Pharmacy Management System Python Bootstrap Project


In a Pharmacy, usually, all the activities are carried out manually, but it is not suitable when we need to store large data. If we are using software, all the data related to inventory management, view, and modification of stocks, sales, and billing are permanently stored in a storage file.

This Pharmacy Management System project was developed mainly for pharmacists and it is easy to use and maintain, this software is also quick, reliable, and accurate.


Pharmacy management system stores data and enables functionality that organizes and maintains the medication use process within pharmacies. These are independent technology for pharmacy use only. It is designed to improve accuracy and efficiency in pharmaceutical stores.

The main aim of the pharmacy management system is to assist pharmacists in the safe and effective delivery of pharmaceutical drugs. The pharmacists can maintain records related to stocks and sales through the pharmacy management system.

The user can control the buying and selling process, and view and manipulate the stocks. The user can also generate the bills after the transaction completes.


The platform provides the following features:

  • View and Update the stocks
  • Billing
  • Sales Report
  • Search Receipt
  • Overall Inventory Management

Scope of the Project

As far as an existing system has established an understanding of how useful a web platform is to use for a common man. However, efforts have to be made to make local Pharmacies digitize the business on the online platform.

The Scope of this project is to develop a Web Application using the concept of File Structures (Variable Length), which makes users run it on a simple browser that is user-friendly in the current era and it is very easy for the browser to send and receive data over the internet.

Problem Formulation and Proposed Solution

Problem Statement

In Pharmacy Management System all the data related to inventory, sales, stocks, and billings are kept in paper records, managing all these records is a difficult task. The time required to manage all these activities is considerably high. In order to overcome these problems, we can use Pharmacy Management System.

The role of Information Technology in Pharmacy practice is dynamic and not likely to lose relevance in the coming years. Pharmacists are interested in Information Technology because it increases efficiency in our daily tasks and improves the accessing of information stored.

Users of Pharmacy computer systems are generally limited to Pharmacy staff members, who are given usernames and passwords to access the system to ensure Data Protection.

This allows the employer to prevent unauthorized access to protected health information and keep a record of who performed each task in case an error occurs. Pharmacy staff should protect their usernames and passwords and avoid giving them out to unauthorized individuals. Backup and maintenance of pharmacy computer systems are essential to the continued function of the system.

Pharmacy Management System Python Project

Result and Discussion

Effective implementation of this software will take care of the basic requirements of the Pharmacy Management System because it is capable of providing easy and effective storage of information related to Pharmacy activities.

(a) Login page
(b) Menu
(a) Add
(b) Inventory
(a) Billing
(b) Receipt
(a) Sales Report
(b) Search Receipt

Conclusion and Future Work

In this section of the report, we finally conclude that using Pharmacy Management System is a very reliable, accurate, easy backup, and time-saving software.


In Conclusion, we would like to state that this Pharmacy Management System software enhances the Pharmacy work culture by eliminating the human-time consuming and tedious tasks, which can be done by this software.

This system has the ability to keep track of records of the product’s stocks and sales. The main purpose is effectively and easily handle pharmacy data and its management.

Future Work

In addition to the existing Pharmacy Management System project, we look forward to reaching many people by making it Open Source. It can be done by hosting this project on a cloud server like Heroku.

Since we are using a text document to store the data it can be placed in scalable object storage like Amazon S3 and then a Data Pipeline can be built between them.

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