Electrical and Mechanical Shed Planning and Work Distribution System

This Shed Planning and Work Distribution System project have got the scope to develop in other departments of Electrical and Mechanical Shed, like Spares department where information regarding the available spares can be stored in a computer database for faster information retrieval.

Also, there is scope to automate the process of issuing tenders to the unavailable parts of the Electrical and Mechanical Shed through online which is currently being done manually.

We can further enhance the work notification system that has been implemented in the current project through color coding by generating alert boxes in addition to the color coding.



Figure 1: Relationships among the classes of Electrical and Mechanical Shed


The class diagram of the electric loco shed shows the major classes, their attributes and the operations of each class. The operation of each class has the effective utilization of the attributes.


Figure 2: Behavior of PPO User


Actors: PPO User

Relationships: Simple Association


Figure 3: Behavior of Other Users 


Actors: Other Users 

Relationships: Simple Association

The above diagram shows the behavior of other users. These other users include ADEE, Senior DEE i.e., the administrative people. Other users can Log in, Log out, can view staff attendance, view loco position which includes viewing forenoon position and the afternoon positions, view schedule.


Figure 4: Behavior of Department Users 


Actors: Department Users

Relationships: Simple Association

The above diagram shows the behavior of the department users. They can Log in, Log out, can view staff attendance, view loco position, view staff attendance which includes viewing yearly/monthly/daily attendance of a particular individual, creating staff members of the particular department, deleting staff, view loco schedule, change status of the work to completed if the work is completed and to In progress when work is going on, check if there are any works given by the PPO.


Figure 5: PPO Users and Other Users Login


In the above diagram the user’s needs to log in. Users first enter the details and then the corresponding information is retrieved from the database. And when the database sends the corresponding information validation is performed and if the information is available then the user’s logins successfully.


Figure 6: Scheduling Locos 


In the above diagram the PPO user’s needs to schedule the locos. So the PPO users first schedule the locos and the information is stored in the database after which the database is updated. The PPO users then send the schedule to the department. Then the database is updated and scheduling the locos is successfully done. 


Figure 7: Viewing Loco Position 


In the above diagram, the PPO user’s needs to view the loco position. So the PPO users first enter the loco position and the information is stored in the database after which the database is updated. The PPO users then send then can view the loco information.


Figure 8: Viewing Staff Attendance 


In the above diagram, the department user’s needs to view the attendance of the staff. So for this, he first needs to update that information. The Department users first enter the staff attendance details which is stored in the database and then updated. He can then view the attendance successfully when requested.


Figure 9: Departments Reporting the Completion of Work to PPO 


In the above diagram, the department users need to report to the PPO department after completing the work assigned by PPO about the loco. The department user first completes the work given by the PPO and stores it in the database. This is then sent to the PPO department and then the database is updated.

Database Tables 

S.No Field Name Constraint Type
1 Token Not Null Varchar2(20)
2 Name Varchar2(30)
3 Jdate Varchar2(40)
4 Desig Varchar2(11)
5 Dept Varchar2(5)

 Table 1: Staff Table 

S.No Field Name Constraint Type
1 Cdate Not Null Varchar2(11)
2 Token Not Null Varchar2(20)
3 Attendance Varchar2(10)

 Table 2: Attendance Table 

S.No Field Name Constraint Type
1 Cdate Varchar2(11)
2 Locono Varchar2(7)
3 Type Varchar2(1)
4 Pg Varchar2(1)
5 Base Varchar2(50)
6 Comdate Varchar2(11)
7 Age Number(3)
8 Rcdate Varchar2(11)
9 Schedule Varchar2(20)
10 Lsdate Varchar2(11)
11 Place Varchar2(25)
12 Remarks Varchar2(1024)

 Table 3: Locosch Table 

S.No Field Name Constraint Type
1 Id Not Null Varchar2(11)
2 Password Varchar2(15)
3 Dept Varchar2(11)

 Table 4: Login Table 

Source code pages description:

For Validating user authentication based on his user id and password

For updating forenoon schedule details

For updating the afternoon schedule

For updating loco schedule information

For Updating Loco Information and its Important Parts

PPO Department Allots works with various departments

Departments Updating the work status and reporting to PPO

For Departments Creating their Staff members

For deleting corresponding staff members by each department

PPO Department deleting allotted works

Updating Staff members daily attendance of each department

Searching for the information of a Loco

Forenoon and Afternoon Schedule Display

Viewing the work being carried out in all the departments

Department wise work display
To view the particular work of a particular department
Department wise generating Reports for Individual Staff members

Download Electrical and Mechanical Shed Planning and Work Distribution System Java Project Source Code and Database.

College Student Attendance and Staff Profile System

The main aim of developing this java application is to provide a complete school or college based attendance management system for students and profile system for staff and management.

Faculty information is to be maintained securely and should be accessible only to the respective faculty and the administrator when required. Student’s daily attendance should be entered by the faculty and should be managed perfectly. In the existing system manually the corresponding faculty will enter attendance details in files. If the administrator or faculty want to know the student information, he must able to search the sheets, this consumes a lot of time. Here the project eliminates that problem and makes the process automation.

The Student Attendance and Staff Profile project mainly focus on maintaining of faculty profile, student daily attendance in which different levels of users are restricted to access the database. We can make the users access the data but they can’t modify or update the database. Only the authorized faculty and administrator can access and update the database. Each faculty and administrator should log in to get the details of the faculty and student attendance.

Objectives of the project

  • Complete automation is possible in this sector, which is against the main disadvantage namely time-consuming.
  • Can maintain company faculty details and student details.
  • Any kind of information based on faculty profile or student attendance can be retrieved within less time.
  • Only authorized faculty or administrator can access the database by providing necessary information.

Requirement Analysis

A requirement is a feature that must be included in the system. Before the actual design and implementation start, getting to know the system to be implemented is of prime importance.

We are overcoming the difficulty of maintaining faculty details and student attendance which were manual in the current system and here we generate detailed information about the faculty and students attendance which will save our time to maintain all information and retrieve when required. 

Functional Requirements:

This section describes the functional requirements of the system for those requirements which are expressed in the natural language style.

A faculty member should be able to login to the system through the first page of the application, and he can perform actions like viewing and entering student attendance and can update his profile. An administrator can login into his account and he will update the faculty information.

System Design:

UML Diagrams:

Class diagram
Fig: Class diagram


In this class diagram, we are considering the main classes administrator, faculty, and databases where we mainly perform the operations. Here we are also providing the classes for the interface as the operations can be facilitated easily and this comprises of the many options. And we maintain classes for the faculty to maintain its student details and the faculty details are also maintained.

Interaction Diagram for Registration of new faculty:


In this interaction diagram, the administrator registers a new faculty member by entering his details in the registration form and updates the database.

Interaction Diagram for daily attendance:

Sequence diagram for daily attendance
Fig: Sequence diagram for daily attendance

Collaboration diagram for daily attendance:


In this interaction diagram, the faculty selects a subject and a date and enters the attendance by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes of students roll numbers and updates the database by clicking submit.

Interaction Diagram for change password:

Sequence Diagram for change password
Fig: Interaction Diagram for change password
Collaboration Diagram for change password
Fig: Collaboration Diagram for change password


In this interaction diagram, the user can change the password by entering the new password and validate the password by re-entering it and update the database by submitting it.

Interaction Diagram for faculty details update:


In this interaction diagram the faculty details will be displayed and he can update the details that are already available in the database from the user interface and the new details entered can be updated in the database.

Use case diagram for administrator:


In this use case diagram, it includes the main functionalities of the administrator. Here main activity of administrator is to register the faculty, view daily, monthly and cumulative attendance.


In this use case diagram, it includes the main functionalities of the faculty. Here main activity of faculty is to maintain student attendance, update the student’s attendance and to modify his profile.


Here the activity diagram explains how the system administrator performs different operations.

Data Base Design 

DATA BASE TABLES Field Data type
Faculty_login_rowid number
Faculty_id varchar2(60)
Faculty_password varchar2(60)

Table 1:faculty_login 

Field Data type
Faculty_profile_rowid Varchar2(60)
Faculty_id varchar2(60)
Faculty_name varchar2(60)
Faculty_dept varchar2(60)
Faculty_course varchar2(60)
Faculty_desg varchar2(60)
Faculty_qual varchar2(60)
Faculty_dob varchar2(60)
Faculty_texp varchar2(60)
Faculty_rexp varchar2(60)
Faculty_iexp varchar2(60)
Faculty_spl varchar2(60)
Faculty_joinyear varchar2(60)
Faculty_emailid varchar2(60)
Faculty_phno varchar2(60)
Faculty_addr_dono varchar2(60)
Faculty_addr_street varchar2(60)
Faculty_addr_city varchar2(60)
Faculty_addr_pin varchar2(60)

Table 2:faculty_profile 

Field Data type
Faculty_status_rowid Varchar2(60)
Faculty_id varchar2(60)
Faculty_name varchar2(60)
Faculty_course varchar2(60)
Faculty_dept varchar2(60)
Faculty_courseyear varchar2(60)
Faculty_section varchar2(60)
Faculty_acyear varchar2(60)

Table 3:faculty_status 

Field Data type
rid Varchar2(60)
dt varchar2(60)
sub varchar2(60)
H71A0XX1 varchar2(60)
H71A0XX1 varchar2(60)
H71A0XX1 varchar2(60)
. varchar2(60)
.. varchar2(60)
…. varchar2(60)
H71A0XXN varchar2(60)

Table 4:f_att_bxxxxx 

Field Data type
Student_rollno Varchar2(60)
Student_joiningyear varchar2(60)
Student_course varchar2(60)
Student_dept varchar2(60)
Student_acyear varchar2(60)
Student_course_year varchar2(60)
Student_section varchar2(60)

Table 5:mic_student_status

System Test Cases & System Test Report

SNO Name Input Expected result Observed Result
1. Giving the wrong username and password Username

And password

Alert message should be displayed Alert

the message is displayed indicating





2. Registering faculty without proper information Faculty details Alert messages should be displayed Alert

messages are displayed.

3. Inserting attendance into the database attendance Message should be displayed if attendance inserted successfully Message is displayed
4. Click On Sign Out User should be signed out and Login page should be displayed Login page is displayed

Output Screens:

1) Login screen
2) Administrator Profile
3) Change Password
4) All faculty
5) Add faculty
6) Remoce faculty
7) Validation message
8) View faculty status
9) Edit faculty status
10) Add faculty status
11) Select Date
12) Daily attendance
13) Select month for attendance
14) Cumulative attendance
15) Aggregate attendance
16) Report generation
17) Logout Page
18) Faculty Home Page
19) Faculty Profile
20) Update faculty Profile
21) Select subject to view attendance
22) Date wise attendance
23) Cummulative attendance
24) Selection of subject
25) Enter attendance
26) Attendance entered Successfully


The project mainly focused on the total computerization of student’s attendance details and faculty profile in which different levels of users are restricted to access the database. By restrictions, we can make the users access the data but they can’t modify or update the database like students attendance, and other information etc.

This project mainly operated by two modules mainly faculty and administrator. The administrator can view the details of the students like marks view. The faculty members can view, update, add and delete the student’s attendance. This approach has features such as less manual intervention, data security is high and confidentiality can be maintained. The user can access the student’s details within less time.

Installation Steps:

  • Install Java (Java Run Time Environment)
  • Install Apache Tomcat with port number 9090.
  • Install Oracle 10g with port number 8080.
  • Create new system DSN with data source name: project & Username: project
  • Copy the project folder to c:\tomcat 6.0\webapps
  • Load the database from a backup file.
  • Open any browser and type the following address
  • http://localhost:9090/project/login.html
  • Now use the login credentials to log in and continue.

Login Credentials:

Oracle 10g:

Username: project
Password: project


For administrator-> Username: admin password: admin
For faculty-> Username: 101 Password: 101

DSN: project

For attendance the database is available for the following details:

Please select these from the list:
Class: IV c.s.e Section: A or B

Download College Student Attendance and Staff Profile System Java Project Source Code and Database

Time Sheet Management System .Net Project

The main aim of developing this Time Sheet management System .Net Project is to provide automated work Time sheet for allocated projects all employees in the organisation.

The main Users are Employee, Manager and Admin.

Employee functionalities:

where employees can login with their credentials and view their details, modify existing details, enter new time sheets, view time sheet, update time sheet, delete sheets

Manager functionalities:

Where manager has actions like release, update, view, change & allocation time sheet functions.

Admin functionalities:

Where admin can add employees, approve time sheets, create projects, view projects, create employee id’s, project billing actions, etc.

Database Tables below:

Project Table:


Column Name Data Type
UniqId int
ProjectId Varchar(50)
Project Name Varchar(50)
Started Date Varchar(50)
Estimated Date Varchar(50)
Client Name Varchar(50)
Client Location Varchar(50)
Address Varchar(50)
Poc Varchar(50)
PO Varchar(50)
Scope Document Varchar(50)
Estimated Cost Varchar(50)
Types Varchar(50)
Pay For Manager Varchar(50)
Pay For Employee Varchar(50)
Technology Required Varchar(50)
Data Bases Varchar(50)
AssgineTo Varchar(50)

Employee table:

Column Naame Data Type
UniqId int
EmpId Varchar(50)
First Name Varchar(50)
Last name Varchar(50)
Password Varchar(50)
Gender Varchar(50)
Phone Number Varchar(50)
Email Varchar(50)
AltEmail Varchar(50)
Experience Varchar(50)
Date Of Join Varchar(50)
Address Varchar(50)
City Varchar(50)
State Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
Pincode Varchar(50)
Position Varchar(50)
Status Varchar(50)

Timesheet Table:

Column Name Data Type
TimeSheet Id int
EmpId Varchar(50)
Date Varcar(50)
Analasys Requirement Varcar(50)
Preparing Functional Design Document Varcar(50)
 Preparing High Level Design Varcar(50)
  Preparing  Loe Level Design Varcar(50)
   Writing Code Varcar(50)
  Preparing Tcehnical Design Document Varcar(50)
Analasys & Fixing Bug Varcar(50)
Unit Testing Varcar(50)
System Testing Varcar(50)
 Integrity Testing Varcar(50)
Preparing Test cases Varcar(50)
Totaltime Varcar(50)
Status Varcar(50)


Column Name Data Type
Allocated Id int
Allocated By Varcar(50)
Project Id Varcar(50)
Project Name Varcar(50)
Allocated To Varcar(50)
Status Varcar(50)


Column Name Data Type
Uniq Id int
Project Id Varcar(50)
Emp Id Varcar(50)
Total Work Hrs Varcar(50)
Payment Varcar(50)

Download the Time Sheet Management System .Net Project Source code

Online Test Management Application Project Synopsis

Online Test Management:

Online test application will provide an Online platform wherein students will attend online objective questions. Grades will be provided as per the number of questions that were answered correctly. This concept will use an admin panel as the backend for loading the questions and also identify whether the student has selected a correct answer or not. Questions will be segregated on the basis of different subjects.

The option will be there to add subjects also. Admin panel will be saving the data and communicating with DB via web service or API.  It will have a flow wherein a subject will be selected and that will load respective questions. Once all questions are answered result will be published there and then.

A student can see grades as per the number of questions that were answered correctly or will calculate the marks for all correct answers and show percentage of marks.

The whole process of conducting the test and checking them and then grading them was a tedious manual process and time consuming too. This whole process can be avoided by adapting to a new online text conducting application that will allow  a easy to approach UI wherein students can save their answers and also being graded much faster and their by publish results soon.

This software will also be secured as it will provide code match system which admin will provide to the student which each of them has to enter to start the exam. Student will also register themselves to appear to this exam. After successful registration admin will approve the registration and then the student will login to the online application system. We can also implement time constraint check for the completion of the exam after which student cannot attempt any question.

User Types: Admin and Student



  • Subject: Will have the option to add subjects for which questions will be uploaded.
  • Questions: This module will select a subject and then add questions to it along with correct answers for the same. This actually helps in checking whether student gave the correct answer or not. This part is basically admin panel which manages the question and answer that are save in DB and then provide instant results too.
  • Student: Admin will approve student registration for attending test online. Will also post results for different subjects for which student has appeared.
  • Grades: Admin will define grades as per percentage of correct answers given by the student. All those calculation are taken care in this module.


  • Exam: Once logged in a student will have set of questions which will be objective and he or she has to select the correct answer. It  will be a UI with questionset being loaded on the basis of the subject selected.
  • View Result: This module will be a UI where in result will be shown in a grid grouping them subject wise. Grade and percentage of marks will also be shown for the student who has appeared for the exam.

Contact Us: Will show info related to contact numbers and also search filters.

Future Enhancements:

  • We can provide email notifications and SMS integration. This will require web service or API integration with SMS providers and SMTP configuration to handle emails. It will notify students once results are posted by admin.
  • Add Blogs that can be posted by students.
  • We can plan a social platform in the same application where in students can chat with other registered students. Can also like comment and share posts from other students. Admin can also post info and students can access it. Post pics and share them too in groups created by students.

Software Requirements:

Technical Aspects:
Database: Sql Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, MySql as the back end with other frameworks

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Online Notice Board Project Synopsis and PHP Source code

Online Notice Board

Online Notice Board is an application that will automate a lot of activities in a school or college or office etc depending upon the usage that is expected by different organizations. If it’s a school they can use it for displaying info related to different extracurricular events and winners info.

They can display info on all teachers in various departments, display timetables for students, and display the results of students. They can display info related to any holidays or info related to any fee collection scenarios or any common regulations that are announced by management. In the same way, it can be used by colleges also.

In this project, we will aim to provide a way to automate the way in which noticeboard messages can be updated, deleted, or removed. Provide access to students/ professors or administrative etc officers to different features which will provide various information.

We will also provide roles and based on them permissions will be granted to add or remove data to notice board features.

You can also visit & download the Notice Board PHP project on Online College Complaints Suggestions and Compliances.

User Types: Admin, student, professors, staff,


Admin: Will have access to modules Departments, Result Board, Fees Board, and Timetable board. Admin can log in and add departments in the department module. Can add results in the results module which will then show the related info on the board. Will upload the timetable schedule daily. Admin will approve student registration logins / Professors logins etc.

Student Registration: It will allow students to register. Once registered request will be sent to admin and it will be approved. Approved student login will have the option to view results, fees-related info, and also access the timetable.

College Profile: It will allow the admin to add all important info related to the college. The option will be provided to add information like year of start, no of professors, batches completed, classes, courses offered, etc.  Information saved here will be seen on the dashboard of the notice board by default for all logins. Will provide an option to add photos or pics of the college. For a student or professor or staff, this module will show info that has been saved and managed by admin. Hence views will be different in the case of admin when compared to other login types.

Departments: This module is accessible to the admin, it will allow the admin to add departments to it. A student can also have access to this module but his or her view will be to view all departments in college or school and view info regarding different departments.

Courses: It will be accessible to admin and will allow adding all courses provided in college or school. For other login types, it will  a view that provides information related to courses that are being offered.

Subjects: It will be accessible to the admin and it will allow the admin to add subjects to the courses that are being covered. Add max marks for each subject that has been registered. Subjects will be added to different courses and hence a flow will be followed for managing courses, subjects, and professors teaching that course, and subject.

Roles: It will be accessible to admin and it will help create different roles applicable like as clerk, accountant, professor, assistant professor, principal, etc.

Professors: It will allow professors to register and link themselves to their respective departments while registering. Also, add different subjects that can be taught by a registered professor. Add info related to the experience which professor has.

Staff: This module will allow registration for staff members other than professors. And provide their information that can be saved in the system.

Results Board: It will allow the admin to save marks for each subject for a registered student. It Will calculate the percentage of marks and other calculations needed. This will be accessible to students and admin with different views. For admin, it will be a view that will allow admin to add marks for subjects for which students enrolled. For a student, it will have a view that will allow him or her to view the results.

Fees Board: This module will have the option to add fees for different courses offered and then also maintain the fee payment details for students. Whichever students are registered in the application, the admin will update fees-related info to keep a track of all the related info. For any logged-in student, this module will show a grid or UI where in it will clearly show the fees per year, and records related fees that have been paid by a student already with date, amount, etc. it will also show pending fees amount too. All info that has to be shown has to be maintained by the admin. This module is available for both admin and students.

Timetable Board: This module will have the option to upload timetable info daily as a part of the attachment. Admin can upload a printout that can be viewed by students and professors. This module will be accessed by both admin/professors and students. The timetable uploaded by the admin can be viewed by logged-in students and professors.

Also Read this Java Project on Students and Teachers based College Notice board System

Existing System with Limitations:

The existing consists of paper-based notice which has to be carried by the human to every organization. Due to this, it has some disadvantages:

  • The paper may be torn or damaged due to bad weather conditions.
  • The paper has to be stored in some sort of file and managing physical files is tough.
  • The searching is very difficult to view a particular paper.

Future enhancements:

  • We can provide SMS-based integration for registration confirmation. Email-based confirmation to provide approval confirmation.
  • Send results as an email to registered students and send SMS alerts whenever results are sent to the email or updated by an admin. Alerting module can be worked out in the future.
  • Online fee payment for registered students with payment gateway integration.
  • We can develop a comprehensive timetable module that will automate the complete process of generating a timetable online.  

Software Requirements:

Technical Aspects:

Database: SQL Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, and MySql as a back end with other frameworks.

Download the complete project on Online Notice Board System PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, and MySQL Project Source Code.

Lab Test Management .Net / PHP Project Synopsis

Lab Test Management Synopsis:

Project Understanding: This Lab Test Management project basically will be used by the Diagnostic center and it has to provide the main functionality of adding lab test to the applications on ad hoc basis whenever needed. The main functionality should involve the addition of lab tests which will be used later at any point in time to generate bill receipts for patients who come over to center for various lab tests. It will also have reminders functionality which will send SMS notifications to customers in regard to various lab tests that need to be performed in specific time frames. The application will also provide registration for customers and also maintain their history, reports etc. It will also involve doctor registration who prescribes lab tests.

User Types:

Admin, Front Office, Manager, Lab Technician, Customer

Admin will have access to all modules. Can add lab tests from back-end via admin panel.

Front Office can access

Basic Modules involved in the project: 


For this module, we will initially provide Option to gets reports like tests done on a daily, monthly and yearly filtering reports and costing related reports. Will discuss more with a client for specific reports which they will look out for.


This module will allow customers to register. It will have Personal details, Address, package selection option which diagnostics center provides, submit home collection request, view history related to reports and tests that were done previously, schedule a lab test.

Lab Test

It will be accessible to Admin and Manager only. These modules will allow the addition of categories to the system. Each category will then be linked to Subcategories and each subcategory will have different lab tests linked to it. A Lab test that needs to be added will have Lab Test name, Lab test Code, Methodology, and Disease info. Filter criteria will be provided to segregate and search lab tests. Each lab test will have the option to add price to it. (Need info related to CGST and SGST info which need to be shown at the time of report generation).


Admin / Manager can add doctor details to the application. Doctors added to the application can be easily searched while generating receipts for lab tests. Basically, doctors added to the application are reference doctors who prescribe for lab tests.


(SMS package integration → client needs to purchase SMS package / SMTP email configuration).


This functionality will be implemented such that it sends out alerts to patients reminding them to schedule a lab test which has to be done after a specific interval of time frame. For example, a diabetes patient has to get his blood profile done to monitor sugar levels, we will send reminders to the patient that will go put after every 30 days suppose as SMS and email.

Lab Order management

This module will be used by the Front office to book lab tests for walk-in patients, generate receipts, register customers.

Admin panel details:

This will basically be the back end of the project. A separate link will be provided for this panel and is accessible only to admin. It will provide a secure back-end management of data and structural approach to the methodology followed while saving data.

Sl No Task / Module
1 Admin, Front Office, Manager, Lab Technician, Customer
Registration, profile management, change password, email verification of the user
2. Lab Test management
3. User / Customer management
4. Notifications and Reminder management
5. Doctor profile and registration
6. Reporting module
7. Lab Order management
8. Testing
9. Bug fixing and feedback changes

Lab test:
Main Category: All (slug for filtering)
Allergy / Diabetes etc

Add lab test details:


Test Code: 9952

Diseases: biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome



→ Option to notify customers once results of lab test are ready

→ Option to notify customers via SMS or email for reminders related to periodic lab tests

→ Option to notify scheduled home sample collection info

→ Option to notify billing info for a lab test.

→ Will notify customers once they are registered successfully.

Reminders will work in the same concept as provided by the client.

Technology to Use:

Design and Markup

– HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behaviour
– AngularJS will be used for making the site responsive and secured as per scripting is concerned.

The server-side language (anyone can be used depending upon your preference)

– PHP (Core PHP or any framework like CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel)
– C# and Asp (with a bootstrap framework or DNN skin)

Database Software (anyone can be used depending on your preference and server setup)
– SQL Server

→ We will suggest a server also.

→ This app will need maintenance for sure on a monthly basis. We will look forward to monthly maintenance charges.

Advanced Slider Captcha Project

Completely Automated Public Turing test (CAPTCHA) is a way of differentiating humans and computers. As the technology is growing exponentially in this fast-moving world, it is highly important to complicate the process of differentiating.

The current approach of using distortions to an image will only complicate the understanding skills of a human more than a machine. So, in this paper, we propose a new approach of slicing an image in such a way that only by overlapping one will be able to understand what is inside a captcha. This will make sure that robots cannot understand or cannot use a brute force to crack the captcha and achieve access to the system.

This attempt will prove that the slicing of an image is more effective than distortions as more and more image processing techniques are available.


CAPTCHA is an acronym for the totally robotized open Turing test to advice machines also people separated. CAPTCHA is an approach how we can confirm that web provision client is a human being.

Today it is commonly used by types based on the recognition of alphanumeric characters, On existing framework, these tests need aid getting to be an ever-increasing amount muddled for people, but, on the different hand, they would get to be Actually simpler for bots with some effort added by the hackers.

In this paper, I will make an idea with a chance to be In view of An totally distinctive guideline in Endeavour through Puzzle based captcha Algorithm, to be secure I have actualized this Puzzle based CAPTCHAs, which gives more security. That paper depicts on point of interest these Puzzle based CAPTCHAs innovative principle, system for distinguishing humans from robots.


CAPTCHA is one of the best technologies in the fight against spam, with some vulnerabilities. These days the systems are being cracked regularly, with Google, Microsoft, and Hotmail among the victims as listed in the news (http://www.informationweek.com/yahoos-captchasecurity-reportedly-broken/d/d-id/1063466) Now Advanced Slider CAPTCHA system which claims to be both possibly unbreakable and easier for humans to solve than the old text and audio based system. In this paper simply stated as Advanced Slider CAPTCHA nice to humans, bad for Hackers”. This paper is an attempt towards a systematic analysis of usability issues that should be considered and addressed in the design of robust and usable of Image CAPTCHAs.

So far, there are the following three main types of CAPTCHAs:

1) Text Based schemes They typically rely on sophisticated grasping of text from given images.

2) Audio-Based Schemes-They typically needs the user to solve a speech recognition test which will be played during the authentication.

3) Image-Based Schemes They typically ask the user to identify an image which has been specified by the web. All the above-mentioned captchas have some vulnerabilities.

In this paper, I aim to understand what kind of issues should be addressed to make CAPTCHAs usable in the contexts where this technology has been widely deployed. Solving issues of poor accessibility caused by CAPTCHAs, e.g. by exploring Advanced Slider CAPTCHA which could be implemented in a different way.


proposed by me generates a challenge by displaying a special distorted image from my image database which is split into parts within the specified matrix frame using pixel division techniques. For this special image, each part of the Image will be divided into a square-shaped one. Some image treatment will be done in order to prevent image detection without using the slider so that it will be unidentifiable without using the slider.

The image will be a meaning full one when the user uses starts sliding the slider below the displayed image when the user moves the slider to a predefined point the image will be identifiable and he will be able to solve the captcha. More details are described in next section.

Advantages of Slider Captcha Slider CAPTCHA:

has several fascinating characteristics. It is one of a kind to use image division as a CAPTCHA. The user doesn’t have to enter the fuzzy texts, the user doesn’t have to solve maths puzzles or recognize a sound, and it doesn’t require any knowledge.

The user has to use the slider to see the image, which most of the people know nowadays because of the smartphones. Experiments and security analysis proved that human users can complete the CAPTCHA verification quickly and accurately, but computers rarely can, this will be one of a kind of captcha which will be even interesting to the users.

  1. Image handling solving slider CAPTCHA automatically by a robot will be an issue. However, it seems difficult for computers/robots but easy for humans. According to my research, most previous works only focused on the text recognition where the solve rate is 76 percent and the hack rate is 1/3 when compared to the image captcha it is very high.
  2. Image selection the image used to generate slider CAPTCHA are randomly selected, carefully chosen from the available set of images from the database. It is very important that the images will not affect the usability of the code. In this project the code is confinedtouseaparticularsetofimagesbasedontheirdimensions. The code can be further modified/developed to handle various kinds of images based on the user rate of the system. The pictures which will be used will be downloaded from websites, such as www.google.cn. In the beginning, a mere 5 to 10 images will be chosen to generate the CAPTCHA. The images will be divided into several categories and the ones which are familiar to most of the people will be used in the system. Based on the response time and recognition from the user certain images will be considered as a candidate to be discarded.
  • Image size and grid granularity selection As discussed prior the system will handle the images which are present in the system and with a particular dimension and pixel type. The vital problem I will encounter when designing this mechanism is the size of the image and the grid granularity selection. I tried to use a larger image than the smaller one the UI is going to consume a large amount of space which will be fuzzy. In contrast, the smaller image takes up less screen space, and it takes less time to be processed by the code.

Will use algorithm to achieve the concept and functionality

Online Cab Booking System Java Project

This Online Cab Booking project deals with an online system designed for booking cabs as per the requirements of the customers at their convenience.

The current system is manual and it is time-consuming. It is also cost-ineffective, and the average return is low and diminishing.

We give customer satisfaction the utmost priority and so give ample options to book cab by entering details like their journey date and time, origin, pick-up point, destination and the drop-off point they need to reach.


Existing Online Cab Booking project system requires lots of physical and mental efforts as cabs are booked manually on call.
Many chances of human errors such as wrong entry of journey date, time and location are recorded manually in a register by an employee thereby increasing chances of misregistration.

No clear communication among drivers, passengers and the office leading to a denial of service.
Punctuality is not maintained and faster accessibility of cabs is not possible due to traffic and miscommunication issues.

Level of sharing of information is weak.

Customers suffer a lot in terms of comfort and safety.

Maintaining and assigning responsibilities to the cab drivers by the service providers becomes difficult in the long run.


The proposed Online Cab Booking project system ensures that the users can book the cab as per their requirements by logging on to the website.

It allows users to book their cabs online, manage their bookings and cancel their bookings at any point of time.

The users will get notified about the driver and his mobile no. so as to communicate with him.
Regular updates are provided to the customer so that they are aware of their bookings, driver details, and booking status.

The user can also drop in their suggestions or queries in the feedback form.


It enhances business processes since it makes use of internet technology to increase their profits.

The software acts as a 24/7 office due to its all-time availability.

It increases the efficiency of the system in offering quality services to its customers.

It’s user-friendly as they can book cabs from the comfort of their homes or offices.

It’s highly secure as it requires only a logged in person to book the cab which prevents misuse of their details by intruders.

Health Prediction Management System


“Health Prediction Management System” is a project which is developed to provide an easy and simple way to both users and doctors communicate with each other directly. In this application, users can search the symptoms of the diseases to the doctor from anywhere and at any time.

The user can also ask queries about their problems online directly with the doctor. Doctors can see all the details of the users and give the answers to their queries anytime.




Admin gets logged into the application with a valid username and password. Admin can view all the details of the user and doctor.


The user should give all the details in the registration form to get registered in the application. The user will be given username and password after registration. The user can consult a doctor by selecting the symptoms of the disease. The user can send a query directly to doctor. The user can get the response in view feedback field.


The doctor should give all the details in the registration form to get registered in the application. The doctor will be given username and password after registration. The doctor can view users query and send them to reply.



Application main page displays main modules like Admin, User and Doctor.


Admin login page in which admin can get logged in by entering valid username and password.


Admin main page displays modules like view users and view doctors.


Admin view all details of users in user details page.


Admin view all details of doctors in doctor’s details page.


Users need to fill all the details in the registration page to get username and password.


User can get login by entering unique username and password


User main page displays modules like search and doctor feedback.


Users search page enables users to select options and find the result.





Doctors need to fill all the details in the registration page to get username and password.


The doctor can get login by entering unique username and password.


Doctor main page displays modules like view feedback.


The doctor can view the details of users query in view feedback page.


The doctor sends a reply to the user.


Our project “Health Prediction Management System” provides an easy and simple way to users and doctors to communicate with each other. Our project also saves lot of time and effort to both users and doctors.

E-Commerce Project Preface and Acknowledgement

The below preface and Acknowledgement is for a simple e commerce website. Students can easily prepare their own preface, Acknowledgement, Limitations and Future Enhancement with the help of the below example.


The main thing, which has been kept in mind   during this e-commerce based Web development, is our best efforts to make it easy, attractive & user friendly.

Let’s take a quick tour to know why you should trust my aayurvedic medicine to find your perfect match!!

Regardless of the type of online presence you hope to achieve—from informational to artistic to commercial—I will help you achieve it with professionalism and style.

This site is developed with one simple goal in mind: grab a visitor’s attention and hold it. Why? Because that is, quite simply, how success is achieved on the Internet.

Case studies have shown that the average web surfer will leave your site within 8 seconds if they fail to understand your purpose or can’t easily digest your message at a glance. That means your website must inform and dazzle instantly and simultaneously if it is to have any chance of competing online.

My goal as a professional web designer is to create a one-of-a-kind website that will not only knock the socks off your competition, but also keep your visitors coming back for more.

Learn more about my custom web design services.

Working Designs To the right are a few examples of my recent web design projects. Feel free to explore my work, and then come back to learn what, specifically, I can do for you.

Welcome to the E-Commerce Project, a unique site in the cyberspace.


A small web-site as this one has required   help from many quarters. We realized this when we ventured into the area of web development.From the beginning everyone co-operated, supported us for which we express our sincere acknowledgement.

Training  is  the first  step in  the  practical  field  from  where one learns  how to apply  theory  principles  for  this  the   practical  purposes.To develop a successful website,one needs understanding    and   co-ordination  from  all those who are  directly and  indirectly involved in this.

We, the students of Engineering College, find ourselves to be privileged to have golden opportunity to develop website under the guidance of such people without whom designing and developing website successfully would have been just impossible for us. We are thankful to them.

We would like to thank all those who have supported us. A person can be successful only when the team and organization for which they are working have unlimited goal of his perseverance. We hereby, like to show our deep gratitude towards our instructor and project in charge all faculty of college helped us very much.

We are obliged to them for successful completion of our E-Commerce Project.

Last but not the least;

Above all, we should not forget the great director of the world,

‘The Almighty’; let us thank the Almighty for His inspiration.


No system or software is 100% perfect or reliable in its sense of functionality and performance. There are always small or big bugs in the system. So our system has also some limitations.

  • Chatting is not possible with our E-Commerce Project.
  • It is not possible to view colors of newly launched bike(s) while purchasing the bike.
  • Future enhancement will include all the functions which we are not able to implement in our system.
  • Like in future we can make the messenger in which it is possible to chat with members of our site.
  • And also try to connect with other messenger.

May be in future it is possible to get solution on the spot.