Mini Project on Agile Project Management System


To know how many action items can be completed in each sprint, which helps in reducing the time taken to finish the given project.


In this management system, the users can create projects in which the stories, sprints and action items can be created or updated respectively. Here stories represent the overview of the project, action items represent the procedural flow of the story, sprints indicates the time interval in which the action items can be completed.


• User
• System


1. Authorized users login into the application.
2. The user selects from the list of projects.
3. The user creates or updates the story.
4. The user creates the action items for the selected story.
5. The user creates sprints by using required action items.


• The changes done in the project by the user are updated in the database and are saved for a future purpose, validates the user.

Use Case Diagram:

Knowledge Zone and K Blogs Project Synopsis


The project is aimed at developing a utility application that can enhance the teaching-learning curve in an institution. It further gives the students an opportunity to improve their research abilities in a particular subject area. The knowledge zone system will provide file upload and publish content option. This application is intended to develop the research skills of the stakeholders such as, faculties and the students. Administrator creates the master data which initiates the system, and enables the users to use the system. Users at different levels register with the system to post their articles on a particular subject with the keywords and also the subject related details. The Search feature will be enabled based on the keywords / authors and the article titles. Search can also be done based on the dates of the articles posted. This further can be complemented with a blog facility/option wherein users of the system can review the articles posted and add their point of view on the specified topic. This enables to group all the related information on a specific topic/subject area thus creating a knowledge base for the benefit of all the users concerned


Admin: System will have a separate admin or it can be HOD. Will approve student and faculty registrations. Will post the initial master data like categories, sub-categories, topics, description and related information for added topics. Once the content or information for a topic is published, it can be viewed by students and faculty both. Admin will also manage permission which will allow publishing content to the portal. If permission is provided to publish then a logged in student or faculty can publish content for a topic. Admin will also review the content and topics that are published by logged in users and once admin approves it, they are available for viewers in the portal.

Article Module: This Module will be used by admin and other logged in users to publish their own content for different topics. Articles once published will be forwarded to admin and they will be approved for viewer availability.

Dashboard: It will basically be the front end frame which will showcase the latest published topics and show a link which when clicked will open the content for the topic. It will be the catchy responsive part of the portal which actually will have search option too for searching specific topics. Topics that are shown in the dashboard (latest ones) will also show info related to the author who published it and publication date. It will also have download option which will allow content download for the selected topic.

Features In the system:

  • The option will be provided in the portal to like a published content.
  • The option will be provided to comment on a published content.
  • Share option will be provided for the posts that have been posted to the system by admin and faculty.

User Types: Admin / Faculty / Student / HOD

Technology to Use:

Design and Markup

– HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behaviour
– AngularJS will be used for making the site responsive and secured as per scripting is concerned.

Server side language (anyone can be used depending upon your preference)
– PHP (Core PHP or any framework like CakePHP, Phalcon or Laravel)
– C# and Asp (with a bootstrap framework or DNN skin)

Database Software (anyone can be used depending upon your preference and server setup)
– SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Bakery Store Final Project Synopsis

The below Requirements for a model for Final Bakery Store Project:

  1. Minimum 6 entities
  2. Minimum one inheritance – with 2 subclasses
  3. Minimum one interface with one implementation
  4. Role based model – Eg., Admin and Regular users should have different functionalities
  5. Should implement CRUD functionality for all entities – based on user roles – it should be logical with your model
  6. Should use Java collections for entities relationships. Design your model in such a way that collections are used for associations between entities.
  7. This task is mainly to think logically about the functionalities that a system can perform based on user roles in order to create the design.
  8. DDL statements with Entity relationship diagrams of all the entities.

Classes List:

  • Bakery Items
  • Users
  • Admin
  • Customers
  • Order
  • Account


  • Payment

Class Relationship:

  • Bakery_Items to Account (MANY TO ONE)
  • Customer and Admin are subclasses of User(inheritance)
  • User to Orders(ONE to MANY)
  • Account to Orders(ONE to MANY)
  • Payment<interface> to Orders(One to Many)

UML Diagram for Bakery Store

Database Table List

  • Bakery_items
  • Users
  • Account
  • Orders

DDL Statements:

Table Bakeryitems

Create Table BakeryItems

  • Item_id number(10) NOT NULL,
  • item_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  • price number(10),
  • DateOfManufacturing DATE,
  • CONSTRAINT BakeryItems_pk PRIMARY KEY (item_id),

Create Table Account

  • Account_id number(10) NOT NULL,
  • Customer_username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  • customer_id number(10),
  • CONSTRAINT Account_pk PRIMARY KEY (Account_id),
  • CONSTRAINT fk_User
  • FOREIGN KEY (User_id)

Create Table User

  • User_id number(10) NOT NULL,
  • username  varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  • password  varchar2(10),
  • email  varchar2(10),
  • phone  Number(10),
  • Account_id varchar2(10),
  • CONSTRAINT Customer_pk PRIMARY KEY (customer_id),
  • CONSTRAINT fk_Account
  • FOREIGN KEY (Account_id) 

Create Table Order

  • Order_id number(10) NOT NULL,
  • item_name  varchar(50) ,
  • item_id  Number(10),
  • order_date varchar2(10),
  • payment_id  Number(10)
  • CONSTRAINT Order_pk PRIMARY KEY (Order_id),
  • CONSTRAINT fk_Bakery_Item
  • FOREIGN KEY (Item_id)

Online Voting System ASP.Net Project Synopsis


Project Title: Online Voting System


This is a web page in which we create a voting system. We consider that all voters are preregistered by admin when the voter login for voting he/she can give only one vote. This project developed for threat free and user-oriented Online Voting System. Online Voting System is made for the voters who want to vote for their favourite candidate sitting at home or from any location.


The online voting system is implementing in using MsAccess database.  The main aim of the online voting system is to develop communication with candidates. This web page used by the college for mini-election in which voters who have registered by admin can vote for their favourite candidate. The voter will log in and give its vote to its candidate to whom voter wants to vote.


Admin will register voters and candidates who are standing in an election or any other activity. Only admin can check the result.


To make the communication strong with the candidate and to provide the easy way for voting. To increment the voting percentage. As many people have their physical issue that they cannot go to voting boot so this system gives facility to voters that they can vote from any place or any location.


As this project is online so it is easy for voters to give the vote to their favourite candidate from any place or location


The voters must keep their login id and password secrete because the voter can vote from any place. As the project is online so anyone can vote using its login-id and password.

Project Objective:

The casting of the online voting system from virtually from college building and display voting results for the administrator to analyze and provide a most secure and user-friendly online voting system.


By using the online voting system it will become possible to cast vote easily and without partiality. Thus seamless voting using the central database is possible and will cause no repetitions of votes.

Website Content Management System Development using WordPress

As a part of this website development work, the student needs to create a website in WordPress Blog. Here we will be responsible to select a theme for our website, for example, their portfolio or a hobby.

The WordPress website must look professional and contain the following features.

  1. Create a WordPress website by selecting an appropriate theme/template.
  2. Create a minimum of five pages on this WordPress website, make sure these all the pages are available in the main menu
  3. Create a secondary menu to display the facebook, twitter, google plus, social links on the website.
  4. Use WYSIWYG Text Editor and create a post with at least the following features
    1. Hyperlink
    2. Photos
    3. Text alignment
    4. Add a table on the page
    5. Display share to social media options
    6. Make use of HTML editor
  5. Create a photo gallery and display the link in the menu
  6. Post a video on the page
  7. Create a poll and display it on a page
  8. Display your blog on the menu
    1. Add a blog category either to top menu or any other side menu.
  9. Create at least five blog articles and categorize them in at least two categories
  10. Add widgets on your pages or blog entries


This web application will be the mini project of the students’ final year. Students must keep their website until the end of the second semester to keep their project marks since there is no hard copy for the submission. As a part of the web project submission, students must provide a cover page which will have the following information and your website address. Students will upload this document to Moodle to submit the project. The application must be uploaded on Moodle prior to its due date, whereas the project will be assessed in class.

Include the following in your cover page

  1. Full name
  2. WordPress website address

Include the following in your website mandate:

  1. A brief summary of the WordPress website
  2. Theme or Template used in the web project
  3. All menu options in bullet form
  4. Screenshot of each page with a brief description on each menu item

Farmers Medium of Communication for Support Price of Crops


Farmers support price of crops is a web application which is useful for farmers to sell their crops at a good price. Nowadays the main issue for farmers is getting a good price for their crop so this creates a medium between farmers and buyers. In this Application, Farmers will register and login into the application and provide the crop details which they want to sell and also should mention the details like the type of crop and minimum amount etc. After submitting all those details the crop will be available for buyers o buy the buyers can register and login into the application and search for the desired crop and can bid the desired amount but cannot bid the amount less than the minimum amount. The Crop will be an auction for a particular set amount of time after the time expires the person with highest bid amount will be shown to the farmer and he accepts the crop will be sold to Buyer.

In this Farmers Price Project, we have 3 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Farmer (Seller)
  3. Buyer

Modules Description: 


Admin will login into the application with the default username and password and he can view the registered buyers and sellers and he can view the crops sold to buyers by farmers and the amount bid by the buyer.

Farmer (Seller):

Farmer or Buyer will register and login into the application using username and password given at the time of registration and he will enter the crop details and the minimum bid amount and after the bid closes he can accept the highest bid. 


Buyer will register and login into the application he can view the crops or search by crop name and bid the amount for crop after for a particular set amount of time the bit closes if the highest bid was on his name he can view the crops which he brought in the auction. 

Existing System:

In Existing System Farmers faced the problem of getting a low price for their crops because of the medium between buyers and sellers, in which the farmers used to go to the centers with their crop and wait for their turn to sell this take long time and instability of day to day price.

Proposed System:

In the Proposed System, Farmers have a good medium through this application and they can decide the price of the crop which is a big failure in the previous system.

System Design Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram for Seller:

Sequence Diagram for Buyer:

Sequence Diagram for Admin:

Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Source Code will be uploaded soon.

Online Course Management System Java Project


The main aim of the developing this project is to provide live interactive virtual classroom site for online course importing affordable learning. This web application gives an opportunity to the students to get advantages of personalized learning. It offers course modules, assignment & performance tests to master the subject.

The main objective of delivering one of the most technologically advanced qualities online tutoring platforms.


Offline education has been a part of our education system for as long we can remember.

In the existing system, we can store all the record manually that require large manpower & place to store all the records
this system was carried out through a manual process.


It leads to following disadvantages.

  • Manual process.
  • Maintenance of records is difficult.
  • Chance of occurrence of errors.
  • Involves large amount of paperwork.
  • Slow updating & renewal of data 


Automated To overcome the disadvantages of the existing system we proposed the online system.

The best technology learning tools such as video lectures, group chats, multimedia presentation & interactive software are used by us to provide online education.

This application introduce all types of question papers and solutions regarding the course

It also provides an audio lecture for each subject.


  • The automated system is time-saving and better performance than the manual based system.
  • Students are encouraged to think critically & support their opinions.
    It supports the learning style of both audio and visual learners
    class time is not wasted.
  • Students who excel in online class develop a system for keeping track of upcoming online exams and assignments due dates.
  • There are no traffic jams, parking hassles are adverse weather conditions
    it enables the students to access course materials & contributed to discussion boards.
  • Home comfort.
  • Cost savings.
  • Schedule flexibility.

Online Test Management Application Project Synopsis

Online Test Management:

Online test application will provide an Online platform wherein students will attend online objective questions. Grades will be provided as per the number of questions that were answered correctly. This concept will use an admin panel as the backend for loading the questions and also identify whether the student has selected a correct answer or not. Questions will be segregated on the basis of different subjects.

The option will be there to add subjects also. Admin panel will be saving the data and communicating with DB via web service or API.  It will have a flow wherein a subject will be selected and that will load respective questions. Once all questions are answered result will be published there and then.

A student can see grades as per the number of questions that were answered correctly or will calculate the marks for all correct answers and show percentage of marks.

The whole process of conducting the test and checking them and then grading them was a tedious manual process and time consuming too. This whole process can be avoided by adapting to a new online text conducting application that will allow  a easy to approach UI wherein students can save their answers and also being graded much faster and their by publish results soon.

This software will also be secured as it will provide code match system which admin will provide to the student which each of them has to enter to start the exam. Student will also register themselves to appear to this exam. After successful registration admin will approve the registration and then the student will login to the online application system. We can also implement time constraint check for the completion of the exam after which student cannot attempt any question.

User Types: Admin and Student



  • Subject: Will have the option to add subjects for which questions will be uploaded.
  • Questions: This module will select a subject and then add questions to it along with correct answers for the same. This actually helps in checking whether student gave the correct answer or not. This part is basically admin panel which manages the question and answer that are save in DB and then provide instant results too.
  • Student: Admin will approve student registration for attending test online. Will also post results for different subjects for which student has appeared.
  • Grades: Admin will define grades as per percentage of correct answers given by the student. All those calculation are taken care in this module.


  • Exam: Once logged in a student will have set of questions which will be objective and he or she has to select the correct answer. It  will be a UI with questionset being loaded on the basis of the subject selected.
  • View Result: This module will be a UI where in result will be shown in a grid grouping them subject wise. Grade and percentage of marks will also be shown for the student who has appeared for the exam.

Contact Us: Will show info related to contact numbers and also search filters.

Future Enhancements:

  • We can provide email notifications and SMS integration. This will require web service or API integration with SMS providers and SMTP configuration to handle emails. It will notify students once results are posted by admin.
  • Add Blogs that can be posted by students.
  • We can plan a social platform in the same application where in students can chat with other registered students. Can also like comment and share posts from other students. Admin can also post info and students can access it. Post pics and share them too in groups created by students.

Software Requirements:

Technical Aspects:
Database: Sql Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, MySql as the back end with other frameworks

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Online Notice Board Project Synopsis and PHP Source code

Online Notice Board

Online Notice Board is an application that will automate a lot of activities in a school or college or office etc depending upon the usage that is expected by different organizations. If it’s a school they can use it for displaying info related to different extracurricular events and winners info.

They can display info on all teachers in various departments, display timetables for students, and display the results of students. They can display info related to any holidays or info related to any fee collection scenarios or any common regulations that are announced by management. In the same way, it can be used by colleges also.

In this project, we will aim to provide a way to automate the way in which noticeboard messages can be updated, deleted, or removed. Provide access to students/ professors or administrative etc officers to different features which will provide various information.

We will also provide roles and based on them permissions will be granted to add or remove data to notice board features.

You can also visit & download the Notice Board PHP project on Online College Complaints Suggestions and Compliances.

User Types: Admin, student, professors, staff,


Admin: Will have access to modules Departments, Result Board, Fees Board, and Timetable board. Admin can log in and add departments in the department module. Can add results in the results module which will then show the related info on the board. Will upload the timetable schedule daily. Admin will approve student registration logins / Professors logins etc.

Student Registration: It will allow students to register. Once registered request will be sent to admin and it will be approved. Approved student login will have the option to view results, fees-related info, and also access the timetable.

College Profile: It will allow the admin to add all important info related to the college. The option will be provided to add information like year of start, no of professors, batches completed, classes, courses offered, etc.  Information saved here will be seen on the dashboard of the notice board by default for all logins. Will provide an option to add photos or pics of the college. For a student or professor or staff, this module will show info that has been saved and managed by admin. Hence views will be different in the case of admin when compared to other login types.

Departments: This module is accessible to the admin, it will allow the admin to add departments to it. A student can also have access to this module but his or her view will be to view all departments in college or school and view info regarding different departments.

Courses: It will be accessible to admin and will allow adding all courses provided in college or school. For other login types, it will  a view that provides information related to courses that are being offered.

Subjects: It will be accessible to the admin and it will allow the admin to add subjects to the courses that are being covered. Add max marks for each subject that has been registered. Subjects will be added to different courses and hence a flow will be followed for managing courses, subjects, and professors teaching that course, and subject.

Roles: It will be accessible to admin and it will help create different roles applicable like as clerk, accountant, professor, assistant professor, principal, etc.

Professors: It will allow professors to register and link themselves to their respective departments while registering. Also, add different subjects that can be taught by a registered professor. Add info related to the experience which professor has.

Staff: This module will allow registration for staff members other than professors. And provide their information that can be saved in the system.

Results Board: It will allow the admin to save marks for each subject for a registered student. It Will calculate the percentage of marks and other calculations needed. This will be accessible to students and admin with different views. For admin, it will be a view that will allow admin to add marks for subjects for which students enrolled. For a student, it will have a view that will allow him or her to view the results.

Fees Board: This module will have the option to add fees for different courses offered and then also maintain the fee payment details for students. Whichever students are registered in the application, the admin will update fees-related info to keep a track of all the related info. For any logged-in student, this module will show a grid or UI where in it will clearly show the fees per year, and records related fees that have been paid by a student already with date, amount, etc. it will also show pending fees amount too. All info that has to be shown has to be maintained by the admin. This module is available for both admin and students.

Timetable Board: This module will have the option to upload timetable info daily as a part of the attachment. Admin can upload a printout that can be viewed by students and professors. This module will be accessed by both admin/professors and students. The timetable uploaded by the admin can be viewed by logged-in students and professors.

Also Read this Java Project on Students and Teachers based College Notice board System

Existing System with Limitations:

The existing consists of paper-based notice which has to be carried by the human to every organization. Due to this, it has some disadvantages:

  • The paper may be torn or damaged due to bad weather conditions.
  • The paper has to be stored in some sort of file and managing physical files is tough.
  • The searching is very difficult to view a particular paper.

Future enhancements:

  • We can provide SMS-based integration for registration confirmation. Email-based confirmation to provide approval confirmation.
  • Send results as an email to registered students and send SMS alerts whenever results are sent to the email or updated by an admin. Alerting module can be worked out in the future.
  • Online fee payment for registered students with payment gateway integration.
  • We can develop a comprehensive timetable module that will automate the complete process of generating a timetable online.  

Software Requirements:

Technical Aspects:

Database: SQL Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, and MySql as a back end with other frameworks.

Download the complete project on Online Notice Board System PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, and MySQL Project Source Code.

Event Venue Booking System Java Project


Venue booking system is a web application in which dealers and customers can add and book the events based on their location, availability, and area. This makes the workload simple for users to book an event they need to search for it. In this application, the user needs to be registered and log in to log in the user will search for venues by giving the location if the venues were present in the particular location.

The user will see the full information about the venue and if is interested he will book the request will be sent to the organizer who added the particular venue and if he is available according to the date he will accept and the user will the status that the booking is confirmed.

The Following Modules are present in the project:

  1. Admin
  2. Dealer
  3. Customer

Modules Description

  • Admin:

Admin needs to login into the application using the Customer name and password and he can view the registered Customers and registered Dealers. Admin can also view them.

  • Dealer:

The dealer needs to register the application before getting logged in after getting login the application welcomes Dealer with Dealer home screen, showing the functionalities of Dealer. He can add venues and view the Customer requests and accepts.

  • Customer:

Customer need to be registered into the application before getting logged in, after getting the login access Customer will search for the venues based on the location, Customer will select the address on the map. Then Customer will see the list of events available in that location and Customer can book any one of them the request will be forwarded to Dealer.

Existing System:

Generally, in the existing system customer has no idea of which events are going on and when they are taking place. Even though the Dealers publish the ads through flexi posts etc. It will not reach to all people. Customers who need to book for the events they need to visit the Dealers place.

Proposed System:

In The Proposed System the customer need not go anywhere he can just get all information about events in a single click. The Customer needs to register need login there he can find the list of events which are added by the Dealer and he can book by checking the availability. Then customer needs to wait for the response and if he confirms he can take part in the event.

Software Requirements:

NetBeans7.4, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.


Home Page:

The Home page of the application shows the view of the application and the list of modules embedded in the project

Admin login:

This is the admin login page and using the Customer name and password enter into admin to perform basic functionalities

Admin home:

After Logging it welcomes with admin home screen showing the basic functionalities of admin

View Customers:

In this page admin can view the list of registered Customers.

 View Dealer:

In this page, admin can view the list of Dealers registered into the application.

Dealer registration:

In the Dealer registration page he will registered by entering all the necessary details.
Dealer login:

In the Dealer login page, he will login with the Customername and password which is given while registering.
Dealer home:

In The Dealer home page, we can see the basic functionalities of the Dealer
Add venue:

In this page the Dealer can add the venue by giving all the necessary details.

View request:

In this page the Dealer will view the request forwarded by the Customerand Dealer can respond accordingly.
Customer registration:

In this page customer can register into the application by providing all necessary details.
Customer login:

In this page customer can login by providing Customername and password.

Customer home:

In this page the customer after getting login it shows the basic functionalities of Customer

In this page customer can search the event based on location.

Search Results:

In this page customer will get the search results based on location.

The customer can book the venue by providing necessary details.

Download Online Event Management System Academic Project, which is developed in PHP, And MySQL database with HMTL, CSS, PHP, and Javascript.