Seminar Report on Network Security & Cryptography

In universal communication including electronic fraud and eavesdropping hackers and viruses, security is the most important issue which matters most.  The growth of interconnections of computers over internet should store information relying on organizations and individuals with the help of these systems.  This led to much awareness to secure the messages, data, and systems from attacks of network.

The data security includes paramount importance with vast world of computer centric. Even though the security systems give a best protection level, they still are failed to give trust worthy protection that are vulnerable to network attacks. The computer security is the generic name to face hackers and secure the data by tools design.

The firewall has developed practically and can be applied to enforce the security of network. The mechanisms encountered the difficulties with firewalls implementation.

Many technologies are developed to aide organizations to protect information and the systems from the hackers, intruders, and unauthorized users. It secures the systems, information against intruders, detect suspicious attacks etc.

Network security observes and prevents intruders to use computer via the internet. The measures of prevention stop the hackers to over the computer networking system. If any unauthorized user is attempting to break the computer networking system then it can be detected by the detection process.

The security services are confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, access control, availability, and attacks.


Network security protects the assets of network. This project is all about the concept of firewalls, famous networks, security services, security mechanisms, security threats, and cryptography.

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Nanotechnology Shaping the Future

Nanotechnology defines manufacture and manipulation of smaller devices or machines. The new technology is much easily predicted. Technology will result to compute computers faster, materials stronger, and medicine to cure diseases. The technology functions at the scale of atoms and molecules that will bring great improvements in the human fields. Few promises of this technology are supercomputer much like human cell, spacecraft cheaper like a family car.

Nanotechnology will be the basis of $1 trillion products in the United States within few decades and will have jobs from 8, 00,000 to 2 million. It will bring a revolutionary impact in medicine field. Many processes of medical happen at smaller scales. Nano-particles have advantages of image enhancement delivery, and sensing agents. Many nano-particles include dendrimers, metal nano-particles, polymeric nano particles, micelles, liposomes, and quantum dots.

Nanotechnology is the study of fabrication whereas nano-science is about the effects. It builds machines at the level of molecules. Molecular machines are able to pass by your blood stream. The scientists and socially concerned people imagine scenarios. The technology manufactures circuits of electronic and mechanical devices at the molecular scale. Scientists create structures and materials atom by atom at the molecular level with modern characteristics and functions. Its scope affects many fields from bio-sciences to medicine and physics to DNA manipulation.


The technology is the application of scientific knowledge and science commercially or industrially at the nano-scale. The nano-scale is the measurement with smallest unit with which matter are manipulated. There are many new benefits promised by this technology.

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Nano Technology Basics to Latest Advancements


Nanotechnology is manipulated nanoscale. The nanometer is a measurement of tiny length of one billionth meter consisting of three or four atoms in a row. Hence, nanotechnology consists of materials of building and designing devices. Therefore the technology implies devices and materials where atom is assigned with the device functions.

Depending on machines of molecules, machines perform the function of the design. These molecular machines can make machines for other products and molecules where structure of atom is arranged precisely to make the particular product.

These machines can assemble atoms into complex structures known as assemblers which can make or design anything compatible with physics laws.

The variety of products can be made from very powerful and microscopic computers to highly strong materials stronger than steel but as light as food or any tissue of biology.

These products are not costly since atoms are taken from dirt, garbage, sunshine energy etc. The true nanotechnologists are evolution and nature of mother.


Nanoscale technology is in the stages of budding which sure to have a bright future and may be a dream for today. The technology will define precisely a new method of life including devices and gadgets making impossible things to be possible. Many countries which are developed spend lot of money in the nanotechnology research field. The technology will increase achievements to the present situation of world. It especially concerns with people’s health who are working under nanoscale. It is a challenge in the research for constructing tools work at dimensions of NANO.

Download Nano Technology Basics to Latest Advancements Paper Presentation.

Smart Card Technology Seminar Topic

Smart-Card-Technology-Seminar-TopicSmart card technology seminar topic covers introduction of smart card technology, design of smart card, smart card application and usage, smart card examples, smart card applications and interfaces of smart card. Smart card is a ATM card sized plastic card with microchip integrated inside that card.

There are two types of cards available in the market one which stores information is called memory chip and card which can take input and make decisions with some memory is called a microprocessor chip. Because of decision making capability it is called active and smart card. This card has memory size of 32,000 bytes, in present market smart cards are built with math co-processors which can take perform encryption routing in less time and comes with memory space for storage.

This paper explains step by step procedure on how smart cards are manufactured. Smart cards are mostly used in banks for ATM cards, Credit cards, Visa cards and some of the other applications are pay phones, Mobile communication, banking and retail, electronic purse, health care and ID verification and access control. 

download Smart Card Technology Seminar Topic , paper presentation.

Wireless ATM Seminar Topic

Wireless-ATM-Seminar-Topic.Wireless ATM seminar topic explains about introduction to wireless technology, Asynchronous transfer mode packet information, wireless ATM, ATM architecture and switching networks. Wireless technology is a IEEE 802.11a standard, it works on radio frequency , infrared spread spectrum and microwave radio frequency its range is differs from county to county in US spectrum range is 900 mhz and in Europe it is in GHZ.

Wireless technology uses two modulation techniques, Code division multiplexing (CDMA) and time division multiplexing (TDMA) for transmitting constructed packet. In ATM network packet is constructed in 53 bytes which include logical bits and data, 48 bytes are dedicated to data and remaining 5 bytes are used for identification, control priority, and packet routing.


ATM connections are of two types.

PVC(permanent virtual connections)

In pvc connection is established with the help of external mechanism in this network management is part of it.

Switched Virtual connection(SVC).

In this connection mechanism signaling protocol is used for automatic connectivity, there is no manual or external mechanism used in this connection.

download Wireless ATM Seminar Topic , paper presentation.

Web Portal Seminar Topic

Web-Portal-Seminar-Topic.Web portal seminar topic explains about what is web portal, Modules description, data flow diagrams, deployment diagrams, architecture, web portals, hardware and software requirements, configuration and limitations.

Web portals are websites with information on interested topics developed by web developers. Web portals work on client server architecture, on client side web pages are displayed which can be accessed using url of website and on server side information of every webpage are stored.

Server side consist of web portal database, SSL enabled apache servers, web portal applications on client side web pages are developed using html,.Net or php. Every web portal is developed in three modules.

Admin module: Admin or owner of website will access to server side applications and client side applications. He will organize settings in server as per web site requirement and on client side he should maintain designing of web pages.

Global Users: Web site is visible of world wide web so international users can access web pages these users are called as global users.

Registered Users: Users who are interested in web sites can register with site or in some web portals registering is compulsory for viewing web pages.

download Web Portal Seminar Topic , paper presentation.

Search Engine Optimization Seminar Topic

Search engine optimization seminar topic explains about search engine basics, about optimization, key concepts, Optimization features, Content Management system. Main idea of this paper is to provide step by step procedure on how search engine optimization can help websites to improve page rank of their website. 

        SEO Basics: Website optimization is important factor for better page rank. Search engines will follow basic principles like creating unique accurate page tittles, making use of description Meta tag.

    Improving site Structure: In order to improve site structure website should follow certain principles like page url should be similar to that of title of the content and spaces should be marked with – symbol, and other factor is easy navigation; from every webpage users can move to different pages.

 Content Optimization:  Content is the king for search engines there should be no duplicate content on websites and second point is to provide anchor text for every post, Content should use image with same title name given to image, Content should contain h1 h2 h3 heading tags.

About Crawlers: Crawlers are part of search engine which will use spiders to crawl entire web pages. For better performance robots.txt must be used effectively and pages should not use “nofollow” for links.

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Intranet Mailing System Seminar Topic

Intranet-Mailing-System-SeminarIntranet mailing system seminar topic explains about developing a mail application which can handle features like sending mails, mail attachments, chatting features and more. Main aim of this paper is to explain how intranet mail system can be implemented with GUI designs. 

Intranet mailing system will have all features as that of regular Gmail, Yahoo mail. But this works only inside organization. Using regular mails inside organization is not secure, there are chances of hacking. As organization contains important documents there is need to use mailing system which work inside organization. At present there are many intranet mailing applications available on the web; squirrel mail is one among them. 

This paper describes how intranet mail system can be useful for organization. In intranet mailing system admin can use settings to allow emails only to members who are in the list of organization.

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Monitoring of Spatial Queries Seminar Topic

Spatial-Queries-Seminar-TopicMonitoring of Spatial Queries Seminar Topic explains about History of spatial queries, Snapshot queries, Continuous queries on static data, continuous queries on moving data. This paper describes about four modules in details.

  1.  Network Modul

Client server module architecture helps to divide work load on network.  This architecture is also called as client and server architecture where person who requests for information is a client and which provides information for requested query is called server. On client side there is nothing complicated; Client requests information by using web pages. Server contains high performance systems which can handle large amount of data. There will be many applications running in multiple servers to handle data.

2. Wireless Broadcasting

Wireless technology works on !EEE 802.11a standards which is used for air transmission. In this technology data is sent in the form of packets where each packet is of same size. These packets are also called as buckets; packet is a data structure which will carry logical information along with information. Logical information is used to retrieve information on other end. There is different type of modulation techniques used for transmitting through air.

3. Air Indexing

Air indexing is important in up linking and down linking to save power consumption at mobile client.

 4. Spatial Query Processing

There are many algorithms exist to process snap shot queries on static data but in order to handle moving objects data spatial queries are used. Main idea is to send additional information like NNS, expiry time, and validity region which will determine life span of result.

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Blue Ray Disc Seminar Topic

Blue-Ray-Disc-Seminar-Topic.Blue ray disc seminar topic explains about history of blue ray technology, Format of blue ray disc, Types of BD, comparison between CD DVD and blue ray disk writing and advantages and features of BD. This paper briefs on next generation technology for disc formatting presently CD and DVD disk formats are mostly used for data storage. Blue ray disc technology was developed by BD Association, apple, Hitachi, HP,JVC,LG and many other companies are part of this association. DVD’s had overtaken CD’s because of large amount of data storage capacity with DVD quality videos, Blue ray technology is advanced to DVD which can store HD quality videos and amount of data storage capacity is more with recording rewriting and playback features. Blue ray disc can store 2 hours HD videos, Laser archives are used to record on 12 cm diameter optical disk.

Blue ray disc is a single sided 12 cm diameter optical disk which can store 20GB of data by writing using 405nm blue violent laser. Short wave length blue laser is used for writing which will reduce its beam spot size and covers 0.85 laser coverage. Using this method recording and read out density will be increased.

Blue ray technology follows “MPEG-2 transport stream” video standards for writing and reading high quality data. Because BD maintains high quality data recording it can be used in digital broadcasting for storing large amount of data. With unique ID feature provided in BD it is easy to maintain copy right protection for data.

download Blue Ray Disc Seminar Topic , paper presentation.