ will have the capability to maintain information about the library regarding issues of books members of the library and fine and the students and many other things.

Product Perspective:

The application will be window-based. Very easy to use and good searching methods are provided to make it easy to search books and members.

System Interfaces:

The system has a very friendly interface and the java language provides the ease with which anyone can use it.

User Interface:

As the system will start there will be a menu where there will be some choices for the user about the management.
Each screen will have a title describing the things that can be done there. Most of the screens have an admin password box where an admin password is needed to fill. For general users, there is the option of searching the books only.

Product Description:

Normal users and students, cannot do the changes in the database. Only the admin using its password can change the contents of the database. Most things required a password. So it is designed for the admin to keep track of the records of books issued and other things.

User characteristics:

Educational level: He should be comfortable with the English language.
Technical Expertise: Should be comfortable using the general-purpose application on the computer.
Constraints: The whole system is user-driven. There are no warnings in the system if there is a decrease in copies of a book. The searching of the books and members is also very limited and no partial searching is there. The admin password can be changed only after doing changes in the code. As it is just a prototype so it lacks many features of the exact library management system.

Future Scope

As the project lacks many features like good searching of members and books, partial searching, and searching regarding many other fields. The details of the members are also very less. So this project can be extended very easily in the near future to make it more efficient and with more user-friendly frames and screens. Icons can be added to this project to look more attractive and very friendly. More modules can be added to make it do more work. More admin IDs and passwords can be added so that more Admins can use them and each admin can be provided with a different set of authority to change the contents of the database. More functions can be provided to the admin like changing passwords and fine to the library members. 

System Analysis and Design for Student Hostel Management System Project



The purpose of this SRS & System Analysis and Design document is to build a Hostel Management System Site to help students book hostel rooms at their own convenience, file complaints, and write reviews about the room.


The Hostel Management System project is useful for both students and hostel committee members.


The purpose of this Hostel Management System is to ease hostel management and to create a convenient and easy-to-use application for students. The system is based on a relational database with room allotment, review, and complaint features.

The Application will be able to perform the following operations:

  1. Allot Rooms: Students will be able to choose hostel rooms according to their convenience and pay for the same.
  2. File a complaint: Students will be able to file a complaint regarding any of the facilities and if the complaint could not be resolved within the specified time, it would be sent to the higher authorities.
  3. Review the rooms– Seniors who have already stayed in the room will get an option to review a room in which they can upload the room pictures and write about the problems(if they had faced any).

Mess: Students will be able to pay the hostel fees, see their past payments and write reviews about the food and management.


Specific requirements

External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces

The goal of this Hostel Management System is to design the web application that will be used for the proper management of hostels. The user types are listed below-

  • Students
  • Hostel Committee
  • Mess Committee

ER Model

Hostel Management System ER Diagram



  1. Users
  2. Reviews
  3. Writes rev
  4. Rooms
  5. Complaints
  6. Writes com
  7. Student




  1. Pleasing to the eye.
  2. Simple to Use.
  3. Minimize the effort it takes for users to accomplish the work.


  1. Layout
  2. Content Awareness
  3. User experience
  4. Consistency
  5. Minimize user effort


  • HOME– It includes navigation among different pages. Starting with registration and login and address of other pages.
  • REGISTRATION/log in If you are a new user you have to register and if already a user only login is sufficient. After registration and login user will be redirected to the home page.
  • ROOM ALLOTMENT– After logging in it is necessary for the user to fill room allotment form if the room is already booked user will be redirected to the allotment form.
  • DASHBOARD– After booking the room user can see the status in the dashboard including username, scholar no and room booked.
  • REVIEW A ROOM – The user can review the room he is allowed only after login. This page is accessible only when the room is allocated. The review includes the description and the photo of the room. After the submission page is directed to another page from where the user can view his review and even delete it.
  • VIEW YOUR REVIEW– It keeps the track of the user’s reviews.
  • REVIEWS OF ROOMS– Before booking the room the user can view the review of various rooms.
  • COMPLAINTS– After room allotment, if the user requires to file any complaint he can register his complaint.
  • YOUR COMPLAINTS– It keeps a record of all the complaints filed by the user.


Hostel Management System Flow Chart Diagram


Till now, room allotment is done manually and physical presence is also required for the same. Students have to come a few days prior to the beginning of classes in order to select rooms. Hence this particular project deals with the problems of managing a hostel and avoids the hecticness of carrying out tasks manually.

Design & Development of Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project

Currently, there is a portal name Grievances portal similar to this. In the grievances, portal people can share their local problems and their solutions are provided by anyone. But in our portal people can share problems of any region and they are taken up by colleges of the region facing problems. This helps several institutes to work collaboratively on a large scale.


This Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project report gives a scope description and overview of everything included in the Project Report.

The following is the overview:


The purpose of this report is to give a detailed description of finding and solving common issues with educational institutions. It will illustrate the complete declaration and purpose for the development of the system. It will illustrate an interaction, constraints, and interface between different users of the system.

System Overview:

This Grievances Portal Project takes the problems faced by students of a particular institute as input in the form of upvotes or posting a problem. All users have to log in using Google authentication facebook or any social media platform. This helps to keep the track of users participating.

The institute first has to register so that it is possible to keep a track of which colleges are participating. All the passwords of institutes are encoded using ​md5 ​and the colleges can then take up the problems about a particular locality and can do collaborative projects to solve them.

The solutions are generally provided in the form of videos which is easily understandable to the local public. But before posting solutions, the colleges have to first check for the authenticity of the problems. They can mark any solution as duplicate or bogus.

This ensures any unrelevant problems from reaching admin and the system is thus maintained. Finally, a report is generated in the form of an excel sheet that helps the admin to know the problems existing in our country. This file can be downloaded as well.

Model of Solution:


The Grievances Portal Project aims for semantic text/web page classifications. It provides a better and more comprehensible platform for posting college-level problems and finding solutions. It is extremely user-friendly and easy to use.

Objective / Future scope:

● Define a mechanism to decide ​the count of votes needed to approve an issue
● Once voting is closed for an issue i.e. when the issue is upvoted by the number of users count of votes needed to approve an issue, then the upvote facility will be closed and the system immediately sends a notification to all the related institutes.
● There should be a way to maintain “Reputed Institutes”
● Admin should be able to see which Institutes are working on that problem.
● Each problem should have a thread on which registered users may discuss its solution or upvote or downvote the solutions also.
● The emails of users sending “bogus approved issues” may be blocked when marked as bogus as colleges​

Functional and non-functional requirements:

Grievances Portal Project website there three types of users:

● Citizens
● Institute
● Admin

All users get the same view of the website with similar functionalities but they all perform different tasks.

Functional Requirements:

User Functions

1. Sign Up
2. Can change his/her profile
3. To add an issue
4. Users may also look for issues in any region
5. Can visit a problem description directly through a URL and upvote for it.
6. Users cannot upvote the same issue more than once.
7. Will be notified through email to approve if any solution is available for any of the problems he has upvoted for.

Institute Functions

1. Institutes will have a login

2. After login they will be able to see the issues of ​their region only​ like

a. Unsolved issues (approved)
b. Issues with solutions

System Functions

1. Knows list of Institutes per district
2. Gets added issues and stores
3. Keeps a track of upvotes per issue – Once upvotes reach a ​threshold ​the issue is notified to all the Institutes in that region or district via email. (Institutes can see approved issues of their region via their login as well).

  • Problems of a district may be shown to that region instead of that district
  • Institutes of nearby districts may fall under the same region.
  • Or simply it can be forwarded to the Institutes falling in the same district.

4. Once an Institute submits a solution, the system notifies all the users who upvoted for that issue. So that they may approve the solution.

5. Will know how many solutions an Institute has provided. It means how many of them are solved issues.
6. Long pending issues should be notified to UGC who then will notify the Institutes
7. Institute should be notified when its solution is approved.

Administrator Function

Reports to be generated

The technology stack used:

Backend: PHP.
Frontend: Html, Jquery, javascript, Ajax, bootstrap.

Implementation strategy:

1. Initially, the whole template was designed to suit our requirements.
2. Bootstrap was used for the development of the template of this website (SB Admin 2)
3. All pages were then linked which made the division of work easier.
4. The whole backend was made using PHP.
5. There were various event listeners used in this system like on focus, click, change, etc., which were implemented using JS and Jquery.
6. Almost all pages had the same page refresh and reload for which we have used AJAX.


1. Our team has completed a Web Application
2. Product Design was a crucial point in the development
3. We now have a complete understanding of how a website works from start to end
4. We learned a new language – AJAX. We also strengthened our knowledge in PHP, JS, and Jquery.
5. Most importantly, we learned how to work in a team.
6. The future scope of our specified in the Goals -> Objectives section.

Student Results Generation through their Mobile Number Project


Results are a very exciting topic among the students and they want to keep those results secret for that purpose we build a Web Application called Student Exam Results Generation System which provides the latest Results with 3 Login Forms. Those are accessed by using the 1st bluemix feature DATABASE. 3 Logins are ADMIN, STAFF, STUDENT.

Admin Module

Admin Login means, he is an authorized person who can add a new student or staff and can upload the latest results and update the marks whenever he wants. He is the person who can update results up to date.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this Admin login to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you will have the following access

  • Admin can add a new student
  • Admin can add new staff
  • Admin can also add new admin
  • Admin can edit both staff and student profiles
  • He will upload results up-to-date

Staff Module

Staff Login means, a staff member can update the internal marks of the student and he can edit their profile or behalf of the admin he can also upgrade the marks.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this Staff log in to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you can see the following access

  • Faculty can edit his profile
  • He can upload internal marks
  • He can see the results of their students

Student Module

Student Login means, a student can log in to his account and he can see only his marks not others, so it can be kept private for at least 2 days. If the Latest Results are not updated, then he can send a request to the admin, and later he can receive marks to his mobile number which is registered in the student profile. It is done by using the 2nd bluemix feature i.e Twilio Programmable SMS.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this student login to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you can Access following

  • Student can see their results
  • Students can request results, when they are updated, they will get results on their mobile number.
  • The student can edit his profile

With this project, we can get results instantly Without any connection problems and these results will get through a mobile number.

  • In the above Information, all Given Credentials are the Original ones.
  • Since this is an Authorized site we have already provided all details in the database.
  • So, use those credentials to check the Project.

Here College is an Organization so there is no Registration Procedure. To test the Application we can use the following Credentials.

Credit Card Application Portal Java MySQL DBMS Mini Project

Problem Statement:

The credit Card Application Portal provides a platform for Users to avail of a credit card by filling in the relevant details. Further, it enables them to manage card services in the application portal.


The Credit Card Application Portal not only enables users to avail of a credit card but also allows them to manage services related to it too.

The DBMS Project works in the following way:

• It initially checks whether a user is pre-registered at the application portal. If so, then he or she is directed to the services menu. If not, then it allows users to sign up as first-time users at the application portal.

• Upon completion of the above sign-up process, a confirmation email is sent to the user’s registered email id which he or she had provided during the sign-up process. The confirmation email also contains the user’s login credentials as well as his or her form number.

• Once the user receives the email, he or she is redirected to the initial login page of the application portal. Here, he or she can use the credentials that had been sent earlier to his or her email id to login into the services menu. Once the credentials are verified, the user is directed to the services menu.

• In the services menu, the user can avail of four major services i.e., he or she can update the pin or view his/her application details or view the type of card he/she would be issued with, or view the set of FAQs which he or she can refer to.

E-R Diagram:

ER Diagram Credit Card Application Portal

Tool to be used:

1. IntelliJ / Eclipse / NetBeans
2. WampServer / Xampp
3. Internet Browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, etc.)
4. PDF Viewer (Adobe Acrobat, Nitro Pro, etc.)

Modules in Credit Card Application Portal

This Java & MySQL Project is aimed at taking a step forward towards digitalizing the entire process of applying for a credit card as well as managing the same.

• Login
• Signup1
• Signup2
• Signup3
• CardType


Credit Card Application Portal initially checks whether a user is pre-registered at the application portal.

• If so, then he or she is directed to the services menu. In the services menu, the user can avail of four major services i.e., he or she can update the pin or view his/her application details or view the type of card he/she would be issued with, or view the set of FAQs which he or she can refer to.

• If not, then it allows users to sign up as first-time users at the application portal.


This module basically deals with inserting values into the database. Relevant details such as the User’s name, father’s name, date of birth, e-mail id, gender type, marital status, and his/their complete residential address are requested to be filled by the user in order to process the user’s application for availing a credit card. Upon filling in the above-mentioned details, a unique form number is generated which is associated with the user who has filled up the relevant details


This module also deals with inserting values into the database. The user’s application is processed based on the form number generated in the previous module. Details such as Aadhar number, PAN number, educational details, salary, category, etc. are to be filled in by the user. Credit Card Application Portal Department of CSE, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology


Being directed to this module from SIGNUP2, the user is further supposed to fill in details that would be stored in the database. Here, s/he is required to fill in the desired cash withdrawal limit, credit limit, monthly cycle, and the services which they wish to avail. Upon completion of the above-mentioned signup process, a confirmation email is sent to the user’s registered email id which he or she had provided in the SIGNUP1 module.

The confirmation email also contains the user’s login credentials as well as his or her form number. Once the user receives the email upon successful signup as a first-time user, he or she can use the credentials that had been sent earlier to his or her email id in order to login into the services menu.

Card Type

This module tells the user the type of card s/he would be granted. The type of card to be granted to the user is decided upon his/her income.

View Here and Download the Complete Credit Card Application Portal Java MySQL DBMS Mini Project Standalone Desktop application Source Code, Project Synopsis, Report, How to setup files, etc

Software Requirements

Programming language: Java, MYSQL
Operating system: Any OS (Recommended: Windows 10,
Windows Vista, Windows XP)
Application required: Standalone desktop application & Wamp Coding
language: Core Java

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College Campus Students and Faculty Activities Tracker Java Project

College Campus Activities Tracker deals with the tracking of both student and faculty performance and the activities done by them in and out of the college. This project can help us to know all the activities happening in the college campus area and even get to know who has scheduled the activity. Different certificates of the students based on their performance are generated department-wise and academic year-wise.

Our Students and Faculty Activities Tracker system has two users, faculty and student.

The student will upload their certificates that they have participated in other colleges and the faculty will schedule the activity and upload the respective student’s certificates to those who have participated in the activity.

College Activities Tracker is a java web application that will allow the users (both faculty and students) to upload their documents and intimating each activity (hackathon, workshops, competitions) that they participate in and out of the college with certifications as proof.

And it should also allow the user to register for ongoing or upcoming events through the form and after registration, A successfully registered message should be sent to the user to their corresponding phone number. The faculty must be allowed to check or keep track of student and faculty performance and previews the data student-wise, faculty, wise, section-wise, department-wise, event-wise, and duration wise. And faculty should be allowed to add/update the upcoming event happening in the college.

Results Page of College Activities Tracker


College Campus Students and Faculty Activities Tracker is an application that will aid users in uploading their Documents and intimating each activity that they perform in and out of the college with Certifications as proof.

This is a centralized system that keeps track of students and faculty activities and previews the data student-wise, faculty-wise, section-wise, Department wise, Event wise, and Duration wise. It is mainly used to maintain the data for Department’s weekly report.

Modules of the Project

We have three modules in our Activities Tracker Java Project.

● Admin
● Student
● Faculty


Software Requirement:

1. Language – Java (JDK 1.7)
2. OS – Windows 7- 32bit
3. MySql Server
5. JSP

Alumni Management Portal for Educational Institutions PHP Project

This Alumni Management Portal project aims to develop a platform for the Educational Institutions to maintain communication between faculty, alumni, and students. The main objective of this PHP & MySQL web application is to enhance or improve employability opportunities for students, organize alumni lectures and events, and increase networking skills and opportunities for students.


Our Institutional Alumni Management Portal project is a web-enabled application through which administrators, students, and alumni will be able to continuously communicate. For this, we need an application that is user-friendly. The needs of all three users of the portal should be covered.

Administrators can log in, maintain, verify and manage alumni and student records, and create events and group chats. Administrators can also generate reports in excel and pdf format and view placement statistics of the institute. Once an event is created, all the alumni and students registered on the portal will receive emails automatically.

Alumni can log in, register, update their details, view events, participate in group chats, and post job opportunities and materials. Students can log in, register, view details of alumni, register for events, download materials posted by alumni, job materials posted by alumni, and participate in group chats with other alumni and students.

The below figure shows and explains the Architecture Diagram of the Alumni Management Portal website.

Architecture Diagram of Alumni Management Portal


To build a responsive Educational Institutions Alumni web application to manage and track students and alumni of an educational institute and build a portal that facilitates continuous communication.

Organization of Project

We have three modules in our project.

● Admin
● Alumni
● Student

Alumni management portals can be used by educational institutes to maintain and manage records of alumni and students of the respective institute in an efficient manner. It leads to better outcomes in terms of student placement opportunities, and knowledge transfer and improves the structure of communication between current students and alumni thereby increasing networking skills and opportunities.

In traditional methods where student data is manually stored, a lot of time is wasted doing redundant and repetitive work. Here storing data, statistics, and report generation all are automated. Furthermore, there is no need for paperwork since everything is done online and stored in a refined database.

The output screenshot of the project explains about “Test case check whether the admin is able to view all users”

All Users List of Alumni Management Portal Project

Fresh Online Grocery Ordering Website Project

Project Overview

Fresh Online Grocery Ordering Website is an online web application for automating the process of ordering grocery products from suppliers and paying for them in advance. Therefore, there is no need for the suppliers to wait for a long time and pay in cash at the time of delivery. This system also helps farmers to sell their products through this system.

The current Grocery Ordering system is not much efficient and can lead to a major waste of time as the supplier needs to wait for a long period. The main purpose to design this Online Grocery Ordering application is to provide an environment where the users will be able to order products from a supplier and pay in advance.

To what extent the system is proposed?

The proposed Grocery Ordering system automates the manual process of users the shop owners which can be used for ordering products from suppliers online and farmers visiting the shop with their products for selling and physically paying for the products with cash by introducing an online automated system that sends product requests online. The current system is not much efficient and can lead to a major waste of time as the supplier needs to wait for a long period. The main purpose to design this application is to provide an environment where users will be able to order products from a supplier and pay in advance.

Specify the Viewers/Public who is to be involved in the System?

The Viewers/Public that are mainly involved in this system include staff, suppliers, and farmers. The staff, suppliers, and farmers can also register to this system with valid information. They can buy/sell products and also include payments

List the Modules included in your Grocery Ordering System?

The system includes 4 modules. They are:

• Admin Module

Admin is the one who does the staff and supplier registration and approves or rejects the leave request of staff and farmer’s product request, publishing notifications to the users, fulfilling staff and farmer’s product requests, and can view and block and unblocking of existing users. Admin can do a secure payment for their products through the online payment system. Admin can also view their request status from Suppliers and notifications from the Staff. Admin can approve or reject the leave requests as well as admin can view the existing products and order the products and view the status of the ordered products.

• Staff Module

The staff can view the current stock and update the stock. After product stock reaches a critical value the staff can issue a notification to the admin. Staff can send leave requests and see the status of the requested leave and also
able to update their profile.

• Supplier Module

The suppliers can view and update their profile as well as their stock.
Suppliers can add new products and can view product requests send by shop owner/admin and process orders. Suppliers can get a secure payment for their products through the online payment system.

• Farmer Module

The farmer can send a request for selling their products through that shop.

Farmers can see the status of product requests send to the admin as well as can view and update their profile. Farmers also can get a secure payment for their products through the online payment systems and can also view their
request status and notifications from the admin.

Sequence Diagrams for the Project:

Farmer Supplier Sequence Diagram Online Grocery Ordering system Online Grocery Ordering Farmer Admin Sequence Diagram

Identify the users in your project?

The main users of this project include:

  • Admin who controls and coordinates the entire activities of the system including provisioning users to buy/sell their products and responding to requests from farmers.
  • Staff who manages the day-to-day activities of a grocery shop including updating seller stock and logging and maintaining transactions to and from the grocery shop.
  • A supplier who processes the order that was made by the admin.
  • The farmer who requests products online.

Who owns the system?

The owner of Online Grocery Ordering is the grocery shop in which the system is implemented. A system administrator is appointed by the organization for managing and coordinating the system activities.

The system is related to which firm/industry/organization?

Online Grocery Ordering is a grocery shop management system and it is associated with a grocery shop in which the system is implemented.

Details of the person that you have contacted for data collection?

Questionnaire to collect details about the project? (min 10 questions, include descriptive answers, attach additional docs (e.g. Bill receipts, certificate models) if any?)

1. Is there any discount streams available?
Several discounts are available for a range of products if the customers purchase products in a bulk range.

2. Is there any products available in your shop other than grocery items?
Yes, we also sell products including vegetables and fruits as well as sweets.

3. Is there any wholesale products in your shop available?
Yes, we provide products for wholesale.

4. Which among the products are most frequently sold out?
Sugar, cerials, vegetables.

5. How do you maintain the records of day-to-day transactions? What all features do you expect if this system gets automated?

6. How do you keep track of inventory?

7. How do you transport your groceries?

We use paper bags for the transportation of products.

8. What are the pricing strategies that you follow for selling your products?

It depends on the market value/price.

9. Is your supplier responsible for restocking?

Yes, our supplier is responsible for restocking, if the products meet their time limit.

10. How do the details and contacts of suppliers maintained?

The details and contact of suppliers are maintained in records physically.

Download the complete Grocery Inventory Management System PHP & MySQL Project.

Student Exams Backlog Management System Project using PHP & MySQL

The main aim and objective of the Backlog Management System project are to provide the subject Backlogs to the student in a college in a simple way with the help of PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL database web applications. This project is useful for college students and educational institutions for getting the subject backlogs in a simple manner. As a result analyzer with subject status is an application tool for displaying the Backlogs insecure way.

The Backlog Management System is intended for the students and Faculty. The whole Student failed subjects analysis system analyzer will be under the control of the administrator and the admin has full privileges to read, write and execute the failed exams or Backlogs. And admin gives privileges to the Faculty and student and the guest user to access the reports.

  • Provides the search facilities based on various factors such as subject-wise backlogs, student-wise backlogs, department-wise backlogs, and Total backlogs.
  • Backlog Management System also manages Regulation details, department details, subject details, and academic year details.
  • It tracks the information on students, regulations, departments, semesters, and academic years.
  • Adding, viewing, Editing, and Deleting operations of records are improved.

Background of the System

The background of the Backlog Management System problem is that all the records are maintained manually at the time of results being released. In this case, there may be a chance to mislead students by changing their record values. So that valuable student data/information can be stored for a longer period of time with easy access and manipulation can be done. Basically, the Student Subject Backlog Management System project describes how to manage for good performance and better services to the users.

Purpose and Scope


The purpose of this system is to maintain the details of the Backlogs of all students for their external or final examinations which are conducted by the university in the college. This system is managed by the staff of the department. Staff updates the backlog of student details along with course details for example Regulations, Department, Subject codes, Subject names, etc. The subject backlog of all students can be viewed manually. This system generates the reports of the students like subject wise, roll number wise & cumulative. In this case, faculty and students can check the details whenever they needed.


This web-based Backlog System application will manage the information about various students enrolled in this course in different years, the subjects offered during different semesters of the department the backlogs obtained by the various students in various subjects in different semesters. The application will greatly simplify and store the details. Retrieve the particular student information accurately and efficiently

System Analysis

Existing System

 In this system backlogs of all students can be viewed manually at the time of results are released. In this case, there may be a chance to mislead students by changing their record values.

Proposed System

 This proposed system maintains the backlog of subjects and details of all students. This system generates the reports of the students like subject wise, roll number wise & cumulative. When the students clear their backlogs they remove from this system.

  • Students can monitor their backlog subjects.
  • No need to maintain manual reports.
  • All the staff members can view the backlog of student data based on their requirements.
  • Staff can analyze which subjects are frequently failed by students.
Requirement Analysis

 The project is to provide Backlogs to the student in a simple way. This project is useful for students and educational institutions for getting the Backlogs in a simple manner. As a result analyzer with subject status is an application tool for displaying the Backlogs insecure way. So that valuable student data/information can be stored for a longer period of time with easy access and manipulation can be done. Basically, the project describes how to manage for good performance and better services to the users.

Module Division

This system contains two modules namely:

Admin Module

Admin performs the basic tasks of Add/View/Delete Regulation, Subjects, and Backlogs of students. And generate the reports student-wise, subject-wise, department-wise, and cumulative.

User Module

User Faculty can search different types of reports such as student wise, subject wise, department wise, and cumulative. User Student can search their Backlogs using valid roll numbers.

Conclusion and Future Work

The project “Backlog Management System” is a PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL web portal that is useful to store the details of Backlogs. This system is managed by the staff of the department. Staff updates the backlog of student details along with course details for example Regulations, Department, Subject codes, Subject names, etc. So that valuable student data/information can be stored for a longer period of time with easy access and manipulation can be done. This project is useful for students and educational institutions for getting the Backlogs in a simple manner.

This Final Year academic project generates the reports of the students subject-wise, roll number wise & cumulative. Finally, staff can analyze which subjects are frequently failed by students. In this case, faculty and students can check the Backlogs whenever they needed.

Design & Development of E – Agriculture Java project

The main objective of this E Agriculture Project is to build a website that will help Indian farmers to make effective cultivation by providing information on crops and making a path to earn more money from Indian villages by selling their products to different cities online and by registering their crops to get their suitable price for their crops. They can open this site and register with it and sell and buy their products and register their crops online etc.

  • The website “E Agriculture Project” is for farmers.
  • This website contains information about different types of effective farming and irrigation techniques.
  • This website gives information on crop management to satisfy the demand for a particular crop to reduce crop prices.
  • Through this E Agriculture website, the government can buy products directly from farmers.
  • Through this website, farmers can buy seeds, and fertilizers directly
  • The farmers can have a deal with the government for a certain cost.
  • So farmers can have a lot of profits.

Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 10,
Technology: Net Beans
Database: MySQL

Modules Description:


This helps the farmer to login by which they can know about soil information Crops suitable for different regions and government schemes and register the crops which they want to produce.

New Register:

If the farmer wants to log in the has to first register by clicking new register and Filling in the details


Once the farmer has logged in he can register the crops in their region, buy products, Sell products, Know crop information, soil information, schemes given by the government, update details, available at home

Crop Management:

It has all information about crops suitable for different regions, soil information, and all crop Information, scheme of the government

Crop Registration:

It helps the farmer to register for the crops that they want to produce in their region. This leads to the balancing of crops and certainty in the price of crops

Buy Products (seeds, fertilizers):

It helps the farmer to buy fertilizers and seeds from the government without agents between

Update details:

It helps the farmer to update their details which they have filled in the new registration

Download the Design & Development of E – Agriculture Java project Source Code, Report.